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The curse of corruption continues to haunt Guyana, under PNC/AFC

April 6, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

…but we will not sit idly and allow this – TIGI

“The actions of Harmon and the inaction and silence of the Coalition on corruption suggest that any expectation of early improvement in the perception of corruption in Guyana is at best premature and at worst, dangerously misconceived.”

Transparency Institute of Guyana Incorporated (TIGI) has vowed not to sit idly by as the “curse” of

Minister, Joseph Harmon

Minister, Joseph Harmon

corruption continues to haunt Guyana. The body says that it is most unfortunate that this continues to happen in an anniversary year that should see strong commitment being made to the realization of a future free of corruption “and not an embrace of past lawlessness at the highest levels of our country.”

This was said as TIGI reflected on recent publications highlighting improper action by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.
The body said that revelations regarding the appointment of advisors to the APNU +AFC Government and political interference in the work of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) by Harmon have, “set a dark cloud over the operations of the current government.”

The body recalled that in justifying his issuing an Instrument of Appointment to Brian Tiwarie as Business Advisor to the Government, Harmon said, “We have issued several instruments like these to persons both from the APNU and the AFC side, and you would notice that I have signed it for many persons who have helped us in the campaign and those who have the capacity to help us further”.

TIGI said that the Minister of State is confirming that the government has been using its position to employ and reward, out of state resources, its supporters and donors.

“By the Minister’s own admission, well-paying and prestigious jobs and other privileges were up for sale during the 2015 elections campaign, in which the party stood on an anti-corruption and transparency platform. By any international standard, the conduct of Mr. Harmon and by extension, the Government, constitutes corruption.”

TIGI expressed its complete and total rejection of this state of affairs and called on the government to begin the process of correction by the immediate release of information on all the instruments of appointments issued by the Government and the criteria employed in such appointments.

Pointing out that the absence of transparency usually spawns authoritarianism and corruption, TIGI also called on the APNU+AFC Coalition to disclose the identity of the donors pre- and post-elections 2015, and the amount and/or value of their contributions.

Of equal concern to TIGI is Harmon’s interference in GRA, which they said remains unchallenged by the Government. TIGI said that Harmon improperly and unlawfully called a halt on seizure of vehicles from the Chinese logging company, BaiShanLin, pursuant to an investigation by the Guyana Revenue Authority into the tax affairs of the company.

TIGI pointed out that over the past several years, BaiShanLin has been at the epicenter of allegations of corruption; and forensic audits have confirmed that the company has received substantial privileges and apparent immunities without honouring its obligations.

The body said that with Guyana languishing in the lower levels of the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, TIGI had expected that a coalition that campaigned on a platform of anti-corruption would have immediately and vigorously confronted corruption as a primary goal.

TIGI said however that unfortunately, “the actions of Harmon and the inaction and silence of the Coalition on corruption suggest that any expectation of early improvement in the perception of corruption in Guyana is at best premature and at worst dangerously misconceived.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

"The body says that it is most unfortunate that this continues to happen in an anniversary year that should see strong commitment being made to the realization of a future free of corruption “and not an embrace of past lawlessness at the highest levels of our country.”

Yall ain't see nothing yet.

Cobra posted:

I read somewhere that said people wants to destroy Harmon. How can you destroy something that has been broken for decades under the PNC dictatorship and corruption?

By having it join the PPP.

cain posted:
Cobra posted:

I read somewhere that said people wants to destroy Harmon. How can you destroy something that has been broken for decades under the PNC dictatorship and corruption?

By having it join the PPP.

It is clear that the PPP is getting confused about who has been in charge of Guyana for decades. It was the PPP, until the people were liberated by the AFC and APNU.

yuji22 posted:

AFC/PNC skunks destroyed Guyana in less than than a year and their corruption stinks.

When this group claimed that Guyana under the PPP was the most corrupt Caribbean nation, aside from Haiti, the brown bai KKK had mental breakdowns.

So why suddenly is this group now credible?

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

AFC/PNC skunks destroyed Guyana in less than than a year and their corruption stinks.

When this group claimed that Guyana under the PPP was the most corrupt Caribbean nation, aside from Haiti, the brown bai KKK had mental breakdowns.

So why suddenly is this group now credible?

A DUMB JACKASS would make more sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

AFC/PNC skunks destroyed Guyana in less than than a year and their corruption stinks.

When this group claimed that Guyana under the PPP was the most corrupt Caribbean nation, aside from Haiti, the brown bai KKK had mental breakdowns.

So why suddenly is this group now credible?

A DUMB JACKASS would make more sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Than you.

cain posted:
Nehru posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

AFC/PNC skunks destroyed Guyana in less than than a year and their corruption stinks.

When this group claimed that Guyana under the PPP was the most corrupt Caribbean nation, aside from Haiti, the brown bai KKK had mental breakdowns.

So why suddenly is this group now credible?

A DUMB JACKASS would make more sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Than you.

You are welcome At least yuh gat more sense than Caribj.


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