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The final humiliation of David Granger

Robert Badal called me when I was in the National Park walking my dog. I put my dog in the car and a long conversation took place. Mr. Badal reminded me that I did say to him I would support him, even going on his platform. I did and will keep that promise. I made the same commitment to Lenox Shuman when we met in his office. I will keep my commitment to Shuman. I am backing the small parties.
One of the latitudes Guyanese have for extirpating the monster of one-party domination by either PPP or PNC is to create a minority government. Whichever leviathan wins a minority government, they would have to compromise in order to govern; not to govern effectively, but simply to govern.
Mr. Badal will tell you, in that conversation, I repeatedly said to him do not transfer the skills of an entrepreneur to the world of politics. They are two different worlds that call for a different set of skills, capacities and conceptualizations. There are aspects of human nature an entrepreneur will never encounter in his/her life that a head of government will have to manoeuvre through with phenomenal courage.
Politics and business are not related even if on the surface there are fragments of similarities. There are certain endowments that are special to a head of government. They are called leadership qualities. The Ohio University in the 1980s once composed a set of those qualities that a head of government must possess.
One of them is character soundness. It appears President Granger has that. He is not inclined to rowdy behaviour, philistine descent, and he is almost impeccable when it comes to his distance with state funds. But that is the only one of the many leadership qualities Mr. Granger possesses. It does not qualify you to rule a country, especially a protracted problematic nation like Guyana.
I am repeating it again; I have nothing personal against Mr. Granger, but he does not possess leadership qualities, and he will not transform Guyana in any meaningful way, because he lacks the capacity do so.
The president was humiliated by the AFC on Wednesday. It is a red letter day for the PNC party. Never before has a PNC leader showed such poor strategic thinking. Never before has a PNC leader been so outwitted by others. Never before has a PNC leader bowed to public humiliation. If the PNC wasn’t bankrupt in terms of available talent, Mr. Granger would have lost his job to a sharper competitor.
Within the space of eight hours, Mr. Granger succumbed to political blackmail that does not augur well for his government’s diplomatic dealings with oil companies, foreign investors and strong nations. The president saw the political chasm about six months ago, and with suicidal instincts, walked right into it.
On Wednesday morning at about 10 am, Mr. Granger boldly asserted that he had not identified a PM candidate and would only fill such a position after the election.
The AFC was livid. At around 3 pm, a tiny group of AFC leaders met without consulting the management committee or the executive committee of their party. The decision was incredible. David Patterson was instructed to contact Joe Harmon and inform him that the AFC wanted a public announcement of Khemraj Ramjattan as PM candidate – failure to do so immediately would result in the immediate announcement of the AFC pulling out of the coalition for the 2020 election.
Harmon conveyed the fait accompli to Granger. Granger travelled up to Hopetown and made the declaration without consulting the leadership of the PNC. It showed the poor leadership style of David Granger. He knew in October that the AFC was dead set on Ramjattan as PM candidate and was immovable. But Granger felt the AFC would not leave the coalition for the election, so he refused to accept Ramjattan, putting all kinds of spin on his refusal.
Then Granger finally placated the AFC. He requested that the PM slot not be assigned in order not to hurt Nagamootoo’s credibility, but Ramjattan would be given the job after the election. The AFC agreed. But leadership qualities were thrown out of the window when at the official launch of the 2020 campaign, two things happened.
First, Nagamootoo, who had exited the AFC, turned up in AFC’s colours. AFC personnel told me the AFC did not invite Nagamootoo; that was a PNC thing. Secondly, the president and the organisers did not announce the PM candidate. Ramjattan was insanely furious. Granger then finally said last Wednesday, he had not identified a PM candidate. The AFC decided to blackmail him. Choose Ramjattan now or we are leaving. Granger meekly submitted.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Imagine what Exxon will do with a bloody FOOL like that. They will chew his ass and spit it out for fun!!  Guyana in real trouble should the PNC win the next election. Morons and DUNCES cannot run a Pig Pen much less a Country!!!

Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

Exactly my thoughts. The man has proven he is a liar, a cheat and a bully. I think he just said what the KFC people want to hear fearing that they might just bolt.

Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

Granger is a con man. He is toying with Ramjattan. 

Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

Granger naming Ramjattan as PM between the APNU and AFC. The Constitution allows the President to name his PM whenever he wishes. That accord does not supersede the Constitution. Noteworthy though is that Granger did not express the same belligerence before the 2015 elections victory. He needed the AFC to help him open the door just as Burnham needed the UF to help him open that door. Pinocchio nose is on the AFC because they were not wise enough to see themselves playing the shameless role as the UF did.

Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

No loopholes bhai .The constitution is problematic ,regarding coalition government hence agreements between the parties .I have always advocated for constitutional changes in the electoral system. Currently agreements are built on trust.


AFC PNC had constitutional reform as part of the "good life" manifesto and did Katahar about it. These hapless and deceitful AFC PNC people can only con dem People like DJ cause dem don't have balls to hold dem accountable.

Hey hey hey

Sean posted:

AFC PNC had constitutional reform as part of the "good life" manifesto and did Katahar about it. These hapless and deceitful AFC PNC people can only con dem People like DJ cause dem don't have balls to hold dem accountable.

Hey hey hey

Continue to believe the whispers around your ears.


The AFC put itself in a straight-jacket.  I said that what was going to happen.  The PNC will be the dominant partner in the house. AFC has no say. It's a marriage of convenience.  Granger's love for the AFC is not real.

Billy Ram Balgobin

And de KFC people love it. 

GNI has a huge KFC following. Dem hate for BJ mek dem tek Vaseline from constitutional rapist granger. Thats got to hurt.

Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

Accord is not public because the two parties want to keep it that way. It is an agreement between the two entities.

Granger will not change PM when they win. This would be foolish of him.

VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

Accord is not public because the two parties want to keep it that way. It is an agreement between the two entities.

Granger will not change PM when they win. This would be foolish of him.

A mud head disciple of mud head Granger. A liar, cheat, bully and a jackass.


O rass, Vish use vaseline on he finger so he can type on he keyboard today. Five sentences and he finger wary. Ow me lard.

One member seh dat he pump and hurt he finger.

Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

He will find loop holes like what he did with the NCM. 

He keep saying he’s respecting the constitution and everyone knows differently and did nothing while the squat in office. 

This is his remarks about selecting a PM.

The Head of State pointed out that the constitution does not allow for any party to pick a Prime Ministerial candidate, only he has such a privilege.

“Once the President is elected, the President has the authority under the constitution to select a Prime Minister”, he said.

President Granger noted that an agreement can be made outside of the constitution that the Prime Ministerial candidate, or rather, nominees for the position, could be named, but he is still the one who has the final say.

Sean posted:

O rass, Vish use vaseline on he finger so he can type on he keyboard today. Five sentences and he finger wary. Ow me lard.

One member seh dat he pump and hurt he finger.

I believe that Vaseline on his finger went up his Arss . 

Nehru posted:

Gadaha is a silent MONSTER and those who are naive like Riff, DJ and Vish will forever be in bondage!!

Banna...I know is Friday you must be drinking in one a dem rum shop in Richmond Hill

VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

Gadaha is a silent MONSTER and those who are naive like Riff, DJ and Vish will forever be in bondage!!

Banna...I know is Friday you must be drinking in one a dem rum shop in Richmond Hill

The PPP aint stand a chance in dis election. Yall watch. You and cry baby, champion of dirt, gon cry like a river and dance like Nani wine....

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

Gadaha is a silent MONSTER and those who are naive like Riff, DJ and Vish will forever be in bondage!!

Banna...I know is Friday you must be drinking in one a dem rum shop in Richmond Hill

The PPP aint stand a chance in dis election. Yall watch. You and cry baby, champion of dirt, gon cry like a river and dance like Nani wine....

Haha, you means you dance like Nani wine when you stick that Vaseline Finger up your ArSS  

VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

Gadaha is a silent MONSTER and those who are naive like Riff, DJ and Vish will forever be in bondage!!

Banna...I know is Friday you must be drinking in one a dem rum shop in Richmond Hill


Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

Cummingsburg Accord is an agreement between the PNCR and AFC.

While it is a statement on paper, anyone from the group does not have to adhere to the pact.

Granger can do as he want with or without the Cummingsburg Accord.

Django posted:
Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

No loopholes bhai .The constitution is problematic ,regarding coalition government hence agreements between the parties .I have always advocated for constitutional changes in the electoral system. Currently agreements are built on trust.

Guyana Constitution is clear that; if needed;  parties must become a unit on nomination day.

The Constitution has nothing to do with who may become Prime Minister or other officials when parties have members in the new government.

The Constitution is absolutely clear that each group authorized to contest the election must name a person as the presidential candidate.

VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

Accord is not public because the two parties want to keep it that way. It is an agreement between the two entities.

Granger will not change PM when they win. This would be foolish of him.

You keep posting nonsense, like if you are devoid of a brain. Has the DAG not shown how foolish, nasty, dirty, lying and selfish he is to Guyanese? Stop pretending. How many times has he not changed his tune? You should not post anything else until you answer my question of why you didn’t not know what a PUNANNI is.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:
Amral posted:

What is to stop Granger from changing PM after the election if they win. The Accord is not public, so we dont know if there are any loop holes. 

No loopholes bhai .The constitution is problematic ,regarding coalition government hence agreements between the parties .I have always advocated for constitutional changes in the electoral system. Currently agreements are built on trust.

Guyana Constitution is clear that; if needed;  parties must become a unit on nomination day.

The Constitution has nothing to do with who may become Prime Minister or other officials when parties have members in the new government.

The Constitution is absolutely clear that each group authorized to contest the election must name a person as the presidential candidate.

My points are the Constitution stymieing real Democracy ,the electoral system need to change to allow Post Election Alliances. All the problems of forming a coalition gov't can be resolved easily .

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

You talking FART. What will stop the Gadaha from disregarding and disrespecting a new Constitution?? The Highest Court he has disregard and pissed on. Think before you write!!

Banna try to think ,the President powers will cut.

Django posted:

My points are the Constitution stymieing real Democracy ,the electoral system need to change to allow Post Election Alliances. All the problems of forming a coalition before elections can be resolved easily.

There is indeed a need to make some major changes to the constitution.

Moses Nagamootoo, as Prime Minister of Guyana, was tasked to make the needed changes.

Information are quite clearl that Moses Nagamootoo has done absolutely nothing constructive since 2015.

Nehru posted:

You talking FART. What will stop the Gadaha from disregarding and disrespecting a new Constitution?? The Highest Court he has disregard and pissed on. Think before you write!!

I agree.  The Coalition fell in Dec 2018 according to the constitution.  But here we are.  What difference would it have made had the AFC been in a pre or post election Coalition?

Django talking bull!  What Guyana has now is a quasi Military Junta.

Baseman posted:

What Guyana has now is a quasi Military Junta.


Since APNU became the government, numerous high-ranking retired army personnel were appointed to numerous positions as heads of organizations.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

My points are the Constitution stymieing real Democracy ,the electoral system need to change to allow Post Election Alliances. All the problems of forming a coalition before elections can be resolved easily.

There is indeed a need to make some major changes to the constitution.

Moses Nagamootoo, as Prime Minister of Guyana, was tasked to make the needed changes.

Information are quite clearl that Moses Nagamootoo has done absolutely nothing constructive since 2015.

Check here


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