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The PPP is desperate and vulnerable

January 26, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, If ever there was any speculation as to the strategy the PPP plans to employ to fight off the opposition during the election campaign, the latest outburst by the erratic General Secretary has laid all doubts to rest. It is very clear that the PPP, especially Jagdeo, would go after Moses Nagamootoo and David Granger like a Pit-bull. The PPP plan is to intensify its vicious attacks maliciously on destroying their good names. The objective is to play on the minds of the electorate with their propaganda, distortions and untruths in order to sway them away from accepting Granger and Nagamootoo as credible, genuine, trustworthy and respectable candidates. But no matter what the spiteful and incompetent PPP cabal does, they cannot destroy the impeccable character of those decent and honest gentlemen. It is a desperate and deceitful ploy, based on the well-known strategy of warfare, which aims directly at destroying the opponent in the hope that, once the head is severed, the rest of the body is likely to fall into disarray, lose confidence and vanquished. The truth is that the PPP is in for a major surprise from the opposition because under the Jagdeo and Ramotar regime, corruption has cost the taxpayers over $50 billion, crime and murders have increased ten-fold, unemployment has climbed from 26 percent to 54 percent, salaries/wages have lagged behind the cost-of-living and the poverty gap between the rich and the poor has increased to 125 to 1. Not to mention the raping of the treasury, taking the country’s best ocean front lands for themselves, the building of palaces with state funds, Jagdeo giving the airwaves to friends and relatives, the awarding of contracts to unqualified friends and relatives for kick-backs, and the prorogue of Parliament for absolutely no reason. Simply put, the PPP’s poor track record at good governance during the past twenty two years has created a vast vacuum that has left its leaders with nothing more than straws to dishonestly and disparagingly discredit their opponents. It will not work because an angry and frustrated populace is fed-up with the kleptocrats and their vulgarity, abusive and immoral behaviour. The irony is that the combined opposition’s indefatigable stand against corruption, improprieties, incompetency and fiscal mismanagement originated during the Jagdeo era when corruption became rampant. In this period, murders soared as more than 450 extra-judicial assassinations took place, including the assassination of the Minister of Agriculture, Sash Sawh and two members of his family. For the past twelve years, the PPP regime has marginalized Afro-Guyanese and claimed that they are not qualified to become diplomats. The scandals and corrupt practices of the PPP cabal prove that they lack the stature and integrity to govern the country. Their status as the current Government is undeserving. Furthermore, the Attorney General’s irresponsible, dishonourable, hideous and vile tape recording which is littered with grave suspicions of a contrivance to harm the publisher and staff of Kaieteur News has collaterally brought the integrity of the office of the Attorney General, the justice system and the PPP minority government into disrepute. As the PPP day of reckoning draws nigh, the devious minds of the Freedom House gang can rest assured that any attempt to demonize their opponents will not only backfire but will also result in a frontal attack from the opposition. The PPP cabal is desperate and vulnerable. Ramotar is a big failure and Jagdeo is despised for his vulgar and cuss-down behaviour, his extravagant pension of $3 million per month which is a very heavy financial burden on the taxpayers. Jagdeo, who has two of the biggest palaces in Guyana, has done nothing to help the poor during his twelve years as president of Guyana. The eyes and ears of the people are wide open and their minds are alert to the deceit and deception which have been the indisputable cornerstone of the deplorable and despicable tenure of the current PPP administration. With such a dismal and diabolical track record, the best they can aspire to is like being wolves in sheep clothing. All right-thinking citizens must be in awe of the fact that the leaders of the PPP, particularly the unintellectual and less-schooled General Secretary can never utter a word without blaspheming the name of the late Forbes Burnham and the PNC. And the only reason they are doing this is because they cannot campaign on their track record because it is very poor and their achievements are insignificant compared to those of the PNC/APNU. Their latest display of empty bravado reaffirms that the PPP has always been and will forever remain the formidable bastion that clandestinely and clinically try to destroy the firm foundations of Guyana and destabilize the structures of nationhood which the people have so painstakingly built since independence. They have chosen this course principally to undermine the nation’s progress and the powerful influence and positive attributes of the opposition whose leaders are intellectually grounded and dedicated sons of the soil. The PPP regime is known for their dislike of what is noble and righteous. And their level of intelligence is second-rate when juxtaposed with the opposition. So as the PPP conducts its campaign in a disorderly, undignified, irrational and undemocratic manner, the combined opposition will continue to advocate for the good of the country on behalf of all the people.

Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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Quote "The truth is that the PPP is in for a major surprise from the opposition because under the Jagdeo and Ramotar regime, corruption has cost the taxpayers over $50 billion, crime and murders have increased ten-fold, unemployment has climbed from 26 percent to 54 percent, salaries/wages have lagged behind the cost-of-living and the poverty gap between the rich and the poor has increased to 125 to 1. Not to mention the raping of the treasury, taking the country’s best ocean front lands for themselves, the building of palaces with state funds, Jagdeo giving the airwaves to friends and relatives, the awarding of contracts to unqualified friends and relatives for kick-backs, and the prorogue of Parliament for absolutely no reason. Simply put, the PPP’s poor track record at good governance during the past twenty two years has created a vast vacuum that has left its leaders with nothing more than straws to dishonestly and disparagingly discredit their opponents."unquote


The PPP day of reckoning draws nigh, the devious minds of the Freedom House gang can rest assured that any attempt to demonize their opponents will not only backfire but will also result in a frontal attack from the opposition.


"All right-thinking citizens must be in awe of the fact that the leaders of the PPP, particularly the unintellectual and less-schooled General Secretary can never utter a word without blaspheming the name of the late Forbes Burnham and the PNC. And the only reason they are doing this is because they cannot campaign on their track record because it is very poor and their achievements are insignificant compared to those of the PNC/APNU."




Must be speaking about the PPP posters on this site, hahahaha


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