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Former Member

The copies of the medical certificates and birth certificates of the nine boys allegedly raped by Muslim scholar Nezaam Ali have mysteriously disappeared from the case files and the distraught mother of three of them, is now convinced that efforts are afoot to sabotage the case to ensure that the alleged perpetrator is spared jail time.

Ali was committed to stand trial in November, 2013 for nine counts of sexual activity with a child by abusing a position of trust and lost a battle to have the committals overturned last year. It was only after the case files were transferred from the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court to the Supreme Court for trial proceedings that it was discovered that important documents were missing.

The woman, who visited this newspaper recently pleading for help, said she was at a loss …to continue reading this article, please subscribe.  Already a subscriber ? Sign In.

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skeldon_man posted:

The copies of the medical certificates and birth certificates of the nine boys allegedly raped by Muslim scholar Nezaam Ali have mysteriously disappeared from the case files and the distraught mother of three of them, is now convinced that efforts are afoot to sabotage the case to ensure that the alleged perpetrator is spared jail time.

Ali was committed to stand trial in November, 2013 for nine counts of sexual activity with a child by abusing a position of trust and lost a battle to have the committals overturned last year. It was only after the case files were transferred from the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court to the Supreme Court for trial proceedings that it was discovered that important documents were missing.

The woman, who visited this newspaper recently pleading for help, said she was at a loss …to continue reading this article, please subscribe.  Already a subscriber ? Sign In.

Are you speaking of " Chief"

Prashad posted:

In Afghanistan old men have relationships with young boys. I have a feeling it was a traditional practice brought by the Greeks.

This happened while the US troops were stationed there. The higher up Afghan military men practised this. The US military was told not to intervene. I thought it was against Islamic law to be a buggerer. Well, if the mufti does it, then it must be lawful.

Chief posted:

SkelDon man the more you open your mouth the easier to spot your bigotry . 

The Catholic church spent million of dollars to settle suits by people who were buggered by priests, does that make it lawful?

There is no bigotry here. I have publicly criticized all religious leaders. Why is that you think confronting this mufti bugger man is some form of bigotry? If the man did the crime, he must be exposed. He was in power and he preyed on innocent kids. He had power and control over them. He should be given at least ten years for each child and the sentences should run consecutively. Sorry Chief, I do not see any bigotry in this.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

SkelDon man the more you open your mouth the easier to spot your bigotry . 

The Catholic church spent million of dollars to settle suits by people who were buggered by priests, does that make it lawful?

There is no bigotry here. I have publicly criticized all religious leaders. Why is that you think confronting this mufti bugger man is some form of bigotry? If the man did the crime, he must be exposed. He was in power and he preyed on innocent kids. He had power and control over them. He should be given at least ten years for each child and the sentences should run consecutively. Sorry Chief, I do not see any bigotry in this.

Skelly, it is like this for Chief:

As long as the criminal is muslim, he can do no wrong. In fact this man is a fullah.

Let me explain, a Muslim is a true follower of Islam. He has good values and does not cuss down others and condemns buggery. 

Chief on the other hand is a Fullah, a Fullah pretends to be a muslim but cusses down others and defends bugger men.

Hope that this clarifies the difference between a Muslim and a Fullah.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

SkelDon man the more you open your mouth the easier to spot your bigotry . 

The Catholic church spent million of dollars to settle suits by people who were buggered by priests, does that make it lawful?

There is no bigotry here. I have publicly criticized all religious leaders. Why is that you think confronting this mufti bugger man is some form of bigotry? If the man did the crime, he must be exposed. He was in power and he preyed on innocent kids. He had power and control over them. He should be given at least ten years for each child and the sentences should run consecutively. Sorry Chief, I do not see any bigotry in this.

Skelly, it is like this for Chief:

As long as the criminal is muslim, he can do no wrong. In fact this man is a fullah.

Let me explain, a Muslim is a true follower of Islam. He has good values and does not cuss down others and condemns buggery. 

Chief on the other hand is a Fullah, a Fullah pretends to be a muslim but cusses down others and defends bugger men.

Hope that this clarifies the difference between a Muslim and a Fullah.

The mufti might enjoy his time in prison. Chief is just defending, as usual, a Muslim brother who might just be a buggering mufti.

skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

In Afghanistan old men have relationships with young boys. I have a feeling it was a traditional practice brought by the Greeks.

This happened while the US troops were stationed there. The higher up Afghan military men practised this. The US military was told not to intervene. I thought it was against Islamic law to be a buggerer. Well, if the mufti does it, then it must be lawful.

I was told by a senior officer that it is a Afgan government issue. The problem is that many of the men who are doing that to the little boys are powerful men so many of them are untouchable.  But both an Afgan interpeter and a tajic leader told me that the Taliban had a death sentence for men who were caught doing that to little boys.


The thread wad moving along then shit started with Imran..sticking chiefs nic into this..Skeldonman made a remark...chief replies as he should. Yugi.the putrid cur makes another dumbass post trying to ridicule chief. 

Yugi if I were admin your sorry ass would be benched long ago for talking sheer shit about posters....Imran would follow you for following chief around like he's the one really looking for Lar.

cain posted:

The thread wad moving along then shit started with Imran..sticking chiefs nic into this..Skeldonman made a remark...chief replies as he should. Yugi.the putrid cur makes another dumbass post trying to ridicule chief. 

Yugi if I were admin your sorry ass would be benched long ago for talking sheer shit about posters....Imran would follow you for following chief around like he's the one really looking for Lar.

I call Chief out for being a pretensive Muslim - I  don't know the man but  Here is my problem....

don't speak of religion and express how holly you are then with the same breath you cuss out and say vulgar stuff about someone who don't share your views.

either you are a man of god and respect everyone the same regardless of their religious belief. If you choose to be vulgar that's your choice but I will return the favour especially if you calling yourself a man who fears god ( Allah) 

There is a few of them who displayed the same attitude and speaks of Islam .... you don't have to look far who they are . 

They are in the same boat as Isis ... calling Allah name while cussing out  others who don't share their beliefs.

Its your business if you and company choose to sniff Chief Ass . 

Imran posted:
cain posted:

The thread wad moving along then shit started with Imran..sticking chiefs nic into this..Skeldonman made a remark...chief replies as he should. Yugi.the putrid cur makes another dumbass post trying to ridicule chief. 

Yugi if I were admin your sorry ass would be benched long ago for talking sheer shit about posters....Imran would follow you for following chief around like he's the one really looking for Lar.

I call Chief out for being a pretensive Muslim - I  don't know the man but  Here is my problem....

don't speak of religion and express how holly you are then with the same breath you cuss out and say vulgar stuff about someone who don't share your views.

either you are a man of god and respect everyone the same regardless of their religious belief. If you choose to be vulgar that's your choice but I will return the favour especially if you calling yourself a man who fears god ( Allah) 

There is a few of them who displayed the same attitude and speaks of Islam .... you don't have to look far who they are . 

They are in the same boat as Isis ... calling Allah name while cussing out  others who don't share their beliefs.

Its your business if you and company choose to sniff Chief Ass . 



If everytime you guys open your mouth and link every Muslim as a terrorist and you expect me to be quiet then too bad.

I never ever say I am religious . I challenge anyone to point out to such a post.

I speak about my religion , fear God and I try to live an upright live. I am human like everyone else and will sin as every other human being. 

I will continue to respond to the unwarranted attacks agisnt Islam and Muslims by some GNIers.

Chief posted:

If everytime you guys open your mouth and link every Muslim as a terrorist and you expect me to be quiet then too bad.

I never ever say I am religious . I challenge anyone to point out to such a post.

I speak about my religion , fear God and I try to live an upright live. I am human like everyone else and will sin as every other human being. 

I will continue to respond to the unwarranted attacks agisnt Islam and Muslims by some GNIers.

So being a devout Muslim is not religious? Yes or no will do.

Chief posted:

If everytime you guys open your mouth and link every Muslim as a terrorist and you expect me to be quiet then too bad.

I never ever say I am religious . I challenge anyone to point out to such a post.

I speak about my religion , fear God and I try to live an upright live. I am human like everyone else and will sin as every other human being. 

I will continue to respond to the unwarranted attacks agisnt Islam and Muslims by some GNIers.

Chief, my attack was not against Islam. My attack was against the "mufti", not sure about his significance in the islamic world. I also brought to attention the Afgha military who were supplied young boys to spend the night with them. I am sure that boys did not play cards or marbles in their tents. The American military were told not to interfere. What does this have to do with attacking Islam? I have spoken out against pandits committing adultery, catholic priests buggering boys and Christian ministers molesting female members of the church. I do not have a dog in this fight. Religion means nothing to me. However, I do believe in a supreme being. I am just the messenger.

skeldon_man posted:

This happened while the US troops were stationed there. The higher up Afghan military men practised this. The US military was told not to intervene. I thought it was against Islamic law to be a buggerer. Well, if the mufti does it, then it must be lawful.

Skelly, my guess is that the Chief objected to this conclusion. Perhaps you didn't mean what you wrote.

ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:

This happened while the US troops were stationed there. The higher up Afghan military men practised this. The US military was told not to intervene. I thought it was against Islamic law to be a buggerer. Well, if the mufti does it, then it must be lawful.

Skelly, my guess is that the Chief objected to this conclusion. Perhaps you didn't mean what you wrote.


However Skelly did say that he stand corrected and I respect that.

People like Imran who blatantly lied that the murderer gave money to a Mosque, did that with evil intent.When I point out to him that he is lied, he start following me on every thread.

Prince posted:
Chief posted:

If everytime you guys open your mouth and link every Muslim as a terrorist and you expect me to be quiet then too bad.

I never ever say I am religious . I challenge anyone to point out to such a post.

I speak about my religion , fear God and I try to live an upright live. I am human like everyone else and will sin as every other human being. 

I will continue to respond to the unwarranted attacks agisnt Islam and Muslims by some GNIers.

So being a devout Muslim is not religious? Yes or no will do.


Chief posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:

This happened while the US troops were stationed there. The higher up Afghan military men practised this. The US military was told not to intervene. I thought it was against Islamic law to be a buggerer. Well, if the mufti does it, then it must be lawful.

Skelly, my guess is that the Chief objected to this conclusion. Perhaps you didn't mean what you wrote.


However Skelly did say that he stand corrected and I respect that.

People like Imran who blatantly lied that the murderer gave money to a Mosque, did that with evil intent.When I point out to him that he is lied, he start following me on every thread.

As mentioned earlier, looks like Imran looking for lar.

ksazma posted:
Chief posted:

Seems like he is definitely on the other side.

Imran hear dem bais calling you fullahman so he batty start twitching.

You are right!!! My batty twitching with imaginary pain. I feel for my fellow human that a Kafir like you believe in buggering . 

The Fire of Hell is at your feet , you should repeat   Ayat al- Kursi 33 times. You should start fasting now and don't wait for Ramadan month. 

You are a disgrace to Islam... you challenged a Christian ( Keith) and venoms comes out of your poke mouth. 

As I say repeat Ayat al - Kursi and if I were you ... I would be up at 2 AM to start praying if you know what I mean.

good luck and may Allah forgive you. 


Look yeh banna no venom coming from Kaz..others question his religion and he has no right to do the same? The bannna even reminded Iman bout a fig tree story which really asks the question..Was gentle Jesu high when he messed up not knowing it was not the right time fo bear what did he do?  The banna pull a Trumski. Now..instead ah saying ok peeps Iman...d up..nahhh De banna cuss up the tree the man say the tree messed up.

Last edited by cain
Chief posted:
ksazma posted:
Chief posted:

Seems like he is definitely on the other side.

Imran hear dem bais calling you fullahman so he batty start twitching.

Nice one.

Unfortunately let Imran can carry his stink batty. 


Mr Swine mouth Chief, aren't you ashamed of yourself - a 59 years old engaging in vulgar expressions.... is that what you teaches your new born grandson and family members. 

They will soon find out how disgraceful a father and grandfather you are . 

You should also repeat   Ayat al-Kursi this powerful verse of the Quran will guide you to a better human being and you need to stay close to it more than ever if you believe in the Quran.

May Allah forgive your for all the wrongs you have done may he guide you to the right path. 

Good luck . 


Imran posted:
ksazma posted:

Imran hear dem bais calling you fullahman so he batty start twitching.

You are right!!! My batty twitching with imaginary pain. I feel for my fellow human that a Kafir like you believe in buggering . 

The Fire of Hell is at your feet , you should repeat   Ayat al- Kursi 33 times. You should start fasting now and don't wait for Ramadan month. 

You are a disgrace to Islam... you challenged a Christian ( Keith) and venoms comes out of your poke mouth. 

As I say repeat Ayat al - Kursi and if I were you ... I would be up at 2 AM to start praying if you know what I mean.

good luck and may Allah forgive you. 

Oh sh1t, this is not looking good for the Ksazma!!

cain posted:

Look yeh banna no venom coming from Kaz..others question his religion and he has no right to do the same? The bannna even reminded Iman bout a fig tree story which really asks the question..Was gentle Jesu high when he messed up not knowing it was not the right time fo bear what did he do? The banna cuss up de tree the man say the tree messed up.

It's seems like you trimbling you corner . Keep smoking you joint . 


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