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Janet Bulkan’s letter misleading; Agenda suspect


PERMIT me to respond to Janette Bulkan’s Letter in the Stabroek News of Saturday August 9th, 2014 under the caption, “Why is the GFC not monitoring the export of High-value Logs by Asian Companies.”

I wish to state the following:

1. Zero marks to KN for the publication of misleading, unsubstantiated, irresponsible and unprofessional information regarding the Bai Shan Lin Logging Company, which forms the basis of Bulkan’s deceptive letter after her emergence from her habitat of oblivion not located in Guyana.

2. Bulkan, in her letter, has given KN “Full Marks” for the publication of wicked and erroneous information to the public about the BSL company, which is a Chinese or Asian logging company investing in our forest sector. But this is not surprising since both the KN and Bulkan are known Anti-Government twits who do not want to see Guyana’s development through foreign investments. But it is publicly known that they are fighting a losing battle, hence they are only wasting their time writing and publishing misleading and bogus claims about the Government, its ministers and state agencies where the sustainable management of Guyana’s forest sector is concerned.

3. Bulkan in her letter wants to know “Why is the GFC not monitoring, reporting and verifying (MRV) the hemorrhage of high-value logs by Bai Shan Lin and other Asian Log traders?” This is simply an example of one of Bulkan’s bogus claims in her letter, and moreso, she is absolutely ignorant about Guyana’s Forest situation which is effectively and sustainably managed by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC). In this regard the use of the word “hemorrhage” by Bulkan is totally not relevant and is therefore misleading. But for Bulkan’s information, Guyana’s MRV system is currently in progress according to its road map for Guyana’s forest assessments.

4. Bulkan’s letter, as usual, is saturated with lies and assumptions in relation to Guyana’s Forest Sector and its management. I will not deal with these bogus claims, since Mr. James Singh, Forest Export and Commissioner of Forests of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) has already adequately, competently and professionally dealt with them in the media. Bulkan’s letter in relation to Bai Shan Lin (BSL) was therefore nothing but an absolute unqualified generalisation of her own miserable contentions about Guyana’s Forest Sector under the pretext of forest expertise. By the way, is Bulkan a Forest Doctor?

Peter Persaud

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Janet Bulkan’s l

Peter Persaud

When in trouble...pull the rabbit out of the this case the fake amerind! The PPP are planning to run him again to split the vote but the people are wise to his lies and he will get more stones aimed at his head than votes


Miss Bulkan is a trained scientist whose entire life is dedicated to what she does. This fake has devoted his time trolling the cornered of the PPP regime for hand outs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Janet Bulkan’s l

Peter Persaud

When in trouble...pull the rabbit out of the this case the fake amerind! The PPP are planning to run him again to split the vote but the people are wise to his lies and he will get more stones aimed at his head than votes


Miss Bulkan is a trained scientist whose entire life is dedicated to what she does. This fake has devoted his time trolling the cornered of the PPP regime for hand outs.

You sit your ass in an infested Apartment and you know the facts on the ground at Kwakwani. You gat to be a Sakiwinki!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Janet Bulkan’s l

Peter Persaud

When in trouble...pull the rabbit out of the this case the fake amerind! The PPP are planning to run him again to split the vote but the people are wise to his lies and he will get more stones aimed at his head than votes


Miss Bulkan is a trained scientist whose entire life is dedicated to what she does. This fake has devoted his time trolling the cornered of the PPP regime for hand outs.

You sit your ass in an infested Apartment and you know the facts on the ground at Kwakwani. You gat to be a Sakiwinki!!!!

 I live in a condo in an exclusive part of town. My lawn is mowed twice a week, the hedges are trimmed and there are over 10 people always at hand to see things are to our liking. I live in a park of trees and in 5 mins I can be to a tree lined boulevard that is a copy of rodeo drive and filled with sidewalk cafes no less than any place in the upper east side only cleaner and more quiet. The only infestation you will find here are the wives of foreign diplomats from Europe or trophy wives and children of the rich strutting with their Prada and jimmy choos. Now go suck on that since I know live in a gingerbread house across from a public shoool in the midst of a concrete desert!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A rise in attack against the Chinese is led by the AFC.


Now take a close look at whom Moses is sitting down with:




Were you intent on knowing what he was doing you would know he is inquiring after answers to what they were doing


Nehru, this is expected of the PPP/C. It's the PPP/C MO. When confronted, they will attack the character of their accuser or anyone who does now tow the line with them.


You mentioned the Medieval times. I am certain you are familiar with the history of the Middle Ages. Remember it was the rise up of the poor pheasants that caused empires to tumble.


Read, Symptoms of Kali Yuga from ISKCON desire tree:


Originally Posted by yuji22:

A rise in attack against the Chinese is led by the AFC.


 Thousands of exotic, expensive Wamara and Purple Heart logs at the Kwakwani site

Thousands of exotic, expensive Wamara and Purple Heart logs at the Kwakwani site



The greed to possess is unlimited in us, especially due to the effect of Kali yuga too. The nature and power of greed is very nicely mentioned in SB 7.15.20:


Read, Symptoms of Kali Yuga from ISKCON desire tree:



Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Nehru:
4. Bulkan’s letter, as usual, is saturated with lies and assumptions in relation to Guyana’s Forest Sector and its management. ....  By the way, is Bulkan a Forest Doctor?
Janet Bulkan’s letter misleading; Agenda suspect

Not a Forest Doctor .. simply her usual indiscriminate expression of unrelated words and expressions of what if this is that, what if that is this, what if those are these, etc..


Norway and other donors are currently paying the GFC “in the region of US$500,000 per year” for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) work on forest carbon assessment, on top of the US$3 million received by GFC for MRV to date (see: 2013 Report of LTS International, Ecometrica, Indufor Oy, and Chr. Michelsen Institute. ‘Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative. Contribution to Measurement, Reporting and Verification,’ pages 47 and 57).

The question Guyanese could well be asking is, why is the GFC not monitoring, reporting and verifying (MRV-ing) the haemorrhage of high-value logs by Bai Shan Lin, and the other Asian log traders with none of the local processing and in-country value-addition required by parliament-approved national policy?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A rise in attack against the Chinese is led by the AFC.


Now take a close look at whom Moses is sitting down with:




Yuji bhai,

Regardless of who is leading the attack; we need to protect and preserve our beloved country. Chase the Chinks out.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by ball:

D_G aint that yo fambly


Unlike you she has integrity and credibility. Missed your meds again and like your worker missed changing your diaper?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A rise in attack against the Chinese is led by the AFC.


Now take a close look at whom Moses is sitting down with:




Yuji bhai,

Regardless of who is leading the attack; we need to protect and preserve our beloved country. Chase the Chinks out.


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