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The electorates should sack the PPP at the first opportunity

November 3, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, By refusing to hold fresh Local Government Elections (after 20 years) we now effectively have a rogue government, and a dictatorship. The recalcitrant PPP regime has aborted the democratic process in its quest to hold on to power at all cost, and by any means necessary. “Power” has become their cash cow, and no one can move their “cheese” – or at least so they think. This power in the first place belongs to the people and is only on loan to the Government for a brief period of time (be it 3, 4 or 5 years) until new elections are held. Each citizen owns a fraction of this power, which does not mean much on its own. However, it is enough to vote in a government (or a person) once it is pooled together as is the case at an election. This power therefore is the “personal property” of each free adult citizen, which should be returned to him/her at the end of the term stipulated by law. To hold on to this power, and to refuse to return it to the people who loaned it to you is like refusing to repay someone who loaned money to you. In other words, you are now a crook. President Donald Ramotar by refusing to call Local Government Elections is therefore refusing to return that power you loaned to him so that you can pool it again to elect your new representatives. He wants to rob you of the power, which has been vested in you by virtue of the constitution of Guyana. The constitution in its generosity has in turn given the President, and his Minister all the power they need to make Local Government Elections a reality. However, they lack the political will to use the very power vested in them by the people, and for the people. Mr. Desmond Hoyte once said to me (during a one-on-one discussion on this issue) that it was these very powers that made it possible for him to transform Guyana in such a short period of time. The constitution is on the side of the President, the only thing needed is the POLITICAL WILL to do the right thing. I guess what the framers of the constitution did not envisage is that not everyone is a Desmond Hoyte. These powers are enormous and once a rogue President gets his hands on them, then God help Guyana, as is currently the case. This is the very PPP that would have you believe that they are the champions of democracy. Now we have lived to see that it was actually President Hugh Desmond Hoyte who truly embraced the democratic principles by making free and fair elections possible in 1992. As it relates to democracy and good governance, President Hoyte is still the brightest bulb on the chandelier. The recalcitrant PPP regime is reversing our political fortunes and they must be sacked at the earliest opportunity. Sacking them will also help to arrest the rapid decay in the moral fabric of the society. The PPP went into government in 1992 with the glorious promise of correcting the sins of the past. However, now that they are in power, they are using these very sins to justify their own tyranny instead. Our nation has been duped. This generation is ready and capable of charting a course for itself and has no interest in the politics of nostalgia. We will not be governed from the grave. In fact, you do not need the constitution to make you do the right thing. If something is wrong just fix it. Instead, the PPP does the wrong thing then combs the law books to see if they can find suitable laws to somehow justify their actions. If they find none, they will then bend, twist, stretch, and massage the existing one in every which way to try and make it justify their wicked schemes and machinations. When this fails, they run to the courts in a last ditch attempt to frustrate the process. The rule of law and good governance are not part of their agenda, and natural psyche. We recently heard a very senior Minister in the PPP regime warning that very powerful (evil) forces are at work. He warned that people (who are exposing the regime) will be taken down by the bullets. The Kaieteur News for example will be made a slaughter house (for the 2nd time). Such is the extreme that the PPP is willing to go to hold on to power. I want to assure the electorate that there are lots of good people on your side, and you have nothing to fear as good always conquers evil. I fear no man. What would frighten this coolie, would kill a million “chatree coolie” (whatever that means). A luta continua. Artie Ricknauth

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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The electorates should sack the PPP at the first opportunity

November 3, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, By refusing to hold fresh Local Government Elections (after 20 years) we now effectively have a rogue government, and a dictatorship. The recalcitrant PPP regime has aborted the democratic process in its quest to hold on to power at all cost, and by any means necessary. “Power” has become their cash cow, and no one can move their “cheese” – or at least so they think. This power in the first place belongs to the people and is only on loan to the Government for a brief period of time (be it 3, 4 or 5 years) until new elections are held. Each citizen owns a fraction of this power, which does not mean much on its own. However, it is enough to vote in a government (or a person) once it is pooled together as is the case at an election. This power therefore is the “personal property” of each free adult citizen, which should be returned to him/her at the end of the term stipulated by law. To hold on to this power, and to refuse to return it to the people who loaned it to you is like refusing to repay someone who loaned money to you. In other words, you are now a crook. President Donald Ramotar by refusing to call Local Government Elections is therefore refusing to return that power you loaned to him so that you can pool it again to elect your new representatives. He wants to rob you of the power, which has been vested in you by virtue of the constitution of Guyana. The constitution in its generosity has in turn given the President, and his Minister all the power they need to make Local Government Elections a reality. However, they lack the political will to use the very power vested in them by the people, and for the people. Mr. Desmond Hoyte once said to me (during a one-on-one discussion on this issue) that it was these very powers that made it possible for him to transform Guyana in such a short period of time. The constitution is on the side of the President, the only thing needed is the POLITICAL WILL to do the right thing. I guess what the framers of the constitution did not envisage is that not everyone is a Desmond Hoyte. These powers are enormous and once a rogue President gets his hands on them, then God help Guyana, as is currently the case. This is the very PPP that would have you believe that they are the champions of democracy. Now we have lived to see that it was actually President Hugh Desmond Hoyte who truly embraced the democratic principles by making free and fair elections possible in 1992. As it relates to democracy and good governance, President Hoyte is still the brightest bulb on the chandelier. The recalcitrant PPP regime is reversing our political fortunes and they must be sacked at the earliest opportunity. Sacking them will also help to arrest the rapid decay in the moral fabric of the society. The PPP went into government in 1992 with the glorious promise of correcting the sins of the past. However, now that they are in power, they are using these very sins to justify their own tyranny instead. Our nation has been duped. This generation is ready and capable of charting a course for itself and has no interest in the politics of nostalgia. We will not be governed from the grave. In fact, you do not need the constitution to make you do the right thing. If something is wrong just fix it. Instead, the PPP does the wrong thing then combs the law books to see if they can find suitable laws to somehow justify their actions. If they find none, they will then bend, twist, stretch, and massage the existing one in every which way to try and make it justify their wicked schemes and machinations. When this fails, they run to the courts in a last ditch attempt to frustrate the process. The rule of law and good governance are not part of their agenda, and natural psyche. We recently heard a very senior Minister in the PPP regime warning that very powerful (evil) forces are at work. He warned that people (who are exposing the regime) will be taken down by the bullets. The Kaieteur News for example will be made a slaughter house (for the 2nd time). Such is the extreme that the PPP is willing to go to hold on to power. I want to assure the electorate that there are lots of good people on your side, and you have nothing to fear as good always conquers evil. I fear no man. What would frighten this coolie, would kill a million “chatree coolie” (whatever that means). A luta continua. Artie Ricknauth

PNC delayed Local Govt Elections in and out of office

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) strongly condemns attempts by the Stabroek News to deliberately spread misinformation and distortions about the facts surrounding the non-holding of the long overdue Local Government Elections.

The party has noted the newspaper’s page one comments and its attempts to besmirch the Party and Government by continuously printing comments and statements from the Opposition political parties and other entities which are closely aligned to the parliamentary combined Opposition political parties.

Stabroek News has been transformed into a political organ and, therefore, can no longer refer to itself as an independent daily newspaper.  Its postures on critical issues pertaining to Local Government Elections has exposed its efforts at fulfilling the wishes of politicians opposed to the PPP/C and Government.

By utilising its front page, the Stabroek News is pursuing a hard-line political agenda against the Government by publishing statements and even making declarations about the need for Local Government Elections without sufficiently publishing the facts surrounding the delay in holding these elections.

The PPP/C is of the firm belief that the Stabroek News is in serious breach of the journalistic ethics governing the industry by adopting an outright biased position thus placing the newspaper objectively on the side of the political Opposition.

It is for this reason that we believe that the classification of the newspaper as an “Opposition media” is justified as it continues to neglect and downplay the Government’s explanation as to why these elections have not been held and why they cannot be called with haste.

The Stabroek News has ignored the party’s mounting concerns about the state of preparedness of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to hold elections in a fair and free manner without causing widespread disenfranchisement to thousands of Guyanese.

In light of these developments, the PPP/C found it necessary to formulate and publish for the benefit of readers a background brief on the holding of Local Government Elections in Guyana.

The PPP/C Government has always, and will continue to agitate for the holding of Local Government Elections.  When Dr Jagan-led PPP/C won the General and Regional Elections in 1992, President Jagan immediately set a target to have Local Government Elections, which were due since 1968, held as soon as possible.

Local Government Elections were last held in 1994, the first time under the 1980 Constitution and were constitutionally due again in 1997, the same year in which National and Regional Elections were constitutionally due.

GECOM, based on our country’s legislation, was engaged in preparation for the holding of General and Regional Elections.  Thus, Local Government Elections were re-scheduled to a later date.

The holding of General and Regional Election takes precedence over Local Government Election. Unfortunately, after the results of the National and Regional Elections were announced, the then PNC took to the streets and created mayhem.

Recall the number of stores which were looted, buildings destroyed by arsonists, the number of persons who were robbed, assaulted and raped by these so-called protesters, parading the streets of Georgetown under the direction of leaders of the PNC.  These destabilising actions, all attributed to losers who misguided their supporters with propaganda of victory, resulted in the intervention of Caricom.

Consequently, the Hermanston Accord was brokered, which among other things, required that constitutional reform be undertaken and completed before the next National and Regional Elections.

It must be noted that the Constitutional Term of Government was reduced from five to three years.  It is of extreme importance that we do not lose sight of these facts and the relevance to the holding of Local Government Elections.

A forensic audit was undertaken by Caricom.  The findings validated the results declared by GECOM.  Simultaneously, Caricom’s “Good Officers” were engaging key political functionaries from the PPP/C, PNC and other political parties in Guyana.

The revised Constitution required that Local Government reform be undertaken before the holding of Local Government Elections. Thus, a bi-party Local Government Task Force was established in 2001, with two co-chairs, one from the PNC and the other from the PPP/C.

This Task Force after labouring for nine years, finally in 2008, indicated to the President and Mr Robert Corbin, Leader of the PNC, that it had completed most of its mandate (not all), but cannot proceed any further due to lack of consensus on some issues.

 The PPP/C Government, once again, conscious of the need to hold Local Government Elections, sought the assistance of the Attorney General’s Chambers and tabled the following Bills in Parliament in 2009: the Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Bill; Local Government Commission Bill; Local Government (Amendment) Bill; the Fiscal Transfer Bill; and the Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill.

All these Bills were referred to the Parliamentary Select Committee. The first Bill completed by the Committee was the Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Bill.  This Bill was assented to by the President in September 2009 and paved the way for GECOM to commence preparation for the holding of Local Government Elections.

It must be noted that since 1997, this was the closest Guyana was to, once again, holding Local Government Elections. The PNC/R and other Opposition MPs on this Committee were very selective in their attendance at the Select Committee resulting in only PPP/C MPs being in attendance most of the time.

The Select Committee has completed an additional two Bills in approximately one year, as was stated earlier with little or no attendance from the Opposition MPs. If these parties were serious on having the reform process completed then they should have made adequate use of the opportunities provided at the level of the Select Committee and in the Parliament.

In January 2008, GECOM commenced a new House to House Registration exercise in preparation of an updated National Register of Registrant Data base.  This was as a result of the signing of an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the political parties in Parliament in the presence of the diplomatic community at the Office of the President.

This updated database was intended to be used as a base for the holding of Local Government Elections. The PPP and the PPP/C Government stood ready to move the process forward so that the elections could be held in 2010, as proposed.  This was a further testimony of their commitment to local democracy.

The Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Bill was assented to by his Excellency in September 2009 and paved the way for GECOM to move on with the holding of the Local Government Elections.

The Local Government and Regional Development Minister published an order declaring the number of seats on each Council (LAA) and the number of Proportional Representation (PR) and First Past the Poll Seats in each Council. GECOM commenced demarcation of Constituency boundaries.

With two Bills remaining at the Select Committee, the PNCR and AFC demanded that the Reform process be completed before the holding of Local Government Elections. The process was discontinued at the request of the then Leader of the Opposition. The ninth Parliament ended and only one Bill was fully completed.

The four Bills were updated based on the work of the Select Committee and were re-tabled in the 10th Parliament in June-July 2012. Bills were referred to Select Committee, which had a majority of Opposition members and was chaired by Opposition member Basil Williams.

Constant manipulation, unwillingness to heed advice, listen and learn and lack of knowledge of the existing legal framework for Local Government by members of the Opposition resulted in some of the Bills being unacceptable, since some of the contents conflicted with existing Laws including the Constitution of Guyana. The Select Committee completed its work in July 2013 just before recess.

The PPP/C is concerned over the manner in which the Opposition is treating the nation’s business, one can only hope that we will not have a repeat of 1997, where GECOM will be forced to commence preparation for National and Regional Elections and so once again Local Government Elections will be delayed by the Opposition parties.

Meanwhile, the Local Government Minister has repeatedly explained why these elections must be held urgently.  The majority of Guyanese residing in Local Authorities areas are expecting these elections as soon as possible.  The PPP/C is ready for these polls.

The PNC while in Government delayed the elections for some 24 years, and out of Government has continued to play a significant role in delaying the holding of Local Government Elections post 1997.


Submitted by,


Freedom House

The Guyanese people will never return to the PNC days…..  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The electorates should sack the PPP at the first opportunity

November 3, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, By refusing to hold fresh Local Government Elections (after 20 years) we now effectively have a rogue government, and a dictatorship. The recalcitrant PPP regime has aborted the democratic process in its quest to hold on to power at all cost, and by any means necessary. “Power” has become their cash cow, and no one can move their “cheese” – or at least so they think. This power in the first place belongs to the people and is only on loan to the Government for a brief period of time (be it 3, 4 or 5 years) until new elections are held. Each citizen owns a fraction of this power, which does not mean much on its own. However, it is enough to vote in a government (or a person) once it is pooled together as is the case at an election. This power therefore is the “personal property” of each free adult citizen, which should be returned to him/her at the end of the term stipulated by law. To hold on to this power, and to refuse to return it to the people who loaned it to you is like refusing to repay someone who loaned money to you. In other words, you are now a crook. President Donald Ramotar by refusing to call Local Government Elections is therefore refusing to return that power you loaned to him so that you can pool it again to elect your new representatives. He wants to rob you of the power, which has been vested in you by virtue of the constitution of Guyana. The constitution in its generosity has in turn given the President, and his Minister all the power they need to make Local Government Elections a reality. However, they lack the political will to use the very power vested in them by the people, and for the people. Mr. Desmond Hoyte once said to me (during a one-on-one discussion on this issue) that it was these very powers that made it possible for him to transform Guyana in such a short period of time. The constitution is on the side of the President, the only thing needed is the POLITICAL WILL to do the right thing. I guess what the framers of the constitution did not envisage is that not everyone is a Desmond Hoyte. These powers are enormous and once a rogue President gets his hands on them, then God help Guyana, as is currently the case. This is the very PPP that would have you believe that they are the champions of democracy. Now we have lived to see that it was actually President Hugh Desmond Hoyte who truly embraced the democratic principles by making free and fair elections possible in 1992. As it relates to democracy and good governance, President Hoyte is still the brightest bulb on the chandelier. The recalcitrant PPP regime is reversing our political fortunes and they must be sacked at the earliest opportunity. Sacking them will also help to arrest the rapid decay in the moral fabric of the society. The PPP went into government in 1992 with the glorious promise of correcting the sins of the past. However, now that they are in power, they are using these very sins to justify their own tyranny instead. Our nation has been duped. This generation is ready and capable of charting a course for itself and has no interest in the politics of nostalgia. We will not be governed from the grave. In fact, you do not need the constitution to make you do the right thing. If something is wrong just fix it. Instead, the PPP does the wrong thing then combs the law books to see if they can find suitable laws to somehow justify their actions. If they find none, they will then bend, twist, stretch, and massage the existing one in every which way to try and make it justify their wicked schemes and machinations. When this fails, they run to the courts in a last ditch attempt to frustrate the process. The rule of law and good governance are not part of their agenda, and natural psyche. We recently heard a very senior Minister in the PPP regime warning that very powerful (evil) forces are at work. He warned that people (who are exposing the regime) will be taken down by the bullets. The Kaieteur News for example will be made a slaughter house (for the 2nd time). Such is the extreme that the PPP is willing to go to hold on to power. I want to assure the electorate that there are lots of good people on your side, and you have nothing to fear as good always conquers evil. I fear no man. What would frighten this coolie, would kill a million “chatree coolie” (whatever that means). A luta continua. Artie Ricknauth

Dam Right!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What an appropriate low breed name, spontaneous emmissions hahahhhhaa

If you continue like this sooner rather than later Ray will have to install an antishit software on this board.


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