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Articles like this (in the Independent newspaper) are promoting racism against colored people. Although most immigrants to Britain are from Eastern Europe.


'NO SENSE': Tory Chris Grayling
Monday April 7,2008
By Tom Whitehead Home Affairs Correspondent Have your say(16)
THE flood of migrant workers from eastern Europe has driven up unemployment among Britons.

A sharp drop in employment among British workers since 2004 has been mirrored by a sharp rise in the number of Poles, Lithuanians and their neighbours working here, a Cambridge University professor revealed yesterday.

The numbers reflect the huge wave of migrant workers from the former communist bloc after the EU expanded in that year.

But the rise in other migrant workers remained steady over the same period – suggesting that the flows from eastern Europe have had a direct impact on jobs.

The analysis shatters the Government’s claims that its decision to give free access to the labour market in 2004 would benefit the country. It also makes a mockery of Gordon Brown’s pledge of British jobs for British workers.

It comes as separate research shows tens of thousands of migrant workers, from within and outside the EU, have landed jobs in the country’s unemployment blackspots.

Last week a devastating House of Lords report said that mass migration had not benefitted the economy.

Cambridge Professor Robert Rowthorn, who analysed the Government’s own figures, said: “Official claims that immigration has had a negligible impact on native workers are hard to square with the observed behaviour of employment at a national level.

“There is a striking inverse relationship between the employment of UK natives and that of nationals from the A8 (Eastern European) countries.

“It seems fairly obvious that immigration from the first wave of new member states has had a negative impact on native employment.”


Immigration now accounts, directly or indirectly, for one in eight workers. Official figures show that the number of UK-born workers in employment fell by 528,000 between 2004 and last year.

The number of A8 migrant workers in employment soared by 348,000 over the same period.

Other foreign workers increased by 237,000 but, crucially, that reflected a similar pattern that has existed for many years. Employment trends among UK-born workers and eastern Europeans remained relatively constant before 2001 – but dramatically changed after EU expansion.

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said: “Here is clear evidence that an increase in employment of eastern Europeans has coincided with a fall in employment among British workers.”

Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: “These figures undermine yet again Gordon Brown’s unwise pronouncement of British jobs for British workers. Whilst migrants working in the UK boost the economy, it is alarming that Britain has more than one million under-25-year-olds not in employment, education or training.”

A Department for Work and Pensions spokeswoman said: “We need to concentrate on the facts – nine in 10 people working in the UK are British.

“The proportion of Brits in work is higher than that of foreign nationals and has gone up over the past 10 years. By the end of 2007 the employment rate for Britons was as high as in 2003. There are around three million more people in work since 1997 and a million fewer people on out-of-work benefits.”

But another study, by the Tories, yesterday showed that migrants from any country could be affecting job availability. They found that 72,800 migrants obtained national insurance numbers in 2007, either in or near 20 unemployment hotspots.

Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary Chris Grayling said: “It just makes no sense that we have areas with such high levels of worklessness even though large numbers of people from overseas are coming to those same areas and finding jobs.”

But DWP sources said that it was “utterly misleading” to compare new national insurance registrations with small pockets of unemployment.
Candlelight vigil held for Anuj Bidve; Accused killer 'Psycho' remanded to police custody

NDTV Correspondent, Updated: January 03, 2012 09:08 IST

Manchester: As anger still simmers over the horrific murder of Indian student Anuj Bidve in Manchester last week, a candlelight vigil was held on Monday evening by his friends in the city as a mark of a silent protest.

A large number of people from across England gathered, along with Mr Bidve's friends and fellow students, in Salford to pay their last respects and placed candles and flowers at the spot where the 23-year-old was killed.

"Obviously the community here and throughout the United Kingdom has been very moved by this terrible death. It was a senseless act. What we see today is the whole community here in Ordsall united with people from different parts of the country. I'm pleased that someone has been arrested and charged and now we have to await the process of justice," British MP Keith Vaz, who also attended the event, said.

Mr Bidve, a post graduate student at the Lancaster University, was shot dead at point blank range on December 26 when he was walking down the street in Salford near Manchester with a group of Indian friends. They were visiting the town during their Christmas vacation from college. He had moved to Lancaster University from his hometown in Pune in 2010.

Meanwhile, a second post-mortem will be conducted on Mr Bidve's body. The man charged with his murder has been remanded to police custody by a UK court. Appearing before the City of Manchester Magistrates Court yesterday, 20-year-old Kiaran Stapleton described himself as "psycho". Asked to confirm his name and address, Stapleton said his name was "Psycho. Psycho Stapleton".

The seemingly unprovoked attack on Mr Bidve has come as a major embarrassment for the UK police as it has been heavily criticised for inaction, insensitivity and red tape. It has also raised questions about the safety of foreign students in the country. While the victim's father, Subhash Bidve, earlier alleged that the family learnt of the murder via Facebook, his body has yet to be released.

In what appeared to be a damage-control exercise, two officers from the Greater Manchester Police met with the Bidves at their home in Pune. Assistant Chief Constable Dawn Copley, who has overall command of the case, said, "We need to explain to them in person where we are up to in the investigation and what we are doing to ensure Anuj's body is released to them as soon as possible. Having this conversation face-to-face is absolutely the right thing to do. We know the family are extremely distressed that Anuj has not yet been returned to them." The Bidve family will have to wait a little longer to perform his last rites." The defence team has the right to apply for a second post mortem," Mr Copley explained.

Wally stop this attack on the British.  There is a much more racist force in Britain now than the British people.  It is the Polish and other Eastern Europeans who have moved to Britain.  Millions of them have moved to Britain because of European union.  Many of them are so racist that they would not think twice about doing harm to a non white person.  They make the British racism seems like child's play.

Originally Posted by Wally:
I hate the British Nationalist Party so much that I can taste it. Every day their supporters attack, beat up or harass people from South Asia and the Diaspora who live in Britain.

I recently saw this video of one of their supporters verbally abusing immigrants on a train.

(Don't watch this video if you are offended by racist and offensive language)

There is a simple solution, if you don't like it move out. You just can't go into other people's country and tell them how to run their business. America spoil many of them the same way.


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