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This is an Independence gimmick to send Moses to New York to spread propaganda and beg for money while Granger stripping him at home. From the time Moses landed at JFK, folks on social media were having a field day spitting their guts out with disgusts. That alone could tell you why he needed a big security details. When a man lied to so many people, he will always have to look behind his shoulders.                

When Bharat Jagdeo, Donald Ramotar and Sam Hinds come to New York, they have one or two security people around them. They walk around freely. Moses is a bloody, assumable prime minister for God sake. This guy really believe he's a Prince. All his planned events had low turn out and protests.  His voice is timid with a smirk in his face to look at the people he came to fool. 

Boss man Granger sent his door mat that New Yorkers can wipe their feet as he hide from embarrassments.   That's a shame!

This trip is one big embarrassment and God know what will transpire when Moses returns home. On that note, when Moses or Ramjattan once disagree with what Granger is doing, or have a say in anything? think about it.


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yuji22 posted:

Bossman Granger set him up big time and the fools Moses fell for it.

The point is: What's the big deal with $250.00 pancake breakfast when they celebrating Independence six months ahead with taxpayers money and giving themselves big salary increase? They should focus attention at home to tackle crime and strengthen the economy and give people jobs. The PNC one year anniversary is quickly approaching. What they have to show for themselves? Larwah?

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Like Ed AHmad and Roger Khan?

Could be.  WE just CHANGE right.  CHANGE Moses and PNC style.  CHANGE FOR THE WORST!!!!!!!!!

Nehru, I see some worried minds trying to make amends for a man who has no saying in Granger's dictatorship regime to come here and lecture us about Guyana's developments. Their responses are pathetic and irrelevant of the facts.   


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