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Former Member

No different.

Politicians attacking each other, no substance. Looks like voters may lean towards Trump because the Hillary camp is no different from the status quo.

If you look at the DNC, you ask yourself:

If Hillary cares about blacks, why did she not choose an African American as a running mate ?

President Obama chose a white running mate, why did Hillary not have the guts to choose an African American as her running mate ? 

The Democrats are crying about gun laws, Bill Clinton and Obama did nothing in 16 years or more, Hillary is no different.

The same applies for climate change laws.

Who are these democrats trying to fool ?

Vote for Democrats = Same Old, same Old. All talk, talk is cheap.

Americans might lean towards Trump and give a Washington outsider a chance. Interesting campaign ahead. Americans must wake up.

Trump must also tone down his anti Muslim American mantra and the path to Washington looks better and better, day by day, hour by hour.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

You are stuck in a Guyana State of Mind,why she has to give a Blackman the VP. She gave the most qualified. As for the gun laws, the NRA and the Republicans don't want changes even if their mother get killed by gun. The Democratic convention is a Ray of Light compare to the RNC, When Trump finished his address, Americans wanted to leave the country, but the SUN rose the next day and there was hope and Hillery.

yuji22 posted:

No different.

Politicians attacking each other, no substance. Looks like voters may lean towards Trump because the Hillary camp is no different from the status quo.

If you look at the DNC, you ask yourself:

If Hillary cares about blacks, why did she not choose an African American as a running mate ?

President Obama chose a white running mate, why did Hillary not have the guts to choose an African American as her running mate ? 

The Democrats are crying about gun laws, Bill Clinton and Obama did nothing in 16 years or more, Hillary is no different.

The same applies for climate change laws.

Who are these democrats trying to fool ?

Vote for Democrats = Same Old, same Old. All talk, talk is cheap.

Americans might lean towards Trump and give a Washington outsider a chance. Interesting campaign ahead. Americans must wake up.

Trump must also tone down his anti Muslim American mantra and the path to Washington looks better and better, day by day, hour by hour.


And to think that you took the time to come up with this drivel. 

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:

We shall see. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. The good people of America will decide.

Exactly, and those who are entitled to vote will indeed elect the next President.

Exactly DG.

The good people of America always make the right decision. They will vote for Donald Trump.

Sparky posted:
yuji22 posted:

Please move aside and make a valuable contribution. Do yourself a favour and avoid posting your trash in the wrong places. 

Thank you.

You would do well to take your own advice. You were doing well when you were not posting. You are welcome. 

Yuji is a SENIOR and most esteemed GNI poster. I have very high standards. My posts are most sought after and popular that even you are compelled to attempt to contribute.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:

We shall see. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. The good people of America will decide.

Exactly, and those who are entitled to vote will indeed elect the next President.

Exactly DG.

The good people of America always make the right decision. They will vote for Donald Trump.

1. Hillary Clinton will win the elections in November 2016.

2. Donald Trump will go thump, thump, bump, bump, into the dark yonder.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Very good observations Yuji.  The biggest problem with Hillary is her credibility and poor foreign policy.  America needs a leader who will defeat ISIS.  She cannot.


You hit the nail on the head. Most Americans perceive Hillary as untrustworthy. She is weak on credibility and has a horrible record on foreign policy. 

Americans always look for a strong leader and Hillary will be perceived as  weak especially in dealing with the threat of ISIS.

This is where Trump has the upper hand. 

These issues will bring Hillary's downfall.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Very good observations Yuji.  The biggest problem with Hillary is her credibility and poor foreign policy.  America needs a leader who will defeat ISIS.  She cannot.

Why don't  you shut your ignorant behind. Her  credibility is far beyond that yellow haired, narcissistic windbag who has done nothing for anyone but himself. When he was being a racist in housing against minorities Hillary was fighting for children, especially the disabled.

Her activism has left milestones of social change that are now national policy or standards. What has Trump done except manufacture schemes to take people's money with one scheme after another. The man bankrupt casinos!  How could that happen when the are dedicated to win?

ISIS is being defeated. The reason they take to bombing civilians is because they lost 60 percent of their turf and the rest are presently under siege.  Trump is living in his head and because their is an abundance of shallow jackasses like you who takes his bragging for policy and so he has a following.

His absence of a foreign policy grasp is seen in his willingness to give up border states with Russia and abandon obligations to aid in pushing back the borders of europe and the Pacific  so Russia and the Chinese can be checked. Add to that his willingness to allow nuclear proliferation and even suggest using tactical nukes as war strategy. The man is mad. If we do not carpet bomb people as he suggest why would any moral government use nuclear weapons?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

No different.

Politicians attacking each other, no substance. Looks like voters may lean towards Trump because the Hillary camp is no different from the status quo.

If you look at the DNC, you ask yourself:

If Hillary cares about blacks, why did she not choose an African American as a running mate ?

President Obama chose a white running mate, why did Hillary not have the guts to choose an African American as her running mate ? 

The Democrats are crying about gun laws, Bill Clinton and Obama did nothing in 16 years or more, Hillary is no different.

The same applies for climate change laws.

Who are these democrats trying to fool ?

Vote for Democrats = Same Old, same Old. All talk, talk is cheap.

Americans might lean towards Trump and give a Washington outsider a chance. Interesting campaign ahead. Americans must wake up.

Trump must also tone down his anti Muslim American mantra and the path to Washington looks better and better, day by day, hour by hour.


Were it not for the fact you are an accomplished dunce you would not surprise us with the above. However you out do yourself here.

The DNC dummy is a coordinating org and does nothing about selecting running mates. They are like the people who carry water for candidates not facilitate or impress their positions in the political space. It is why the emails from some of the people there expressing opinions are so out of place and the reason they will be fired.

Also, Hillary has the very best VP candidate. I have never even seen Hillary in person but I know Tim Kaine. I had the pleasure of visiting his church and even attending a few of his campaigns event while he was running for governor. MY wife knows him well since she worked for him or rather for his campaign.

Democrats have been blocked left and right on laws as recently as last month. The senate rule require 60 percent and they are the majority so nothing get done there or the house. if they do not want it to pass. Note they have not even held hearings on Obama supreme court nominee. No gun laws can pass if the congress remains similarly constituted.

Chances are the senate will be won by the democrats this time since they have eyes on a pending four seats switch. With Hillary in office it is clear their will be a ban on high capacity pistols and assault rifles. Of course she will not bother the second amendment as trump lies through his teeth about.

Trump has as much chance to win as a show storm in summer. It can happen.


Listen Buck Bai Dunce,

You need to stop the name calling ad as such Yuji will not sit down and take your trash.

Please stop littering in my thread. You are of no substance on GNI. Please post your trash elsewhere. 

Keep your "chances" and "what if nonsense" elsewhere.

Thank You


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Listen Buck Bai Dunce,

You need to stop the name calling ad as such Yuji will not sit down and take your trash.

Please stop littering in my thread. You are of no substance on GNI. Please post your trash elsewhere. 

Keep your "chances" and "what if nonsense" elsewhere.

Thank You


 It is not unexpected your racist urges will come to the fore. That is what you are; a low life moron.

This is not a billboard. This is a discussion forum. You do not own any thread. You own your ideas and since you have none you are poorer for it.

You to me here and anywhere is clear.


yuji, it's a pleasure to see you posting again. I won't pronounce on the merits/demerits of Mrs Clinton or Mr Trump. But, as you know, I always support the underdogs and I must say that I admire Dr Jill Stein, the presidential candidate of the Green Party. This is my honest humble contribution to your thread, my brother.

Sparky posted:
yuji22 posted:

No different.

Politicians attacking each other, no substance. Looks like voters may lean towards Trump because the Hillary camp is no different from the status quo.

If you look at the DNC, you ask yourself:

If Hillary cares about blacks, why did she not choose an African American as a running mate ?

President Obama chose a white running mate, why did Hillary not have the guts to choose an African American as her running mate ? 

The Democrats are crying about gun laws, Bill Clinton and Obama did nothing in 16 years or more, Hillary is no different.

The same applies for climate change laws.

Who are these democrats trying to fool ?

Vote for Democrats = Same Old, same Old. All talk, talk is cheap.

Americans might lean towards Trump and give a Washington outsider a chance. Interesting campaign ahead. Americans must wake up.

Trump must also tone down his anti Muslim American mantra and the path to Washington looks better and better, day by day, hour by hour.


And to think that you took the time to come up with this drivel. 

He's honed his skills with lots of practice posting sheer shit.

yuji22 posted:

Listen Buck Bai Dunce,

You need to stop the name calling ad as such Yuji will not sit down and take your trash.

Please stop littering in my thread. You are of no substance on GNI. Please post your trash elsewhere. 

Keep your "chances" and "what if nonsense" elsewhere.

Thank You


That man too nice he shoulda tell you fo shut yo lice ridden coconut hair coolie sc0unt

Last edited by cain
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


If Hillary cares about blacks, why did she not choose an African American as a running mate ?


If you care so much about blacks why don't you insist that the PPP select one to head that party?

You don't, so quit your nonsense.

I have ZERO opposition to a Black or Mixed PPP presidential candidate. Zero.

PPP needs the support of Blacks and Mixed for a better future.

yuji22 posted:

I have ZERO opposition to a Black or Mixed PPP presidential candidate. Zero.

Too bad you lack credibility, even I would have believed you.


PPP needs the support of Blacks and Mixed for a better future.

So how does a ignorant lyin coolie rass calling a black poster "tar boy" help in this regard?


Last edited by cain
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

I have ZERO opposition to a Black or Mixed PPP presidential candidate. Zero.

PPP needs the support of Blacks and Mixed for a better future.

Easy to say when you know that isn't going to happen. You all had Sam Hinds as president for 2 seconds.

Never judge a political party or politicians. You never know what can happen in politics. Three more years is a very long time.

If the economy continues to decline at the current rate and the economic hardships continue to squeeze the blacks and mixed, then as old people say, pressure can make pipe burst.

Lots of blacks are joining the lines for passports to head to America. Pictures do not lie.

Tables are turning. 

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

I have ZERO opposition to a Black or Mixed PPP presidential candidate. Zero.

Too bad you lack credibility, even I would have believed you.


PPP needs the support of Blacks and Mixed for a better future.

So how does a ignorant lyin coolie rass calling a black poster "tar boy" help in this regard?



I challenge you to prove on GNI that I used the term to call an Afro, tar boy. I challenge you right here on GNI.

Please prove it just shut your trap and please stop posting lies.

You are starting to believe your lies.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Sparky posted:
yuji22 posted:

Please move aside and make a valuable contribution. Do yourself a favour and avoid posting your trash in the wrong places. 

Thank you.

You would do well to take your own advice. You were doing well when you were not posting. You are welcome. 

Yuji is a SENIOR and most esteemed GNI poster. I have very high standards. My posts are most sought after and popular that even you are compelled to attempt to contribute.

Yuji is a SENIOR and most esteemed GNI poster. I have very high standards. My posts are most sought after and popular that even you are compelled to attempt to contribute.

You should pay tribute to Donald Trump for borrowing his bombacity. (Is that a word?)

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Very good observations Yuji.  The biggest problem with Hillary is her credibility and poor foreign policy.  America needs a leader who will defeat ISIS.  She cannot.


The resident GNI humorist is on fire. To borrow her co-opted phrase, she hit it out of the park. hehehehehe

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yuji - it looks like a duplicate to me.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  I thought Ivanka Trump was going to introduce Hillary tonight, but she decided to use her own daughter Chelsea.

lady, you are a simpleton. The speakers list were formalized weeks ago with minor changes. It is logical for a Chelsea to introduce her mother. She is going to be the first woman selected as a presidential candidate by a party. Trump on the other hand is doing what is his habit. His children work for him.

kp posted:

The RNC was a parade of Don Trump ,his trophy wife #3  and the showing of the wives step children, an exhibition of Trumpism.

I wish to commend kp for being consistent in his political philosophy. Historically, the PPP has favored Democrats over Republicans. That is, while the Jagans controlled the PPP. As a PPP supporter kp is in order to continue supporting the Democrats. It is astonishing that some PPP supporters in GNI Political openly support the Republican Trump. Of course, I respect their democratic right to do so, but it looks like a blatant contradiction. Just my observation.

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

The RNC was a parade of Don Trump ,his trophy wife #3  and the showing of the wives step children, an exhibition of Trumpism.

I wish to commend kp for being consistent in his political philosophy. Historically, the PPP has favored Democrats over Republicans. That is, while the Jagans controlled the PPP. As a PPP supporter kp is in order to continue supporting the Democrats. It is astonishing that some PPP supporters in GNI Political openly support the Republican Trump. Of course, I respect their democratic right to do so, but it looks like a blatant contradiction. Just my observation.

Oh yes, it was the Democrat JFK who threw Cheddi under the bus to Burnham.  And another one name Obama who handed it to Granger.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

The RNC was a parade of Don Trump ,his trophy wife #3  and the showing of the wives step children, an exhibition of Trumpism.

I wish to commend kp for being consistent in his political philosophy. Historically, the PPP has favored Democrats over Republicans. That is, while the Jagans controlled the PPP. As a PPP supporter kp is in order to continue supporting the Democrats. It is astonishing that some PPP supporters in GNI Political openly support the Republican Trump. Of course, I respect their democratic right to do so, but it looks like a blatant contradiction. Just my observation.

Racists are consistent in their support. They support any party that is anti-black. 


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