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Originally Posted by kp:

MOSES was speaking for a hand full of afc supporters, but the canecutter was speaking for all the working class in Guyana, Moses the fool would wear a black suit on a hot day to talk to the working poor people, what message the afc is sending. Well the afc is just clutching to straws.

Cane cutters were speaking ignorantly for themselves ( note more than 18000) and perceptions that they were being shafted. The PPP created the problem they spoke to and given they were always in the dark about the workings of the industry they swallowed whole cloth the PPP bilge. I wonder what straws you are talking about? Is he ongoing raid of NICIL against national assets a straw? The Marriott is a 54 million dollars straw! Is the half a billion already sunk into sugar and yet it fails a straw?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by kp:

MOSES was speaking for a hand full of afc supporters, but the canecutter was speaking for all the working class in Guyana, Moses the fool would wear a black suit on a hot day to talk to the working poor people, what message the afc is sending. Well the afc is just clutching to straws.

Cane cutters were speaking ignorantly for themselves ( note more than 18000) and perceptions that they were being shafted. The PPP created the problem they spoke to and given they were always in the dark about the workings of the industry they swallowed whole cloth the PPP bilge. I wonder what straws you are talking about? Is he ongoing raid of NICIL against national assets a straw? The Marriott is a 54 million dollars straw! Is the half a billion already sunk into sugar and yet it fails a straw?

Cane cutters were speaking ignorantly for themselves.


The man is calling cane cutters ignorant.

He hates Indians

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Dem cane cutters will teach the AFC a lesson. Traitor Moses get his dose and had to swallow his snake oil and run for his life.

There are 18000 cane cutters.  There are another 300,000 who don't cut cane.  Ask yourself whether those others mightn't be impressed by the attempt of the opposition to force the PPP to be more transparent in the effective their use of tax payers' money.


So deep in the PPP sewer you live that you don't understand that there is  whole world outside of there. 

I think that i am in a far better position than you are to measure the sentiments of the people given that you resort to the internet and your relatives who call to beg for information on happenings in Guyana

Originally Posted by albert:

So here we were all this time thinking that the AFC enjoys widespread support among disenchanted PPP supporters who work in the sugar industry ....


Tiwst it and turn how you want, the PPP will get 100,000 voters.  In that is the die hards.


But 100,000 votes do not win elections.


This man who spoke here is a PPP organiser, his two children and wife are all paid by the PYO with state funds,$30,000 each.  He gets a salary of $50,000.


That $140,000 a month for that family.


Do you expect him to talk any different?


Every one who was on that Guysuco truck from Berbice were hand picked based on similar situations, close to the party and their wife and children are all on the PPP payroll using state funds.


Expect him to talk differently?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by albert:

So here we were all this time thinking that the AFC enjoys widespread support among disenchanted PPP supporters who work in the sugar industry ....


Tiwst it and turn how you want, the PPP will get 100,000 voters.  In that is the die hards.


But 100,000 votes do not win elections.


This man who spoke here is a PPP organiser, his two children and wife are all paid by the PYO with state funds,$30,000 each.  He gets a salary of $50,000.


That $140,000 a month for that family.


Do you expect him to talk any different?


Every one who was on that Guysuco truck from Berbice were hand picked based on similar situations, close to the party and their wife and children are all on the PPP payroll using state funds.


Expect him to talk differently?

When the average rural family in the suagr belt got to make do with 50,000 a month, this man's family gets $140,000.


He will sing for the PPP like a canary.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Canecutters have always had problems. It won't go away so easy. Guysuco is in a process of mechanizing which will eventually lead to layoffs.. The industry has lower its production costs if stay profitable and in business


Here you go.  So what did these poor cane cutters get out of the exercise?  Many will soon lose their jobs any way.  Of course PPP cronies will be awatrded fraudulent contracts.


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