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“Ramotar is a waste of time” – Harmon says he’s “shooting breeze”

December 6, 2014 3:48 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Kurt Campbell

President Donald Ramotar in discussion with Opposition Member, Joseph Harmon at the opening of the 10th Parliament.

President Donald Ramotar in discussion with Opposition Member, Joseph Harmon at the opening of the 10th Parliament.

[] – General Secretary of the opposition coalition – A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) – Joseph Harmon has disregarded President Donald Ramotar election announcement earlier today as a “waste of time.”

President Ramotar announced that Guyanese will vote in early general and regional elections to elect a new government come next year but failed to name a date for those elections; saying he did not want to disrupt the spirit of Christmas.

“The President’s address was a waste of time. The President wasted 15 minutes of Guyanese time by speaking and saying nothing… he has called for elections without naming a date,” Harmon vented shortly after the declaration by the President.

The APNU GS, during a telephone interview with iNews said the Head of State was “shooting breeze” and urged him to either get on with naming a date for general and regional elections or get out of office.

The Opposition has been pushing for the retirement of the current 22 – year – old administration and had brought a No – Confidence Motion against the Donald Ramotar led government.

But as the Opposition was getting ready to debate the vote of no confidence, the President used his constitutional powers and prorogued the Parliament; a move that has been regarded as highly unconstitutional by the Opposition.

Today the President explained that because the objectives of the prorogation, which included engaging the Opposition in dialogue had failed, his next option is to call elections instead of recalling the 10th Parliament.

“He has called for elections without ending the prorogation… what does he expect in this vacuum that he has created?” Harmon questioned; adding that “President Ramotar has confirmed what people felt for a long time, he is a waste of time in the Presidential office. Its time he call elections so we can have a President that will make decisions in the interest of the country.”

It seems all political Parties are in agreement that early general elections, which are not constitutionally due until November 2016, would break the current political gridlock.

Mr. Ramotar, who heads a minority government, says he is no only confident of winning the next elections but is also sure of regaining his majority. On this note, he reasoned that Guyanese have learnt over the last three years from outcomes of having a majority opposition.

In rejection, Harmon said the President’s hope is a “pipe dream.”

“The president and all the R’s in the PPP, Ramotar, Rohee, Robert, Robeson, Ramsammy and all of these Rs are wasting our time,” Harmon told iNews.

He opined that the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has no plan for Guyana and is basically trying a thing.

“He tried a thing when he prorogued Parliament and realized it was a mistake and now he trying a thing with elections.”

Harmon urged the President to name a date for elections now if he is so confident of a majority win at the next elections.

Efforts made to contact Opposition Leader, David Granger for a comment on this matter proved futile.

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