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Former Member
Immigrant visas issued by US Embassy Georgetown, Guyana from 2005 – 2014
6,887,5,806, 3,197, 5,214, 4,357, 5,185, 4,934, 4,394, 4,750,4,644
73000 visas were issued for the period 1992 to 2004. in other words 122,368 Guyanese ‘legally’ left the country for the USA under PPP mis-rule. and we’re only talking america. throw in the masses in suriname, french guyana, venezuela, trinidad, antigua, grenada, st. kitts, antigua, bahamas, canada, st. vincent, aruba, curacao etc etc and you’re talking hundreds of thousands of Guyanese who have fled demockery under the PPP.
let’s see what the US Ambassador had to say about this issue

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