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Former Member

Anything can happen between now and Monday.

The pollman Bisram says no-confidence motion is at bottom of Guyanese list of priorities. He says crime is concern #1 and chikungunia concern #2.

David Granger says President Ramotar will choose the coward's way if he prorogues or dissolves parliament before no-confidence motion debate.

APNU and AFC leaders met yesterday and affirmed a united position on Monday's sitting.

Johnny Welshman's 3-day ultimatum for Speaker Trotman to resign has ended. I hope Welshman doesn't try to harm Trotman physically before Monday.


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The duration of the debate will depend on the number of MPs who want to speak on the motion. As the mover and seconder of the motion, Moses Nagamootoo and Cathy Hughes will speak. APNU leader Granger will certainly speak too, to justify APNU's support of the motion. On the government side, Leader of the House Sam Hinds and chief whip Gail Texeira are sure to have their say, as will PPP GS Rohee.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Anything can happen between now and Monday.

The pollman Bisram says no-confidence motion is at bottom of Guyanese list of priorities. He says crime is concern #1 and chikungunia concern #2.

David Granger says President Ramotar will choose the coward's way if he prorogues or dissolves parliament before no-confidence motion debate.

APNU and AFC leaders met yesterday and affirmed a united position on Monday's sitting.

Johnny Welshman's 3-day ultimatum for Speaker Trotman to resign has ended. I hope Welshman doesn't try to harm Trotman physically before Monday.


To eliminate Concern #2 Chikungunia - stop eating chicken lolo.!

Last edited by Former Member

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