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Let us recap:

1. Convention centre built by Chinese aid and imported Chinese labor.

2. CARICOM building built by a Japanese aid.

3. Cricket stadium built by US$19 mill loan + US$5 mill aid from India.

4. There is a significant % of the national budget each year that is financed by grants.

Fine...I have no problem with that since we are a poor (country only above Haiti) in the Hemisphere, suh we will get a lil pocket piece here and there. But WHY DID THEY REFUSE BRITISH ASSISTANCE?
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Let us recap:

1. Convention centre built by Chinese aid and imported Chinese labor.

2. CARICOM building built by a Japanese aid.

3. Cricket stadium built by US$19 mill loan + US$5 mill aid from India.

4. There is a significant % of the national budget each year that is financed by grants.

Fine...I have no problem with that since we are a poor (country only above Haiti) in the Hemisphere, suh we will get a lil pocket piece here and there. But WHY DID THEY REFUSE BRITISH ASSISTANCE?

1. Chinese did not demand right to operate convention center

2. Japanese did not demand right to operate CARICOM building

3. US and India did not demand cricket franchise

4. China, Japan, and India have never suspended the Guyanese constitution, sent in troops, detained and tortured political leaders, or otherwise attempted to exert undue influence over the internal affairs of the nation. The US did do the business with AIFLD, but nothing on the scale of the Brits.
Originally posted by Henry:
What I meant was very simple: the British are like a camoudi in an affectionate mood.
And what I said was this: So, Uncle Henry, it is only now you're waking up to the fact that it's been a camoudi you've been dealing with all these years? Wow what a slumber!!!

"Security cooperation between Guyana and Britain never ceased during this period (2006-2008). The International Policing Adviser for Latin America and the Caribbean spearheaded a task force from the National Policing Improvement Agency International Academy at Bramshill and the Scottish Police College to begin to implement the Security Sector Reform Action Plan. The international department of the Scottish Police College, which provides learning and development opportunities in operational policing, police leadership and performance management and Centrex − the trading name of the Central Police Training and Development Authority which was subsumed within the new National Policing Improvement Agency − have been involved with local police problems and programmes for a long time.

The Scottish Police College, in particular, has executed several projects since 2004. Starting with a scoping exercise to assess the Police Force’s training requirements in December 2004, it then conducted a series of management training programmes in February-June 2005; an assessment of the impact of the previously delivered training programmes in December 2005; and another scoping exercise in May 2006. Those were followed in June 2006 by the presentation of the Guyana Police Force Strategic Plan in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank as part of the Guyana Citizens Security Programme. It also executed a project to assess the police force’s operational capability in October 2007.

British consultants from the Police Service of Northern Ireland also continued to work with the Police Force to help develop crime intelligence, advise on structures, provide training and conduct a needs analysis for the setting-up of the new, expanded Criminal Intelligence Unit, in March 2008 under the Interim Memorandum of Understanding.

It seemed evident that the type of organisation and level of administration required to support the reform process might have been underestimated. In fact, even before the troubles on the East Coast had erupted, and in response to the GUYANA GOVERNMENT’S SPECIFIC REQUEST in 2000, the United Kingdom Department for International Development had commissioned a strategic review of the Guyana Police Force which produced the comprehensive Guyana Police Reform Programme, conducted by the Symonds Group Limited.

Known locally as the Symonds’ Report, it was aimed at helping the force’s senior management to determine the functions of an accountable, professional force; developing a community-based policing style; and helping the government to identify the areas to strengthen performance, accountability and community orientation of the Force. The establishment of a witness protection programme and better management of information, particularly with regard to fighting narco-trafficking, were also recommended.

For most of the past seven years, the Guyana Government has been receiving British Government assistance to reform the security sector and to support the improvement of the Police Force’s capability. The efficiency of the British public safety establishments which have been so frequently involved in advising and training the Police Force has not been disputed. But it was always up to the Guyana Government to implement the policy recommendations which have been made."


So I still do not see how I have misinterpreted you.
Originally posted by Henry:
1. Chinese did not demand right to operate convention center

2. Japanese did not demand right to operate CARICOM building

3. US and India did not demand cricket franchise

4. China, Japan, and India have never suspended the Guyanese constitution, sent in troops, detained and tortured political leaders, or otherwise attempted to exert undue influence over the internal affairs of the nation. The US did do the business with AIFLD, but nothing on the scale of the Brits.

Henry, you are a spent force, out of touch with today's world. No one reall cares about 50-60 years ago, people are concerned with the past 10 years and the future of Guyana. Don't try to deflect from BJ'S PPP failed policies.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Really? I would really love to see the specifics of the "British recolonisation". Since you know about it, please point me in the their direction. Thanks wavey

Send a letter to the British embassy. The GOG are under strict orders from the British not to release the document due to confidentiality reasons. And even if they did, you would say it was fabricated. So the ball is back in yours and the British court.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Henry:
1. Chinese did not demand right to operate convention center

2. Japanese did not demand right to operate CARICOM building

3. US and India did not demand cricket franchise

4. China, Japan, and India have never suspended the Guyanese constitution, sent in troops, detained and tortured political leaders, or otherwise attempted to exert undue influence over the internal affairs of the nation. The US did do the business with AIFLD, but nothing on the scale of the Brits.

Henry, you are a spent force, out of touch with today's world. No one reall cares about 50-60 years ago, people are concerned with the past 10 years and the future of Guyana. Don't try to deflect from BJ'S PPP failed policies.

Famous quotation from George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." You cake shop fellows like to play with politics; if you don't know history, you will make mistakes and you will certainly regret them.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Henry:
1. Chinese did not demand right to operate convention center

2. Japanese did not demand right to operate CARICOM building

3. US and India did not demand cricket franchise

4. China, Japan, and India have never suspended the Guyanese constitution, sent in troops, detained and tortured political leaders, or otherwise attempted to exert undue influence over the internal affairs of the nation. The US did do the business with AIFLD, but nothing on the scale of the Brits.

Henry, you are a spent force, out of touch with today's world. No one reall cares about 50-60 years ago, people are concerned with the past 10 years and the future of Guyana. Don't try to deflect from BJ'S PPP failed policies.

Famous quotation from George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." You cake shop fellows like to play with politics; if you don't know history, you will make mistakes and you will certainly regret them.

Uncle Henry under the PNC, there was an exodus of Indo Guyanese in the 70's. Under the PPP/C administration there is a bigger exodus of Indo Guyanese and new set of refugees, victims of rape. Why?
Originally posted by baseman:
Henry, you are a spent force, out of touch with today's world. No one reall cares about 50-60 years ago, people are concerned with the past 10 years and the future of Guyana.

With all due respect, I believe that it is you cake shop fellows who are out of touch. You like to immerse yourselves in the soothing amniotic fluid of the British-dominated news and entertainment media, taking delight in how easily you can repeat what they say. Meanwhile, out there in the real world, there are 100,000 people in the streets of Wisconsin, 100,000 in Chile, 100,000 in Greece, 100,000 in Ireland, 200,000 in Spain. 20 years after the bankruptcy and collapse of Communism, you are (if you are paying attention) witnessing the bankruptcy and collapse of the new British Empire of speculative finance. But like Obama, the cake shop fellows believe that if they are unswervingly loyal to the old bat-catcher, she will wave her magic scepter, and money and knighthoods will rain down on her loyal retinue.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by baseman:
Henry, you are a spent force, out of touch with today's world. No one reall cares about 50-60 years ago, people are concerned with the past 10 years and the future of Guyana.

With all due respect, I believe that it is you cake shop fellows who are out of touch. You like to immerse yourselves in the soothing amniotic fluid of the British-dominated news and entertainment media, taking delight in how easily you can repeat what they say. Meanwhile, out there in the real world, there are 100,000 people in the streets of Wisconsin, 100,000 in Chile, 100,000 in Greece, 100,000 in Ireland, 200,000 in Spain. 20 years after the bankruptcy and collapse of Communism, you are (if you are paying attention) witnessing the bankruptcy and collapse of the new British Empire of speculative finance. But like Obama, the cake shop fellows believe that if they are unswervingly loyal to the old bat-catcher, she will wave her magic scepter, and money and knighthoods will rain down on her loyal retinue.

Uncle Henry, you are the ignar. Remember you did not know of the crruptions and scam that were printed in the Guyana local newspaper? You run away from our questions. When you do respond, you ramble off at a tangent. Look at your above rambling. Why your obsession with the British? Your hatred will eat you from the inside.

Shame on you for not thinking of Guyana as part of the real world.

People who keep looking back at their past will miss their future. Unfortunately you have already.

You have been visiting Guyana every year for the past 20 years. The only thing you have acquired is a dankey cart mentality.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by baseman:
Henry, you are a spent force, out of touch with today's world. No one reall cares about 50-60 years ago, people are concerned with the past 10 years and the future of Guyana.

With all due respect, I believe that it is you cake shop fellows who are out of touch. You like to immerse yourselves in the soothing amniotic fluid of the British-dominated news and entertainment media, taking delight in how easily you can repeat what they say. Meanwhile, out there in the real world, there are 100,000 people in the streets of Wisconsin, 100,000 in Chile, 100,000 in Greece, 100,000 in Ireland, 200,000 in Spain. 20 years after the bankruptcy and collapse of Communism, you are (if you are paying attention) witnessing the bankruptcy and collapse of the new British Empire of speculative finance. But like Obama, the cake shop fellows believe that if they are unswervingly loyal to the old bat-catcher, she will wave her magic scepter, and money and knighthoods will rain down on her loyal retinue.

Uncle Henry, you are the ignar. Remember you did not know of the crruptions and scam that were printed in the Guyana local newspaper? You run away from our questions. When you do respond, you ramble off at a tangent. Look at your above rambling. Why your obsession with the British? Your hatred will eat you from the inside.

Shame on you for not thinking of Guyana as part of the real world.

People who keep looking back at their past will miss their future. Unfortunately you have already.

You have been visiting Guyana every year for the past 20 years. The only thing you have acquired is a dankey cart mentality.
Not to mention a seemingly racist point of view as well. He sought to defend Mad Max's garbage:
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by Henry:
What I meant was very simple: the British are like a camoudi in an affectionate mood. See your post which immediately precedes it for context.
And so when I answered you with the simple question why it took the PPP so long to realise that - after 17 years of positive engagement since 1992, you still claimed I misunderstood you dunno
Bandits hit Sophia family and contracting company

Shonette Mitchell

Up to press time police ranks were trying to locate a Kitty resident who reportedly orchestrated a robbery in the Sophia community on Monday night. Kaieteur News was told that home maker Dianne Fordyce and her daughter Shonette Mitchell were beaten about the body when four gunmen invaded their Lot 14 Plum Park, South Sophia Home.

Speaking with this publication yesterday Mrs. Fordyce recounted that it was around 20:00 on Monday when heard someone knocking at her front door. The woman, as she was speaking on the telephone, enquired who it was, and a voice answered that it was “Marvin”. She explained that “Marvin” was a friend of the family. Fordyce said she became a little uneasy after she heard a second knock, this time it was at her back door. “I became uneasy because Marvin wouldn’t come and knock at both doors,” she said. The woman said she hung up her telephone and went to the front door, and as soon as she opened the door a gun was pointed to her face. “Soon as I open the door, someone pointed a gun in my face and slapped meâ€ĶI fell to the ground” the woman recounted.

The four gunmen entered the home and began ransacking the house in search for valuables. Fordyce and a granddaughter were home at the time of the incident. Fordyce said that as the men were ransacking her home, they began demanding that she hand over cheques her daughter Shonette was seen signing off earlier in the day. “My daughter was home during the day signing the cheques, because her office is right next door,” Fordyce explained The woman’s daughter is a secretary at the Cummings Contracting and Construction Company. Fordyce said that as the gunmen were in the house she was praying for her daughter not to come home, since they would assume that she had money and harm her.

Minutes later the woman said she heard her daughter’s voice outside and started to panic. The bandits quickly pulled her daughter in the house and began hitting her about the body with the gun. Mitchell said that the men started demanding that she hand over the company’s cheques, but she insisted that she didn’t have anything on her. According to the woman it was only one person who could have known this and it is the Kitty resident who was at the family’s home earlier in the day.

Kaieteur News was told that eyewitnesses placed him at the corner of the street while the incident was taking place. “He was at the corner on his cell phone talking, and after my daughter passed he called one of the bandits in the home and said she was coming home”. After realizing that no money or cheques were inside the home, the four bandits jumped a fence and went over to the Cummings Contracting and Construction Company office, located next door. They removed several louvre panes to gain entry to the office. Once inside the men started ransacking the premises, in a desperate attempt to find cash.

After they failed to locate any cash, the men removed two desktop computers along with other office equipment and escaped. Hugh Cummings, owner of Cummings Contracting and Construction Company yesterday told Kaieteur News, that he received a telephone call sometime after 20:00hrs informing him about the robbery. Cummings said he immediately rushed over to the office, but upon his arrival the bandits had already left the scene. A report was made to the Kitty Police Station and investigations are still continuing. Up to press time the police had not made any arrests.

Mahdia residents want increased security - say petty crime on the rise

The continuing influx into Mahdia, driven by a recent gold rush, has been accompanied by a rise in petty crimes, and some uneasy residents are calling for increased security in the area. Recently there have been a number of robberies, burglaries and car breakages in the area. Added to that, there was a report of the brutal rape of a young woman, who was found naked and in a semi-conscious state in an area called Campbell Town.

When contacted, Crime Chief Seelall Persaud was adamant that there was no increase in crime in the mining community. He went as far as to dismiss it as a lie, before explaining that there has been no increase in serious crime, including armed robberies and rapes there. He said, however, that there has been a general increase in crime within the ‘E and F’ Division, in which Mahdia falls. In an invited comment, Regional Chairman Senor Bell noted that there has been an influx of persons in the community, and that residents’ fear some might be criminals. However, he explained that the serious crimes do not occur in Mahdia but in the Backdam areas, which include Tiger Creek and Black Water. “The gold prices will put us in danger because the prices keep going up,” Bell said, adding that most people go to Mahdia looking for jobs, while others pretend they are job seekers and end up committing crimes. “What we need is a Joint Services operation to have their presence felt in the region in general. You would find that the criminals would not be traversing all the time,” he added.

He said that at the moment residents are “keeping their eyes open” but that could only be done during morning hours. Bell also noted that the community has a policing group, comprising businesspersons, which patrols twice a week. However, he noted that petty crimes in the area usually occur around 1 am. Bell stressed that committing a serious crime in Mahdia is not easy, since there is only one entrance and exit in the community. He said that either way, the perpetrators have to cross Mango Landing, from where many areas can be accessed. As a result, he suggested that a police station is needed there. He said that between Mahdia and Mango Landing, there are many mining camps persons can go to. He noted that the backdam areas are vast as well and one would find that the strangers would come out at nights when there is “action [parties].” Bell said in spite of this situation, Mahdia is not a place to be scared about.

Very afraid

Meanwhile, a woman who has been living in the community for more than 20 years said the crime situation is very bad and she is very afraid. She said years ago residents slept comfortably with their doors open, partied into the wee hours and were never afraid to walk along the dark trails. She said these things now belong to the past. The electricity supply to the area is shut off at 10 pm, leaving many parts in darkness. The resident, who did not want her name published, said that there are many tracks or short cuts which people traverse on their way home from work or partying. One area, called ‘dead turn,’ sees regular robberies. “People can’t walk freely at nights” the woman stressed.

The resident said the situation at the hospital is also worrying, while explaining that staff there have no proper security, since only female guards are on duty at night. This newspaper was also told of a recent incident were an attempt was made to enter the nurses’ room through a window. According to the resident, staff members who work the night shift are most at risk. One of the staff members has to travel as far as the airstrip to get home and because of the continuing criminal attacks is forced to pay $1,000 taxi fare to get home safely. The resident said the members of the policing group do not patrol into the early hours. While calling on the police to put measures in place to deal with the influx of strange persons, the resident added that it is frightening to note that some of these persons have been identified as criminals. She claimed that one man was convicted of rape. She felt gambling and drug abuse are the main contributors to the crime in the area. “We got a lot of junkies on the road,” she stressed.

This newspaper was told that many persons who flock to the community do not have any place to stay. As a result, they form small groups and travel into the backdam area. The resident added that areas such as Black Water and White Water also have their fair share of troubles. She said that the roads leading to these areas are in a terrible condition and this often poses a challenge to the police. Meanwhile, another resident said that he too has noticed an increase in petty crimes. He said that lots of people are attracted to gold and have travelled to the area as a result. He said there are not enough ranks to deal with the number of persons going into the community, while adding that there has been not only an increase in people, but also an increase in vehicles.

Gang robs Ithaca contractor of $4M, car - fire set to force bedroom open

Armed bandits escaped with a grey Toyota Premio motorcar, PNN 4184 worth $3M after robbing an Ithaca, West Bank Berbice contractor of $4M in cash and jewellery around 1:30 am yesterday. Jermaine Benjamin, 32, told this newspaper that two of the bandits, one of whom was masked lit a fire in front of his bedroom door to get him to open up. Three of their accomplices kept watch in the yard. Police have arrested some persons. Benjamin said one of the men held had taken three persons from Georgetown to his house on Sunday to hire a generator to use at the Soiree at Hopetown. He said the men spent a long time in his yard looking around as they waited on him. He later went to the Soiree to “start up the generator.” At the time he was wearing a big gold chain weighing 120 pennyweights.

The curtain that the bandits removed from a bedroom door and hung on the kitchen window.

They ransacked the room and removed the jewellery worth $2M on the dresser and $2M in cash from a drawer. The bandits also stole a laptop computer he got as a gift two weeks ago and his cellular phone. He said he co-operated with them because they threatened to shoot him. He recalled too that when the bandits entered his room they told him “don’t make noise; we have three other men in the yard.” The bandits also demanded the keys to the car as well as to a RAV 4 jeep that they had to reverse to get the car out. They eventually found the keys in a bag on the table. Two other vehicles were also in the yard and the bandits threw the other keys under them. After driving out the jeep they left the lights on and the door ajar as they sped down the street in a dark-coloured car that they came with and the Premio.

Jermaine Benjamin sitting on his bed as he examines the damage the bandits had done.

Items that the bandits set alight.

Recounting the ordeal, Benjamin, a contractor with the Regional Democratic Council, Region 5, said he was fast asleep and was awakened to the sound of knocking on his room door. He said he listened again for another knock but smelt something burning outside. The men had lit a fire using the door mat and bath towels to arouse him. Before he could open the door to investigate, the bandits found the key to the bedroom and entered. They held him at gunpoint and ordered him to lie face-down on the floor. They then bound him with pieces of his 50-ft telephone cord, blindfolded him with duct tape they found in the house and ripped apart a pillowcase to gag him.

Benjamin was alone in the house as his wife and six-year-old were spending the night with relatives. e surmised that the men were in the house for a long time because they had time to remove a curtain from one of the bedrooms doors and hang it by the kitchen window. That was to prevent the neighbours from peering into the house. They also drank sodas and left the empty bottles behind. He said the bandits gained entry to his house by breaking a door leading to the inner stairway. They then escaped with their loot through the steel door in the upper flat.

A neighbour later related that she heard a vehicle approaching and she looked out thinking it was her husband. She said the car stopped in front of Benjamin’s house and blew once. The woman said the park light was also left on on the vehicle and she did not think anything was amiss.

Mechanic shot in robbery

A mechanic was yesterday shot to his left leg after being robbed of his gold chain at his Garnett Street, Newtown, Kitty home. Glenford Primo, 47, was in surgery at the Georgetown Public Hospital last evening. His wife Jacqueline explained that the robbery occurred around 12pm. She was upstairs, while her husband was alone in the vulcanizing shop he operates below. She said her husband had related to her that he was bending over to fix something when he felt a tug at his neck.

“He said he thought was a friend but when he get up he see is two men,” Jacqueline said. The woman said her husband had put up a fight but the men managed to burst the chain off of his neck and afterwards shot him to his left leg. She further stated that they fired several more shots and she explained that even as the men made good their escape on a scooter, they were still firing at her husband. The man’s wife stated that someone called the police, who arrived about 15 minutes later and transported Primo to the hospital.

11 murders in July

Eleven persons were murdered in July, four more than in the month before. This is according to Stabroek News’ records for the last month. Among the victims, one was killed with an arrow, two were shot, two were strangled, two were drowned, one was beaten to death and the rest were stabbed.

Terry Wayne Jack

Police ‘B’ Division was the scene for five of the cases while ‘A’, ‘G’ and ‘E & F’ divisions each aw two murders. Former national footballer Daxton Parks was the first victim in the month. A 28-year old of St. Ignatius, Lethem, he was shot dead with an arrow on July 3. Reports are that Parks, while at Karasabai, South Rupununi, had a heated argument with a man, who later shot him with the projectile. Delroy Thomas, an 18-year-old farmer of Karasabai, has since been charged with Parks’ murder. Also on that day, Brazilian Edel Alemba Passos, 51, was stabbed to death at Ikawan, Cuyuni. Police had said that he was fatally stabbed during an argument with another man. The suspect has never been arrested.

On July 4, two persons were killed at Corentyne, Berbice in separate incidents. Terry Wayne Jack, 22, was allegedly shot dead by a policeman during a drinking spree at the Orealla Police Outpost, while Mahender Ally, of Kilcoy Settlement, was stabbed to death at a bush cook. Persons have been charged in both cases.

Abdul Azeez Hanniff

Then on July 7, Mon Repos Pasture, East Coast Demerara was thrown into shock after an elderly physically challenged man was discovered in his septic tank. Hours earlier, residents saw Abdul Azeez Hanniff’s home on fire and after breaking down the door did not find him. The crutches that he used to assist him to walk were found lying in his bedroom. It was a brother who later decided to check in the septic tank. A post-mortem revealed that he was strangled.

On July 13, the battered body of 17-year-old Ravendra Persaud was discovered on a Mahaica Creek Road, a stone’s throw away from a wedding house where he had been partying. A post-mortem examination revealed that his skull was fractured. Police and relatives are yet to come up with a motive for the killing. The following day, two children were discovered dead in a pond at Adventure, Essequibo Coast while their father Ranveer Persaud, 25, called ‘Joe,’ was discovering hanging a short distance away.

The man had a domestic dispute with his wife the previous night and left the home with the children, Shiva Persaud, 4, and Viya Persaud, 3. From all indications, the man drowned the children before taking his own life. Eleven days later, Devika Persaud of No. 50 Village was discovered dead along the No. 61 Village Foreshore. She was strangled.

Shawn Fraser

Shawn Fraser was the next murder victim for July. On July 27, he was shot twice during a dispute at Hogstye, Corentyne Backdam. His younger brother Odwin Bindah was injured.

Motilall Persaud

Pastor Motilall Persaud of Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice was the last of the victims last month. Persaud, 51, was fatally stabbed. Reports are that he was about to open his door around 10:15 pm when two masked men attacked him. The attackers dealt him a slash to his foot and followed him to his brother-in-law’s yard next door, where he ran to seek cover, and stabbed him again in the region of his heart. He died before he could be rushed to the hospital.

Businessman robbed of GUY$1M; two overseas-based Guyanese shot
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Sunday, 07 August 2011 17:42

Two separate armed robberies - one on the West Bank Demerara and the other in Georgetown - have left a businessman GUY$1 million poor and two overseas-based Guyanese shot and injured. Those robbed are Peter Sahadeo and Nanda Sahadeo of Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara.

Investigators were told that four men, armed with guns, entered the Sahadeos’ store and held them up at gunpoint. "They then ransacked the place and took away a total of $1million, six cell phones and a quantity of jewellery and escaped,” Guyana Police Force spokesman, Ivelaw Whittaker said in a statement.

And around 4:50 Sunday morning, two of three overseas-based was shot by robbers at Middle Road, La Penitence, Georgetown. Police said Shafwan Persaud and his overseas-based Guyanese relative Arnesh Persaud and his wife, had just arrived at their residence when they were confronted by two men, one of whom was armed with a handgun. “The men demanded their valuables whereupon Shafwan and Arnesh resisted and were shot by the armed man who escaped along with his accomplice,” said Whittaker. Shafwan was shot to his left thigh while Arnesh Persaud sustained a grazed injury to his neck. They were taken to a private hospital where Shafwan was admitted while Arnesh was treated and sent away.

Gunmen invade Harbour Bridge Mall

Two gunmen entered the Harbour Bridge Mall around 22:00 hrs (10:00pm) on Thursday, last, and assaulted two guards on duty while enquiring the whereabouts of businessman Anthony Snow. Surveillance cameras in the building recorded one of the men on his cellphone a number of times, as if taking instructions, while the other inspected the various rooms of the small area. Reports are that the perpetrators were around Snow’s businessplace for about half an hour, staking out the area, before they pulled out guns and began to attack the guards.

Kaieteur News reporters were shown video footage of two men brandishing what appeared to be handguns, while accosting the guards. Snow told this newspaper that he received a telephone shortly after the incident took place notifying him about the occurrence. “I was told and from the video tape you can see that the men didn’t rob the place. If that was their intention they would have done so when they were upstairs. But they didn’t. They weren’t afraid to pull guns in public because people upstairs saw them fighting with the security, so they could have pulled guns upstairs and robbed the place. Then they were asking where I was. I think, most obviously, they came with the intention of finding me there,” stated Snow.

One of the security guards escaped with minor injuries while the other sustained cuts to the face, ribs and body. The gunmen managed to flee the scene before police could arrive. Kaieteur News understands that the businessman is taking the issue as a direct threat and has made multiple reports at the Providence and Brickdam Police Stations and also at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at Eve Leary, where he also supplied a copy of the footage which captures the images of the culprits.

“People are on the lookout for them. The police are looking out and I want the public to help too which is why I am offering a reward to anyone who can provide me with information leading to the capture of these men. I want to know who they are and want to talk with them,” added Snow.

Linden businesswoman robbed
Written by Demerara Waves Wednesday, 10 August 2011 15:14

A well-known businesswoman in Linden was Wednesday still counting her losses from a late Tuesday night armed robbery. Lavern ‘Lovey’ Griffith was attacked by two teenage robbers who snatched her gold chain and when she reacted, they successfully demanded her day’s takings which amounted to GUY$100,000.

Although one of the men placed a gun to her head and fired shots at her and public spirited citizens during a failed apprehension, Griffith said she would still be going after the identifiable robbers. “Whoever send them had to tell them the person I be, I don’t give up so,” she said.

The robbery occurred in Linden’s central business district in the vicinity of the Mackenzie Market around 9 PM. After the robbery, the bandits went in different directions with armed one fleeing into the bushy areas along Dageraad Avenue and Sir David Rose Avenue, was told.

Linden and its environs have, in recent months, recorded a spate of armed robberies with one of them resulting in the death of Albert ‘Bolo’ Joseph.

Teen beaten to death at Kaituma

A teenager was beaten to death during an argument at Monessee Backdam, Port Kaituma, North West District on Tuesday and a suspect has been arrested. Dead is Kenney Creem, a 19-year-old miner of Two Miles, Port Kaituma. Police said in a press release yesterday that the murder occurred around 2300 hours. Investigations have so far revealed that Creem had an argument with two men during which he was beaten about his body.

This newspaper understands that there were marks of violence all over the body which is presently lying at the Port Kaituma mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination. It is unclear what was used to beat Creem or what the argument was about. Police, this newspaper understands brought Creem’s lifeless body out of the Backdam on Wednesday afternoon. This is the latest murder to have occurred in the E and F Division where the vast landscape and scattered population sometimes make it difficult for police to solve crimes. As such police depend heavily on the public to catch perpetrators.

Police Commissioner Henry Greene last year had pointed out that most of the murders that occur in this division are disorderly meaning that they occur during arguments especially when both sides are consuming alcohol. While, the weapons of choice in this Division are usually guns and knives, there have been a few cases were persons were beaten to death. Such a murder occurred last month at 14 Miles, Issano when Earle Austin was tied to a tree and beaten by three men who had accused him of stealing a chain saw and two mattresses. Austin died after sustaining injuries to the head and other parts of the body. He was beaten with pieces of wood. Following police investigations, dredge owner Oswald Leacock of Bartica was arrested and charged. Police are yet to arrest his alleged accomplices.


Man beaten to death at Port Kaituma

The police are investigating yet another murder in Guyana’s interior, following the death of a 19-year-old miner in the North West District around 23:00 hours on Tuesday last. Police in a press release said that Kennedy Creem of Two Miles, Port Kaituma, was beaten to death by two men in the Monosse Backdam, located several miles from his home community.

According to the police, investigations revealed that Creem and the men were drinking at a shop after which they left to go home. It is alleged that Creem turned back, wanting to consume alcohol, causing a heated argument with the two men, during which he was beaten about his body.
A police source told this newspaper that Creem may have also been sodomised during the attack.

Both of the suspects are in police custody, while Creem’s body is at the Port Kaituma Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post mortem examination.

Gunmen grab cash, jewellery and more from LBI family
Written by Kwesi Isles Friday, 12 August 2011 15:29

Gunmen early Friday relieved a family of a quantity of cash, jewellery and electronic gadgets as they arrived at their Granville Park, LBI, East Coast Demerara home. Guyana Police Force spokesman Ivelaw Whittaker stated in a release that Dawn Lyken-Segasebe, 44, Corlette Lyken, 45 and overseas-based Guyanese Kevin Lyken, 27, were attacked and robbed by three men armed with handguns around 3 AM.

“Investigations revealed that the victims had just arrived at their residence and were about to enter the premises when a motor car drove up and the three perpetrators exited and held them up. The men then took away a quantity of jewellery, a laptop computer, three cell phones, a Sony camera, and $240,000.00 cash after which they escaped,” Whittaker said.

There has been no word of any arrest.

Diamond dealer kidnapped, rescued on Soesdyke/Linden Highway - Home alarm foils ransom demand

A Brazilian businessman was early this morning rescued by an off-duty police rank on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway after his abductor released him.
Reports are that Sergio Mattos, Proprietor of Pure Diamonds Trading, Duncan Street was abducted by four men sometime around 00:30 hours today while leaving a house in Stone Avenue, Campbellville. This publication was told that the man was about to enter his vehicle when a car pulled up alongside him. The men, who were said to be clad in police attire, forced the businessman into their vehicle as they held him at gunpoint and relieved him of his licenced firearm.

A source close to the investigation revealed that once inside the vehicle, the men told Mattos that he would be released once their demands were met. Reports are that the businessman then made a call to arrange for the money to be handed over to his abductors at the Georgetown seawall. Mattos, however, beckoned his employee not to involve the police. However, while his employee was getting the money and gold prepared for the kidnappers the alarm to the Duncan Street building went off alerting a security firm and the police.

According to reports, both the police and GEB security officials responded promptly. It was then that the police were made aware that something was amiss. A massive manhunt was then launched for the businessman who could not have been contacted. Meanwhile, several hours later an off-duty police rank who was on his way to work from Linden in a minibus spotted a man with both his hands and feet bound on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. The rank ordered the minibus to stop to render assistance to the man. The businessman was taken to the Highway Base Patrol. The ranks there then informed their colleagues in the city. The man was subsequently brought to the city where he was questioned and taken for medical attention.


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