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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It is clear that GECOM has dropped the ball and will give us a contested result.


Either a re-vote in Region 4 or a fresh election throughout Guyana.

Just to spite the PPP every single black person will show up. APNU will run up its numbers and get a sympathy vote and in the meantime the country remains under tension.


Why is the PPP trying to compete against APNU in Region 4?


The PPP didn't handle their business properly, too busy screaming that Moses "isn't Indian".  Too busy thinking that this was the winning ticket.


Go sit in the opposition seats, send Jagdeo packing and rest yourselves.  After 22 years 51% of the population are tired of the PPP.


There will NOT be fresh elections.  This is what you wanted by sending Kwame to provoke black people and it didn't work, thanks to Granger.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Shaitaan jump off the sinking ship.  Rev has gone and now apparently yuji.


Who do you think wants to go through the stress of another election in Guyana.  NO ONE!


We gon vote until we get it right

APNU AFC voters will come out to spite the PPP.  PPP supporters will want to avoid the stress.


Even you admit that the PPP was incompetent, so why should Guyana go through the stress and expense of ANOTHER election?



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Shaitaan jump off the sinking ship.  Rev has gone and now apparently yuji.


Who do you think wants to go through the stress of another election in Guyana.  NO ONE!


We gon vote until we get it right

While the country is destroyed and the people continue to go backwards.

I thought you were a person who wants the best for  Guyana and not one political party.  But I might be wrong.    

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Shaitaan jump off the sinking ship.  Rev has gone and now apparently yuji.


Who do you think wants to go through the stress of another election in Guyana.  NO ONE!


We gon vote until we get it right

APNU AFC voters will come out to spite the PPP.  PPP supporters will want to avoid the stress.


Even you admit that the PPP was incompetent, so why should Guyana go through the stress and expense of ANOTHER election?




It is the constitutional option to resolve a doubtful election.


Guyana has the money for an election and the people I'm sure will handle another public holiday in the name of democracy.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Shaitaan jump off the sinking ship.  Rev has gone and now apparently yuji.


Who do you think wants to go through the stress of another election in Guyana.  NO ONE!


we are paying

too much attention

to Shaitan ......and Kwame.


Are we going to let

Anil and  two Sperm Traders

put Guyana's Future on Hold...

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

What actually happened in region 4?


The PNC's military wing executed a highly successful rigging strategy of running up their numbers with the collusion of local election officials.


And the PPP were too stupid to realize what was going on and on what scale until the corruption had seeped into the official SOPs.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

What actually happened in region 4?


The PNC's military wing executed a highly successful rigging strategy of running up their numbers with the collusion of local election officials.


And the PPP were too stupid to realize what was going on and on what scale until the corruption had seeped into the official SOPs.

I see that you are using your experiences in the US military and Afghanistan to analyse the Guyanese situation . And all this time you been lying to us that you was just an innocent potato peeler.



I would like to thank all our supporters for their strong support for the PPP/C. We are confident of victory, in spite of continued cheating in elections by the PNC (represented in these elections by APNU+AFC). Their thieving of votes, reprehensible as it is, would not succeed in their winning these elections.

Guyana’s election was not without fear. Many people were intimidated. In Guyana’s case, it is not the government that intimidates people; it is usually the present opposition. So fearful were people that the PPP/C had to forego sending polling agents to certain polling stations on May 11th. In some instances, polling agents were so fearful, they abandoned polling stations. In some cases, they became so fearful that they abandoned the stations after the count without ensuring that ballot boxes were secured. 
Some PPP/C candidates and supporters were beaten, their properties destroyed etc. Kwame McCoy is in ICU with a broken jaw. One PPP/C supporter lost his home. Some lost their vehicles. 
Whatever the results of these elections, one thing is certain - APNU+AFC stole many votes. They orchestrated multiple voting and in some instances they did so with cooperation from GECOM staff. GECOM should have ensured that these staff were vetted before. For this reason GECOM must bear some responsibility. There were cases of people who claimed to be persons listed and were allowed to vote.

The PPP/C will win these elections, but we must continue to fight for elections that are free and fair and without fear. Now that the elections are over and the results are imminent, we must all accept the results. The fact is that should they lose, APNU+AFC, the ones that stole votes, would not accept the results. They have so convinced their supporters that they have won and then turned around and say if their supporters become violent because they lose, APNU+AFC would not be able to restrain them.

The PPP/C will never support violence. We are always a peaceful party. We endured the most rigged elections in the world between 1968 and 1992 and never once did we become violent or incited our supporters to become violent.

I wish that all political parties would commit to peaceful pre-and post elections behavior. The PPP/C before 1992 and since then and in the future will continue to work for free and fair elections and elections without fear.

I support the call that this is our country and we must move on peacefully. But the call made by some from APNU+AFC only applies if they win. They say should they win we must all be peaceful and love each other. But should they lose, we must be prepared to face violence because they will not be able to restrain their supporters, reminding us that those who own the dogs are the only ones who could call them off. This is reprehensible.
We say win or lose all should accept the results gracefully and move on with peace and love.

May 13, 2015


Originally Posted by Nehru:


Dude the PPP is not disputing six where they lost ground and the APNU increased proportionately. Everywhere else the numbers look predictable. In 4, the increase is about 10, 000 to the APNU with a corresponding loss of 1500 to the PPP There can be shaving or adding going on to the tune of 6000 easily but no one would do it just to lose in the end as the PPP are claiming. That is nonsense also because they would have to explain region 6 changes since they mirror 4 given the demographics.


If the APNU figures correspond to the GECOM data then it would be easy to test the outcome statistically. No one can prove theft if these SOPs were signed off. The courts cannot reverse that.

Originally Posted by Observer:

Over the past few years we've seen Rev's true colors as he switched sides and supported each party. Maybe he has a big position lined up, or will enjoy the soup. What an opportunistic and classless guy. I hope no young person emulates him.    


Ironically, I've spent years cussin the PPP here and now I have to go down with their friggin ship

Originally Posted by Observer:

Over the past few years we've seen Rev's true colors as he switched sides and supported each party. Maybe he has a big position lined up, or will enjoy the soup. What an opportunistic and classless guy. I hope no young person emulates him.    


Rev's a free spirited, independent thinker who is not beholden or obligated to any political party, whether it's in the United States or Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Over the past few years we've seen Rev's true colors as he switched sides and supported each party. Maybe he has a big position lined up, or will enjoy the soup. What an opportunistic and classless guy. I hope no young person emulates him.    


Rev's a free spirited, independent thinker who is not beholden or obligated to any political party, whether it's in the United States or Guyana.




Dirty neemakharam Indian!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Over the past few years we've seen Rev's true colors as he switched sides and supported each party. Maybe he has a big position lined up, or will enjoy the soup. What an opportunistic and classless guy. I hope no young person emulates him.    


Rev's a free spirited, independent thinker who is not beholden or obligated to any political party, whether it's in the United States or Guyana.



That is how it should be. Be your own man, dont listen to anyone.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Over the past few years we've seen Rev's true colors as he switched sides and supported each party. Maybe he has a big position lined up, or will enjoy the soup. What an opportunistic and classless guy. I hope no young person emulates him.    


Ironically, I've spent years cussin the PPP here and now I have to go down with their friggin ship


Region  APNU-AFC PPPCTotals Variance 
6  23520  3050154021-6981 
4  92009  4507013707946939 
6  1079811467222653226854533-10003 
4  8472610567952936089914562534394 


What is wrong with these numbers that they are not credible with the APNU-AFC numbers and not the PPPs? The PPP's suggestion that they switched the vote count in region 4 by 30000 is not credible.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Vish M:

This is an interesting development.


So let the courts decide

Anil use Guyana Govt Funds

From his Article 163 Sperm Fund

to Pay for Hotel, Meals & Transportation


So.... let the courts decide...



Who and How

 a Permit to operate an airline in Guyana

was issued by the Govt to an Individual

And... According to Shaitan & Baldeo

This Person own or has... 

nothing but two swingie Balls



So.... let the courts decide...


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Rev's a free spirited, independent thinker who is not beholden or obligated to any political party, whether it's in the United States or Guyana.


Nehru: That is how it should be. Be your own man, dont listen to anyone.


* Thanks Bhai!




You already said

it is Toxic people like Anil

who were caught Trading in Sperm

Destroy the PPP Today...


we are paying

too much attention

to Shaitan ......and Kwame.


Are we going to let

Anil and..... these two Sperm Traders

put Guyana's Future on Hold...



"It has been brought to the attention of A Partnership for National Unity and The Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition that the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has called for a recount of the ballots cast in the 2015 General and Regional Elections in several Electoral Districts.

APNU+AFC affirms that this is contrary to section 83-89 of the Representation of the People Act of the Laws of Guyana.

APNU+AFC therefore regards the PPP/C’s call as a deliberate attemptto delay the declaration of the May 11th 2015 Polls and to frustrate the will of the people.

APNU+AFC calls on the Guyana Elections Commission to resist that attempt by the PPP/C to further delay the declaration of the results of the poll and to make their declaration as required by the constitution of Guyana."

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Are those the final numbers for regions 4 and 6 ?


* If they are, then it's lights out for the PPP---they underperformed in both regions percentage wise compared to 2011.



They got stomped...beat up...beat down..leveled..knock-the-f&*-out!!! They got booted from the gravy-train and indians helped big-time to shape the foot in the boot that kicked them to the curb!


Don't know how the PM candidate will meet her 1 million dollar commitment to her debtors! I guess they just lost out on any possibility of payment!


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