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The Citizenship Initiative to contest general elections

-adamant about constitutional reform, shared governance

October 18 2019


Ruel Johnson told attendees that the party is not yet concerned with picking Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidates
Ruel Johnson told attendees that the party is not yet concerned with picking Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidates

The Citizenship Initiative, Guyana’s newest political party, launched last evening promising an unwavering posture in demanding constitutional reform, campaign financing legislation and shared governance, while shunning any possibility of coalescing with the major parties.

The venue, at the Herdmanston Lodge was eventually filled to capacity, with attendees including Private Sector Commission President Gerry Gouveia, and Air Services Proprietor Annette Arjoon-Martins.

Members of the “movement” who were present included author Ruel Johnson, who chaired the event, Shazaam Ally, and Rhonda-Ann Lam.

Nikoli Jean-Paul Edwards, a young Trinidadian who launched Trinidad and Tobago’s newest political party earlier this year was invited to the launch, and in his address, encouraged attendees to give the new party a chance.

In addition to its positions on constitutional reform, campaign financing legislation, and shared governance, the party said its six pillars are Participatory Citizenship, Enhanced Governance and Accountability; Economic Security; Infrastructure for the Future; Education and Resource Development; Social Cohesion, Security and Equity; and Intellectual Property Rights, and International Leadership, and gave details on how focusing on these areas will assist Guyana’s development.

Campaign finance legislation non-negotiable

Regarding campaign finance legislation,  Johnson, one of the party’s founding members said there will be “no shadow money here”, declaring that the party will push campaign finance reform, and will stick to it.

Johnson said that this position is partially informed by the fact that weak campaign finance legislation creates societies in which decisions are influenced by the private interests of persons providing the finances to political parties.

Johnson clarified that though the party will not be refusing financial contributions, persons who contribute sums beyond a certain amount ($2 million) will have to agree that their names will be out there. “Anonymity is not an option,” Johnson said

Possibility of coalition

Johnson also said that while the party supports shared governance, and will pursue this though various means, a coalition with either of the two larger political forces – the PPP/C and A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) – is not an option.

“You cannot say that you want to change the status quo, and then join the status quo,” explained Johnson, emphasising the party’s position.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Meh think meh guh guh Guyana an start meh own party. Meh guh call am 'Drain de swamp, meh mean, de treasury Party'. Meh party name will be speaking de truth of meh an every adda party. 

Amral posted:

now if in fantasy I was to go back and start a party, I will rob them rass too, cause them suh stupidy now

Bai, Guyanese are very easily led to the slaughter house. Look how a simple chant like 'vote like a boss' got people to walk voluntarily to their demise.


AMRAL, TOO MANY GUYANESE STUPID, NAIVE AND GULLIBLE. The Afro condone almost anything the PNC does and will ALWAYS Vote for them despite being left in the gutter tear after year. Many Indos are blinded by their ignorance and support the PPP at all cost. However, many are fair minded (2015 Election proved that) and speak out against excesses and bad policies. You do not see that from the PNC supporters, they always try to find an excuse for the incompetent, barbaric and undemocratic PNC. Even the Afro intellectuals(you know who they are)

Nehru posted:

Riff, so there is no one on the Afro side intelligent enough to know Right from wrong, good from evil???

yuh think dem people don't think the other side evil as well

Dave posted:

Ruel Johnson- I believe is Ronan . 

So yuh seyin that if he becomes president and people stop taking him seriously, he will start crying like a lil p ussy, pack up he things, lock up OP and threaten tuh quit? 

ksazma posted:
Dave posted:

Ruel Johnson- I believe is Ronan . 

So yuh seyin that if he becomes president and people stop taking him seriously, he will start crying like a lil p ussy, pack up he things, lock up OP and threaten tuh quit? 


He will say “ I am not playing with ayo anymore, will tell me mammy on ayo” 

Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:

Ruel Johnson- I believe is Ronan . 

So yuh seyin that if he becomes president and people stop taking him seriously, he will start crying like a lil p ussy, pack up he things, lock up OP and threaten tuh quit? 


He will say “ I am not playing with ayo anymore, will tell me mammy on ayo” 

He guh seh I nah able wid ayo shakeabatty skont. 

Last edited by Former Member

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