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Former Member

Sase Gunraj 



Earlier today, myself, Commissioners Bibi Shadick and Robeson Benn presented a proposal to GECOM for the conduct of the national recount.

Importantly, it contemplates the conclusion of the process in 10 DAYS.

I’ve attached pictures of same below. Read for yourself!!!


2339 boxes.
20 counting stations.
12 hours per day.
1 hour per box.

I’m happy to report that many of our proposals were found to be favourable.

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PPP wants recount done in 10 days starting with Reg. 4


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) wants the national recount of votes cast on March 2 to be done in ten days starting with the disputed ballots from Guyana’s largest voting district, Region Four.

The Opposition also wants the process to be live-streamed to “ensure maximum transparency and respond to COVID-19 guidelines.”

General Secretary of the PPP Bharrat Jagdeo at his weekly press conference said this proposal was made by PPP nominated Commissioners to GECOM on Thursday.

The Commission is still meeting to discuss the proposals and the Commissioners have not emerged from the GECOM Kingston, Georgetown Headquarters since 9am.

In the proposal seen by the News Room, the PPP commissioners proposed 20 work stations with one hour to count one ballot box. The daily work hours stipulated is 12 hours from 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs.

Jagdeo said the recount can be completed in ten days, noting that the 156 days proposed by the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield is meant to “delay the announcement of the legitimate credible results of the elections.”

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

He referred to provisions in the laws for the electoral process to be completed in 15 days.

The PPP has reverted to its call for the recount to begin in Region Four “since the tabulation of the Region Four results is the basis of the controversy which erupted and the reason for the recount.”

“At the completion of the count for Electoral District 4, the count shall resume with Electoral District 1 and will proceed in numerical order,” the PPP proposed.

The PPP is in agreement with the Arthur Chung Convention Centre to be retained for the recount where representatives of all contesting parties will be invited to be present.

The process will be supervised by the GECOM Secretariat in accordance with the laws of Guyana, but the party wants it to be observed by the Audit Office of Guyana or a duly accredited audit firm along with international and domestic observers within the guidelines of COVID-19 prevention.

GECOM it said will be the “final arbiter of valid votes, rejected ballot and questioned ballot.”

It proposed that the Chief Elections Officer produce a copy of the Statements of Polls emanating from the 2nd March 2020 Election to the Commission.

If the national recount is not proceeded with, Jagdeo supported calls made by the Private Sector Commission (PSC) to recount only Region Four votes which was deemed fraudulent by the international electoral observers.


Lowenfield's proposal for 156 days is inconceivable.

Guyana laws stipulate the periods ....

1. Ninety days (90) for election preparation.

2. Fifteen days (15) for the declaration of results plus recounts and any further recounts.

3. Note ... results available in about two/three hours after the polls close.

The Courts resolved the matter, hence GECOM should produce the results within the 15-day period.

Last edited by Former Member

These PNC cockroaches cannot figure the majority in 65, no wonder they need 156 days. India takes 6 days to tabulate 60 crore votes!  PNC needs 156 days to count 4 Lakhs. 

No wonder they fvcked Guyana economy in short order!


PPP proposes 10-day national recount


More shipping container loads of ballot boxes arrive at GECOM’s headquarters in Kingston, Georgetown.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on  Thursday discussed a proposal by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to reduce the time it would take to recount the results of last month’s general elections from 156 days to 10 days.

PPP-nominated Elections Commissioner, Sase Gunraj says he and his colleagues revised the time frame by increasing the number of work-stations from six to 20.

He also says while the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield’s plan envisages two hours to count one box of ballots but the PPP-aligned election commissioners have cut that to one hour. “Why we have done that? There are over one thousand ballot boxes in which there are less than two hundred ballots cast. In fact there are more than  two hundred boxes that have less than fifty ballots cast in their boxes. As a consequence, the time for counting of those boxes could not be as burdensome as two hours, all things considered,” he said.

He says he and his colleagues proposed that efforts will be made to maximise the space inside and outside the Arthur Chung Conference Centre to conduct the recount which will include about 200 persons.

Pro-coalition Elections Commissioner, Vincent Alexander says the time it will take to recount will depend on the voters list, counterfoils, proxies and the number of votes cast to determine the number of valids cast. He is not ruling out the recount time being reduced from 156 days. “There is a possibility. I prefer not to comment on those numbers. I have told you the factors that will influence those numbers. I haven’t done the math so I am not going to come out here and say to the public a number and then it doesn’t happen,” he said.

The Chief Elections Officer is now expected to reexamine his plan for a meeting sometime next week.


Please don't blame Lowenfield, he is looking out for his pocket. The longer this process takes the longer he has a CEO JOB, It's milking the cow, Granger ah tek, Moses ah tek, Harmon ah tek, now me ah tek. Presently this is what all the Imposters Ministers are doing, dishing out contracts, sharing land, thieving gold and emptying the reserves from the Central Bank.

 They are the Mothers of All thieves.

Baseman posted:

Given the semi-schooled PNC cockroaches working at GECOM, no wonder they need 156 days what takes the average human two weeks.

Here is a lesson in how to win friends and influence people: tell them they are cockroaches and semi-schooled.   

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have never seen a party that claim to win the election so shame face to show how they win. 

Is how come so much Afros voted for the PPP/C? LIke you campaigned against your cousin Ralph when you  went down there.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have never seen a party that claim to win the election so shame face to show how they win. 

Is how come so much Afros voted for the PPP/C? LIke you campaigned against your cousin Ralph when you  went down there.

The Douglas voted against the coalition because Moses and Khemraj treated them like dirt.

Totaram posted:
Baseman posted:

Given the semi-schooled PNC cockroaches working at GECOM, no wonder they need 156 days what takes the average human two weeks.

Here is a lesson in how to win friends and influence people: tell them they are cockroaches and semi-schooled.   

also, make criticisms palitable just incase it has to be eaten back. 

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have never seen a party that claim to win the election so shame face to show how they win. 

Is how come so much Afros voted for the PPP/C? LIke you campaigned against your cousin Ralph when you  went down there.

that's it, I doan see dem angry over their votes being stolen by Volda. Yuh tink dey afraid to demonstrate. The PNC intimidating Black ppl, that Volda is a badass woman. She said, Black ppl will never vote PPP because dey murder Black ppl.

Shane Lindie

Shane Lindie's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses and closeup

15 hrs · 
This man is the reason for my vote. He is fighting day and night for all of Guyana and for our freedom.
Image may contain: one or more people and people standing
There are thousands more like him.
I said it here months before the election, PPPC is a diverse party.... I travel to most villages due to the nature of our business and will interact with the villagers. I knew PPPC will win the 2020 election. 
When I was posting the pictures during the campaign, many said the thousands at the rallies don't  win the election... it certainly does now.
This is how smart and brilliant Jagdeo is... 
their is a few co ops ( Afro neighbourhood) within the local NDC, these co -ops have no fundings to pick up their garbage and maintain their community and APNU/ AFC neglected them. When PPP was in government, they provide extra funding to the NDC to assist these Coops. These fundings/ subvention were chop by central government ( APNU/ AFC). The Councillors meet with Jagdeo and let him know they can no longer assist these community. Jagdeo told them, if you have to pick up the garbage just once every two week, do it we will need their support. Well we did saw PPP trash APNU in the LGE and walk away with a majority in the 2020 election. 
Long Live Dr Bharrat Jagdeo.  

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