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The CIOG is no innocent body

August 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I refer to a letter by the head of the above named organization, Mr. Fazeel Feroze (“Mr. Kissoon must be aware of the dangers of hearsay from anonymous sources,” KN, August 5, 2014.) I was drowning in the vortex of countless pursuits and could not submit an earlier response. I begin my reply to Mr. Feroze with a personal reflection. In my life on this earth some of God’s most merciless, unethical creatures that should not have been part of society have come from people who either were/are preachers in their respective religions and denominations or people who were/are very religious. In my philosophical scheme of things I place no more value on the character of religious people than ordinary mortals who are not religious or who are non-believers. I was trained at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in Guyanese history and I can say unapologetically the Muslim, Catholic and Hindu churches have played disgraceful and destructive roles in the evolution of contemporary Guyana, the details of which need not occupy us here. Let me make it clear that these thoughts are not directed to Mr. Feroze himself, though I think they do apply to the CIOG, both in its past and present configuration. I will forgive Mr. Feroze for his terrible advice to me to be aware of hearsay from anonymous sources. Mr. Feroze is not a media operative. If he was, he would have known that throughout the modern world, the great journalistic scoops originated from anonymous sources. That is such common knowledge throughout the world and most people know it so no need to belabour the point. However, I would offer some advice to Mr. Feroze. Since his organization is close to Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo and the present government, he should get the Chronicle and the Guyana Times to desist from printing thousands of letter penned by anonymous signatures. Now for Mr. Feroze’s assertion that the CIOG will not condone its intervention in judicial matters, I direct him to the publication of a court case in the April 24, 2010 issue of the Stabroek News. The court heard that Mrs. Shalimar Hack, the DPP and wife of Mr. Moen Hack, the leading scholar of the CIOG had ordered the arrest and charge of narcotic trafficking against police officer Maurice Smith. Smith in his testimony told the court that he felt it was malice against him because he had ordered the search of the suitcases of the Hacks at the airport and for that Mrs. Hack had written to the police to have him dismissed. Mr. Smith was freed of the charge and he was not sacked from the police force. Surely, this does not reflect positively on the image of the CIOG. In that news item, Officer Smith told the court he was summoned to appear in front of his superiors after the DPP wrote the police hierarchy about the searching. This columnist asserts most emphatically, that one of the most senior police officers in the force told a number of media operatives that a high-level CIOG official asked him to release a Muslim scholar who was at the station for investigation of pedophilia. This columnist insists that officials from the CIOG approached a policeman and implored he not testify against the son of a wealthy Muslim businessman that he and other ranks arrested after bacchanalian revelry at Vreed-en-Hoop at 3.30 a.m. The son pulled his gun at the police party and fired. In a strange twist of fate the policeman was charged for assaulting the son. As to Mr. Feroze’s bold declaration that as commanded by Islamic law, Muslims must denounce racism, I will be cynical and react to this fiction by saying, “yea right.” I would like Mr. Ferioze to know that the racism I have seen in Indian Muslim Guyanese equals that I have seen in all Guyanese. Apparently Mr. Feroze, it doesn’t look like Islam has a lot of influence on Muslim Indians because the election statistics from 11957 onwards show that most Indian Muslims have voted for the Indian based party the PPP and not the African based party, the PNC. Now, Mr. Feroze that surely seems to be ethnic motive in voting. Are Muslims supposed to be ethnically motivated? I hope not. Let me end by asking you a question Mr. Feroze. Are you serious enough to believe in this Dostoyevskian cemetery of ethnic madness that Guyana was and still is that Muslims have not been equally guilty as Indian Hindus and Indian Christians? I lived in Guyana my whole life and studied Guyana my whole life, Mr. Feroze. Africans and Indians, despite their religion, have happily lived in their Shakesperian purgatory of burning contempt for each other. Hope Islam can change that in the upcoming general elections. I would be happy to work with the CIOG in that poetic pursuit Frederick Kissoon   

Replies sorted oldest to newest

No one is suddenly attacking CIOG, CIOG has been attacked many times before it is a goon squad running that operation there which is in bed with the PPP criminals new elections bring new govt they will also have to go.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?

The CIOG has shameless opportunists and hypocrites parading as a religious organization but eager to join a corrupt political alliance.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?

Because PPP = 55% looking even more certain.

No is 99%...........not 55%..............Come on Dr. Baseman be honest for once.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?

Because PPP = 55% looking even more certain.

No is 99%...........not 55%..............Come on Dr. Baseman be honest for once.

Nah, I am realistic, 55% seems more likely.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?

The CIOG has shameless opportunists and hypocrites parading as a religious organization but eager to join a corrupt political alliance.

Gil bai, nah mek worries, lil milk goes a long way.  I say, if you cannot beat them, join the milk party and stop whining.  Rememba, some dem bais wuh cussin PPP try fuh get lil job with PPP in 2011.  It nah wuk out, da milk nah flow, soa dem still cussin.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?

The CIOG has shameless opportunists and hypocrites parading as a religious organization but eager to join a corrupt political alliance.

Gil bai, nah mek worries, lil milk goes a long way.  I say, if you cannot beat them, join the milk party and stop whining.  Rememba, some dem bais wuh cussin PPP try fuh get lil job with PPP in 2011.  It nah wuk out, da milk nah flow, soa dem still cussin.

Except the PPP/C milk haram and de cup is rusty.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?

The CIOG has shameless opportunists and hypocrites parading as a religious organization but eager to join a corrupt political alliance.

Gil bai, nah mek worries, lil milk goes a long way.  I say, if you cannot beat them, join the milk party and stop whining.  Rememba, some dem bais wuh cussin PPP try fuh get lil job with PPP in 2011.  It nah wuk out, da milk nah flow, soa dem still cussin.

You would know from experience. You were cussin the PPP the same way before the 2011 elections and once you came into some blood money from the corrupt PPP, you changed your tune.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC's attack on CIOG is an attack on all Muslims. This shameful attack by the AFC must be condemned.




Show us where the AFC attacked CIOG.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?


The AFC attacked Investments in Guyana.


They attacked the Chinese and Indian investors. They are now attacking Muslims.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?


The AFC attacked Investments in Guyana.


They attacked the Chinese and Indian investors. They are now attacking Muslims.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC's attack on CIOG is an attack on all Muslims. This shameful attack by the AFC must be condemned.



You can trust yuji to have this kinda logic. No problem. PPP propaganda doesn't have to be logical.

But, FYI yuji, CIOG is not the sole Muslim organization in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?

Because PPP = 55% looking even more certain.


I was predicting 52 percent looks like I have to revise that number close to Baseman's 55 percent.


The AFC is in a free fall and tailspin:







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  • 10653833_726330334080963_972688464639409518_n
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why everyone is attacking CIOG suddenly?

Because PPP = 55% looking even more certain.


I was predicting 52 percent looks like I have to revise that number close to Baseman's 55 percent.








Yugi22 saw a couple donkeys at the meeting.



I have no problem with Freddie confronting Mr Feroze and the CIOG. for if they are guilty of the allegations Freddie made   then they must answer.


What I do know is the CIOG has been working with the Gov't of the day and at the same time maintain close relationship with members of the opposition.

Originally Posted by Chief:

I have no problem with Freddie confronting Mr Feroze and the CIOG. for if they are guilty of the allegations Freddie made   then they must answer.


What I do know is the CIOG has been working with the Gov't of the day and at the same time maintain close relationship with members of the opposition.



The Hindu and Muslim churches were essentially supporters of the PPP especially given the historical connections Jagan had with Yacoob Ally of the United Sadr Anjuman and Reepu Daman Persaud of the Maha Sabha.


When Burnham engineered coups in both organizations and took them over, this only led to deeper religious involvement of the Hindus and Muslims against Burnham.

When a group was formed named the Guyana Anti-Discrimination Movement spearheaded by Indian professionals, both Hindus and Muslim priests were involved. In fact, a Muslim priest became the chairman of the Guyana Human Rights Association during the PNC Government.

The 1992 general elections brought the PPP to power and religious preoccupation with the authoritarian abuse of power took on a completely different shape from the epoch of the seventies and eighties. The Catholic Church withdrew from active involvement with human rights concerns; the Anglican Church under Bishop George developed a close relationship with the PPP Government.

Under the PPP leadership, the Hindu and Muslim churches continued their support for the PPP. But it was with the Jagdeo tenure that the Hindu and Muslim churches began to display crass hypocrisy with racially and political support for the Government.

Gone were the days when these two denominations were involved in open anti-government behaviour under the Burnham and Hoyte presidencies. The explanation of racial sympathy did not escape the pen of analysts.

President Jagdeo paid special attention to winning the support of the Muslim churches. By the time his tenure was up, the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG), the main umbrella body of Muslims became shameless supporters of Mr. Jagdeo’s tyrannical regime, participating not only in state activities but also party functions.


The CIOG featured prominently in Jagdeo’s circus at the National Stadium in September 2011 titled Day of Appreciation, a programme designed for election purposes.


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