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ronan posted:

we are at an impasse

i was in Guyana recently, and the big-picture sense of betrayal among Afro-Guyanese was palpable and is informing a sense of siege

thanks Bharrat . . . i hope you and the criminal NEPS are satisfied


Guyana has a history of betrayal by Afro when elections comes around. Charandass has now become their scapegoat. 

Most Blacks are suffering under their own kind  for mismanagement and they blame Indians . Only the smart blacks see progress under any other race than their own. 

Unless Black gets out of that mindset of entitlement and changes their lifestyle and take that responsible attitude, they will continue to blame others for their downfall. 

Dave posted:
ronan posted:

we are at an impasse

i was in Guyana recently, and the big-picture sense of betrayal among Afro-Guyanese was palpable and is informing a sense of siege

thanks Bharrat . . . i hope you and the criminal NEPS are satisfied


Guyana has a history of betrayal by Afro when elections comes around. Charandass has now become their scapegoat. 

Most Blacks are suffering under their own kind  for mismanagement and they blame Indians . Only the smart blacks see progress under any other race than their own. 

Unless Black gets out of that mindset of entitlement and changes their lifestyle and take that responsible attitude, they will continue to blame others for their downfall. 

A few more points. 

Their is no race division as you claim. You may have surround yourself to a few slumps, the general atmosphere is one of happiness and the majority of the country has no time politically of what goes on. 

The politicians feed of the uneducated so they can get a handsome paycheque. 

ronan posted:

we are at an impasse

i was in Guyana recently, and the big-picture sense of betrayal among Afro-Guyanese was palpable and is informing a sense of siege

thanks Bharrat . . . i hope you and the criminal NEPS are satisfied


What a looser move! Get it in that confused brain ( talking of knuckle dragging) - Our history of mutual distrust did not begin yesterday nor did it reach to its peak levels these past half a century by one act of supposed treachery by one side or the other. It got this way through thousands of tiny cuts remembered and iconized into sacred victim-hood status.

Charrandas did nothing to the PNC the PNC did not do in its collusion with the AFC to force the PPP into early elections.  Granger's unilateral choice of Patterson is a recent grievous wounding to the body politic when he is clearly seen as gaming the system.

BTW he is in office because many Indians broke ranks with the PPP and give him the benefit of the doubt even knowing he was part of Burnham's dictatorship enabling  machinery. Indian defection from the PPP  caused him to be in office. 


KP, never throw a whole group in 1 basket. I agree MANY Afros in Guyana are totally blinded by race and will stay in that condition forever. Nothing will change them. Is it there level of education or lack of? Is is the Congress Place training or is it training at home?

Afros in this group stuck to the PNc despite given rice flour bread and brown water for dinner BUT the Indians in 2015 gave the PPP the shaft because they feel the PPP was not open and transparent enough.

I can go on and on making the case but I will use one example. Had the PPP disregard the CCJ, refuse to hold election , act unilaterally in every decision, commit corruption, nepotism and worst with impunity in large numbers, the place would have been on FIRE. So this group of slavish supporters are not about facts, reality, rule of law and fairness, they as I said are blinded by their RACISM and HATE!!!

ronan posted:

we are at an impasse

i was in Guyana recently, and the big-picture sense of betrayal among Afro-Guyanese was palpable and is informing a sense of siege

thanks Bharrat . . . i hope you and the criminal NEPS are satisfied


It has been obvious since 2015 that Jagdeo wishes a return of the early 60s.

The latest is his screams that he has done loads for blacks.  Well blacks don't agree and he needs to ask himself why. 

ksazma posted:

I wonder if he took the time to inform the Afro-Guyanese that their mistrust was misguided?

Afro Guyanese mistrust for the PPP is no more misguided than Indo Guyanese mistrust for the PNC.

Now should I tell Indians that they did perfectly fine under PNC rule so should cease bellyaching? 

Or should you admit that you don't know or like Afro Guyanese so are UNQUALIFIED to tell them what to think?

ronan posted:

we are at an impasse

i was in Guyana recently, and the big-picture sense of betrayal among Afro-Guyanese was palpable and is informing a sense of siege

thanks Bharrat . . . i hope you and the criminal NEPS are satisfied


You are pathetic!  Did Charrandas started the race issue in Guyana!  Did the massacres at Wismar and the Buxton FF movement, aided and abetted by the national security apparatus, spawned by Charrandas?

Charrandass reacted to the AFC being back-stabbed!

Stormborn posted:

Charrandas did nothing to the PNC the PNC did not do in its collusion with the AFC to force the PPP into early elections.

of a piece with the steady drip drip of stupidness from you of late

the fact that your truly 4th rate 'intellect' cannot wrap itself around so obvious a difference is mind boggling

but then again, you did remind all who formerly took you seriously as an interlocutor here that yours is really an elaborate drugb-like pose for attention and ego-stroking stitched up in rags of infantile deception

and btw, i moved on to a radical low-salt diet 15 years ago and never looked back . . . sorry


Last edited by Former Member
  • When paramedics show up to get their patient, one of the first things they do is stick them with an iv needle attached to a bag of saltwater. Sodium damages...moderation is the key.

"A person with high sodium in their system tend to have a telltale sign in the eyes...a scurf ring around the edge of their iris(es)...could also be high cholestrol.... said Cain the Iridologist as he left the building.

Last edited by cain

i am unsurprised that the Indo-Klan resident here chose to holler about "wismar" and cutlass the usual red herring trails to another 'blackman always-ah-kill-aabee-and-rape-we-daughta' PPP plantation rally rather than actually read and try to elevate understanding of the very simple truths i point to

if y'all paused and reflected on why i used the term "Indian Civil Society" in Guyana rather than "Indians" or "Indian people" . . . y'all would likely get a clue

it's funny that that those most 'unctuous' braying here about 'normal' and  'process' seem to have forgotten, Charrandass aside, how EVERY important Indian MP in the Coalition with the exception of Amna Ally and Minister Ronald Bulkan was gleefully, knowingly? spotlighted on GNI as an 11th hour betrayer (if needed) awaiting the 'signal' from Freedom House

yes, all Indians . . . ONLY Indians

y'all think that this kind of behavior, multiplied hundreds (thousands?) of times in other fora does not have an effect on Black people watching things unfold?

Afro-Guyanese took stuff like this as instructive and, of course, it wasn't true . . . but my point is clear

the deliberately unintelligent, shameful conduct of other pillars of 'Indo-Guyanese Civil Society'. . . much of 'that side' of the intellectual class, local media, Chambers of Commerce, NEPS, etc., etc., and the corrosive effects arising therefrom is a subject i will address in depth, perhaps, elsewhere

and i will do the same for the 'Afro-Guyanese Civil Society' . . . much, much less powerful and influential, but similarly reactionary and dangerous especially given that, in the very recent political dispensation, they have the ear and sympathy of the Granger Government

and please, let's shut down this nonsense that "Charrandass" is the flip side of the AFC party and the APNU party pooling their parliamentary strength to force early elections on the PPP

that line of 'argument' is just dumb and showcases garden variety dunceness on one hand, and on the other . . . tribal tiefman camouflage & cunning in the age of oil

Last edited by Former Member

However you turn it or twist it, whenever parts of Guyana was set ablaze, it was the PNC and their supporters who set it ablaze. No act by Charandas or any of the other Indians in the Coalition can outdo those acts. You moan and groan like you own the oil and that the PNC and its supporters must claim it by whatever means necessary. If Indians in Guyana are doing better, it is not because they were bestowed with what they have.


When the PNC took over the governance of Guyana their first time around, Guyana was the breadbasket of the Caribbean. During their rule, they transformed it into the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere only behind Haiti. Now they and their supporters are having orgasms over the impending evacuation of oil. The trouble is that no amount of oil will be sufficient for the PNC to prove anything other than their gross incompetence. They have the ability to keep Guyana as the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere even with oil being evacuated everywhere.

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

Charrandas did nothing to the PNC the PNC did not do in its collusion with the AFC to force the PPP into early elections.

of a piece with the steady drip drip of stupidness from you of late

the fact that your truly 4th rate 'intellect' cannot wrap itself around so obvious a difference is mind boggling

but then again, you did remind all who formerly took you seriously as an interlocutor here that yours is really an elaborate drugb-like pose for attention and ego-stroking stitched up in rags of infantile deception

and btw, i moved on to a radical low-salt diet 15 years ago and never looked back . . . sorry


Let me see, every inference you make is wrapped in a mantle of intellectual  elegance and only could be crafted by you! Listen you pompous fool. Both acts had the same intended purposes and both parties screamed it was treachery of the ultimate kind. Even today the same is the conclusion by their supporters. Ignorant ruminations about obvious difference reside only in your head. 

The rest is just a feeble attempt at being rude. Worse, you have taken to the same refuge of all the shallow trolls  here who pretend they know me. 

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

i am unsurprised that the Indo-Klan resident here chose to holler about "wismar" and cutlass the usual red herring trails to another 'blackman always-ah-kill-aabee-and-rape-we-daughta' PPP plantation rally rather than actually read and try to elevate understanding of the very simple truths i point to

if y'all paused and reflected on why i used the term "Indian Civil Society" in Guyana rather than "Indians" or "Indian people" . . . y'all would likely get a clue

it's funny that that those most 'unctuous' braying here about 'normal' and  'process' seem to have forgotten, Charrandass aside, how EVERY important Indian MP in the Coalition with the exception of Amna Ally and Minister Ronald Bulkan was gleefully, knowingly? spotlighted on GNI as an 11th hour betrayer (if needed) awaiting the 'signal' from Freedom House

yes, all Indians . . . ONLY Indians

y'all think that this kind of behavior, multiplied hundreds (thousands?) of times in other fora does not have an effect on Black people watching things unfold?

Afro-Guyanese took stuff like this as instructive and, of course, it wasn't true . . . but my point is clear

the deliberately unintelligent, shameful conduct of other pillars of 'Indo-Guyanese Civil Society'. . . much of 'that side' of the intellectual class, local media, Chambers of Commerce, NEPS, etc., etc., and the corrosive effects arising therefrom is a subject i will address in depth, perhaps, elsewhere

and i will do the same for the 'Afro-Guyanese Civil Society' . . . much, much less powerful and influential, but similarly reactionary and dangerous especially given that, in the very recent political dispensation, they have the ear and sympathy of the Granger Government

and please, let's shut down this nonsense that "Charrandass" is the flip side of the AFC party and the APNU party pooling their parliamentary strength to force early elections on the PPP

that line of 'argument' is just dumb and showcases garden variety dunceness on one hand, and on the other . . . tribal tiefman camouflage & cunning in the age of oil

All of that was not persuasive that Charrandas's "sin" was unique or any more egregiousness to the sentiments of Indians of all ilk when the AFC did it to the PPP.  Check the records of the rage against Ramjattan et al.

However, you may try to make  this as a unique brand of treachery against Africans will not make it so. This is the same battle field where all events and vituperative vocalizations of grievances unfold. The prize is always the state and it matters not how the axe is swung or where it hits or how gaping the wound. It is for the same purpose and both sides are fully engaged in the struggle and culpable for its on going burden on the society. 

Pretending that your smarts slices  through the smog that beings of a lesser god fail to apprehend is  your favorite trope and make sense only to you. It does not clarify the actions and event unfolding in our political landscape. Actually it represents the usual  failure of supposed smart people to see we need to acknowledge that we cannot settle our differences using the same political paradigm....each side defending ethnic turf and blaming the other side for their current woes. 


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