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Former Member

The Completion of the count is not the end of the process: GECOM must decide on PPP fraud.

The recount is not just counting ballots. It’s a forensic audit of the entire process, and GECOM will have to finally pronounce on the fraudulent votes, the unstamped ballots, and several other mysterious discrepancies. GECOM will decide on how this array of incongruities impact the ballot count, what adjustments are to be made, if any, and how the credibility has been impacted.

The numerous discrepancies uncovered during the recount established widespread PPP fraud. There is no doubt this fraud impacted several thousand votes. GECOM must decide on these votes. The will of the Guyanese people must not be undermined.

We can expect many efforts to gaslight us. The Stabroek News, the Kaieteur News, and the Guyana Times will print bold headlines dismissing the massive fraud. The OAS, the ABC, and the EU will also declare the fraud of no consequence. Their effort will convince us not to believe our eyes, not to trust the facts. This scheme must be rejected, our votes must not be diluted.

We must remember, the completion of the count is not the end of the process. GECOM must decide how it will handle PPP electoral fraud.



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@Former Member posted:

I don't think the GDF is a factor.  They are too clever.  They will sink with the ship.

Watch the GPF and Harmon's sharp-shooters.

Harmon has the brains.  My sources in Georgetown told me that Harmon is try to take over as the Leader of the PNC.  He has the most of the top brass supporting him. He is more dangerous than Granger.


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