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Former Member

The cheap politics of the AFC

The Alliance for Change (AFC) lacks the political integrity, uprightness, and testosterones to ever speak to Guyanese again as an independent political organism. Placed simply, the party has betrayed all of the ideals that it stood for as ‘the third force’ in Guyana not because it decided to join the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) coalition but because it is willing to go along with all of the recent sins and poor policies articulated by those at the helm of the Government. From its press statement released on Saturday, November 7, 2015, it is clear the party has no interest in standing on the side of the working class because of the benefits and perks that its principals now enjoy at the expense of the country’s treasury. Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership. The attempt by AFC to lash out at the PPP over its stance on the exorbitant salary increases that will be enjoyed by the Government Ministers, and the PPP’s position on parliament was weak, a sign of desperation and a cheap attempt to justify the coalition’s climbing anti-people endeavors. In essence, the party sought to create a diversion from the missteps of the government by claiming it had the “goods” on the PPP and evidence of some secret bank accounts being held by PPP members with fabulous amounts therein. The AFC, which apparently came out of vacation mode, described the public outrage over the salary increases as a “hullabaloo”, again disrespecting the thousands of Guyanese, countless stakeholders and right groups who are hurt and ashamed by the Government’s selfishness. The party’s statement has further convinced Guyanese that the AFC has lost its way. Whenever a political party reaches the point where it attempts to defend wrongs and excesses, it is unambiguously on its way to decline, and is contributing to the rise of tyranny and creeping authoritarianism. If the AFC has evidence of PPP corruption while in office, they should hand it over to the police and relevant authority as it could not be anything new considering the party’s position from the time of its creation. If the party fails to make public its information on the secret accounts, Guyanese should express outrage and pressure its principals to come forward with the information in the public’s interest. If it does not, every single MP should resign for misleading the public and breaching its trust. After all, Guyanese have not forgotten the cheap publicly stunt pulled by the party when it said at the time of the budget debates that it had information the PPP had offered millions to then opposition APNU parliamentarians to vote against their party’s position on the no confidence motion. In the end the party was found lying but that matter was swept under the carpet. One would have thought the AFC would have been better served trying to keep its party offices open and officials working on the ground. The party should be working to produce authentic audit reports of its funding, campaign expenses and other internal matters ahead of its next staged convention. The party should also waste no time in developing a public relations strategy that would seek to explain to voters its betrayal of its trust, the fact that its Prime Minister was fooled and reduced to an Information Minister under the very Cummingsberg Accord which should have seen him having ‘super powers’. Guyanese must never trust the AFC again if it cannot demonstrate the dignity and integrity to at least openly disagree with its coalition partner on matters that touch sand of the country’s political foundation and culture. Indeed under the new dispensation, change has come to Guyana and it has indeed exposed the true nature of a party that once offered people here hope and the chance of new leadership. The AFC cannot survive the next five years under the leadership of its current “fattened” executives.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership.

Originally Posted by asj:

Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership.

Nagamootoo is a dirty person.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership.

Nagamootoo is a dirty person.

And who makes you and Jagdeo clean ?

Bai, quit talking from your rear end.

Originally Posted by asj:

Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership.

Nagamootto doesn't have what it takes to move Guyana forward. After he switched, I was still doubtful of his abilities. And I have been critical of him all along. He is more a prestige person. In alot ways he is correct when he claims CBJ is his mentor. The proof is right there. CBJ enslaved the mentality of rural Indians. By keeping them dumb, CBJ choose lack luster leadership standing beside him.


Both Jagdeo and Nagamoottoo are proof of CBJ's wanton decisions. Both Jagdeo ad Nagamoottoo display their arrogance on democratic principles-Just like CBJ. 


Cooolie ppl need to hear a new voice. In any case, they ain listening to Nagamootto.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership.

Nagamootoo is a dirty person.

And who makes you and Jagdeo clean ?

Bai, quit talking from your rear end.

Deal with the present, Jagdeo is not the leader.The country is in a total mess, no growth, crime increased, no job creation, businesses are loosing money, shops are closing. I am closing my business in G/T by the end of December 2015, unfortunate 18 people will be unemployed.I am doing this because there is no security,no political stability, the man in the street would tell you that the coalition has broken, areas where the Indians live are not being represented. AFC have lost over 50% of their support. Tell us the positive things the government is doing, show us the proof.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"The Alliance for Change (AFC) lacks the political integrity, uprightness, and testosterones to ever speak to Guyanese again as an independent political organism."

Whoever wrote this piece of crap should get out of the business of writing. What are "testosterones" and why would anyone need them in order to speak as an independent political organization?


Don't worry about the AFC.  Dem already dead, and soon to be gone.  Their sole purpose now is to keep the majority vote in Parliament.  There is no other use for them.  Granger has dem like his puppets.  He is using them to do all his dirty work like change Diwali dates and other useless things to keep them busy.  The PNC boys are in charge.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership.

Nagamootoo is a dirty person.

These SHAMELESS Dogs here can only bark against the PPP.  Brigadier and a crew flew on a Private Jet to Saudi Arabia, you will not hear a word from these BASTARDS!!!!

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Don't worry about the AFC.  Dem already dead, and soon to be gone.  Their sole purpose now is to keep the majority vote in Parliament.  There is no other use for them.  Granger has dem like his puppets.  He is using them to do all his dirty work like change Diwali dates and other useless things to keep them busy.  The PNC boys are in charge.

I will have more to say after Diwali is over!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership.

Nagamootoo is a dirty person.

These SHAMELESS Dogs here can only bark against the PPP.  Brigadier and a crew flew on a Private Jet to Saudi Arabia, you will not hear a word from these BASTARDS!!!!

Why? Isn't haj done.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
These SHAMELESS Dogs here can only bark against the PPP.  Brigadier and a crew flew on a Private Jet to Saudi Arabia, you will not hear a word from these BASTARDS!!!!

poor stupid u


anybady got a lil shave ice for this fool

Originally Posted by kp:

Deal with the present, Jagdeo is not the leader.The country is in a total mess, no growth, crime increased, no job creation, businesses are loosing money, shops are closing. I am closing my business in G/T by the end of December 2015, unfortunate 18 people will be unemployed.I am doing this because there is no security,no political stability, the man in the street would tell you that the coalition has broken, areas where the Indians live are not being represented. AFC have lost over 50% of their support. Tell us the positive things the government is doing, show us the proof.


Listen the AFC brought in 5% Indian votes, so if they lost 50% of them that is not anything major, as the Indian population will continue to shrink, and the mixed population will continue to grow.


You lot thinks that the sun rises and sets around the Indo vote, but this past election should have shown you otherwise.


Unless you are a racist hypocrite you would admit that NONE of the problems which presently exist couldn't have been anticipated under PPP rule.


If you claim that APNU/AFC aren't up to the task, then you complaints might have legitimacy.  But to pretend as if all was well prior to May 11th is pure racism.


As to the exclusion of Indians....well blacks were excluded under the PPP but I didn't hear you complain.  You see when one side excludes the other all that is achieved is a thirst for revenge. So you ought to be have been cognizant of the exclusion of blacks by the PPP, if you really cared about Indians in Guyana.


But then as a racist member of the Indo KKK you really don't think that Guyana ought to be a multi ethnic society where all have rights, and where the fate of one group depends on how well or poorly the other groups do.

Last edited by Former Member

Shyte bro, the man may be thinking of a government and an opposition. Blackman razz also getting fewer and fewer in Guyana. Somebody ****ing(like coitus) also the blackman out of the equation.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Don't worry about the AFC.  Dem already dead, and soon to be gone.  Their sole purpose now is to keep the majority vote in Parliament.  There is no other use for them.  Granger has dem like his puppets.  He is using them to do all his dirty work like change Diwali dates and other useless things to keep them busy.  The PNC boys are in charge.

I will have more to say after Diwali is over!!!

You seem to be doing fine...why stop

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Don't worry about the AFC.  Dem already dead, and soon to be gone.  Their sole purpose now is to keep the majority vote in Parliament.  There is no other use for them.  Granger has dem like his puppets.  He is using them to do all his dirty work like change Diwali dates and other useless things to keep them busy.  The PNC boys are in charge.

just come out of prison or else i will give a answer 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Shyte bro, the man may be thinking of a government and an opposition. Blackman razz also getting fewer and fewer in Guyana. Somebody ****ing(like coitus) also the blackman out of the equation.

The mixed population is growing, and the vast majority vote APNU, or AFC, and with the PPP screaming that it is a "coolie party" that isn't going to change.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Greed, vindictiveness and pride have consumed all of those AFC leaders who once stood before the electorate to criticize the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) about the manner in which it governed, and the lifestyles pursued by its members. Today, the evidence of extravagancies continues to climb and one only needs to look at the lifestyle, posture, tone, pension, and perks enjoyed by Vice Presidents Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan to understand the double standards and shocking levels of hypocrisy that have enamored the core of the AFC’s leadership.

Nagamootoo is a dirty person.

And who makes you and Jagdeo clean ?

Bai, quit talking from your rear end.

The likes of Dirty Indians.


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