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Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood made a terrible mistake by forging an alliance with the West and its regional puppets. The Brotherhood has become a tool of the Zionist-dominated West, which seeks to divide and conquer the Middle East by fomenting a sectarian civil war between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, once a respected Brotherhood intellectual, has disgraced himself by becoming a spokesman for Zionist-instigated, Saudi-assisted anti-Shia sectarianism.

Perhaps President Morsi thought that if he accepted the West’s dictates to join their war on Syria, keep the Gaza border closed, maintain the Camp David “surrender treaty,” enslave future generations of Egyptians to the International Monetary Fund, and let the Egyptian Army continue to rule as it did under Mubarak, he would be allowed to add a bit more shariah to the Egyptian civil code.

It was a devil’s bargain to begin with. And the devil did not even keep the bargain.

President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood need to go back and study the works of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the political Islamic awakening that is shaking the globe.

Ayatollah Khomeini insisted that there is no room for sectarianism in the Islamic awakening. Muslims are Muslims first and foremost, whether they follow the Hanafi, Malaki, Hanbali, Shafiyi, or Ja’fari law schools.


The Muslim Brotherhood should stop inciting sectarianism, and stand up for Islamic unity.

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Morsi showed total disregard for anyone who is not a Muslim Brotherhood member. He finally went too far when he suggested that Egyptians should go and fight with the rebels in Syria.


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