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February 22, 2016 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

February 23rd this year will be 46 years since the late Forbes Burnham transitioned Guyana into the first Cooperative Republic in the world. But far from receding into the obscure recesses of Guyana’s patriotic leader, Burnham has retained an amazingly strong presence in the minds of many.
He lives on through the continuing relevance of his transformative ideas; his inspiring vision of people; his outstanding leadership and his ineffaceable example of humble and selfless service to the nation.
Forbes Burnham took over the leadership of Guyana at a critical time in the midst of racial hatred but delivered the nation with his grand project of modernization, which transformed the lives of many for the better.
Guyanese were fortunate to have Forbes Burnham as their first President because of his political thinking, vision for a prosperous Guyana and also of his humanity. He was, by nature, plain-spoken, sometimes brutally honest, which made his opponents wary of crossing his path, but there was a cool side to him.
He did not suffer fools gladly or had time for phony people or time-wasters. For him, greatness mattered but his humility mattered more. Here was a leader who had faults and made mistakes, and who it was alleged had rigged elections, but through it all, he was a patriot who had a common touch with people and did not consider himself too important or too aloof to offer words of advice to anyone.
The great affection which Guyanese have for Burnham was revealed in their overwhelming grief at his passing in 1985. It was because he made everyone feel good about themselves, about being Guyanese first and their ability to achieve greatness on a world scale despite the limitations and small size of the country.
Besides leaving many better off than he found them, most Guyanese gratefully appreciated the fact that he genuinely cared about the country.This cannot be said about most politicians today.
A Fabian socialist, Burnham was wedded to a political philosophy that emphasized equality and social justice for all. His policies to feed, house and clothe the nation, redistribution of the national wealth and free education at the tertiary level were grounded in his belief to make the small man a real man. Truth be told, Forbes Burnham would not have allowed a 50 percent salary increase for Ministers when Public Servants are given 5 percent annually.
He naturally would not have allowed such generous pensions to which Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers today are entitled, especially in cases where, beyond warming a seat and occupying a position, they have done very little to help the poor. For most of them, being a Minister has become a one-way ticket to richness.
Many who were not wealthy prior to becoming Ministers seem to delight in their wealth shortly after being appointed. Furthermore, Burnham would not have overburdened the taxpayers by having such a bloated cabinet. He saw politics as a selfless service; not to become rich. He would have preferred to be pennyless than to be dishonest or corrupt.
If the present crop of politicians were in tune with his philosophy, they certainly would not have been so selfish, aloof and arrogant. In terms of development, their actions have impeded progress, and their idea of patriotism is very limited. Understandably, this happens because they have no ideological foundation. They stand for nothing and fall for anything.
If the government is serious about nation-building, Burnham’s speeches should be made required reading in every secondary school.
It is important that the youths of today, who are the leaders of tomorrow, receive such exposure to acquire an understanding and appreciation of the ideological foundation on which Guyana was built. Forbes Burnham was in our time, but he was also above all time. He was truly a man for all seasons. Long may he live in the hearts and minds of all Guyanese?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Forbes Burnham and Cheddi Jagan should get equal credit for Guyana gaining political independence from Britain in 1966. But it was Forbes Burnham who steered the new nation to Republican status in 1970. It was he who coined the name Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

On February 23, 1970, in the National Assembly, Opposition Leader Cheddi Jagan said that cooperative socialism would fail. Jagan urged Burnham to advance to scientific socialism as elaborated by Marx and Lenin.  


Mits, compare this eyewitness account to your hero, Forbes Burnham.

From GT (2/22/16)

The Rodney COI on Burnham

"Based on testimonies given, evidence gathered along with the events and circumstances that occurred at the time, the report concluded that the then Prime Minister, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, had such an β€œabsolute” grip and control over the society that he β€œde-humanised and belittled many Guyanese”.
The 155-page document provided extensive details on the relentless abuse and misuse of the State in carrying out activities that were in blatant breach of legislation which separated the Executive arm of Government from the doings of the armed forces.
According to report, Dr Rodney’s brother Edward Rodney in his testimony identified that the Guyana Police Force was acting as an arm of the ruling party; that the Police were being used to break-up strikes against people who were standing in lines and being unruly or waiting to get bread, kerosene and the Mounted Police were used to threaten and intimidate.
Notably, this was just one of the dozens who came forth to narrate the bleak circumstances that plagued the country during that era in the country’s history.
It was also revealed that the People’s National Congress (PNC) youth arm, the Youth Socialist Movement (YSM), was part and parcel in numerous of the beatings administered to Guyanese who opposed the dictatorship rule of Burnham. Two days ago, the PNC celebrated the birthday of their β€œfounder leader” Burnham with great pomp and lauded him as a great leader of Guyana.
An excerpt from the CoI Report highlighted that the YSM was involved in violent activities in support of the PNC.
β€œAt one stage, the YSM was led by Robert Corbin (former PNCReform Leader) and it worked in close cooperation with the House of Israel in carrying out acts of violence and intimidation against the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) members,” the report stated.
It also recapped that Reverend Gilbert testified that on one occasion, he was grabbed and rammed in his ribs by the YSM which eventually resulted in two broken ribs just before he was handed over to the Police.
It was also taken into account, the somewhat discreet threat declared by Burnham against the WPA – against Dr Rodney.
At the Third Biennial Congress of the PNC (August, 1979), Burnham exclaimed, β€œWe are a party of peace, but we are not pacifists, and literally and metaphorically, we promise to match steel with steel and fire with fire…”
β€œSo comrades, let us deal now with another of them – the Worst Possible Alternative. That is what they must be known by. What does WPA stand for?”
β€œComrades, they had better make their wills, because so far as we are concerned, we are not asking them for quarter and we will not give them any…”
β€œComrades, we are now in the Roman Amphitheatre. The lion and the gladiator cannot both survive; one must die, and we know that the People’s National Congress will live.”:



Dey can sey wah ever dey want. Those who have a sense of Guyana's history knows LFSB frigged up the opportunity of extending the progress of a great colony. All because he was a damn RACIST. Talking about a person who failed to see the trees, all he saw was forest. The man was an absolute fool.

Now, dey trying to bestow honor and glory to his name. Patriotic Guyanese will never be fooled. Leh Granger try deh wid his obeah advocate. It is abomination he dealing wid. 

Gilbakka posted:

Forbes Burnham and Cheddi Jagan should get equal credit forGuyana gaining political independence from Britain in 1966. But it was Forbes Burnham who steered the new nation to Republican status in 1970. It was he who coined the name Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

On February 23, 1970, in the National Assembly, Opposition Leader Cheddi Jagan said that cooperative socialism would fail. Jagan urged Burnham to advance to scientific socialism as elaborated by Marx and Lenin.  

History have proven not much gain was achieved by the two pioneers,their ideas of socialism didn't work in the homeland.

What was achieved was the creation of mass migration from the country.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Forbes Burnham and Cheddi Jagan should get equal credit forGuyana gaining political independence from Britain in 1966. But it was Forbes Burnham who steered the new nation to Republican status in 1970. It was he who coined the name Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

On February 23, 1970, in the National Assembly, Opposition Leader Cheddi Jagan said that cooperative socialism would fail. Jagan urged Burnham to advance to scientific socialism as elaborated by Marx and Lenin.  

History have proven not much gain was achieved by the two pioneers,their ideas of socialism didn't work in the homeland.

What was achieved was the creation of mass migration from the country.

We are discussing one person here; not two.The frigger was a murderer. He was a pioneer of frigging Guyana's elections. Give him credit for a notorious pioneer(pirate).

baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

Although I never say the man in person, I have always found Burnham repulsive. Whatever good he did in pursuit of independence was far outweighed by his tyranny. Had he used his tenure to mitigate racism and truly unite the nation, then he could have worn the mantle of greatness.

Let's give Antabanta props for speaking his mind!!

He reminds me of Carib for speaking his mind on LFS.

antabanta posted:

Although I never say the man in person, I have always found Burnham repulsive. Whatever good he did in pursuit of independence was far outweighed by his tyranny. Had he used his tenure to mitigate racism and truly unite the nation, then he could have worn the mantle of greatness.

Finally you make sense ,after trying numerous times.


Morris Leesman was no less than a brilliant black man, and good friend of my father, from Craig, EBD. He was an income tax lawyer who was once thrown out of court for wearing his shirt (one of those with coat-tails) out of his pants. He sued the magistrate for $1, and won. At the time when he wrote whatever exams he had to write for his designation, he was the youngest person to succeed.

This brilliant man saw it fit to moon LFSB at a meeting in Craig School. He always said, "never make a lawyer president of a country."

kp posted:
antabanta posted:

Although I never say the man in person, I have always found Burnham repulsive. Whatever good he did in pursuit of independence was far outweighed by his tyranny. Had he used his tenure to mitigate racism and truly unite the nation, then he could have worn the mantle of greatness.

Finally you make sense ,after trying numerous times.

Sorry. I'll try to bring my posts down to your level. What are you at, around grade 3 or 4?


REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs", PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs, PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Teach the young ones,Gilly.

skeldon_man posted:
baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

Although I never say the man in person, I have always found Burnham repulsive. Whatever good he did in pursuit of independence was far outweighed by his tyranny. Had he used his tenure to mitigate racism and truly unite the nation, then he could have worn the mantle of greatness.

Let's give Antabanta props for speaking his mind!!

He reminds me of Carib for speaking his mind on LFS.

Please do not compare me to Carib. Probably before you started posting on this forum, Carib said enough to prove exactly what he is.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs, PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Teach the young ones,Gilly.

The reason it did not happen is because Forbes wanted to remain dictator for life. He has his disciples practicing the same.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs, PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Teach the young ones,Gilly.

The reason it did not happen is because Forbes wanted to remain dictator for life. He has his disciples practicing the same.

Skelly,it would have happened,Kabaka kick the bucket.

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
 He has his disciples practicing the same.

Please explain this.

No need to explain. PNC is PNC, regardless of old or new.

I see. You're just spewing diatribe then. No problem. For a moment I forgot you were one of the PPP lunatics and thought you had some sensible reason for making such a claim.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs, PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Teach the young ones,Gilly.

Forbes and Cheddi used to take walks on the seawall.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs, PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Teach the young ones,Gilly.

The reason it did not happen is because Forbes wanted to remain dictator for life. He has his disciples practicing the same.

Skelly,it would have happened,Kabaka kick the bucket.

Did you ever see a dictator gave up power? Bai you need somebody to sell you some reasoning so you can see beyond what people are writing on this BB.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs, PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Teach the young ones,Gilly.

The reason it did not happen is because Forbes wanted to remain dictator for life. 

Skelly, you're making a fantastic claim, considering that you had already left Guyana long before the 1973 elections and the 1985 PPP-PNC coalition talks. There was no Internet in those days and you probably had rare access to Guyanese newspapers in the US, so it is amazing that you could come up with such a definitive conclusion. Anyway, bhaiya, Happy Mashramani.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs, PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Teach the young ones,Gilly.

The reason it did not happen is because Forbes wanted to remain dictator for life. He has his disciples practicing the same.

Skelly,it would have happened,Kabaka kick the bucket.

Did you ever see a dictator gave up power? Bai you need somebody to sell you some reasoning so you can see beyond what people are writing on this BB.

Banna i was living there,it would have materialized.You ra..s bin done cut track.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs, PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Teach the young ones,Gilly.

The reason it did not happen is because Forbes wanted to remain dictator for life. He has his disciples practicing the same.

Skelly,it would have happened,Kabaka kick the bucket.

Did you ever see a dictator gave up power? Bai you need somebody to sell you some reasoning so you can see beyond what people are writing on this BB.

Banna i was living there,it would have materialized.You ra..s bin done cut track.

I went to Guyana every year, sometimes twice a year. Our house borders the Corentyne River and frequently got raided by your PNC thugs to search for banned goods. None was ever found. I still visit Guyana at least once a year. This might be my last.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Did you ever see a dictator gave up power? Bai you need somebody to sell you some reasoning so you can see beyond what people are writing on this BB.

Banna i was living there,it would have materialized.You ra..s bin done cut track.

I went to Guyana every year, sometimes twice a year. Our house borders the Corentyne River and frequently got raided by your PNC thugs to search for banned goods. None was ever found. I still visit Guyana at least once a year. This might be my last.

That area was one the hub for banned goods,so every one is a suspect.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Did you ever see a dictator gave up power? Bai you need somebody to sell you some reasoning so you can see beyond what people are writing on this BB.

Banna i was living there,it would have materialized.You ra..s bin done cut track.

I went to Guyana every year, sometimes twice a year. Our house borders the Corentyne River and frequently got raided by your PNC thugs to search for banned goods. None was ever found. I still visit Guyana at least once a year. This might be my last.

That area was one the hub for banned goods,so every one is a suspect.

You have spoken like a true Burnham follower. Guilty until proven innocent.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Did you ever see a dictator gave up power? Bai you need somebody to sell you some reasoning so you can see beyond what people are writing on this BB.

Banna i was living there,it would have materialized.You ra..s bin done cut track.

I went to Guyana every year, sometimes twice a year. Our house borders the Corentyne River and frequently got raided by your PNC thugs to search for banned goods. None was ever found. I still visit Guyana at least once a year. This might be my last.

That area was one the hub for banned goods,so every one is a suspect.

You have spoken like a true Burnham follower. Guilty until proven innocent.

Bhai,what my statement got to do with Burnham eh,i was never his follower,i lived under his rule due to at that time i had no choice.

I mentioned i was not affiliated to no political party in the homeland,except for a few years with GAWU as union member,i quit after finding out they were corrupt,worked in the private sector for a short while, after that i was my own boss for number of years answerable to no one.

Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: in 1977, four years after rigged elections and "ballot box martyrs", PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with Forbes Burnham. And, in 1985, five years after the PNC killed Walter Rodney, Cheddi Jagan proposed a National  Unity Government with Burnham. Uncle Rohee and Aunty Teixeira should have supporting documents in Freedom House. For the nation's welfare, Cheddi Jagan had set aside Burnham's faults and sought power sharing with him. But Burnham died before an agreement was signed.

Two idiots together in complete commie unity? Shyte bro, that would have been worse than lucifer an his demons. U do know of Stalin and Kruschev?

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Looks like these were taken out in Zimbabwe. It shows who are the people that really care for this mashramani. Never was in Guyana for one. Don't know the significance of it. Let them carry on with their voodoo dancing.

Scared of being close to black people?

You damn right. You blame me? Check throughout the world what race commits the most violent crimes. Not coolie man like me.


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