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Dear Editor,

What is happening to Cheddi Jagan today has happened to many great men in history.
When he was alive, he was persecuted and had to face many vile attacks because of his principled position on all important national and international issues. This man stood like a colossus against the colonial powers and the imperialist policies of the US to win independence, freedom and democracy for the people of this country.
The party currently in power, PNC/APNU, at this 50th anniversary fought against Independence and against Cheddi Jagan tooth and nail. They took the position of no independence in 1960.

The PNC was placed in power at the time of Independence to frustrate the aspirations of our people. It is this same party that had removed May 26 (Independence Day) from being a national holiday. In the process, they will do everything to ignore the role of Cheddi Jagan and the PPP’s contributions to Guyana attaining independence.
It is well known that our country should have gained independence since 1962, at the same time as Jamaica and Trinidad. The 1961 elections were fought with the objective of whichever party won would lead the country to Independence. The PPP won those elections.

This was a period when the Cold War existed and the US, in alliance with the UK, destabilized our country to stop independence. In the process, they needed the assistance of local collaborators, and the PNC played that role very well. They did not care about the human suffering they caused. The finance came from the US. Indeed, the colonials established a state of emergency in the then British Guiana. This was to frustrate the people’s demand for Independence.
British Guiana was the only colony that was granted independence under a state of emergency, with political prisoners, including Brindley Benn, C V Nunes and others, languishing in the Mazaruni prison. Their crime? Being members of the PPP in the fight for independence.
After this, the PNC downplayed Independence. The day ceased being a public holiday and instead republican status was emphasized more.

The PPP was supportive of republican status and argued that we should be a republic on the same date as our independence. The PPP even proposed through Dr Jagan, that Independence and Republican status should be August 1, 1962. This was to coincide and give emphasis to the date in 1838 when slavery was abolished. The PNC did not support this.
Dr Cheddi Jagan never wavered from his position of freedom. In January of 1955, when rumours of a split in the PPP were becoming clear, with a section of the PPP (led by Burnham), arguing that the radicals in the PPP should be removed to please the British so that they would end the period of suspension of the constitution, Cheddi Jagan wrote that even if they succeeded in doing so, they would not be able to deliver anything to the people. His words have proven to be prophetic.
Independence under the PNC led to the loss of democracy, which was characterized by rigged elections. The economy was bankrupt, shortages and long lines for basic commodities, discrimination and political oppression were the order of the day. The destruction affected every aspect of life in the country. We became a laughing stock of the Caribbean and further afield.

In 1992, led by Cheddi Jagan, democracy was restored. With that, our country began to advance in every aspect of life, so much so that international institutions began to point to Guyana as a model for development.
These achievements were made under the most difficult of circumstances. The PNC/APNU did everything to stymie progress in our country. Now they are trying to rewrite history and cover their record of sellouts.
Typically, once more they are trying to ignore the real champion of our independence – Dr Cheddi Jagan and the PPP. However, history is not only about today’s circumstances. Cheddi Jagan’s life and work were open books. The achievements are both material and spiritual/psychological. His contributions have been so immense that former US President Jimmy Carter once stated that Jagan was Guyana’s greatest asset.
And judging by his great work and the example that he has left, he still is our greatest asset.

No matter how much they try to play down Cheddi Jagan’s role, they will fail. History and time will see to that!

Yours faithfully,
Donald Ramotar

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:


Are you drunk. Listen up greatest leaders are reserved for people like Gandhi, Lincoln, Jefferson and Indira.


The notion that Guyanese had to fight for independence is a joke. The British wanted to rid itself of its Caribbean colonies, but in true British style, didn't want to be dramatic. So they lulled us into thinking that we actually "won" independence.

The Caribbean struggle was for better living standards, and more access to empowerment on the part of the masses. While Cheddi was certainly part of that struggle, so too were many others, including Burnham.

Despite what ignorant and brainwashed people will claim, NEITHER Cheddi, nor Burnham were the father of the struggle.  We can go all the way back to Cuffy, and also acknowledge the many ex slaves, and indentures who also struggled mightily to improve living conditions.

Guyanese aren't taught Guyanese history, because BOTH the PPP and the PNC will have us believe that nothing happened before 1953.

Prashad posted:
Nehru posted:


Are you drunk. Listen up greatest leaders are reserved for people like Gandhi, Lincoln, Jefferson and Indira.

Yes I drank at your house last night!!!!!!!!!!!!


"In 1992, led by Cheddi Jagan, democracy was restored. With that, our country began to advance in every aspect of life, so much so that international institutions began to point to Guyana as a model for development."

Ramu failed to mention the Carter Center and the same countries that kept Jagan out restored democracy in Guyana.

Django posted:

"In 1992, led by Cheddi Jagan, democracy was restored. With that, our country began to advance in every aspect of life, so much so that international institutions began to point to Guyana as a model for development."

Ramu failed to mention the Carter Center and the same countries that kept Jagan out restored democracy in Guyana.

Why was that necessary??  You are either confused or worst.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:

"In 1992, led by Cheddi Jagan, democracy was restored. With that, our country began to advance in every aspect of life, so much so that international institutions began to point to Guyana as a model for development."

Ramu failed to mention the Carter Center and the same countries that kept Jagan out restored democracy in Guyana.

Why was that necessary??  You are either confused or worst.

It's worth mentioning the commies in FH was blaspheming this great nation.

Last edited by Django
caribny posted:
Guyanese aren't taught Guyanese history, because BOTH the PPP and the PNC will have us believe that nothing happened before 1953.

Indeed Guyanese/Guianese history were scarce or non-existent during the colonial period in the schools.

However, since 1957 under Dr. Cheddi Jagan; and continued under Forbes Burnham in 964; Guyanese history was a prominent feature in schools.

Nehru posted:
Prashad posted:
Nehru posted:


Are you drunk. Listen up greatest leaders are reserved for people like Gandhi, Lincoln, Jefferson and Indira.

Yes I drank at your house last night!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen here you stay away from that Portugeese poison.

Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Guyanese aren't taught Guyanese history, because BOTH the PPP and the PNC will have us believe that nothing happened before 1953.

Indeed Guyanese/Guianese history were scarce or non-existent during the colonial period in the schools.

However, since 1957 under Dr. Cheddi Jagan; and continued under Forbes Burnham in 964; Guyanese history was a prominent feature in schools.

Do you know any Guyanese history books from that era?  How did they teach Guyanese history without text books?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Guyanese aren't taught Guyanese history, because BOTH the PPP and the PNC will have us believe that nothing happened before 1953.

Indeed Guyanese/Guianese history were scarce or non-existent during the colonial period in the schools.

However, since 1957 under Dr. Cheddi Jagan; and continued under Forbes Burnham in 964; Guyanese history was a prominent feature in schools.

Do you know any Guyanese history books from that era?  How did they teach Guyanese history without text books?

Guyanese history was not taught in that past period; even in the early 1960's when I was in high school.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Guyanese aren't taught Guyanese history, because BOTH the PPP and the PNC will have us believe that nothing happened before 1953.

Indeed Guyanese/Guianese history were scarce or non-existent during the colonial period in the schools.

However, since 1957 under Dr. Cheddi Jagan; and continued under Forbes Burnham in 964; Guyanese history was a prominent feature in schools.

Do you know any Guyanese history books from that era?  How did they teach Guyanese history without text books?

Guyanese history was not taught in that past period; even in the early 1960's when I was in high school.

Were you 30 years old in high school?


In primary school in the late 1950s and early 1960s my teacher encouraged the class to read THE CHILDREN'S STORY OF BRITISH GUIANA by Guy E. L. De Weever. After 1966 the book's title changed to THE CHILDREN'S STORY OF GUYANA. I have a copy in my home library, along with THE MAKING OF GUYANA by Vere T. Daly which I first read in high school.

Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Guyanese aren't taught Guyanese history, because BOTH the PPP and the PNC will have us believe that nothing happened before 1953.

Indeed Guyanese/Guianese history were scarce or non-existent during the colonial period in the schools.

However, since 1957 under Dr. Cheddi Jagan; and continued under Forbes Burnham in 964; Guyanese history was a prominent feature in schools.

Guyanese don't learn Guyanese history. We learn Jamaican and Barbadian history dressed up as Caribbean history.

How many Guyanese know anything about Guyana before 1953?  A few myths about the post slavery era, and a little about Cuffy, and not much more.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dear Editor,

What is happening to Cheddi Jagan today has happened to many great men in history.
When he was alive, he was persecuted and had to face many vile attacks because of his principled position on all important national and international issues. This man stood like a colossus against the colonial powers and the imperialist policies of the US to win independence, freedom and democracy for the people of this country.
The party currently in power, PNC/APNU, at this 50th anniversary fought against Independence and against Cheddi Jagan tooth and nail. They took the position of no independence in 1960.

The PNC was placed in power at the time of Independence to frustrate the aspirations of our people. It is this same party that had removed May 26 (Independence Day) from being a national holiday. In the process, they will do everything to ignore the role of Cheddi Jagan and the PPP’s contributions to Guyana attaining independence.
It is well known that our country should have gained independence since 1962, at the same time as Jamaica and Trinidad. The 1961 elections were fought with the objective of whichever party won would lead the country to Independence. The PPP won those elections.

This was a period when the Cold War existed and the US, in alliance with the UK, destabilized our country to stop independence. In the process, they needed the assistance of local collaborators, and the PNC played that role very well. They did not care about the human suffering they caused. The finance came from the US. Indeed, the colonials established a state of emergency in the then British Guiana. This was to frustrate the people’s demand for Independence.
British Guiana was the only colony that was granted independence under a state of emergency, with political prisoners, including Brindley Benn, C V Nunes and others, languishing in the Mazaruni prison. Their crime? Being members of the PPP in the fight for independence.
After this, the PNC downplayed Independence. The day ceased being a public holiday and instead republican status was emphasized more.

The PPP was supportive of republican status and argued that we should be a republic on the same date as our independence. The PPP even proposed through Dr Jagan, that Independence and Republican status should be August 1, 1962. This was to coincide and give emphasis to the date in 1838 when slavery was abolished. The PNC did not support this.
Dr Cheddi Jagan never wavered from his position of freedom. In January of 1955, when rumours of a split in the PPP were becoming clear, with a section of the PPP (led by Burnham), arguing that the radicals in the PPP should be removed to please the British so that they would end the period of suspension of the constitution, Cheddi Jagan wrote that even if they succeeded in doing so, they would not be able to deliver anything to the people. His words have proven to be prophetic.
Independence under the PNC led to the loss of democracy, which was characterized by rigged elections. The economy was bankrupt, shortages and long lines for basic commodities, discrimination and political oppression were the order of the day. The destruction affected every aspect of life in the country. We became a laughing stock of the Caribbean and further afield.

In 1992, led by Cheddi Jagan, democracy was restored. With that, our country began to advance in every aspect of life, so much so that international institutions began to point to Guyana as a model for development.
These achievements were made under the most difficult of circumstances. The PNC/APNU did everything to stymie progress in our country. Now they are trying to rewrite history and cover their record of sellouts.
Typically, once more they are trying to ignore the real champion of our independence – Dr Cheddi Jagan and the PPP. However, history is not only about today’s circumstances. Cheddi Jagan’s life and work were open books. The achievements are both material and spiritual/psychological. His contributions have been so immense that former US President Jimmy Carter once stated that Jagan was Guyana’s greatest asset.
And judging by his great work and the example that he has left, he still is our greatest asset.

No matter how much they try to play down Cheddi Jagan’s role, they will fail. History and time will see to that!

Yours faithfully,
Donald Ramotar

Why Dunald don't shut his his scrunt?  He is so annoying like a stuck record, over and over with his communist garbage.  They should deport his to:


Vladivostok in the Soviet Union.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

At some point we will have to record our history for future generations to know.

It will take some time to get an honest interpretation!

Forget interpretation. Bare bone facts of Guyana's history in a nutshell:

Approx 12,000 years ago: Amerindians began to settle.

Approx 416 years ago: Dutchman began to settle. Shortly after, dem bring in black man by force to wuk fo free.

213 years ago: Englishman kicked out Dutchman. After two decades, dem free de black man.

178 years ago: Englishman import coolie man fo cut sugar cane.

50 years ago: Black man and coolie man kicked out Englishman.

Today: Coolie man still cutting sugar cane same way like 178 years ago. 

History ongoing. 


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