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Former Member

AFC dream team was excited two weeks ago, but now it's fading. Thanks to Ramjattan for giving Moses an ounce of fame and five pound of shame. In the Honeymooners, Ralph Kramden, was well known for having a big mouth. The only thing he was funny. In Ramjattan's case, he is NOT funny, but also tries to plunge a knife in other people's back.


1) I have no issue with Mr. Moses Nagamootoo.

2) Ramjattan need to get his act together.

3) Ramjattan pissed off Granger when he made that baseless claims about APNU's MP's.

4) He also pissed off the PPP when he failed to prove his allegation.

5) It serves him right for having a big mouth.



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Your thread is intended to distract from the real issues.

Evidence highlights Jagdeo/Sattaur plot to shutdown K/news

September 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


Jagdeo/Sattaur plot to destroy Kaieteur News unearthed

Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall, is in possession of incontrovertible evidence of a plot by former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, to bring down Kaieteur News. Confidential documentation, leaked to this publication, reveals that the Commissioner-General provided the former President with detailed tax information of a number of independent media houses in - a a The disclosure of the information by GRAโ€™s Commissioner-General to Jagdeo, represents a grave breach of the โ€˜Oath of Secrecyโ€™ sworn to by Sattaur as an officer of the Guyana Revenue Authority, said one lawyer. In taking the Oath, Sattaur solemnly declared that he would โ€œtruly, faithfully, impartially and honestly execute the powers vested in him.โ€ He also swore that he would โ€œjudge and determine upon all matters and things before him without fear, affection, or maliceโ€. And he swore, too, not to disclose any tax information concerning any taxpayer, but this has not been the case. Both Jagdeo and Sattaur are fully aware of the impropriety of their action and as such Sattaur even acknowledged, in the documents, that Jagdeo is expected to treat the information with confidence, said the lawyer. The documents would lift the lid off a few Government officials who have been insisting that all is right in Guyana and democracy is very much alive, he added. Both Kaieteur News and Stabroek News have been on the receiving end of Governmentโ€™s anger over critical issues like corruption, value for money on projects, and local government elections. This publication is of the firm view that former President Jagdeo is not entitled to receive financial or tax information of any taxpayer, let alone a private citizen, as it would be highly improper, and clearly a breach of regulations. The information received revealed that Jagdeo advised Sattaur on โ€œan impending major audit of the Kaieteur Newsโ€ as a public ploy to defend the GRA and Sattaur against criticisms by the Kaieteur News. There is strong indication, according to the documents seen by Kaieteur News, that the plot between Sattaur and Jagdeo was hatched after a news report a few weeks ago raised questions over the employment of three children of the Commissioner-General at GRA. The report had questioned whether it was proper. Sattaur had also been highly defensive and upset with Kaieteur News and the private media, after questions were asked of GRAโ€™s role in granting Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese logging company that is being investigated by Parliament, tens of millions of dollars in duty free concessions. When asked about details of the duty free concessions granted to Bai Shan Lin, Sattaur made it clear that the laws that are in place barred him from ever disclosing the information. He said that the matter was closed. As such, the public was kept in the dark over those duty free concessions for high-end SUVs, like a Lexus, an Infiniti series, and even a number of luxury vans. The granting of duty free concessions for vehicles pertaining to investments has to be relevant to the type of investment being made. GRA remained silent on this and also how it granted the duty free concessions even before Bai Shan Lin was given permission to freely operate its concessions. According to Kaieteur Newsโ€™s publisher, Glenn Lall, he is now even more convinced that certain members within the ruling Peopleโ€™s Progressive Party/Civic and Government are determined to silence the voice of the independent media. โ€œThe use of the Guyana Revenue Authority, a body to which members of the public entrust their most private information, as a weapon against the media is a dangerous development indeed, and a violation of press freedomโ€ฆ โ€œKaieteur News is forced to ask what other tax information has not been compromised by Sattaur and Jagdeo?โ€ Lall opined that it is time for Sattaur to step down as Commissioner-General of GRA with an independent, criminal investigation launched to enquire the role played by Jagdeo, and to ensure that the tax agency is operating within its mandate. โ€œWe also call on President Donald Ramotar to take steps to prevent Mr. Jagdeo from interfering further in his administration of the country,โ€ Lall said.


Sattaur addresses issue of plot to destroy Kaieteur News

On Sunday, Kaieteur News reported on what it said was a plot by Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Khurshid Sattaur, and former President Bharrat Jagdeo, to destroy the newspaper. The news report prompted the following response from Sattaur.

Dear Editor, Reference is made to various articles in Kaieteur newspaper edition of the 21/9 of which you are well undoubtedly aware.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

There would appear to be a deliberate and orchestrated effort on the part of the paper and no doubt that of the owner/publisher of the newspaper to give maximum coverage to the ongoing legal proceedings involving the vehicles imported by remigrants but โ€œloaned to the Lallsโ€. This can be construed as an apparent and continuing effort to influence the learned Chief Justice in his impending decision. This belief is further confirmed from the most naive reference made by the editor of the publication that โ€œthis matter is before the court and I am sure it will go nowhereโ€. Perhaps the editor of Kaieteur News can enlighten the public what is meant by this statement and if he is privy to information that is not in the public domain. The GRA is still of the firm belief that the matter will be heard and determined expeditiously and justice will prevail. While this reference to a current court case and these unjustified and baseless statements may appear to the uninitiated to be innocuous, Mr. Harris should be seriously reprimanded by the Chief Justice for contempt. The statement that โ€œnothing in the law that says a man cannot loan his vehicleโ€ betrays the ignorance, misapprehension, misinterpretation of the law or represents a deliberate attempt by the publication to disseminate this misinformation to the reading public. I am more inclined to believe it is the latter if you are to consider some of the misguided and grossly inaccurate information the publication has chosen to publish regarding the issue, as well as reckless and irresponsible behavior demonstrated by the KN. Whilst the Income Tax laws make provision for certain tax information to be treated as confidential, there are several exceptions to this general rule. Specifically, under S4 of the Income Tax Act a disclosure to the state is not prohibited, a disclosure for the purposes of the administration of the Act is allowed and a disclosure to any person with the authorization of the president is permitted under the law. These exceptions are further extended by the Revenue Authority Act, Act No. 13 of 1996. Under S23 of this Act disclosure is further allowed in four instances:

Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority [GRA), Khurshid Sattaur

Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur

a.    a disclosure in the course of the persons duties b.    with the consent in writing by or on behalf of the Authority c.    when lawfully required to do so by an order of court d.    when required to do so under any law

S4(2) of the Income Tax Act provides as follows: โ€œS4(2)Every person having possession of or control over any documents, information, returns, or assessment lists or copies of those lists, relating to the income or items of income of anyone who at any time communicates or attempts to communicate that information, or anything contained in the documents, returns, lists or copies, to any personโ€” (a) other than a person to whom he is authorised by the President to communicate it; or (b) otherwise than for the purposes of this Act, shall be guilty of an offence.โ€ The law clearly provides that the President and the state are legally entitled to receive information on any taxpayer and empowers the President to authorise the disclosure of any such information to any person(s). This privilege has been enshrined in the statutes.I can assure the Kaieteur News and the general public that all taxpayer information is treated with the strictest confidence and any disclosure is made lawfully in keeping with the laws of Guyana. This supposed revelation of a plot to destroy the KN is nothing but an apparent attempt by the Newspaperโ€™s publisher to forestall any audit the GRA may wish to undertake of the tax affairs of the KN which may uncover irregularities, tax evasion, tax avoidance, fraud etc. It is an attempt to intimidate the GRA and its officers from discharging their statutory duties and functions by suggesting that any audit of the KN is malicious and vindictive. It is with regret that I must inform you that the GRA cannot abdicate itโ€™s statutory mandate in light of spurious and baseless conjecture. Indeed it compels the GRA to action since these actions belie the fact the KN has an interest in preventing an audit by the Revenue a clear indicator of fraud and the need for an investigation.

I will not respond to your baseless and unfounded accusations in various articles that I was responsible for providing the Chronicle with the damaging information concerning the falsifying of documents on tax frauds allegedly perpetrated by KN and itโ€™s Publisher. These statements are defamatory and I have instructed my Attorneys to institute legal proceedings against the KN and itโ€™s publisher. These defamatory statements and issues pertaining thereto will be fully ventilated in the impending legal action.

In the circumstances the KN, itโ€™s Editor and Publisher would be well advised to: 1.    Acquaint themselves with the provisions of the Tax laws particularly the provisions that prohibit the disclosure of confidential taxpayer information and the exceptions to this general rule; 2.    Familiarise themselves with the provisions and process relating to the grant of remigrant status/duty concessions and the conditions attendant thereto, particularly the numerous potential sources the information allegedly โ€˜leakedโ€™ could have originated from; 3.    Be informed that the Kaieteur News and itโ€™s publisher are subject to the Laws of Guyana like any other citizen; 4.    Be reminded that the Commissioner General or the GRA cannot be intimidated into abandoning a statutorily empowered audit and will not be so intimidated. Despite these unfounded attacks, threats, attempts at manipulation and intimidation the GRA, myself and officers will remain professional in our conduct and execution of our duties towards all citizens of Guyana. K Sattaur Commissioner- General ** Here is the evidence collected by Kaieteur News




Sattaur has broken his oath!


Plot to destroy Kaieteur Newsโ€ฆSattaur remains mum on e-mail revelations

September 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, is in no way fazed by the calls for his resignation or articles published against him. He contends that whatever he does is covered in law.

GRAโ€™s Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur receiving the Cacique Crown of Honour National Award from President Bharrat Jagdeo in October 2011.

GRAโ€™s Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur receiving the Cacique Crown of Honour National Award from President Bharrat Jagdeo in October 2011.

Sattaur, during an interview, yesterday, maintained that whatever he does in the execution of his duties is covered in law and as such he has nothing to hide or to be afraid of. Asked whether he denies that he did in fact share tax information of privately owned media houses with the former President Bharrat Jagdeo, Sattaur said, โ€œNo comment.โ€ Sattaur announced, too, that he is getting a lawyer to deal with the matter in court. According to Sattaur, he is building a case against the Kaieteur News and its publisher Glenn Lall. Sattaur said that he is in possession of a recorded conversation between himself and Lall. The contents of the conversation will not be published or shared but rather will be tendered as evidence in the court, he said. Sattaur claims that Lall called him and threatened to expose him. According to Sattaur, whatever he has done in the course of his duty had been within the confines of the law. โ€œLet them dig more and write what they wantโ€ฆLet them write it in โ€˜dem boysโ€™,โ€ said Sattaur. This publication on Sunday last, published a redacted email sent from Sattaur to Jagdeo, where he divulged tax information of several privately-owned media houses. In another email, this time with Attorney General Anil Nandlall, Sattaur informed him that he had provided the former President with โ€œinformation which I would expect he treats with the utmost confidentiality.โ€ According to the email, Sattaur informs Nandlall that โ€œsince we are in this thing together, I see no harm in sharing this with you. However, further to the assurances you have given me that the Government will be pursuing the newspaper for libel and other offences of a criminal nature, I will await the determination of such action before I provide you with the details on Kaieteur News. Of course I am deeply indebted to the Government for the confidence it places in me to continue to execute my duties as CG.โ€

Glenn Lall

Glenn Lall

He is further quoted as saying โ€œI spoke with the honourable BJ and he suggested that the recent outrageous article published on me should for โ€œmedia purposesโ€ be attributed to the impending major audit of the Kaieteur News which in his usual irregular and surreptitious manner the newspaper was able to uncoverโ€ฆ.Please note however, unless there is a major gag order from the court with a threat of maximum imprisonment, I am not prepared to have this most recent proposed action made publicโ€ฆThis as they say in proverbial language is likely to break the camelโ€™s back and the individual may go berserk.โ€ Sattaur had sought to defend his actions saying that while the Income Tax laws make provision for certain tax information to be treated as confidential, there are several exceptions to this general rule. Specifically, under S4 of the Income Tax Act a disclosure to the state is not prohibited, a disclosure for the purposes of the administration of the Act is allowed and a disclosure to any person with the authorization of the president is permitted under the law. These exceptions are further extended by the Revenue Authority Act, Act No. 13 of 1996. Under S23 of this Act disclosure is further allowed in four instances. Checks with Office of the President revealed that there was no such request by Head of State, Donald Ramotar. Ever since the damning revelations at least one political party has called for Sattaurโ€™s resignation as the head of GRA. According to some lawyers, the information disclosed by the GRA Commissioner-General to Jagdeo, represents a grave breach of the โ€˜Oath of Secrecyโ€™ sworn to by Sattaur as an officer of the Guyana Revenue Authority. In taking the Oath, Sattaur solemnly declared that he would โ€œtruly, faithfully, impartially and honestly execute the powers vested in him.โ€  He also swore not to disclose any tax information concerning any taxpayer. The ruling Peopleโ€™s Progressive Party, would want to ensure the authenticity of the emails first.

Last edited by Mitwah

Dem boys sehโ€ฆDe Cow man get ketch wid he pants down

September 23, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Monday was a day of mourning fuh de man who like dig shit pun people.  De man spread he wings like a hawk just de day before, talking how he does operate within de law and how he got de power to share information wid de president. When dem boys drop a piece of de bombshell, right away he tell Seelee that he canโ€™t go pun leave. โ€œDonโ€™t proceed. I deh in deep shit and you got to help dig me out.โ€ Seelee ask wha happen and de man ask you mean fuh tell me you donโ€™t know? Dem boys hear Seelee then tell de man that he know was only time fuh you.  When you been pun leave and you use to call me and give me all dem dutty things fuh do, I use to put you pun speaker and lef me door open because me want people fuh hear that you is de devil, not me. โ€œI hear when you call some Anil and you was whispering. I know you is a man who does send e-mail and shout at de top of you voice. It look like something chop you tongue. Me ainโ€™t know is de Waterfalls paper that you pick fight wid.  You try deh.โ€ Dem boys seh that de first thing he do when he go to de office Monday morning he start vacuum de office. He shoulda start vacuum he house, first. De second thing he do, he tell he secretary that nobody must enter his office wid any electronic device, be it telephone, Ipad, Iphone, or eyelash. He seh that now he want he office just like de US embassy, dem same people who he write and ask fuh information pun some people de other day. De Ambassador, Mr Hunt, promptly put he to he place. He frighten fuh even belch or fart in he office. Monday, he staff see him holding he belly and running out of he office to de back of de building. Is when he pass back dem get a smell and know wha he went to do. Now he want everybody, even Donald and de Rat fuh tek a lie detector test fuh find out how that thing he send get in de newspaper Monday; that thing that expose he wicked, evil and devious self. De whole country know that he get ketch wid he pants down, he canโ€™t pull it up and de people who he tell, โ€œWe are in this thing together,โ€ run and lef he wid he pants down. That is wha you call evil and good friendship. Talk half and remember โ€œWe are in this thing together, Cow buddy.โ€

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

How can you tell which Party is a Burger party? The one that shows up with no confidence in motion!

Stick to your day job garbage collection or prostitution you are no comedian.

What did the burger party say when it pleaded not guilty ? Iโ€™ve been flamed!

That's what happening to the PPP/C now

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

How can you tell which Party is a Burger party? The one that shows up with no confidence in motion!

Stick to your day job garbage collection or prostitution you are no comedian.

What did the burger party say when it pleaded not guilty ? Iโ€™ve been flamed!


The Burger Party also said, I will go in the junction.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

How can you tell which Party is a Burger party? The one that shows up with no confidence in motion!

Stick to your day job garbage collection or prostitution you are no comedian.

What did the burger party say when it pleaded not guilty ? Iโ€™ve been flamed!


The Burger Party also said, I will go in the junction.

If you want to have a burger party and have no confidence to host it, KFC has a special promotion with great discount rates. Hurry! Offerings ends in 90 days.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:

If your posting would make Ramjattan a better leader of the AFC, then I would tell you it matters to post it as often as you can. I am sorry to say that Ramjattan don't have the knack for politics. Think about why Granger is silent and protesting peacefully without AFC? Granger sees AFC as an obstacle right now.

You are not qualified for to make that decision. That fellow started a party that has the PPP on its knees as a minority government. It is his doing that has been most instrumental to the forwarding of democracy since the beginning of our state.


You are stupid if you think Granger sees the AFC as an obstacle. He is hoping the AFC is able to purloin a   minimum of four or five points from the PPP. If that occurs and he gains at least another 4 then the PPP is history. Granger knows ethnic voting limits his option to degrade the PPP base. The AFC can do that so he needs them more than they need him.

Last edited by Former Member

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