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Nov 03, 2017 Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...n-is-your-protector/

The following extract is taken from the movie, “A Man for all Seasons” which won an Oscar. It relays the remarkable story, life and death of Sir Thomas More, the former Lord Chancellor of England.

William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ‘round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!

The people of Guyana must not allow themselves to be fooled into believing that what is at issue in the instance of the appointment of the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission is whether the person appointed is fit and proper. That is merely incidental to the real issue at stake: which is the liberty of citizens.

If the highest law of the land requires a prescribed process to select a Chairperson of GECOM, the failure to have such a process represents a violation of the Constitution. If you flaunt the Constitution, you do so to your own danger, because it is the very Constitution which protects you and your rights.

If politicians can trample on the Constitution, then they can trample on your rights. And one of the most important rights that citizens have is their freedom. That right can be taken away if politicians feel that there is no law to prevent them doing what they are doing.

There are persons in our society who are seeing this controversy over the appointment of the Chairman of GECOM as pitting the PPPC against the government. This issue, however, is not a partisan contest. It is about whether the law is being cut down. To paraphrase Thomas More, if you cut down the law, then what is going to be left to protect you when the devil turns on you?

The Constitution is our protector and our guardian. If the Constitution is reduced to rubble, then it cannot protect citizens from tyranny.

A year ago, a big quarrel broke out over a decision by the government to compulsorily acquire land. If there was not a Constitution to fall back on, then imagine what would have happened. A situation could have arisen in which some tyrant can pass by your house and like it, and decide to take it from you without compensation. It is the Constitution’s protection of property which prevents this from happening.

It is the Constitution which protects your freedom of movement. If the Constitution becomes worthless, then some tyrant can order you off the road, and can prevent your movement.

Right now, there are restrictions on persons freely leaving Guyana for all manner of reasons. Persons risk being turned back at the airport if they are bonded by the government; if they owe UG and do not have permission to travel. Public servants can risk being dismissed if they spend their approved leave overseas without permission. These restrictions violate a person’s right to freedom of movement. But no one is challenging these restrictions. There is no good reason, if you are a public servant, why you should have to obtain permission to spend your leave overseas.

The Constitution protects your right to free speech. Without the protection of the Constitution, you can be silenced.

The Constitution prevents you from being arbitrarily arrested or imprisoned. Without the protection of the Constitution, the government will be free to throw you in jail at their whim.

Fortunately, there are laws which protect citizens. The most powerful of these laws is the Constitution. This is why the issue of the appointment of the Chairman of GECOM should not be turned into a political football or a slugging match between APNU+AFC and the PPPC. This issue is about the Constitution, the document that ensures that the liberty of citizens is upheld.

Guyana must remain a country planted thick with laws. No one man must believe that he is above the law or for that matter the Constitution.

If that happens, all of us are in danger.

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Nov 03, 2017 Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...n-is-your-protector/

There are persons in our society who are seeing this controversy over the appointment of the Chairman of GECOM as pitting the PPPC against the government. This issue, however, is not a partisan contest. It is about whether the law is being cut down. To paraphrase Thomas More, if you cut down the law, then what is going to be left to protect you when the devil turns on you?

The Constitution is our protector and our guardian. If the Constitution is reduced to rubble, then it cannot protect citizens from tyranny.

Important, indeed.

Demerara_Guy posted:


Nov 03, 2017 Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...n-is-your-protector/


If the highest law of the land requires a prescribed process to select a Chairperson of GECOM, the failure to have such a process represents a violation of the Constitution. If you flaunt the Constitution, you do so to your own danger, because it is the very Constitution which protects you and your rights.


1,  The constitution itself is illegal as it is the result of a massively rigged election.   When I went to spoil my vote I was told that I had already voted, so couldn't vote. So had family members who weren't even in the country at the time of the election.  After 630PM buses packed with riggers went to all the polling stations, rubbed off the ink and then went to the next polling station.

2.  This is the constitution that the PPP is considered to be sacrosanct. Why?

3.  The constitution does NOT include the Carter formula and Jagdeo knows full well why he didn't want to in 2000.  At that time, the PNC, feeling that it would become a PERMANENT opposition, would have been amenable to this adjustment.  But Jagdeo didn't want to be obligated to pick from the choices made by Hoyte or Corbin, so didn't adjust this.

I can only wonder why people like Gilbakka, who should know better, is laying down his life to protect the Burnham constitution when it should be thrown out.  APNU/AFC plan to do the same thing that the PPP did, and that is to ignore the need to change this illegal constitution.  2 1/2 years into their administration why is no one asking what progress is being made on this?

Demerara_Guy posted:


Nov 03, 2017 Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...n-is-your-protector/


Guyana must remain a country planted thick with laws. No one man must believe that he is above the law or for that matter the Constitution.

If that happens, all of us are in danger.

Oh so now Burnham should be praised for implementing an inviolable constitution which guarantees our rights?

Gilbakka please tell me that you think that the best thing that Burnham bequeathed was this constitution, so even though obtained through some of the most vulgar and brazen fraud ever seen in the English speaking Caribbean, that the PPP is right to protect it!

caribny posted:


3.  The constitution does NOT include the Carter formula and Jagdeo knows full well why he didn't want to in 2000.  At that time, the PNC, feeling that it would become a PERMANENT opposition, would have been amenable to this adjustment.  But Jagdeo didn't want to be obligated to pick from the choices made by Hoyte or Corbin, so didn't adjust this.

I can only wonder why people like Gilbakka, who should know better, is laying down his life to protect the Burnham constitution when it should be thrown out.  

Incorrect. Gilbakka is totally for constitutional reform. Last week or so I criticized APNU+AFC for not honoring their election promise to reform the constitution as a matter of priority in 2015. And, yes, I accept your point that President Jagdeo should have embarked on the exercise in 2000.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:


3.  The constitution does NOT include the Carter formula and Jagdeo knows full well why he didn't want to in 2000.  At that time, the PNC, feeling that it would become a PERMANENT opposition, would have been amenable to this adjustment.  But Jagdeo didn't want to be obligated to pick from the choices made by Hoyte or Corbin, so didn't adjust this.

I can only wonder why people like Gilbakka, who should know better, is laying down his life to protect the Burnham constitution when it should be thrown out.  

Incorrect. Gilbakka is totally for constitutional reform. Last week or so I criticized APNU+AFC for not honoring their election promise to reform the constitution as a matter of priority in 2015. And, yes, I accept your point that President Jagdeo should have embarked on the exercise in 2000.

Why he didn't follow through with the Electoral Reforms recommended by the USAID in the year 2005,I read a letter from KN mentioning Jagdeo didn't read what was recommended.

Gilbakka posted:

Incorrect. Gilbakka is totally for constitutional reform.

You aren't.  You are defending a mistaken interpretation of an illegal constitution.

Instead you should be arguing that the fact that Granger can LEGALLY do what he did should be a catalyst to force changing the constitution a priority. 

100% of the discussion should be this and the goal ought to force the coalition gov't to deliver on a promise that the PPP failed to do and that is to dump Burnham's piece of filth which he got through an embarrassingly obvious rigging.  So disrespectful was he that he even boasted of his victory before the first ballot was cast.

I will appreciate any info from you that suggests that this is Jagdeo's plan.  From where I see it this is a mere continuation of his plan to create ethnic chaos between the "straight hairs" and the "kinky/curly hairs".  He knew full well that getting Granger to support an Indian, this after the PPP ONLY selected Indians, was going to be a stretch.  So he did NOT select any suitable Afro Guyanese who are known to the public.  Knowing that Granger is passive aggressive and foolish he wanted to provoke a crisis.

Any way I don't see evidence that the PPP is galvanizing Guyanese as I suspect that they think "tief from tief mek God laugh" given that this is a battle between two charlatans, neither having the minutest interest in their lives.


Carib I am sure most of us agree tossing that filth into the garbage. At the same time Granger has many people to choose from, yet he is being dumb to keep Patterson after all the backlash even from from backers of the coalition regarding Patterson's age...being in bed with the PNC ...last and more important, lying on his CV? This does not come anywhere close to being "fit and proper"

Last edited by cain

The man is fit and proper for the job the PNC expect from him - to oversee the rigging of the local and national elections. You have to remember how the PNC operated in the past and is now operating.


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