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Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

This is shocking news for me.

Lionel Peters was my comrade in the PPP.

As Jalil says, Lionel was a tireless campaigner but became disillusioned at the turn the PPP was taking.

I offer deepest sympathy to his wife Christina and two daughters.

Gilbakka, The PPP TODAY is controlled by a bunch of Corrupt Crab louse, Pimps, Parasites, Prostitutes, Vultures, Cockaroach and Funny Fellas,.......

like Jagdeo, Ramotar, Rohee, Lamumba, Bynoe, McClean, Witicka, Hamilton, Nascimento, Manniram, Totaram, Nandalall, Irfan Ali, Prya Manickchand, Ramroop, Brassington, James Singh,  Raj Singh, Rev, Yuji & Kwame.


Since Dr Jagan dead......the PPP has lost the confidence & Support of it most important people who brought them victory in Ralph Ramkarran, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Boyo Ramsaroop, Fazil Khan, O'lall, Sash Swah, Rajendra Persaud, Mel Carpen, Gilbaka, Joe Kanhai, Karchand, Fazil Ally, Lionel Peters .......and many more.




Look what they have left....

and they think the can win an election...


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Jalil, most of the PPP stalwarts became disillusioned and walked away. Some are still there looking on helplessly at what the working-class party has morphed into --- a party of crooks, thieves, bribe-takers.

A swarm of Johnny-come-lately opportunists have jumped on the PPP bandwaggon.

Here on GNI, those opportunists use lies, slander, half-truths and misrepresentations to vilify the good men who were forced to leave the now corrupt and autocratic PPP.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Jalil, most of the PPP stalwarts became disillusioned and walked away. Some are still there looking on helplessly at what the working-class party has morphed into --- a party of crooks, thieves, bribe-takers.

A swarm of Johnny-come-lately opportunists have jumped on the PPP bandwaggon.

Here on GNI, those opportunists use lies, slander, half-truths and misrepresentations to vilify the good men who were forced to leave the now corrupt and autocratic PPP.




I can safely conclude that you are living in the past.


Politics is ever changing. In fact a younger generation will eventually take over and the older folks who long for the "olden" days will be left behind.


Move with the times or be left behind.


Stop living in a sandbox world. It is child's play. Man up and stop the whining and complaining.


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