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NICIL failed several rounds of scrutiny

May 23, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Dear Sir,
First let me inform our Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, that the National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) has failed miserably at several levels of scrutiny. A few are listed below:  substantial surplus funds held by NICIL are not deposited in the Consolidated Fund;  no reported Audited Financial Statements of NICIL for over seven years;  Illegal deals and peppercorn prices for State Assets – Sanata Textiles Complex among others;  conflicts of Interest that permeate the role played by Dr Ashni Singh who as Chairman of the NICIL Board reports to himself as Minister of Finance; have a close relative of the Minister of Finance in the person of the Deputy Auditor General play a senior role in the audit of government agencies and corporations including NICIL.

Some of the government agencies and corporations fall under the direct control of the Minister of Finance. Then there are the failure to disclose monies owed to NICIL and its subsidiaries for State assets sold in the past seven unaudited years; failure to disclose the investments of NICIL over the period;  Companies Act 1991 amended in 1995 is subordinate to The Constitution of Guyana.

It would be tiring of me to list other instances of waywardness to highlight the unctuous gimmicks of NICIL and its “Board of Directors” who placed NICIL funds under the discretionary control of the PPP; in effect overriding the Supreme Law of the Land – The Constitution of Guyana.

Commenting on the body politick in 1980 People Power no Dictator; Dr Walter Rodney, Guyana and the Caribbean Community most brilliant historian noted: “There is a double tragedy in this situation. First there is the tragedy (with some mixture of comedy) of the incompetent, the mediocre and the corrupt making a mess of things.


Secondly, there is tragedy in which men and women of ability and integrity have been dismissed or they have run away or they have been reduced to silence.” NICIL and its principals have confirmed Dr Rodney’s statement.
In the May 10, 2012 edition of the Guyana Times, the erudite Dr Roger Luncheon added to his illimitable lexicon the term ‘liquid cash’. I suspect that the goodly doctor has been advised to avoid and to divert public focus from the use of $50 Billion in surplus funds referenced by “perceived commentators” a category into which Dr Singh has lumped the critics of NICIL.

Dr Luncheon added that ignoring the articles of association proves a waste of time and illustrates the “pandering to the gimmickry of Ramjattan and his acolytes”. Dr Luncheon what about you and your fealty faction ignoring Article 216 of the Constitution of Guyana? The articles of association of the companies act are mere prose rendered null, void and meaningless to the extent the articles are inconsistent with the Constitution of Guyana.
Our esteemed Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh who is quite aware that liquid cash and surplus funds could represent materially divergent amounts of assets is now in full camouflage mode. Minister Dr Ashni Singh should banish any reference to Guyana’s Companies Act as he attempts to relegate the requirements of Guyana Consolidated Fund to the legal status of Guyana’s Company’s Act.

Then we have Mr Winston Brassington a seeming master of toadyism playing to perfection a facilitating role for President Jagdeo and Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh. Mr Brassington has been appointed to all number of leadership roles in government agencies for the perceptible purpose of catering to the demands of the PPP power players.

Brassington has admitted to being in a befuddled state as recorded in Guyana Times dated May 12, 2012.

Let us not conveniently substitute “Liquid Cash” for Surplus Funds as seems to be the plan of the PPP collaborators. We do not expect the PPP to sell billions in Government assets and place the proceeds in a chequing account. The Surplus Funds far exceed the Liquid Cash.

In another bit of comedy we have the knowledgeable Minister of Finance claiming in Guyana Times of April 30, 2012 “NICIL operates within the law”.
NICIL in its current form is a glaring case of power run amok. Guyanese leaders and the citizens need to ensure that NICIL is converted to operate in the interest of all Guyanese. It is inexcusable to have substantial amounts of Government funds outside the remit of the National Assembly.

NICIL gross misconduct amounts to a revulsion of good governance and has evolved to become an insidious form of perfidy against the Constitution of Guyana.

And to the defenders of NICIL pillage from the citizens of Guyana, I refer them to the quote by Thomas Paine: “To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason is like administering medicine to the dead”.

Nigel  Hinds

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Shocking that Queens Atlantic Inc. paid no VAT in 2009 and $38,647 in VAT in 2010

May 23, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
Kaieteur News reported that the business owned by Jagdeo’s personal friend, Bobby Ramroop, paid no VAT in 2009 and a miserly $38,647 in 2010. If this is true, working class families in Guyana paid more than Bobby Ramroop’s $3.6 billion company in 2009. It means that anyone who paid $1 in VAT in 2009 paid more Queens Atlantic.

It is the grossest form of absurdity that a company with $3.6 billion worth of assets would pay $0 in VAT in 2009. A street vagrant paid more VAT than QAII in 2009. A Guyanese working class family buying a few pieces of household items at Courts paid more VAT than QAII in 2010.

Queens Atlantic is stating that as a $7.9 billion corporation, it somehow spent a ridiculously low $241,544 on VAT-rated items in 2010. When the smell test is applied to it, it just does not smell right. When will Khurshid Sattaur stop spewing bilge in the public newspapers defending the imposition of VAT upon the vast underclass of poor people the PPP has created by its favoritism, cronyism, nepotism and corruption and commence an audit of QAII to find out exactly why a major corporation with assets of $3.6 billion in 2009 and $7.9 billion in 2010 paid zero, zilch, nada, nothing in VAT in 2009 and just $38,647 in 2010?

All this nonsense from Sattaur about VAT being a fairer tax blah blah is taking on the shape of horse manure when we get reports like QAII’s $38,647 in VAT paid in two years.

For the PPP and its henchmen to defend the continued imposition of a 16 per cent VAT upon the poor people of this nation including many poor PPP supporters struggling in rural Guyana and the sugar belt, while a multi-billion-dollar corporation owned by one of the PPP’s inner circle’s closest friends pays no VAT in 2009 is clear cut evidence of the inequality the PPP has created in this nation.

The good is for one small set of people while the rest of society must live like animals, working for nothing and still handing over 16 per cent of it to the select set of friends and comrades who further enrich themselves.
This bloody set of PPP nation wreckers spent $400 million of taxpayers’ money fixing up the Ruimveldt property to sell it to a company that paid a whopping $38,647 of VAT in two years. That is the PPP for you in this paradise called Guyana.

M. Maxwell


If NICIL is above board why not make its finances public?

May 23, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Dear Editor,
In your May 21 news article, “AG challenges Opposition to move to courts on NICIL,” I think the parliamentary opposition should be prepared to counter Attorney General Anil Nandlall’s challenge, because NICIL’s Executive Director is first supposed to appear before Parliament – the nation’s highest decision making forum – to answer some serious questions about NICIL’s operations and finances.

I am not sure if the AG is looking to pull a Henry Greene here by asking the court to block Parliament from calling on NICIL’s Executive Director to appear before Parliament, or to block Parliament from taking NICIL to court, but let the records show that Mr. Brassington offered to debate with the AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan on TV about NICIL. So there is no legal barrier to NICIL’s books being made public, whether in the legislative or the judicial branch.
In the above-mentioned news item, the AG said, “We must understand what NICIL is; NICIL is a company formed under the PNC administration,” and that the “objectives of NICIL are set out in the articles of incorporation…There are a number of objectives that NICIL was established to achieve.” But then he stopped short of telling us what exactly NICIL’s objectives are.

Public information says NICIL was established in July 1990 by the Hoyte administration at a time when the administration was divesting itself of commercial businesses, contradicting today’s interpretation that NICIL is also in the business of investing in more businesses.

Matter of fact, President Bharrat Jagdeo appeared to follow in Hoyte’s footsteps of ending Government’s involvement in commercial business when he addressed Banks DIH’s 50th anniversary celebrations on Friday, September 9, 2005.

Here is part of what he said, “… The Government cannot deliver economic growth; it can only create the enabling environment, and give targeted support where appropriate. The other piece of the equation is a modern and vigorous private sector.

“For too long in Guyana, we had a situation where the Government involved itself in almost all economic activities, and we continue to suffer from the damage caused by this bankrupt and arrogant approach.

“No Government I lead will ever allow this country to return to the days where the Government tried to be all things to all people, and in so doing sapped the spirit of entrepreneurship throughout the country. But this means that the Private Sector must rise to the challenge of being the driver of enhanced competitiveness and greater economic growth. This means demonstrating vision and leadership to create a new entrepreneurial culture, and seizing market opportunities that present themselves…”

So there we have it, straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, and which is why this whole notion of NICIL being involved in making investments runs counter to the spirit and purpose of state divestments.

Mr. Nandlall then asked, “When Mr. Carl Greendige was the Finance Minister, did he pay any money from NICIL into the Consolidated Fund? He should be asked why.” While I will let Mr. Greenidge answer that question and also whether NICIL was established to divest and invest, can the AG to tell us since NICIL was set up in July 1990 and the Hoyte administration demitted office in October 1992, just how many state entities were sold off during that 15-month period?

And for all his amateurish defense of NICIL’s right to keep proceeds from its sales while paying dividends to the Consolidated Fund, AG Nandlall has not once addressed the fact that the last fiscal year NICIL filed its annual account was for 2003.

He also has failed to address the fact that in 2003, NICIL earned $29B, paid $9B in dividends and currently has $700M in investments, but no one knows where the remaining GY$19.3B is. He knows everything else except these important factual figures!

Article 216 specifically states that all revenue generating state agencies must turn over revenues to the Consolidated Fund, with the exception of agencies retaining some amounts of monies to defray expenses. If NICIL was established by the government, it is a state agency. If it is using state assets to generate revenue, then it must comply with Article 216. And even if it seeks to retain some of its revenue to defray expenses, does it need GY$19.3B to do that?

I have a growing suspicion that all this push back from the political cabal against efforts to have NICIL’s books made public could be based on the fact that a significant amount of NICIL’s revenues is missing and cannot be properly accounted for.

All this talk about how NICIL is a private company and does not have to turn over its revenues to the Consolidated Fund could well be a strenuous effort to block Parliament from discovering the truth about NICIL’s finances.
The next few weeks could be very interesting as pressure mounts for Mr. Brassington to come clean about NICIL’s finances, but if we see the government pulls a Henry Greene by asking the court to block Parliament from investigating NICIL, or to block Parliament from taking NICIL to court, then we can conclude that billions of dollars have been misappropriated. Or else why wouldn’t the government let NICIL show its books to the public?

Meanwhile, Parliament remains the highest decision-making forum in the land, and if the state-owned NICIL is not subjected to Parliament, then it is a rogue company abusing public assets and finances. It may well be functioning as a parallel government and treasury to the legally recognized ones, but this confounded nonsense has to stop immediately!
Emile Mervin


“Cock and Bull story”

May 21, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
The recent public meetings that the AFC has been having in many parts of the country are highlighting a trend of rising anger of the poor and the working class against the ruling PPP cabal. This trend is quite noticeable in the sugar belt. It is our humble political calculation that if such anger had existed during the 2011 elections campaign, the PPP would not have been in Government. Therefore, all this loose talk of “snap elections” can be a blessing in disguise for any political force that is on the path of exposing the wanton corruption and executive lawlessness that continues unabated under the minority PPP Government today.

The latest of these AFC public meeting at Port Morant, Berbice was quite a revelation.  The members of the working class who attended (mainly cane cutters, ordinary workers and their families) have informed us of the continued suffering today as a result of the oppressive system, especially on the sugar estates, where a few have most of the benefits and the majority have to settle for the crumbs. To add insult to their injury, they continue to face floods on their own with little if any support from the Government.  These floods severely affect their main financial support during the “crop over” season in the form of their gardens and poultry stocks. The people are so consumed with survival that the PPP’s “Goebbels styled” propaganda is the last thing on their minds.

Since the start of 2012, the PPP has not put any additional loaf of bread on the people’s table and they are fully up to speed on who is resisting the 10% wages increase for the workers.  No amount of propaganda can destroy that fact. We believe that President Ramotar is being ill-advised and plead with him to seek alternative advice on the wages increase for the workers.  It is imperative for his political survival.

The people continue to tell our leaders how much they appreciate the fight by the AFC to release the G$50 billion from NICIL and to cut the fat for the “big fishes” out of the Budget to secure enough funding to pay a 10% increase NOW. Not next year or the year after but NOW.

The recent pronouncement by Mr. Brassington that NICIL has only $700 million has sent shockwaves throughout THE NATION. This pronouncement has cemented the loss of credibility in the NICIL Board.  Where are all the privatization proceeds and the dividends from state companies deposited in that company?  This NICIL affair is shaping up to be the largest “Madoff-type fraud” on the people.

In desperation, NICIL claims that Moses Nagamootoo and Christopher Ram benefited from portions of the $50 billion but all and sundry know that is a “red-herring” to distract and distort the real issue.  What the NICIL Board has failed to tell the nation is who else benefited from the largesse at NICIL and by what amounts. When the Ram and Nagamotoo earnings from NICIL are compared to what the big PPP fishes got from NICIL, we will be comparing peanuts from Ram and Nagamootoo vs. the whole cow for the PPP fat cats.


  • We challenge NICIL to publish all the facts on who got what.  Why single out Ram and Nagamootoo, what happen to the Ramkarrans and the Nandlalls?
  • In addition, to answer that question, in this season of questions, the NICIL Board must come clean on the following questions:
  • 1. Did NICIL foot the bill of G$280 million to re-route the sewer under the proposed site of the Marriot Hotel, a private investment?
  • 2. Did NICIL foot the bill of G$400 million in design fees for the Marriot Hotel, a private investment?
  • 3.  Is NICIL going to foot the bill of G$3.8B in sub-ordinate loans and equity in the Marriot Hotel project, a private investment?
  • 4. Is NICIL guaranteeing a G$5.4B loan to fund the construction of the Marriot Hotel, a private investment?

We have only released a small subset of the information at the disposal of the AFC on the Ponzi scheme called NICIL and the taxpayers can immediately get an insight that the figure of G$50 billion is a real number that the NICIL Board is trying its best to evaporate from the minds of the Guyanese people.
NICIL is a government company with an estimated $50 billion in public assets and taxpayers have a right to know what has become of their money. Does NICIL Board really believe that the people are buying their “cock and bull story” that the government is not doing anything illegal by having the $50 billion of taxpayers’ money in secret accounts or underwriting private investment like the Marriot Hotel Project?

The mistrust has reached such a level that until and unless audited accounts with a full listing of all the revenue stream between 2004 to 2011 are released, nothing coming from the Board of NICIL can be treated as credible information. The people want to know where this G$50 billion is invested and if these investment have been sanctioned by the representatives of the people in the Parliament, the real owners of the funds?

We are urging the NICIL Board to come clean and tell the people the truth about the missing $50 billion of taxpayers’ money and work with the majority in Parliament to invest these fund in national assets like a transportation link between Linden and Lethem rather than in a multitude of private investment to benefit key players in the Jagdeo cabal.

Anything else is a recipe for continuous confrontation between the people and the PPP.


Dr Asquith Rose and Sasenarine Singh


Dr Singh brought these men to shame. The AFC will destroy Guyana if we are not vigilant. Moses and Ratjattan had belly wuk and hid from the debates. KN got what they deserved when Moses and Ratjattan bailed out on them. Guyanese must be vigilant at all times and avoid snake oil AFC .
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Dr Singh brought these men to shame. The AFC will destroy Guyana if we are not vigilant. Moses and Ratjattan had belly wuk and hid from the debates. KN got what they deserved when Moses and Ratjattan bailed out on them. Guyanese must be vigilant at all times and avoid snake oil AFC .

 Dr singh put on a dog and pony show to distract from the theft happening under this watch. He may be one of those seing the inside of a jail someday when one gets to the bottom of this thievery someday.


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