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Former Member



The coalition’s victory was razor thin: if 2700 people had changed their votes the fear mongers within the PPP/C would have won.

Stoking rather than calming racial fears is the responsibility of  all leaders but Jagdeo and others in the PPP/C could not resist. As we documented over the past six weeks the rhetoric of the PPP/C became increasingly offensive and inciteful as May 11 drew closer.

Here are just a few: “When they link up with the Military and come into your homes and start kicking the doors down and when they come after you, who is going to be there…?” Jagdeo PPP/C Albion rally April 19 2015

If we allow ourselves to have this freedom snatched away from us then it would be long dark days for our country again and our ancestors would never be proud of us.” Jagdeo, addressing the Indian Arrival Committee Mela, Providence May 2 2015.  

To give them an opportunity is suicide, national suicide we have to drink some gramoxone together”. Roger Luncheon at PPP/C Wismar Rally April 12 2015

“You need to save your children from the type of fear and the type of society that you grew up in…If you think we bad, the Devil coming.” Anil Nandlall PPP/C Meten Meer Zorg public meeting March 16 2015

And the numbers show that this cynical and very damaging appeal to race almost paid off…

Here are the 2002 census figures for the three regions where East Indians have a majority presence and where the PPP/C campaigned hard. On the right are the PPP/C’s share of votes in 2015

Region Three (East Indian) 65.47%…..66%

Region Five (East Indian) 57.76%…..55%

Region Six  (East Indian) 68.68%….64%

And drilling down into individual SOPs, voting patterns based on race have become even more extreme. One observer for one region who saw numerous SOPs noted that villages seemed to vote based purely on their racial composition. It is a major problem and one that can only be mitigated by leaders refraining from appeals to prejudice and instead genuinely looking to create some kind of harmony between the two main races. Granger says he will do that. For the PPP/C they have in the past month essentially reduced themselves to an ethnic party. Perhaps they may now wake up and realise that with the changing demographics they need to find a new approach.



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From Leslie Ramsammy:




Make no mistake about it – the will of the people was not reflected by the results of the 2015 elec...tions in Guyana. No bones about it, APNU+AFC stole people’s votes, in the same tradition and maliciousness of the old PNC, and with the same kind of collusion with the Guyana Elections Commission that was typical of the elections in 1968, 1973, 1980, and 1985. But this time there was not the same crude methods of those past elections. This time rigging was done through a sophisticated plan.

Can you believe that they actually stole 10 PPP/C votes from every box and added these to APNU+AFC? Sometimes in tabulating results, mistakes can be made, but they will be random and the total will not match. But in these cases, the PPP/C votes were always short of 10 and APNU+AFC were always increased by 10. In checking just 7 boxes on the East Coast Demerara, the results that GECOM has for the PPP/C was short of 10 and APNU+AFC increased by 10 for each box. Amazing? But it is true. In checking another 19 boxes in South Georgetown, the same pattern emerged. This cannot be a co-incidence; it is a deliberate pattern of thieving. In how many boxes this happened? Because if this happened in just 10 % of the boxes, it is enough gain an advantage of 5,000 votes.

The International and local observers concluded that the elections were free and fair. But they only looked at Election Day activities. Voting is only part of the process. The counting was done properly for the most part. The statements of poll were accurately filled. But then the mischief took over after voting was completed. The rigging of the results had to be done by GECOM staff. What happened after these statements of poll were delivered by Presiding Officers to Deputy Regional Election Officers, Regional Election Officers and to GECOM?

Somebody altered the results in a pattern that strongly indict people with a well-orchestrated plan to steal an election. The pattern was seen for many statements of poll. We have evidence for the box numbers and the divisions where this occurred. But GECOM itself, through the Chief Elections Officer and the Chairman of GECOM, confirmed that there were fraudulent Statements of Poll. Their Press Conference is evidence that they know of fraudulent Statements of Poll. It is an indictment of these persons that knowing and admitting that they know, they refuse to test the overall integrity of the elections.

Why for example GECOM cannot publish the results they have used to calculate the overall votes, box by box before declaring the results? Let us examine it and compare the box by box results with our SOPs. Give us just two hours to compare our SOPs with their tabulated results before they declare the final results. Tell me what is wrong with this request? 

GECOM and all stakeholders owe it to the people of Guyana to verify with no room for uncertainty that the elections results reflect the will of the people. If we are all so certain that the elections results are accurate, why then are we afraid to do a complete recheck to ensure that the results that GECOM tabulated represent a true reflection of how people voted?

What is it APNU+AFC, Mr. Lowenfield, Dr. Surujbally, the ABC countries, the international observers and the private sector of Guyana afraid of?

There was a sophisticated plan to steal the will of Guyanese people in the 2015 elections and many persons are guilty of collusion. Criminal acts are evident and the question is how high up in GECOM is the collusion?

Another electoral heist has been committed in Guyana. This time the Government has been the victim. But the rigging could not have been done by APNU+AFC alone. GECOM staff was intimately involved. Was there also collusion by international players? Could it be that the Americans and the British who colluded with the then PNC to rig elections post-independence are also involved again in stealing people’s votes? Just asking!

Dr. Leslie Ramsammy May 15, 2015


@alena, Leslie Ramsammy has little credibility. He lied through his teeth about that letter he signed, authorizing the Spy Shop to sell Roger Khan sophisticated tracking equipment. Ramsammy is fighting for his own self-interest because the new government will set up a commission of inquiry into the phantom gang that caused hundreds of Afro-Guyanese deaths in 2002-2006.


These awful people used the Chronicle as their campaign rag. Further, they used the full spectrum of national assets in their campaign. Look at the thousands at their gathering and each had some PPP swag and that surely amounted to millions of US. They lost because of arrogance and that sense of entitlement that fortified the delusion they can never lose.


Even here on this site all their supporters were giving us stats of never having lost, can never lose and predicting 100 year reign. We have a new beginning to democracy. This is a second try so I am sure it will be better if not the best.


The APNU knows in 5 years they can be booted out. The idea of simply satiating ethnic concerns can no longer be the paradigm. Merit has to play a part and improving the quality of life of people in general has to matter. I am not for any party. I will be as critical as I can of the APNU regime because that is what I do. They have lots of work to do

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@alena, Leslie Ramsammy has little credibility. He lied through his teeth about that letter he signed, authorizing the Spy Shop to sell Roger Khan sophisticated tracking equipment. Ramsammy is fighting for his own self-interest because the new government will set up a commission of inquiry into the phantom gang that caused hundreds of Afro-Guyanese deaths in 2002-2006.

Alena06 is having a bad hair day.  

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@alena, Leslie Ramsammy has little credibility. He lied through his teeth about that letter he signed, authorizing the Spy Shop to sell Roger Khan sophisticated tracking equipment. Ramsammy is fighting for his own self-interest because the new government will set up a commission of inquiry into the phantom gang that caused hundreds of Afro-Guyanese deaths in 2002-2006.

Alena06 is having a bad hair day.  

Alena still thinks that the PPP can never lose.


Report by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Trip to Guyana


All the international observers and the local observers have asserted that the elections were free and fair.

Ramotar & Co are mean-spirited people with no grace or civility. With or without their concession, David Granger will be sworn in and begin work in organizing the coalition government.


Here are the 2002 census figures for the three regions where East Indians have a majority presence and where the PPP/C campaigned hard. On the right are the PPP/C’s share of votes in 2015

Region Three (East Indian) 65.47%…..66%

Region Five (East Indian) 57.76%…..55%

Region Six  (East Indian) 68.68%….64%

And drilling down into individual SOPs, voting patterns based on race have become even more extreme. One observer for one region who saw numerous SOPs noted that villages seemed to vote based purely on their racial composition. It is a major problem and one that can only be mitigated by leaders refraining from appeals to prejudice and instead genuinely looking to create some kind of harmony between the two main races. Granger says he will do that. For the PPP/C they have in the past month essentially reduced themselves to an ethnic party. Perhaps they may now wake up and realise that with the changing demographics they need to find a new approach.



Worthy of noting.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:

Rohee said PPP never lost an election.

They are a bit removed from the man in the streets.

That's an understatement, base. They were living on Cloud 9.


"A United States Department Of Homeland
Security Official Has Reportedly Disclosed
That Former PPP Government Minister Of
Human Services & Social Security Jennifer
Webster Is Allegedly Under Criminal
Investigation By The United States Justice
Department, And Consequently, Her United
States Visa Has Reportedly Been Revoked.
It Is Also Understood That The Canadians
Government Have Reportedly Taken Similar

We Have Also Learnt That Another Former
PPP Minister, Dr. Jennifer Westford, Is Also
Allegedly Under Investigation By United
States Law Enforcement In Connection With
The Arrest And Prosecution Of Cash Jet
Pilot, KHEMRAJ LALL Who Recently Struck
A Plea Bargain Deal With U.S. Prosecutors.

It Appears That One, Or Both Of The PPP's
JENNYS Maybe In Some Serious Trouble."

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

"A United States Department Of Homeland
Security Official Has Reportedly Disclosed
That Former PPP Government Minister Of
Human Services & Social Security Jennifer
Webster Is Allegedly Under Criminal
Investigation By The United States Justice
Department, And Consequently, Her United
States Visa Has Reportedly Been Revoked.
It Is Also Understood That The Canadians
Government Have Reportedly Taken Similar

We Have Also Learnt That Another Former
PPP Minister, Dr. Jennifer Westford, Is Also
Allegedly Under Investigation By United
States Law Enforcement In Connection With
The Arrest And Prosecution Of Cash Jet
Pilot, KHEMRAJ LALL Who Recently Struck
A Plea Bargain Deal With U.S. Prosecutors.

It Appears That One, Or Both Of The PPP's
JENNYS Maybe In Some Serious Trouble."

I am glad these crooks are being grounded. One of the greatest liberty on the planet is free do of movement. I bet that much money coming in is as a consequence of them getting paid in  some nefarious ways.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:

Rohee said PPP never lost an election.

They are a bit removed from the man in the streets.

That's an understatement, base. They were living on Cloud 9.

Rohee and all the awful clowns in the PPP/C have been defeated and not cheated. It is the PPP/C who cheated its supporters and took them for granted over a number of years. The PPP/c always thought that its base is brainless and cannot think for themselves. Well what a wake up call you selfish bastards got. You all should go poison yourselves and then take a rope and climb some mango tree and take rest before heading to hell. 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:

Rohee said PPP never lost an election.

They are a bit removed from the man in the streets.

That's an understatement, base. They were living on Cloud 9.

Rohee and all the awful clowns in the PPP/C have been defeated and not cheated. It is the PPP/C who cheated its supporters and took them for granted over a number of years. The PPP/c always thought that its base is brainless and cannot think for themselves. Well what a wake up call you selfish bastards got. You all should go poison yourselves and then take a rope and climb some mango tree and take rest before heading to hell. 

ROHEE will have to change his cricket team.  Time to get some real grassroot politicians with constituency in the game  - try starting back in the hindu temples and in the cane fields to start building CELLS the Groups, the Districts, the Regional Teams.


Is hard wuk and there is no Prado in the game, and it involve no tiefing.


That is the Cheddi Jagan way.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:

Rohee said PPP never lost an election.

They are a bit removed from the man in the streets.

That's an understatement, base. They were living on Cloud 9.

Rohee and all the awful clowns in the PPP/C have been defeated and not cheated. It is the PPP/C who cheated its supporters and took them for granted over a number of years. The PPP/c always thought that its base is brainless and cannot think for themselves. Well what a wake up call you selfish bastards got. You all should go poison yourselves and then take a rope and climb some mango tree and take rest before heading to hell. 

ROHEE will have to change his cricket team.  Time to get some real grassroot politicians with constituency in the game  - try starting back in the hindu temples and in the cane fields to start building CELLS the Groups, the Districts, the Regional Teams.


Is hard wuk and there is no Prado in the game, and it involve no tiefing.


That is the Cheddi Jagan way.

Time to bring people like Dharamkumar Seeraj to the front.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
- try starting back in the hindu temples and in the cane fields

I guess the loss of the election hasn't convinced some that no party can sustain itself merely with the Indian vote.  It is declining and not every Indian will vote in lock step.


So if Hindu temples and the cane fields will be all the PPP does, APNU AFC will be in power for ever.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:



Even here on this site all their supporters were giving us stats of never having lost, can never lose and predicting 100 year reign.

Throughout the history of time, people have continued to make this critical mistake. As long as there are free elections, there are no guarantees on people holding on to power just for the sake of it.


The PPP said Guyana got free and fair elections in 92 but today after 23 years in office they are saying that while they were in government and they had extreme influence over GECOM the election was rigged.


This nah mek sense budday? any illiterate pan de dam tap will tell abee dat dis na mek no sense. right?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP said Guyana got free and fair elections in 92 but today after 23 years in office they are saying that while they were in government and they had extreme influence over GECOM the election was rigged.


This nah mek sense budday? any illiterate pan de dam tap will tell abee dat dis na mek no sense. right?

I agree. The PPP lost because more voters preferred the new government. Looks like the PPP has 7 or 8 regional seats and if they want to re-establish themselves as suitable to lead, they will have to correct the opinions of those who did not wish to give them the privilege to lead again.


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