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Mitwah posted:

Caribj, your analogy doesn't hold water. The Red House is a sacred institution like Burnham's house.

I don't consider Burnham's house to be sacred, and I certainly don't consider Jagan's.   It is when those two monsters took control of Guyana that we began to fall behind the rest of the Caribbean. I am perplexed that so many Guyanese bow down and worship these two charlatans.

Gilbakka posted:

AFC will become DEAD MEAT to be devoured by the jackals of history.

I thought that it was a known fact since the election last year that the AFC had lost its rural Indian support base.

In fact when the AFC had campaign events APNU had to truck in their supporters to fill out the crowds. We saw the spectacle of majority black crowds in majority Indian areas when the AFC had rallies.

This point was noted since the aftermath of the election.  

The AFC was never able to transition itself beyond being a mere receptacle for disillusioned supporters of the two major parties, and the remnants of the WPA support base.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger dictatorial nature has been revealed.

Granger is stubborn, but passive aggressive.  Look to Harmon to see the true cause of the problem.

But then docility is the nature of the Guyanese, in addition to being opportunistic.  APNU AFC will do as much as the population allows them to do.  If the population doesn't like it they need to stand up to it.  If they allow it, then obviously they aren't bothered by it.

By the way the PPP screams are silly when it is known that they were bullies who resorted to violence against the few bold enough to speak against them. Freddie K, Eric Phillips, David Hinds and others can fill in the gaps.

This is why opposition to APNU tactics must come from civic society. People who aren't blemished by the bullyism which was a defining aspect of he Jagdeo era.


What is the point to this missive of yours? When was civil society able to effectuate serious change in society?. It seems clear to many non-PNC supporters that Granger either wants to destroy Jagan's legacy or he is being pressured by the Burnhamite elements in his party to do so. Any how you slice this, it is a reflection of an attempt to delegetimize Jagan's legacy and humiliate Indians who support the PPP. 

The reason why this is happening is because Indians are not willing to resort to an aggressive approach (unlike PNC supporters who terrorize people on Regent street during election)and take to the streets or based their actions on the Rodney notion of "by any means necessary". In large part the PPP is responsible for keeping the Indian population docile. The PNC know this and this is why they can be so bold to take such blatant actions geared towards humiliating the PPP.

It is clear that YOU also understand very well the docility of these Indians. Harping on what Jagdeo did while in office and continuously resorting to that experience is simply an attempt to cloud this issue here...something you know how to do very well...aside from referring to your fellow countrymen by various pejoratives.

The excesses of the PNC and coalition can END easily (not with civil society) but if the AFC members of Parliament comes to their senses and give critical support to the coalition. 

But, I can say this with frankness, given the history of the PNC: this will not deter them from making Indians second class citizens in their own country, and the slide towards Burnhamism will continue.

So lets see if you can respond to this without your usual name calling.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

But, I can say this with frankness, given the history of the PNC: this will not deter them from making Indians second class citizens in their own country, and the slide towards Burnhamism will continue.

Quite a strong statement Vish.

If its possible for them not to have majority parliamentary control, if they lose support from the AFC, they will have to resort to extra-legal means of fostering their agenda. 

In addition, and we have history as a guide, the PNC will not allow the PPP or an Indian-led government to rule Guyana.

Our salvation lies in a new generation of Guyanese who do not see race as a weapon to be used against their fellow countrymen....unfortunately this scenario is not in sight, and these incidents only further divide the Guyanese people.

VishMahabir posted:


What is the point to this missive of yours? When was civil society able to effectuate serious change in society?.

Such a true Guyanese statement. We expect politicians to change their stripes when we have seen 60 years of their exploitation of the weaknesses of Guyanese.

I repeat. APNU AFC could and should continue to bully because the silence of the Guyanese population at large suggests that they don't care.

And we have learned over the past 60 years that it isn't only Indians who suffered PNC bullyism or blacks who suffered PPP greed and abuse.

The notion that Indians must protect the PPP or blacks must protect the PNC is a joke, given that the benefits were and are confined to the elites.

So let the two bullies fight each other, and destroy Guyana in the process. Let Venezuela and Suriname snatch what they claim and give the rest to Brazil.

And by the way did your average Indian benefit so much from Jagdeo?  Why then did so many flee to the rest of the Caribbean. Board any LIAT flight and it will shock you to see how many live in some of the smallest islands, most arriving after 2000. Barbados is packed to the rafters with them.

The notion that Indians should "defend" Jagdeo's legacy! Why when it only benefitted a few of them.  This is as silly as those who claim that blacks must protect Burnham's legacy!

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

Caribj, your analogy doesn't hold water. The Red House is a sacred institution like Burnham's house.

I don't consider Burnham's house to be sacred, and I certainly don't consider Jagan's.   It is when those two monsters took control of Guyana that we began to fall behind the rest of the Caribbean. I am perplexed that so many Guyanese bow down and worship these two charlatans.

More reasons why they should become museums for future generations to see and learn  not to make the  same mistakes.  What we are seeing here is Burnhamism  being played allover again.  Why is Granger not using the courts but rather flexing his muscles?

Mitwah posted:

More reasons why they should become museums for future generations to see and learn  not to make the  same mistakes.  What we are seeing here is Burnhamism  being played allover again.  Why is Granger not using the courts but rather flexing his muscles?

Why not we preserve and give reverence to two failed politicians who made Guyana the poor house and the laughing stock of the Caribbean.

Where people from Nevis, tired of their primary schools being over run by Guyanese kids, asking "how come you all Guyanese have so much gold and let all of you are over here in Nevis?" 

And yes I did read some where that the gov't of Nevis is being overburdened with the task of educating the kids of immigrants from Guyana and the DR. The DR immigrants being the descendants of Nevisians who migrated there 100 years ago, so having some entitlement to be there.  So the ire being directed towards the Guyanese.

So build huge monuments to celebrate Jagan and Burnham for the feat that the accomplished. Turning Guyanese into refugees showing up in overcrowded islands where they aren't wanted. 

You will note that prior to these "gentlemen" rising to the helm Caribbean people migrated TO Guyana!

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

More reasons why they should become museums for future generations to see and learn  not to make the  same mistakes.  What we are seeing here is Burnhamism  being played allover again.  Why is Granger not using the courts but rather flexing his muscles?

Why not we preserve and give reverence to two failed politicians who made Guyana the poor house and the laughing stock of the Caribbean.

Where people from Nevis, tired of their primary schools being over run by Guyanese kids, asking "how come you all Guyanese have so much gold and let all of you are over here in Nevis?" 

And yes I did read some where that the gov't of Nevis is being overburdened with the task of educating the kids of immigrants from Guyana and the DR. The DR immigrants being the descendants of Nevisians who migrated there 100 years ago, so having some entitlement to be there.  So the ire being directed towards the Guyanese.

So build huge monuments to celebrate Jagan and Burnham for the feat that the accomplished. Turning Guyanese into refugees showing up in overcrowded islands where they aren't wanted. 

You will note that prior to these "gentlemen" rising to the helm Caribbean people migrated TO Guyana!

I like the idea of a Presidential museum for ALL Presidents. 

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

More reasons why they should become museums for future generations to see and learn  not to make the  same mistakes.  What we are seeing here is Burnhamism  being played allover again.  Why is Granger not using the courts but rather flexing his muscles?

Why not we preserve and give reverence to two failed politicians who made Guyana the poor house and the laughing stock of the Caribbean.

Where people from Nevis, tired of their primary schools being over run by Guyanese kids, asking "how come you all Guyanese have so much gold and let all of you are over here in Nevis?" 

And yes I did read some where that the gov't of Nevis is being overburdened with the task of educating the kids of immigrants from Guyana and the DR. The DR immigrants being the descendants of Nevisians who migrated there 100 years ago, so having some entitlement to be there.  So the ire being directed towards the Guyanese.

So build huge monuments to celebrate Jagan and Burnham for the feat that the accomplished. Turning Guyanese into refugees showing up in overcrowded islands where they aren't wanted. 

You will note that prior to these "gentlemen" rising to the helm Caribbean people migrated TO Guyana!

Your verbal diarrhea is like a soft willy.  It's not germane to the topic.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger dictatorial nature has been revealed. Moses and Prak should threaten to withhold any critical support or to break away from the coalition.

No more critical support from me to this coalition. This lease now. What's next.

Moses don't have no balls to stand up to anyone.

Never had,lost it since he was a small boy playing litti.He is now dancing the Congo line and counting the number of Johnny walker he has left till the day of reckoning comes,the day coming soon when he will be hoisted out of the PM residence along with his remaining rum bottles.

Negromottoo and Rumjattan,worthless,shameless and useless hustlers.

Granger an inept soldier couldnt make the grade to corporal in a proper army,reason why he was selected by Burnham.Never bright.Harmon was a thug since the days of working as a clerk at JP Santos and came into his own as a super henchman and king of thugs in the GDF.All dunces and hustlers.

Jagdeo a poor boy from the East Coast who has led a dysfunctional PPP to its demise.He and his cabal of rural hustlers took over the reigns of a once efficient party machinery and destroyed it.He became the picture of a typical African dictator,give jobs to your matty and families,tief as much as possible and stash it away in foreign banks.His follower mostly business people from the rural areas came to Georgetown with their corrupt practices,crass,ill-mannered ,crude and behavior not suited to an urban environment.Didnt matter how rich they were,how many cars or women they had,they were doomed to be describes as coolie from country.

Jagdeo caused the other races to disrespect the East Indian because he didnt control the wrongs perpetrated by himseld and his regional representatives-all corrupt and thieves.

Time for the PPP to change,elect a new leader.Despite the disfunctional government of the APNU/AFC providing an opportunity for the PPP to win the next elections with Jagdeo  as leader of the PPP the for sure they will lose.

Time for a change Jagdeo must vacate his position as leader of the PPP.Not only Jagdeo but all the members of his cabal -all are a drag on the forward progress of the PPP.

Get Jagdeo and his chosen boys,his cabal out of the PPP.There is a need for a fresh start with new more democratic and progressive blood.


Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

More reasons why they should become museums for future generations to see and learn  not to make the  same mistakes.  What we are seeing here is Burnhamism  being played allover again.  Why is Granger not using the courts but rather flexing his muscles?

Why not we preserve and give reverence to two failed politicians who made Guyana the poor house and the laughing stock of the Caribbean.

Where people from Nevis, tired of their primary schools being over run by Guyanese kids, asking "how come you all Guyanese have so much gold and let all of you are over here in Nevis?" 

And yes I did read some where that the gov't of Nevis is being overburdened with the task of educating the kids of immigrants from Guyana and the DR. The DR immigrants being the descendants of Nevisians who migrated there 100 years ago, so having some entitlement to be there.  So the ire being directed towards the Guyanese.

So build huge monuments to celebrate Jagan and Burnham for the feat that the accomplished. Turning Guyanese into refugees showing up in overcrowded islands where they aren't wanted. 

You will note that prior to these "gentlemen" rising to the helm Caribbean people migrated TO Guyana!

Your verbal diarrhea is like a soft willy.  It's not germane to the topic.

I am following Dnayael.

I am gone. Really wasting time with the likes of you all.


caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

More reasons why they should become museums for future generations to see and learn  not to make the  same mistakes.  What we are seeing here is Burnhamism  being played allover again.  Why is Granger not using the courts but rather flexing his muscles?

Why not we preserve and give reverence to two failed politicians who made Guyana the poor house and the laughing stock of the Caribbean.

Where people from Nevis, tired of their primary schools being over run by Guyanese kids, asking "how come you all Guyanese have so much gold and let all of you are over here in Nevis?" 

And yes I did read some where that the gov't of Nevis is being overburdened with the task of educating the kids of immigrants from Guyana and the DR. The DR immigrants being the descendants of Nevisians who migrated there 100 years ago, so having some entitlement to be there.  So the ire being directed towards the Guyanese.

So build huge monuments to celebrate Jagan and Burnham for the feat that the accomplished. Turning Guyanese into refugees showing up in overcrowded islands where they aren't wanted. 

You will note that prior to these "gentlemen" rising to the helm Caribbean people migrated TO Guyana!

Your verbal diarrhea is like a soft willy.  It's not germane to the topic.

I am following Dnayael.

I am gone. Really wasting time with the likes of you all.


You crossed the boundaries. You should have the decency to apologise.


Why do people delude themselves by thinking their presence here is a benefit to someone else? Why do people treat this place like it is some higher institute of learning and get disappointed or upset when others don't confer to their specifications? This is where we lime and the time we spend here is of our own choice. No one else owe anyone anything for being here. I am just saying.

TK posted:

 What is ominous is the head of the public service, Mr Harmon, could be a law unto himself. Placing a politician to head the public service was Granger's original sin. He should have taken the example of Hoyte and place a non-politician to head the public service. Harmon must not be sending people to bully anyone. Let the courts and police deal with the matter. I see some PNC supporters are jumping for joy without seeing the irony and danger.


Donkey cart economy TK and the Afc gang of fools continue to live in denial. It is the complete gang from head to toes that is anti-koolie. It is the ideology that rules the gang. Ham Greene is the ideological godfather of this anti-koolie racist gang.





Last edited by Prashad
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

More reasons why they should become museums for future generations to see and learn  not to make the  same mistakes.  What we are seeing here is Burnhamism  being played allover again.  Why is Granger not using the courts but rather flexing his muscles?

Why not we preserve and give reverence to two failed politicians who made Guyana the poor house and the laughing stock of the Caribbean.

Where people from Nevis, tired of their primary schools being over run by Guyanese kids, asking "how come you all Guyanese have so much gold and let all of you are over here in Nevis?" 

And yes I did read some where that the gov't of Nevis is being overburdened with the task of educating the kids of immigrants from Guyana and the DR. The DR immigrants being the descendants of Nevisians who migrated there 100 years ago, so having some entitlement to be there.  So the ire being directed towards the Guyanese.

So build huge monuments to celebrate Jagan and Burnham for the feat that the accomplished. Turning Guyanese into refugees showing up in overcrowded islands where they aren't wanted. 

You will note that prior to these "gentlemen" rising to the helm Caribbean people migrated TO Guyana!

Your verbal diarrhea is like a soft willy.  It's not germane to the topic.

I am following Dnayael.

I am gone. Really wasting time with the likes of you all.


See what I said about accountability.  The PNC crew are all running for the hills.  They have all done their dirty work.  Guyana is on the doomsday train to nowhere and their heads are hung in shame.  When the PPP was in power they were out in full force cussing Jagdeo. They all knew who thief and who didn't thief.  They should stay and cuss Granger.  At least a few of them admitted their mistakes.  Hatred and jealousy is a bad thing people.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "Guyanese should beware that is how Burnham started his descent into authoritarianism."

Wake up, Django. Gilbakka already wake up with a jolt. As I love to say, coming events cast their shadows beforehand. I see darkness ahead over Guyana. The APNU+AFC regime has made a series of indefensible moves since its accession to power 19 months ago. Worse is progressing to worst. Those of us who have supported the Coalition and who have a Conscience MUST STAND UP and let the Coalition know that we refuse to rubber-stamp their actions. And we reserve the right to walk away from the Coalition as I did yesterday December 30. 

And I deeply respect that!

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

But, I can say this with frankness, given the history of the PNC: this will not deter them from making Indians second class citizens in their own country, and the slide towards Burnhamism will continue.

Quite a strong statement Vish.

During the campaign this was a point I always raised and why, with their shortcoming, I stuck with the PPP.  All the fools and clowns who ran and cozy up to the PNC were making a huge mistake.  I said the AFC will not be able to hold back the PNC Burnhamite class.  I never trusted Granger, he was a smiling snake, a racist who make give you katahars a fool-good factor built on pretense.

Those Indians who helped bury their own in Guyana should never be welcomed.  The TK's Mitwahs, Kishanbs, Djanngo, Gilbaka and those myopic selfish fools whose only agenda was "seeing the back of BJ" (VVP included) are all traitors to Indians.

So stop your lamenting you fools, grow some balls, go and join the protests.  TK, go run and beg massa Granger, you were proud to go and suck up to him.  Now is your chance to redeem yourself and take Horseman and the rest of the jokers with you.

Gilly wake you, for a big man you are juvenile and speak with forked a tongue.  The PNC don't give one damn about if they walk. The PNC already has the machinery to mitigate the AFC, they no longer need them.  They (you all) have been used, "F'd and chucked", as some would say.  The AFC is now a laid-out hen, no more value, just a headless smelly old wet fowl.  Stop making jackasses of yourselves!!

There is NOTHING any of you can do, the PNC and their constituency have it all in their hands and the have the mother of all enforcers (GDF) to do it.  The blood and tears of Indians will be shed by the Indians in Guyana, not you dunce fools, jokers and jackasses in North America prancing in concerns of falsehood.

D2 left GNI because "mission accomplished".  Expect Caribj to do the same.  They will leave the loyalist like baseman to fight with you coolie katahars traitors while they laugh all the way into Govt for the next 50 years, or Until Venezuela ride to the rescue!

Indians in Guyana are an extinct constituency!

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

Your verbal diarrhea is like a soft willy.  It's not germane to the topic.

I am following Dnayael.

I am gone. Really wasting time with the likes of you all.


Correct, as I said Mission accomplished.  I don't blame you, you spoke and fought for you people.  It's the coolie traitors who are to blame for the tears of Indians.  Good luck, I'm sure we will see your name somewhere!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Why do people delude themselves by thinking their presence here is a benefit to someone else?

OK then. continue to post here in this racist cesspit.

No more Caribj to bother you.


I come and go freely my friend. Sometimes I am gone for days. Other times, I am here 24/7. GNI is where I hang out when I wish and the administrators have been very generous to me in this regard. Anyway, best wishes.

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger dictatorial nature has been revealed.

Granger is stubborn, but passive aggressive.  Look to Harmon to see the true cause of the problem.

But then docility is the nature of the Guyanese, in addition to being opportunistic.  APNU AFC will do as much as the population allows them to do.  If the population doesn't like it they need to stand up to it.  If they allow it, then obviously they aren't bothered by it.



Guys, pay attention to what Caribj is saying.   Harmon is the real culprit. Granger is there for the pay and the pension.

Civic society needs to be mobilised against this bully.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

See what I said about accountability.  The PNC crew are all running for the hills.  They have all done their dirty work.  Guyana is on the doomsday train to nowhere and their heads are hung in shame.  When the PPP was in power they were out in full force cussing Jagdeo. They all knew who thief and who didn't thief.  They should stay and cuss Granger.  At least a few of them admitted their mistakes.  Hatred and jealousy is a bad thing people.

Jagdeo was a bully and he pissed off a lot of people. So don't go knocking us for taking  a stand against these bullies. The PPP/C need someone else other than Jagdeo to carry the fight; Civil Society needs to be mobilised to fight these new Dictators. The real culprit is Harmon. Granger is there for the term.

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo was a bully and he pissed off a lot of people. So don't go knocking us for taking  a stand against these bullies. The PPP/C need someone else other than Jagdeo to carry the fight; Civil Society needs to be mobilised to fight these new Dictators. The real culprit is Harmon. Granger is there for the term.

Unfortunately, until Jagdeo became the PPP leader, the PPP was basically impotent and being pushed around by the PNC. It was because of Jagdeo that the PNC bullying ways was somewhat tempered. The crime wave before Roger Khan's intervention would have wiped out a lot of citizen confidence and business activities. Dire consequence demanded a strong and resolute leader and Jagdeo provided that. Jagdeo left and the Opposition bullied Ramotar. Jagdeo came back and told them to their face that he is not afraid of them. Those are powerful words because the PNC and their supporters were placed on notice that they are dealing with a leader who they cannot bully. Nothing stops a bully in their tracks faster than one standing up to them and that is what Jagdeo does. Even from the Opposition bench. And he isn't making any 'mo fiah slo fiah' threats like those PNC dudes. Unfortunately Guyanese in May 2015 bet on their demise.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is Harmon the real culprit?  Because he has Moses and Rumjhaat firmly stamped under his GDF boot?  You all pushed Granger in there to rule Guyana, knowing fully well what the ramifications will be.  You should be celebrating!  Your Mission is Accomplished!  

Jagdeo and his band of crooks were to avaricious. They thought that they would rule for life. Neither the PPP nor the PNC are fit to rule Guyana.

Last edited by Mitwah
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo was a bully and he pissed off a lot of people. So don't go knocking us for taking  a stand against these bullies. The PPP/C need someone else other than Jagdeo to carry the fight; Civil Society needs to be mobilised to fight these new Dictators. The real culprit is Harmon. Granger is there for the term.

Unfortunately, until Jagdeo became the PPP leader, the PPP was basically impotent and being pushed around by the PNC. It was because of Jagdeo that the PNC bullying ways was somewhat tempered. The crime wave before Roger Khan's intervention would have wiped out a lot of citizen confidence and business activities. Dire consequence demanded a strong and resolute leader and Jagdeo provided that. Jagdeo left and the Opposition bullied Ramotar. Jagdeo came back and told them to their face that he is not afraid of them. Those are powerful words because the PNC and their supporters were placed on notice that they are dealing with a leader who they cannot bully. Nothing stops a bully in their tracks faster than one standing up to them and that is what Jagdeo does. Even from the Opposition bench. And he isn't making any 'mo fiah slo fiah' threats like those PNC dudes. Unfortunately Guyanese in May 2015 bet on their demise.

Ksaz - On Point!  Best comment on this thread! That right there is nothing but the truth.  Jagdeo rose to the occasion when he was needed most.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo was a bully and he pissed off a lot of people. So don't go knocking us for taking  a stand against these bullies. The PPP/C need someone else other than Jagdeo to carry the fight; Civil Society needs to be mobilised to fight these new Dictators. The real culprit is Harmon. Granger is there for the term.

Unfortunately, until Jagdeo became the PPP leader, the PPP was basically impotent and being pushed around by the PNC. It was because of Jagdeo that the PNC bullying ways was somewhat tempered. The crime wave before Roger Khan's intervention would have wiped out a lot of citizen confidence and business activities. Dire consequence demanded a strong and resolute leader and Jagdeo provided that. Jagdeo left and the Opposition bullied Ramotar. Jagdeo came back and told them to their face that he is not afraid of them. Those are powerful words because the PNC and their supporters were placed on notice that they are dealing with a leader who they cannot bully. Nothing stops a bully in their tracks faster than one standing up to them and that is what Jagdeo does. Even from the Opposition bench. And he isn't making any 'mo fiah slo fiah' threats like those PNC dudes. Unfortunately Guyanese in May 2015 bet on their demise.

Ksaz - On Point!  Best comment on this thread! That right there is nothing but the truth.  Jagdeo rose to the occasion when he was needed most.

Indeed. If Jagdeo was anything like Cheddie, Hoyte, Corbin and Trotman would have had him on his knees. Ramotar was a decent man. My guess is more decent than Jagdeo and the PNC supported by the AFC made his three years of governance a nightmare. Jagdeo came back and said to their face "I am not afraid of you". That must have made them freeze.

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

But, I can say this with frankness, given the history of the PNC: this will not deter them from making Indians second class citizens in their own country, and the slide towards Burnhamism will continue.

Quite a strong statement Vish.

D2 left GNI because "mission accomplished".  Expect Caribj to do the same.  They will leave the loyalist like baseman to fight with you coolie katahars traitors while they laugh all the way into Govt for the next 50 years, or Until Venezuela ride to the rescue!

Indians in Guyana are an extinct constituency!

You will battle with windmills.

Suh Venezuela will rescue the Indos,

You are a traitor,

By the way more Indos migrate under the so called savior from FH,the numbers are declining.

Today i am considering to make my last post [may consider to repost in the future,time to take a break],will peep in to see how the crew are doing.

Last edited by Django
Leonora posted:

Oh lord, Granger's henchmen are fleeing GNI.  

Leonora, should we forget the record of

Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton,

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean,

Edgehill, Witicka and Bynoe

and Keep Voting for the PPP?


Or should We distance ourselves

from those Black Thugs,

Killers, Rapist,

Kick-down-door Bandits

and Ballot Box Thieves?????

Mitwah posted:
Leonora posted:

Oh lord, Granger's henchmen are fleeing GNI.  

Leonora, should we forget the record of

Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton,

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean,

Edgehill, Witicka and Bynoe

and Keep Voting for the PPP?


Or should We distance ourselves

from those Black Thugs,

Killers, Rapist,

Kick-down-door Bandits

and Ballot Box Thieves?????

Those were indeed bad dudes when they worked for and supported the PNC prior to 1992. It may just be that Jagdeo was wise to know that he doesn't want these bad dudes undermining his efforts so he brought them onboard. May not be what decent folks do but then again, there was only one Jesus Christ.

The end result is that their witlessness seem to end when they walked away from the PNC. From that viewpoint, it is hard to argue with Jagdeo's decision to separate them from the PNC.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:


Today i am considering to make my last post [may consider to repost in the future,time to take a break],will peep in to see how the crew are doing.

If you do Django, all the best. We may have disagreed politically but hopefully it was done respectfully.


You are a fair guy,i can't recall we had any fights in cyberworld sharing our views.

Last edited by Django

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