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Bissessar, who had once regarded himself as a hard-core leftist and Cheddi Jaganite, also Wednesday endorsed the AFC, saying that he was disgruntled with corruption, mismanagement of the country and the handing out of resources to party favourites. He said he was also sidelined from the Executive Committee of the party because he was vocal internally and externally about his concerns.

Bissessar was almost certain that Nagamootoo, a long-time close party associate, would join the AFC’s campaign ahead of the November 28 general election.

“I want to believe that Mr. Nagamootoo should and I think he may be considering that option but I cannot be definitive,” said Bissessar, a one-time aide to President Bharrat Jagdeo.

He noted that both he and Nagamootoo believe that Jagan’s ideals have been whittled away. Bissessar assured Guyanese that Nagamootoo would definitely not be on the PPP’s slate.

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Originally posted by Noel:
Bissessar has all the wikileaks on the OP...WE WILL POST THEM RIGHT HERE

I cannot wait to see what he knows, I heard here in berbice a minister once slandering the good name of the man.

Congrats Bissessar its about time more PPP members step out and condemn this dictatorship and travesty for a government.
The question, are they bringing votes. But it's telling these guys are abondoning the ship. It also telling that Dr VW Charles comes over while a known PNC/HoI goon who has Indo blood on his hands see his redemption in the PPP.

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