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Former Member

Freddie should conduct a poll on himself


Dear Editor,
People have a right to a response to any attack in the media – a principle adopted by every democratic media. Discredited columnist Freddie Kissoon has had a history of viciously attacking people unprovoked and without any evidence and a response not being published. In his latest trademark assault (KN Aug 11), Freddie stated Vishnu Bisram is not a respected pollster because I refused to pay him a consultancy fee. Yes I should have hired him as a consultant and paid him a fee to stop the attacks.
I have consistently exposed Freddie’s writings for their shallowness, inaccuracies and lack of scholarship and academic rigor. And his latest salvo against me is replete with those characteristics.
Contrary to what Freddie pens about my polls, everywhere I visited in Guyana people shower adulations, admiration and respect for my surveys and writings.  They found my surveys to be most credible and have found Freddie to be a discredited and despicable individual. In fact, publishers and editors of all the publications in Guyana have exposed Freddie for his tainted views, lack of credibility and his dishonesty. As intellects and politicians in Guyana note, he suffers from character deficits. They note that almost all of Freddie’s arguments and claims have lacked evidence; that much is clear from his writings that are unsupported.  Freddie has been rebuked by so many that it leaves one to ask has Freddie ever written anything that is accurate? He can’t even get the role of the CIOG correct as respected writer Abu Bakr and the head of CIOG pointed out. Whenever he was challenged to present evidence of his claims, he backed down. No less a person than Albert Ramdin, Ralph Ramkarran, Annan Boodram, and Mark Benchchop, among others, have condemned Freddie for his dishonesty. As I found in my survey on Freddie, he lacks respect among most Guyanese – he should conduct a survey on himself to find out how unpopular he is and he would understand, as he complained, why so many have slapped him or poured miasmic materials on his head.
As others have noted, Freddie craves attention and comments on everything asunder including on whether the sun rises from the east. He thrives on controversies, misstatements, inaccuracies and erroneous information. Freddie’s interpretation of social theories is consistently incorrect as classmates in Toronto informed me; Freddie was frequently rebuked by Professors for his lack of understanding of basic theories.
On polling, Guyanese made countless challenges to Freddie to conduct his own polls to contrast his findings and NACTA’s against actual election results. Freddie contends that I don’t conduct polls. That being the case, can he explain why polls conducted by other organizations and individuals reveal findings different from mine and how come my findings are relatively accurate (measured against election results) and others are completely wrong. In 1992, Freddie said his analysis showed the PNC getting 10% of the votes and PPP 25% and the WPA winning the election. The actual result showed PPP 53% and PNC 43% and WPA less than 2%. In 2011, Freddie condemned the NACTA poll showing PPP getting 48% of the votes and praised a Cadres poll showing PPP getting 34% of the votes.  Actual voting results gave PPP 49%. By Freddie’s logic, Cadres was right and Nacta was wrong even though NACTA was spot on.
Freddie’s real issue with the NACTA/Bisram/TRPI polls is on consultancy fee.  In 1991, as Dev, Ramharack, Ramracha, and others would attest, Freddie approached us as to be as paid as a consultant for our polls. We rejected him outright because he is no pollster and he did not shine in his studies or demonstrated competence in field research. In fact, he is not even qualified as an academic and had to be terminated by UG administration.
Freddie is challenged to analyze all of NACTA’s polls against actual results and do the same for polls conducted by other entities; he will find that NACTA’s polls are most accurate. The Cadres and Morris polls showed PPP getting about 34% and the “Clive Thomas” poll showed the PPP and APNU getting about the same support when in fact PPP got about 8% more than APNU. Clearly, the NACTA poll comes closest to actual election results.
Vishnu Bisram

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Given Bisram’s bias as exemplified in his letters  his poll information should be treated as suspect


Dear Editor,

It is not enough for Stabroek News to accept a letter from Mr Bisram that he formed a sample of 780 persons of which he created various percentages of Indians, Africans, Amerindians and Mixed Races, attributed a sampling error and did a poll. I can set up a front organization and do the same tomorrow. I have proven that Mr Bisram’s sample is manipulated and does not stand up to the 2002 Guyana census findings and the statistical and population trends exposed by the censuses from 1980, 1991 and 2002. Because the sample is suspect, news organizations like Stabroek News must take additional steps to safeguard themselves.

Given Mr Bisram’s notorious history of bias as exemplified in his letters, responsible news organizations must accordingly treat information from him as suspect until and unless he produces full particulars. His poll results should not be published until and unless he produces the actual questionnaires, discloses the persons who did the interviewing, discloses who paid for him to conduct the poll and provide evidence and explanation of how he arrived at his sample, which is a tainted sample if one studies the population trends. Stabroek News and Kaieteur News and any other news organization must have Mr Bisram sign a document enabling them to verify particulars of the poll before publication. These entities must be able to speak to the interviewers.

I don’t have a problem with any news agency publishing the results after verification but this wool over the eyes and fly-by-night secrecy madness Mr Bisram tends to engage in cannot be accommodated any longer. In fact, his questionable credibility as a pollster in not only Guyana but in Trinidad & Tobago as well, warrants that Mr Bisram and NACTA take steps to legitimately prove themselves as acceptable. Unless he registers an organization in Guyana, news media houses should treat him as a pariah. Showing up during summer vacations and running polls by secrecy cannot work any longer.

There are too many ignorant, mis-educated and easily misled people in this nation for potentially fraudulent information to be peddled that easily.

Do you think Gallup or any other polling organization in developed countries can ever pull what Mr Bisram has been pulling by selectively releasing information to match his insidious agenda? Could any of these organizations ever publicly write letters of such slanted bias as Mr Bisram and ever get their poll findings taken seriously or even published? How could a man conduct a poll with such selective bias asking questions to suit an agenda? Even worse, Mr Bisram selectively picks what results he wants to publish in a dangerous attempt to push or pull public opinion in a particular direction. There are laws governing these entities in developed countries. There are rules governing them. Developed countries know the dangers of misinformation and statistical manipulation. Mr Bisram and NACTA have operated as a law unto themselves for far too long. Until a news organization is getting to the heart of the matter and seeing the full particulars, Mr Bisram’s poll results should be consigned to the garbage can.

Yours faithfully, M Maxwell

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Freddie should conduct a poll on himself


Dear Editor,
People have a right to a response to any attack in the media – a principle adopted by every democratic media. Discredited columnist Freddie Kissoon has had a history of viciously attacking people unprovoked and without any evidence and a response not being published. In his latest trademark assault (KN Aug 11), Freddie stated Vishnu Bisram is not a respected pollster because I refused to pay him a consultancy fee. Yes I should have hired him as a consultant and paid him a fee to stop the attacks.
I have consistently exposed Freddie’s writings for their shallowness, inaccuracies and lack of scholarship and academic rigor. And his latest salvo against me is replete with those characteristics.
Contrary to what Freddie pens about my polls, everywhere I visited in Guyana people shower adulations, admiration and respect for my surveys and writings.  They found my surveys to be most credible and have found Freddie to be a discredited and despicable individual. In fact, publishers and editors of all the publications in Guyana have exposed Freddie for his tainted views, lack of credibility and his dishonesty. As intellects and politicians in Guyana note, he suffers from character deficits. They note that almost all of Freddie’s arguments and claims have lacked evidence; that much is clear from his writings that are unsupported.  Freddie has been rebuked by so many that it leaves one to ask has Freddie ever written anything that is accurate? He can’t even get the role of the CIOG correct as respected writer Abu Bakr and the head of CIOG pointed out. Whenever he was challenged to present evidence of his claims, he backed down. No less a person than Albert Ramdin, Ralph Ramkarran, Annan Boodram, and Mark Benchchop, among others, have condemned Freddie for his dishonesty. As I found in my survey on Freddie, he lacks respect among most Guyanese – he should conduct a survey on himself to find out how unpopular he is and he would understand, as he complained, why so many have slapped him or poured miasmic materials on his head.
As others have noted, Freddie craves attention and comments on everything asunder including on whether the sun rises from the east. He thrives on controversies, misstatements, inaccuracies and erroneous information. Freddie’s interpretation of social theories is consistently incorrect as classmates in Toronto informed me; Freddie was frequently rebuked by Professors for his lack of understanding of basic theories.
On polling, Guyanese made countless challenges to Freddie to conduct his own polls to contrast his findings and NACTA’s against actual election results. Freddie contends that I don’t conduct polls. That being the case, can he explain why polls conducted by other organizations and individuals reveal findings different from mine and how come my findings are relatively accurate (measured against election results) and others are completely wrong. In 1992, Freddie said his analysis showed the PNC getting 10% of the votes and PPP 25% and the WPA winning the election. The actual result showed PPP 53% and PNC 43% and WPA less than 2%. In 2011, Freddie condemned the NACTA poll showing PPP getting 48% of the votes and praised a Cadres poll showing PPP getting 34% of the votes.  Actual voting results gave PPP 49%. By Freddie’s logic, Cadres was right and Nacta was wrong even though NACTA was spot on.
Freddie’s real issue with the NACTA/Bisram/TRPI polls is on consultancy fee.  In 1991, as Dev, Ramharack, Ramracha, and others would attest, Freddie approached us as to be as paid as a consultant for our polls. We rejected him outright because he is no pollster and he did not shine in his studies or demonstrated competence in field research. In fact, he is not even qualified as an academic and had to be terminated by UG administration.
Freddie is challenged to analyze all of NACTA’s polls against actual results and do the same for polls conducted by other entities; he will find that NACTA’s polls are most accurate. The Cadres and Morris polls showed PPP getting about 34% and the “Clive Thomas” poll showed the PPP and APNU getting about the same support when in fact PPP got about 8% more than APNU. Clearly, the NACTA poll comes closest to actual election results.
Vishnu Bisram

sophomoric and incompetently argued


Vishnu Bisram (or any credentialed school teacher) should be summarily fired for publishing such cretinous nonsense . . . bringing the profession into disrepute

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Ravi Dev buy a fake JD. Me mamoo say he cant do law in Guyana.

Tarron posting here as JB, you need to be careful with your accusation here.  You were once a disciple of Ravi Dev.


I disagree with you, Ravi Dev is a brilliant man. He may be pro-Indian but that does not erase his brilliance.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Ravi Dev buy a fake JD. Me mamoo say he cant do law in Guyana.

Tarron posting here as JB, you need to be careful with your accusation here.  You were once a disciple of Ravi Dev.


I disagree with you, Ravi Dev is a brilliant man. He may be pro-Indian but that does not erase his brilliance.

Me mamoo say he JD is a mail degree. He brilliant in you tiefman world. 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Ravi Dev buy a fake JD. Me mamoo say he cant do law in Guyana.

Tarron posting here as JB, you need to be careful with your accusation here.  You were once a disciple of Ravi Dev.


I disagree with you, Ravi Dev is a brilliant man. He may be pro-Indian but that does not erase his brilliance.

Mr Singh you like know to much.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Ravi Dev buy a fake JD. Me mamoo say he cant do law in Guyana.

Tarron posting here as JB, you need to be careful with your accusation here.  You were once a disciple of Ravi Dev.


I disagree with you, Ravi Dev is a brilliant man. He may be pro-Indian but that does not erase his brilliance.

Mr Singh you like know to much.

Gal, Ah Flour man Singh dat????

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is true Mr Bisram buy a fake PHD

Wah degree you gat?

Me is one step away from ACCA. What you have to show?

Does this mean you don't have to count by using your fingers and taking your shoes off to count past 10?

Originally Posted by kp:

Freddie is no pollster, he needs to finish his studies in Canada.

You mean Jagdeo needs to go to a proper school.  Patrice Lumimbua Russian school is no proper graduate school.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by kp:

Freddie is no pollster, he needs to finish his studies in Canada.

Like you envy Mr Kissoon PhD. He study PhD in Canada.

Wah you mean by he study phd in canada? You tink phd ah wan subject he study? He might ah study fuh he phd. Wah de man study fah, yu no? De man finish he phd? If he na finish, ee nah mean nuttin'.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by kp:

Freddie is no pollster, he needs to finish his studies in Canada.

Like you envy Mr Kissoon PhD. He study PhD in Canada.

Wah you mean by he study phd in canada? You tink phd ah wan subject he study? He might ah study fuh he phd. Wah de man study fah, yu no? De man finish he phd? If he na finish, ee nah mean nuttin'.

Mr Kissoon is a PHD in POLITICAL SCIENCE. He is not a immitation PHD like Mr Jagdeo ok? Is that clear? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by kp:

Freddie is no pollster, he needs to finish his studies in Canada.

Like you envy Mr Kissoon PhD. He study PhD in Canada.

Wah you mean by he study phd in canada? You tink phd ah wan subject he study? He might ah study fuh he phd. Wah de man study fah, yu no? De man finish he phd? If he na finish, ee nah mean nuttin'.

Mr Kissoon is a PHD in POLITICAL SCIENCE. He is not a immitation PHD like Mr Jagdeo ok? Is that clear? 

Aw laad gyal, me jess wan fuh no wah de man bin ah study fah. Me nah seh de man gat fake dactah degree. Me nah no if de man kumplete he degree.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by kp:

Freddie is no pollster, he needs to finish his studies in Canada.

Like you envy Mr Kissoon PhD. He study PhD in Canada.

Wah you mean by he study phd in canada? You tink phd ah wan subject he study? He might ah study fuh he phd. Wah de man study fah, yu no? De man finish he phd? If he na finish, ee nah mean nuttin'.

Mr Kissoon is a PHD in POLITICAL SCIENCE. He is not a immitation PHD like Mr Jagdeo ok? Is that clear? 

Aw laad gyal, me jess wan fuh no wah de man bin ah study fah. Me nah seh de man gat fake dactah degree. Me nah no if de man kumplete he degree.

You like know too much

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by kp:

Freddie is no pollster, he needs to finish his studies in Canada.

Like you envy Mr Kissoon PhD. He study PhD in Canada.

Wah you mean by he study phd in canada? You tink phd ah wan subject he study? He might ah study fuh he phd. Wah de man study fah, yu no? De man finish he phd? If he na finish, ee nah mean nuttin'.

Mr Kissoon is a PHD in POLITICAL SCIENCE. He is not a immitation PHD like Mr Jagdeo ok? Is that clear? 

Aw laad gyal, me jess wan fuh no wah de man bin ah study fah. Me nah seh de man gat fake dactah degree. Me nah no if de man kumplete he degree.

You like know too much

One can never know too much.


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