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Former Member

yes bannas, i use a TOR browser on my laptop

but when on the road, i use a tablet that connects to public wifi easily tracked to NY and other US locations

ask Ray and/or Amral

Ruel Johnson works for the Guyana Gov't, lives in Guyana, is much younger than me and attended President's College

i attended Queen's College, graduated from Universities in the USA, and have lived most of my life outside Guyana

and is there ANYTHING in my postings that would indicate i am a fiction writer by profession? . . . you FOOLS!

some idiot was speculating the other day that i am RICKFORD BURKE!!!

har de har har harrr!

lemme help y'all out . . . i haven't posted on Facebook in more than five years; i have a Twitter account that i have NEVER used; i have a Disqus account that i have used lightly the past couple years in attempting to ID Stabroek News as a PPP asset masquerading as an INDEPENDENT newspaper . . . whenever Anand Persaud chooses to actually publish my submissions, that is

and oh yes, i followed through on labba's suggestion and cussed Freddie out on KN a month or so ago using the aforementioned Disqus account

i don't organize my VERY FULL life around GNI or Social Media like some of y'all

recently, i was in Guyana for nearly a month on IMPORTANT business

my second trip in 2019

i post on GNI for 'strategic' reasons and to periodically strip the rags off the masquerade crew of lightly-educated RACISTS posting here


Replies sorted oldest to newest

ronan posted:

yes bannas, i use a TOR browser on my laptop

but when on the road, i use a tablet that connects to public wifi easily tracked to NY and other US locations

ask Ray and/or Amral

Ruel Johnson works for the Guyana Gov't, lives in Guyana, is much younger than me and attended President's College

i attended Queen's College, graduated from Universities in the USA, and have lived most of my life outside Guyana

and is there ANYTHING in my postings that would indicate i am a fiction writer by profession? . . . you FOOLS!

some idiot was speculating the other day that i am RICKFORD BURKE!!!

har de har har harrr!

lemme help y'all out . . . i haven't posted on Facebook in more than five years; i have a Twitter account that i have NEVER used; i have a Disqus account that i have used lightly the past couple years in attempting to ID Stabroek News as a PPP asset masquerading as an INDEPENDENT newspaper . . . whenever Anand Persaud chooses to actually publish my submissions, that is

and oh yes, i followed through on labba's suggestion and cussed Freddie out on KN a month or so ago using the aforementioned Disqus account

i don't organize my VERY FULL life around GNI or Social Media like some of y'all

recently, i was in Guyana for nearly a month on IMPORTANT business

my second trip in 2019

i post on GNI for 'strategic' reasons and to periodically strip the rags off the masquerade crew of lightly-educated RACISTS posting here


Getting a raise from the PNC to spread your hate and nonsense here?

seignet posted:

Aha! I knew it all along, you are D2.

Vishmahabir said, yuh write like Ruel Johnston. 

We all know D2 is a creative chap and he is everywhere on social media.

Suh, yuh have to be Leslie.

if you were sane, you would be aware of important conflicts between me and D2, one instance of which was played out on SN via Disqus . . . that exchange on Disqus was referenced on GNI during the rows over Volda Lawrence and the NCV

there once were stupid individuals who swore that Redux was TK . . . in fact, TK had to go to extraordinary logistical lengths in collaboration with Redux (begging that admin track IP addresses) to demonstrate that the two were posting from locations more than 1000 miles apart

i think Nehru was one of the loud stupids chanting Redux = TK 

and here we are today:

Ronan = Ruel Johnson;

Ronan = D2;

Ronan = Rickford Burke

Ronan = Vish Mahabir

who else bannas? . . . this "Ronan" fella done mess up too many of alyuh heads

you FOOLS!!

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:


Ronan = Ruel Johnson;

Ronan = D2;

Ronan = Rickford Burke

Ronan = Vish Mahabir

who else bannas? . . . this "Ronan" fella done mess up too many of alyuh heads

you FOOLS!!

OK....I am making a confession for all on GNI....

I, VishMahabir and Ronan are one and the same....these are the two handles I use here but in real life...I am Ruel Johnson... have it....

Prashad posted:

If Ronan is Ruel then it means that the PNC kick him straight back to GN&I. Return to sender. Welcome home Comrade.

the idiot march of GNI's sans-buckta Indo-racists continues

"Ronan" hysteria tearing tail

i so enjoy watching the IGNORANT victims of my drive-by whippings clutching body parts for modesty while hollering . . .

WHO was that masked man?!!

oh, let me add to the hysteria list bruited about here by the usual suspects, the slow thinkers, lest we fughet:

Ronan = Iguana

Ronan = David Hinds

heh heh heh

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Where in the F'vk did you see in "Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking" any mention of Afro or Indo? You are one-track minded, the sick jackass who does not understand or comprehend the English language. You will write any damn POS to get attention.

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Dave posted:

Ignore this ghost and let him play with himself. He’s getting too much unwanted attention.. this is a sick man 

Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking.

I seem to recalll  that you had some buktakh issues...

Yeah! The tiger striped one that you found under your basement window.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Where in the F'vk did you see in "Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking" any mention of Afro or Indo? You are one-track minded, the sick jackass who does not understand or comprehend the English language. You will write any damn POS to get attention.

You are a nasty old man to behave like that. A dragged up old fart. 

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Where in the F'vk did you see in "Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking" any mention of Afro or Indo? You are one-track minded, the sick jackass who does not understand or comprehend the English language. You will write any damn POS to get attention.

You are a nasty old man to behave like that. A dragged up old fart. 


skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Where in the F'vk did you see in "Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking" any mention of Afro or Indo? You are one-track minded, the sick jackass who does not understand or comprehend the English language. You will write any damn POS to get attention.

You are a nasty old man to behave like that. A dragged up old fart. 


Don't waste time with Dog catchers and Road Kill. He is a known village drunk and fowl thief


 Looking for attention. 

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Where in the F'vk did you see in "Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking" any mention of Afro or Indo? You are one-track minded, the sick jackass who does not understand or comprehend the English language. You will write any damn POS to get attention.

You are a nasty old man to behave like that. A dragged up old fart. 

 Nice come back Princess

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Where in the F'vk did you see in "Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking" any mention of Afro or Indo? You are one-track minded, the sick jackass who does not understand or comprehend the English language. You will write any damn POS to get attention.

You are a nasty old man to behave like that. A dragged up old fart. 

 Nice come back Princess

Are you making yourself an ass or you don't know how to spell Prince? See if you can adjust to being the person you perceived to be. 

Prince posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Where in the F'vk did you see in "Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking" any mention of Afro or Indo? You are one-track minded, the sick jackass who does not understand or comprehend the English language. You will write any damn POS to get attention.

You are a nasty old man to behave like that. A dragged up old fart. 

 Nice come back Princess

Are you making yourself an ass or you don't know how to spell Prince? See if you can adjust to being the person you perceived to be. 

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Skeldon_man support and condone Indo-racism on GNI. His friend Yuji is in hiding from shame. I wonder if these guys personal lives are surrounded by the same filth. 

You are this piece of shit. When the kid who hangs his ass in the front bridge and drops his shit in the water, it just floats away. I can confidently say that you are either a pretend afro or a converted afro. Everything you see from a coolie is anti black man

Afros are human being too. Do you consider them animals? 

Where in the F'vk did you see in "Always into bucktah, antiman, bt and battyshaking" any mention of Afro or Indo? You are one-track minded, the sick jackass who does not understand or comprehend the English language. You will write any damn POS to get attention.

You are a nasty old man to behave like that. A dragged up old fart. 

I look at it this way. I might be getting old. My maker hasn't knocked on my door yet. I am still going strong and I am sure I am healthier than you are. Can you guarantee that you will live to be my present age Princess RuPaul?


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