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Prince posted:

It's time to put aside partisan politics and accept the people's choice tomorrow. It's been a bumpy ride for all of us who follow American politics day in and day out for its duration. I can assure you, we will all continue to live in the greatest country on earth regardless who wins tomorrow. Big Hug. 


I will bring you some coffee and biscuit.


Big hug too

Prince posted:

Nehru has the right attitude about election. Even though his heart is set on a woman, he will settle for the winner who wouldn't give a rat's ass where his next roti is coming from. All he knows he has to pay uncle sam when the week is up.  

Dat is right. On a serious note, the Republicans blew a very good chance of winning the White House when they selected dat Orange Orangutan.

Prince posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Hillary Clinton, the winner, on November 08, 2016

After election, you should move up closer to the North (pole) to keep up with the polling forecast.   

Actually, I will be going to the North Pole, staying at Tuktoyaktuk, North West Territories then to get there for one of my holidays.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

The Republicans din select him. His followers did.

The Democrats Establishment selected Hillary and shafted Bernie. 

Atleast, in the case of Mr. T, White people made their choice. They will be content. They probably will try new strategies to have their own enclave, like the New Territories in the Civil War. 

there is no more enclave...minorities going to every corner of the world

Kari posted:

America will still be divided after electing Hillary. The Obama Presidency was a preview. If the Dems don't regain the Senate, State Houses and Governorships.

Inequality is a major challenge; so too is livable jobs for a lot of people. Doesn't matter if Trump is elected.

And they will not regain the state houses or Congress. Districts have been gerrymandered to favor the GOP, because Obama didn't do what he was supposed to do in 2010. And that was to focus on the economy.

So there was a backlash by a population which was mired in unemployment and financial insecurity. The Obama coalition didn't vote.


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