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The coalition has broken its promises – Jagdeo tells Essequibians

By Indrawattie Natram

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) continues to blaze through the campaign trail for the

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and Regional Chairman Devanand Ramdatt among the large gathering at Charity meeting

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and Regional Chairman Devanand Ramdatt
among the large gathering at Charity meeting

upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE), attracting a mammoth crowd at all public meetings over the weekend in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).
The Party Leader received a warm welcome from supporters as they garlanded and embraced him with much vigour and enthusiasm.
It was quite a spectacle to witness as residents rushed out of their houses to welcome the former President, showering him with kisses, roses and the lively drumming of tassa music.
Addressing huge gatherings of residents, the Opposition Leader gave reasons in abundance as to why they should vote for the PPP/C as he reminded them of all the broken promises made by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition.
“One conclusion about the coalition is that they are untruthful and they have not fulfilled none of their promises, rice farmers are suffering and although we have made recommendations to help the rice and sugar industries they have not listened,” Jagdeo declared at all of his outreaches along the Essequibo Coast.
Jagdeo was accompanied by a high delegation team comprising parliamentarians Irfaan Ali, Pauline Sukhai and Dharamkumar Seeraj.
The first stop was Johanna Cecilia on Saturday evening where Jagdeo told his supporters that their energy and enthusiasm helps motivate the Party to fight for betterment.
Jagdeo went on to undermine the promises President David Granger made to Essequibians during the coalition’s visit in the area.
“As far as I am concerned, they have significantly failed rice farmers and sugar workers in Guyana,” the Opposition Leader lamented.
He also expressed utter astonishment over the fact that the government is yet to invest any money whatsoever towards keeping the productive sectors alive even in the midst of relentless hardships.
“If they are not going to help the productive sectors and all the money that was left in the treasury will be spent on unnecessary projects as such Guyana will become a begging nation again, our young people will grow up to pay debt that was happening in the past,” the Opposition leader said.
For his part, Seeraj highlighted the drastic changes in the country’s economy that have been negatively affecting all Guyanese.
In her speech, Sukhai posited that the PPP/C will continue to stand by the people of Guyana.
Ali, during his presentation, assured supporters that the Party is not afraid of the Government and that all its leaders will stand to the end with the people.
The PPP/C also held outreaches in Charity, Bushlot, Aurora, Columbia, Richmond, Jib, Hibernia and Pomona.
Local Government Elections will be held on March 18 in 71 Local Authority Areas including 62 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and nine municipalities – a total of 580 constituencies.
The PPP/C will contest 70 of the 71 Local Authority Areas and will be represented by the Cup.

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"Jagdeo went on to undermine the promises President David Granger made to Essequibians during the coalition’s visit in the area.
“As far as I am concerned, they have significantly failed rice farmers and sugar workers in Guyana,” the Opposition Leader lamented.
He also expressed utter astonishment over the fact that the government is yet to invest any money whatsoever towards keeping the productive sectors alive even in the midst of relentless hardships.
“If they are not going to help the productive sectors and all the money that was left in the treasury will be spent on unnecessary projects as such Guyana will become a begging nation again, our young people will grow up to pay debt that was happening in the past,” the Opposition leader said."

When will the people realized they are enslaved by the PPP,these industries are heavily subsidized by the Government and from since the time of Colonial rule.They were never taught how to improve on the cost of production so that they can compete with world prices especially in rice production which is privately owned,they were there for 23 yrs what have they taught the rice farmers "nothing".

Last edited by Django

Of what relevance are coalition promises to the LGE.  The national election isn't until 2020.

What is relevant is whether those who will be elected to represent LOCAL communities have the track record and competence to actually DO SO!

As usual Jagdeo is hand picking who he wants, and demands that the PPP slaves support him!

caribny posted:

Of what relevance are coalition promises to the LGE.  The national election isn't until 2020.

What is relevant is whether those who will be elected to represent LOCAL communities have the track record and competence to actually DO SO!

As usual Jagdeo is hand picking who he wants, and demands that the PPP slaves support him!

Jagan had a vision to uplift the poor,the current PPP bhais wants them to be at the bottom of the ladder so their support will be intact.


Jagdeo is the last person who should be talking about broken promises. He  failed to implement and successfully conclude most of his. The most neglected ones were the ones made just before elections.

Mr.T posted:

Jagdeo is the last person who should be talking about broken promises. He  failed to implement and successfully conclude most of his. The most neglected ones were the ones made just before elections.

He only wants their votes,look how he enriched himself i heard his snide remark in parliament saying he deserves his pension for serving Guyana.


What's the fuss about? Mr Jagdeo is doing precisely what one expects an Opposition Leader to do, ie, oppose and expose the government. One must not expect him to praise the government because that is not his job. Let the man carry on with his LGE campaigning.


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