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Bai Shan Lin circumvents Guyana’s logging laws…Ships Billions $$$$ of high priced logs monthly


By Latoya Giles 
Even though Bai Shan Lin International Forest Development Inc. is yet to actually receive a logging licence, the company has teamed up with four companies in joint ventures to export billions of dollars worth in timber monthly.
One official from the Guyana Forestry Commission explained that Bai Shan Lin International Forest Development does not have an actual licence for the Exportation of Logs. What the company has is a State Forest Exploration Permit.
In that permit Bai Shan Lin is required to do an environmental and social assessment study. The company is also required to do a forestry inventory and business plan which is to be submitted to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA).
To circumvent the requirements, Bai Shan Lin has opted for the joint venture deals with Karbana Wood, Wiacho, Haimora Kabra and Paruni Wood Inc. The official said that as it is right now, there should be limited exploration logging.
It was noted that not much is done at the level of the Forestry Commission. “Most things fall under the Ministry of Natural Resources now,” the official told Kaieteur News.
In June Bai Shan Lin submitted an application to the Environmental Protection Agency seeking environmental authorization to undertake a large scale logging and sawmill operation.
According to the public notice which was published, the company asked for the authorization for several areas including the Left Bank Essequibo River, Right Bank Berbice River, Right Bank Essequibo River, Left Bank Corentyne River, Left Bank Lysles River, River Bank Berbice River and Right Bank Powis River, including Regions Nine and Six.
It was noted that the project would entail, felling, extraction of timber and transportation of same to a processing facility. They would also be doing grading, construction of roads, skid trails, bridges, culverts and camps with other ancillary facilities within the concession.
The EPA stated that it fully recognized that the impending works could have “significant impacts” on the environment. Thus, in keeping with the Environmental Protections Act of 1996, an “Environmental Impact Assessment” is required before any decision to approve or reject the project.
As such, the EPA had said that members of the public were invited within 28 days of the notice to make written submissions to it, setting out questions and matters which they required to be answered or considered in the “Environmental Impact Assessment”. It is unclear whether they have completed everything with the EPA.
Bai Shan Lin has been granted a forestry concession that amounts to close on one million hectares of rainforest, from which it plans to extract logs and ship them out of Guyana. The company estimates that it will make US$1,800 from each hectare of land, giving it profits totaling US$1.7 billion, according to
In addition, it sought permission to dig up a 20-kilometre stretch of river to look for gold.
Other plans include setting up what it is calling a Guyana-China Timber Industry Economic and Trading Corporation Park, plus a 400-acre real estate development. The plans were announced in 2012 by Chu Wenze, Chairman of Bai Shan Lin, at the Second World Congress on Timber and Wood Products Trade in Taicang, China.
Those plans were announced even before Guyana knew of it. The country became aware of what was happening only when Bai Shan Lin officials visited Guyana and held discussions with President Donald Ramotar and other Government officials.
The state information agency, GINA had reported that Bai Shan Lin has been in Guyana over the past eight years with operations through the Bai Shan Lin Forest Development Inc. These include Haimorakabra Logging, Karlam South America Timbers, Wood Associated Industries, Kwebanna Wood Productions, Sherwood Forests, Bai Shan Lin Housing Construction, Mining development Inc. and Bai Shan Lin Ship Building and Heavy Industries Inc.
It has been contended that the law does not allow one logging company to take over another, unless the President so agrees.
On, it was stated that in November 2012, Chu Wenze, the Chairman of Chinese logging company Bai Shan Lin, gave a presentation outlining his company’s plans for Guyana at the World Congress in Taicang, China. The company’s plans have threatened Guyana’s proposals to reduce deforestation and forest degradation.
Bai Shan Lin is part of a group of 11 companies operating in Guyana. The 11 are all part of the China Forest Industry Group (Hong Kong). These companies have seven logging concessions in Guyana, covering a total area of 960,000 hectares (about 4.5% of the area of the country).
In November 2012, Whu Wenze and David Dabydeen, Guyana’s Ambassador to China, took part in a signing ceremony for a loan from the Chinese Development Bank for Bai Shan Lin’s forestry projects in Guyana.
According to the website Global Timber, Bai Shan Lin’s concessions were acquired from other concession holders, a process known as “landlording” which is illegal in Guyana (unless officially authorised by the President). Under Guyanese law, forest concessions cannot be traded, but must be re-advertised by the Forestry Commission in an open auction.
Bai Shan Lin also ignored a cease order issued by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission at a sand excavation pit in Moblissa. The company has received no permission for excavation work in the area and this was the third time that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission had cause to issue a cease order. Bai Shan Lin also started construction of a road, without any permission.
Despite the company’s record, among its supporters is Guyana’s ex-President Bharrat Jagdeo, stated. Jagdeo’s photograph was included in Chu Wenze’s presentation, as part of the Guyanese Project Promotion Team for an Economic and Trading Cooperation Park that Bai Shan Lin is developing in Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The only thing Jagdeo is a champion of is thieving.


The fellow is a bandit, a scamp and a crook. His nephew in law is a full out crook himself as well and another bandit.


Dem PPP sadhu like Nehrurrururuurru doan want to hear dat but dese are the facts that does bleed dem ears. The PPP cannot afford to provide proper health care for the poor or the elderly in GY but they can thief nuff nuff.


This man Jgs, is a big tief, he and nephew in law and the anchor children lied to the parliament on bin shan lin and teking bribe for sipping out the logs.


Isn't this the man who is the champion of the earth?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

The Chinese will eat Guyana raw and leave it barren.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

The Chinese will eat Guyana raw and leave it barren.

Where is BJ when we need him?


I man have been warning for years about these Chinese and their business practises. They are going to flatten Guyana and drain every piece of land in search of food and minerals. They have been doing it in Africa for decades. If that is what people want to vote for when they pick the same crooks giving away our inheritance, then Guyana is doomed. We have to collectively decide how we can rescue what is left. The PPP regime is leaving us with nothing by the time they get thrown out of government. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

Too extreme, Skelly. You cannot deport Guyanese born Chinese.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

Too extreme, Skelly. You cannot deport Guyanese born Chinese.

If they look like Chinese, send them back to China regardless whether they were born in Guyana. They have the Chinese genes; they will destroy everything in sight.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Mitts, the champion of the earth is only interested in Norway's money. Do you really believe that he give a shit about preserving Guyana's forest? This man is true example of a leech. he and his ilk will suck that country dry. While his supporters will heap praises on him for a job well done.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

Too extreme, Skelly. You cannot deport Guyanese born Chinese.

If they look like Chinese, send them back to China regardless whether they were born in Guyana. They have the Chinese genes; they will destroy everything in sight.

I understand your feelings Skelly, but that is not going to happen. clear you head, man.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

Too extreme, Skelly. You cannot deport Guyanese born Chinese.

If they look like Chinese, send them back to China regardless whether they were born in Guyana. They have the Chinese genes; they will destroy everything in sight.

I understand your feelings Skelly, but that is not going to happen. clear you head, man.

Sheik, I know it's not going to happen. I hope the people in Guyana keep an eye on them and stop them before it's too late. Don't bring any more of them from China.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

Too extreme, Skelly. You cannot deport Guyanese born Chinese.

If they look like Chinese, send them back to China regardless whether they were born in Guyana. They have the Chinese genes; they will destroy everything in sight.

Skelly, if you had visited their stores, you will see they only hire their own kind.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is Dr. Jagdeo, The Saviour of the Earth. He knows of how the Chinese devastated the forestry in Tibet.


Deport all the Chinese regardless whether they were born in Guyana or not. The Guyanese Chinese will also destroy Guyana if they are not deported.

Too extreme, Skelly. You cannot deport Guyanese born Chinese.

If they look like Chinese, send them back to China regardless whether they were born in Guyana. They have the Chinese genes; they will destroy everything in sight.

Skelly, if you had visited their stores, you will see they only hire their own kind.

They are like that all over the world. I see this in Guyana, NY and Minnesota. My friend who worked in Germany for a while said the same thing about the Chinese hiring their own. Indians from India do the same too.


PPP firebrand yuji22 says the Chinese are good for Guyana. He wants more Chinese in Guyana.

Ten Chinese nationals voted last year at the PPP congress for selected central committee members that included Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee.

Those 10 Chinese puppets displaced 10 genuine PPP delegates and disenfranchised them at the Port Mourant congress.

The raping of Guyana's natural resources by the Chinese must stop. The PPP must be stopped.

Guyanese must take into account despicable PPP-Chinese activities when they vote next elections.


'The raping of Guyana's natural resources by the Chinese must stop. The PPP must be stopped'
Exactly, Gilly. Bai Shan Lin is where the attention should be focused and those who facilitate them.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

'The raping of Guyana's natural resources by the Chinese must stop. The PPP must be stopped'
Exactly, Gilly. Bai Shan Lin is where the attention should be focused and those who facilitate them.

Like I said Sheik, deport all the Chinese now!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is Ramotar the President of Guyana or is it Jagdeo???   Meh want fuh kno.

What an ass you are, Ramu only wear the crown but he does not own it, Jagdeo owns it.



Same story like KING Dhristrastha in the Mahabarat, his son Dhryhodhan was the boss.


A point to be made here is one has not heard squat from the opposition. We do not have recourse to the pillage of our lands if protecting it is not on the front burner of the Opposition as well.


That't nonsense the Chinese in GY who have smaller businesses hire Guyanese. The bigger businesses hire some Guyanese but not as many as they should.


At the end of the day though the PPP are the ones who are encouraging all illegalities these companies are coming to GY and executing.


The PPP should be deported to jail and the Chinese companies be made to follow local laws which are clear about hiring locals.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

That't nonsense the Chinese in GY who have smaller businesses hire Guyanese. The bigger businesses hire some Guyanese but not as many as they should.


At the end of the day though the PPP are the ones who are encouraging all illegalities these companies are coming to GY and executing.


The PPP should be deported to jail and the Chinese companies be made to follow local laws which are clear about hiring locals.

The Chinese do not, never have and will not willingly follow any laws. That is their business model. They know the local state agencies will always cut them a break so they do it over and over and over. They rather pay bribes to the local officers than follow the laws.


The AFC and the APNU has not voiced one word of dissent against this habit. It is not the first infraction by this company. They claim not to owe taxes or dividends or anything. They buldoze trails without asking, encroach on native lands with contempt for local complaints and practice all sorts of poor corporate habits and will do so until an order to suspend operations until conditions are met. Then you have to deal with the chinese government who knows the long mouth politicians are always waiting for a hand out.


Lets hear from the AFC and the APNU....not a damn squeak will come from them because they know they need to be on the money stream as well and are probably sipping tea with these odious fellows already!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

If the PPP aint following any laws why should the chinese or anyone else follow laws?

Because the PPP do not follow the laws we complain and fight. The the chinese do not follow our laws and rob us should rise our communal ire no less. The APNU and the AFC have that obligation.


Pull back airport contract now – AFC

June 6, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Corruption revelations…

Amidst revelations that the Chinese contractor involved in the US$150M Cheddi Jagan International

AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan

Airport project has been banned by World Bank, government has come under pressure to immediately halt it. Yesterday, Parliamentary Leader of the Alliance For Change, Khemraj Ramjattan, called for the contract to be “rescinded forthwith”. Prominent attorney-at-law, Vic Puran, who said he was speaking as a private citizen, also raised questions over due diligence that was conducted by the Guyana government on the firm, China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC). He is calling for the person(s) involved in this process to be named. Due diligence is basically a background check of a business entity or individual prior to signing a contract, thus ensuring their eligibility and credibility. On Tuesday, Jamaica’s Contractor General, Greg Christie, revealed that China Communications Construction Company Limited (CCCC), the parent company of CHEC’s parent company, was debarred by the World Bank in 2009 for eight years as a result of corruption. By extension, CHEC was also debarred. The Contractor General had been investigating how CHEC was awarded the contract. In August 2009, CHEC was awarded a US$400 million contract, on a sole-source basis, by the Government, to execute its Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme. The loan agreement between the China Exim Bank, which financed $340 million of the contract sum, and the Government, was signed in February 2010. Both agreements were executed several months after CHEC had been debarred by the World Bank. In November, Guyana was shocked to learn through Jamaica press that the then Bharrat Jagdeo-led administration signed a US$138M contract with CHEC to rebuild the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) at Timehri. Hundreds of residents and scores of businesses there are to be relocated. Government has defended the controversial project saying that it will be targeting Asia and Africa for passengers. Ramjattan yesterday stressed that the signing of the contract was “…stealthily done. It was done in the 11th hour of the government term in the 9th Parliament. As a matter of fact it was done in the 11th day of the 11th month of 2011.” He questioned the checks that were conducted on CHEC to ensure it was above board for what would be one of the country’s biggest projects after the US$200M Skeldon Factory. “And a government that has not checked diligently the credentials of a company involved in a major construction and a major infrastructural work like this is not worth the trust of the Guyanese people.” With no transparent bidding process done to select CHEC, there could be accusations of kickbacks and bribes against the Guyana government, the Parliamentarian said.

Vic Puran

“The parent company (CCCC) of China Harbour is a very corrupt company, according to the World Bank characterizations.” Ramjattan likened the situation to former New York police commission, Bernard Kerik, who has been jailed on fraud and corruption charges in the US. Guyana had contemplated hiring him to help restructure the police force. According to Ramjattan, it would be ludicrous to hear the government arguing that because Kerik was not jailed in Guyana that he would still be considered for the contract. “Based on that, how the contract was entered into, we Guyanese must regard it as void ab initio (void from the beginning). Even before it was entered into, it was no contract, and it should be rescinded forthwith.” Yesterday also, Puran said “perhaps it is time the name of the person who did the due diligence of CHEC be made public. There must be no place for those who pillage the public purse to hide. For the time being, chastisement in the public court of opinion will have to take the place of punishment of the court of punishment.”


Not only in containers… Chinese vessel exporting logs in bulk


- Company moves like thieves in the night- Residents

The largest logging company in Guyana, Bai Shan Lin, is doing way more than the public knows and is doing so without the permission of relevant authorities.
This newspaper paid a visit to Kwakwani, Region Ten, and found that—in the words of a Kwakwani resident—Bai Shan Lin is “taking all it can get and using every way dem can think of to carry lumber out of this country.”
On the journey to Kwakwani, Kaieteur News noticed a number of loaded trucks, carrying Bai Shan Lin’s logo, making their way to Georgetown. Then there were 24 containers of logs that were shown on the front page of this newspaper Thursday August 7 edition as they waited to be exported.
But when Kaieteur News finally arrived at Kwakwani Waterfront, something else was discovered.
A short distance from Edward’s Crossing, was a freighter already loaded with logs ready to be shipped. On land, just beside where the vessel was anchored, lay hundreds of logs that were already marked and ready to be shipped.
Information received is that Bai Shan Lin, in addition to the numerous containers of logs it sends out every day, uses that vessel to export the merchandise.

The vessel is named Yuan Heng Freighter. Kaieteur News was told that when one boat goes another comes, and so it rotates.
Residents of Kwakwani estimated that no less than 30 container trucks pass through the streets of their community daily. But a worker at the toll booth of Edward’s Crossing told this newspaper different. One person said that 12 trucks pass daily while another said it was about 15.
Kaieteur News has been told that each truck has a toll cost of $50,000.
Residents said that about 10 to 15 trucks pass out through the day, but explained that the greater amount, as many as twice that amount, would leave in the night.
“They move like real thieves in the night. Every religious night when you sleeping you does hear dem passing through, one after de other. But de sound don’t affect we that much no more, we get accustom to it,” said one resident.
Another resident said, “One thing you can’t stop dem Chinese with; dem does wuk hard. Is nah easy fuh prepare all them logs fuh shipment. You got to cut it, mark it and all duh. Me husband use to wuk with dem. Don’t think is no li’l operation. Dem does cut down everything dem lay eye pon.”
In June, Bai Shan Lin submitted an application to the Environmental Protection Agency seeking environmental authorization to undertake a large scale logging and sawmill operation.

According to the public notice, the company asked for the authorization for several areas including the Left Bank Essequibo River, Right Bank Berbice River, Right Bank Essequibo River, Left Bank Corentyne River, Left Bank Lysles River, River Bank Berbice River, and Right Bank Powis River, Regions Nine and Six.
One official from the Guyana Forestry Commission explained that Bai Shan Lin International Forest Development does not have an actual licence for the exportation of logs. What the company has is a Spate Forest Exploration Permit.
Bai Shan Lin was asked before to comply with statutory rules of the relevant agencies. Earlier this year it was found that Bai Shan Lin, even though it is such a major company, did not have the statutory regulatory blessings of Lands and Surveys, Geology and Mines or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Yesterday Kaieteur News confirmed that the EPA has not given Bai Shan Lin permission to operate in the Berbice River. This is the same river that runs through Kwakwani.
Bai Shan Lin has been granted a forestry concession that amounts to close to one million hectares of rainforest, from which it plans to extract logs and ship them out of Guyana. The company estimates that it will make US$1,800 from each hectare of land, giving it profits totaling US$1.7 billion, according to


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