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The framing of the NBS managers

November 16, 2014 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

Feelings of revulsion and contempt should be the reactions of anyone hearing the names of the principal behind-the scenes-movers of the high-level conspiracy against the New Building Society quartet.
If a poll was to be taken nationally the findings would indicate that those insidious individuals would accept that they did nothing wrong or unusual. And that is saying a lot about the clique with whom they are associated. Nothing is sacred for this abominable pestilence called high officials in our midst; not family; not religion; not professional probity; not honour.
Three senior managers and a junior officer were deliberately and falsely accused of a fraud orchestrated by the smarmy powers on high because they dared to not support what events have proved to be a venture tainted by corruption. The three seniors refused to authorize the expenditure by the NBS of a $2B investment in the Berbice River Bridge.
A word of commendation is in order for the families of the four victims for their unwavering support and belief in the innocence of their loved ones to the point where the children of one director went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that all the influential players who although knowledgeable of the injustice, were apprised and given an opportunity to right an indescribable wrong to fellow humans.
This matter should not be seen as closed but with the right legal advice and representation should be forwarded for redress up to the level of the International Court of Justice. It goes without saying that this was a crime against humanity regardless of how it is viewed.
The myriad questions that abound point to complicity by officers from the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions; the Office of the Commissioner; the NBS Board of Directors of the NBS; and high officials within the Presidential Secretariat; and Ministry of Finance. Interestingly we see a parallel in some aspects of the situation where the wife of one victim is engaged in discussions with the chief cook and bottle washer to make a legal matter go away if her husband withdrew his legal claims. Shades of the purported discussions between Bhena Lall and the sitting president would be anyone’s guess.
The bullet-headed pursuit of four innocent victims highlights the hallmarks of a growing dictatorship where normally sane persons were perhaps understandably reluctant to confront their chief benefactor with his wrong doings. It just goes to show the morass into which we were sinking while all the time some of the more optimistic believed that we were standing on the solid rock of good governance.
That is how much the Guyanese people were in denial with their eyes wide shut as a popular KN columnist is wont to declare. Interestingly the disregard shown by the non-response by at least one statutory office holder toward the request for information by Ombudsman Mr. Justice Winston Moore is surely worthy of note and speaks volumes of the esteem (or lack thereof) that Government functionaries have for that constitutional office.
Who is Ashley Legall, and why was more compelling evidence not produced that could have resulted in the successful prosecution of that individual for his role in the general and particular criminal enterprise? There appears to be an indecent haste to ensure that the named mastermind did not face prosecution and this is one of the issues that brings into question the professional integrity of the Guyana Police Force.
The Ombudsman requested the police file on the investigations and when advised by a retired deputy commissioner of impeccable credentials that all was not as it should be in the first submission, was subsequently sent another again lacking a vital ingredient which pointed to collusion in an immoral undertaking. Who gave the instructions to doctor the police report and to suppress elements of the one from Bank of Guyana? The Guyanese people need to remember these criminal acts when the time is right.

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