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Former Member

From the Memorandum Order acquitting Arienne Irving of witness tampering charges in the Simels case:

"At the end of the meeting, Vaughn offered to help with Khan’s defense. He stated, “Well, finding people was my specialty, so if there is anything I can do to help, I’m here … That is why he wanted me to talk to you in any case, I’m sure.” Id. at 50.

Simels stated that he would send Vaughn a list of “who we may be looking for and where we think that they are living.” Id. at 51. Vaughn repeated that finding people was his specialty, after which Simels joked that Vaughn’s nickname should actually be “Findman” rather than “Fineman.”

At no time during this initial meeting did Vaughn discuss any of the violent acts he or others had committed in Guyana. Irving spoke only briefly during the meeting.

Irving’s memorandum about the interview contained the following information:

[Vaughn] would get sources within the village and speak directly with Rawlings, Allison,  … to find out information for [Khan]."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Selwyn Vaughn, who is also known as “Fineman,” approached Simels in the spring of 2008 and offered his assistance in preparing for Khan’s trial. Vaughn recorded five meetings with Simels between May 13, 2008 and September 10, 2008. The first occurred in the conference room in Simels’s offices and the rest were held in Simels’s personal office. Irving attended the first meeting and portions of the third. In addition to those personal contacts with Vaughn, during the same period, Irving communicated with him electronically and telephonically.


Read the trial report , awhile back . Saw the nickname "Fineman" it appears there are two persons with the same nickname.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:

Thank You Roger Khan. Indians and some blacks are in-depth to you. 

illiterate donkey marking he name

"in-depth" indeed!

continue grazing


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Thank You Roger Khan. Indians and some blacks are in-depth to you. 

illiterate donkey marking he name

"in-depth" indeed!

continue grazing


I leaving DJ to graze your Arss . Ayo two like BT and Poke . 

Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Thank You Roger Khan. Indians and some blacks are in-depth to you. 

illiterate donkey marking he name

"in-depth" indeed!

continue grazing


I leaving DJ to graze your Arss . Ayo two like BT and Poke . 

you so dumb

and you don't even know it


Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Thank You Roger Khan. Indians and some blacks are in-depth to you. 

illiterate donkey marking he name

"in-depth" indeed!

continue grazing


I leaving DJ to graze your Arss . Ayo two like BT and Poke . 

Banna if you have an issue with Ronan, why you rope in Django ?

Last edited by Django
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Thank You Roger Khan. Indians and some blacks are in-depth to you. 

illiterate donkey marking he name

"in-depth" indeed!

continue grazing


I leaving DJ to graze your Arss . Ayo two like BT and Poke . 

you so dumb

and you don't even know it


Heh Heh .. which other man ramming you Arss.

You didn’t expect to walk right into this one eh. Brite boy Thomas. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Thank You Roger Khan. Indians and some blacks are in-depth to you. 

illiterate donkey marking he name

"in-depth" indeed!

continue grazing


I leaving DJ to graze your Arss . Ayo two like BT and Poke . 

Banna if you have an issue with Ronan, why you rope in Django ?

The man just confirmed is not you who roping his Arss . 

I don’t have issues with anyone bhai, keep digging the grave yard. 

Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Thank You Roger Khan. Indians and some blacks are in-depth to you. 

illiterate donkey marking he name

"in-depth" indeed!

continue grazing


I leaving DJ to graze your Arss . Ayo two like BT and Poke . 

you so dumb

and you don't even know it


Heh Heh .. which other man ramming you Arss.

You didn’t expect to walk right into this one eh. Brite boy Thomas. 

your DUNCENESS is strangely embarrassing to watch unfurl

i used the term "arid vulgarity" on another thread

and you didn't even come close to clearing that pitifully low bar

oy . . .

ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

Thank You Roger Khan. Indians and some blacks are in-depth to you. 

illiterate donkey marking he name

"in-depth" indeed!

continue grazing


I leaving DJ to graze your Arss . Ayo two like BT and Poke . 

you so dumb

and you don't even know it


Heh Heh .. which other man ramming you Arss.

You didn’t expect to walk right into this one eh. Brite boy Thomas. 

your DUNCENESS is strangely embarrassing to watch unfurl

i used the term "arid vulgarity" on another thread

and you didn't even come close to clearing that pitifully low bar

oy . . .

I get your attention you DUMB fool and that’s more important. Haul you black skont . 

Nehru posted:

Long live the memory of brother Gajraj. You did your country GREAT!!  RIP brother!!

this thread is NOT about Gajie

but while you at it . . . how come no props to AXEL WILLIAMS?

is he who actually did the murdering for ex-GDF tiefman Gajraj


Dave posted:
ronan posted:

your DUNCENESS is strangely embarrassing to watch unfurl

i used the term "arid vulgarity" on another thread

and you didn't even come close to clearing that pitifully low bar

oy . . .

I get your attention . . . Haul you black skont . 

this must be wan high point of your day banna . . . beyond pitiful

never knew i was that important to your happiness

i also find it curious that you call me a "black skont" and yuh skin more black than mine



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