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Here's a useful discussion in today's NY Times

Democrats Need Recommit to Average People, Not Financial Wizards and Stars

Mike Gecan

Mike Gecan is the co-director of the Industrial Areas Foundation, a national organizing group.

November 9, 2016

The election was not just a defeat for Hillary Clinton but also a resounding rejection of the modern Democratic Party.
If the Democrats focus blame only on Secretary Clinton, they will quickly spin into another electoral cycle without understanding why so many Americans have grown disgusted with the party's culture.

The party of data and imagery must become the party of meaningful work with living wages, rebuilding the nation as well as the party.

That party has been dominated by Wall Street and Silicon Valley and by its academic and professional supporters. Its heroes have been financial wizards, technology geeks and media and athletic celebrities -- a largely placeless troupe of self-described "rock stars."

If the Democratic Party is to recover and become relevant again, the lessons of this election is to recommit itself to the vast majority of non-rock-star Americans who still live in physical space -- blocks, neighborhoods, subdivisions, trailer parks, workplaces, fading cities and aging suburbs and towns. The core issue for these Americans is the lack of long-term living wage work, especially for those who are not college educated. This issue was rejected, ignored or fumbled by the Obama-Clinton team.

The party needs to push for a dramatic and broadly based maintenance program -- better bridges, roads, regional transit systems, flood and hurricane defenses, communities rebuilt and renewed with critical masses of affordable housing. The District of Columbia and the states and counties that surround it are hampered by a transit system that is in desperate need of upgrading, just as New York City's was in the mid-1980's. The vitality of the entire region and the survival of the City of Baltimore as the potential home for workers who can commute to jobs in other parts of the region are in the balance. So are the health and safety of the millions of riders and thousands of union workers who use and operate that system.

Just as city, state, business, union and civic leaders -- many of whom fought with one another -- managed to coalesce and rebuild the New York transit system, the same kind of realignment and reconstruction need to occur in the D.C. area. Hundreds of thousands of jobs -- new jobs building and upgrading the system, existing jobs reachable on a world-class transit grid -- are at stake.

Energy efficiency strategies are maturing -- opening the door to pragmatic and financially self-sustaining efforts to retrofit the nation's aging apartment buildings, hospitals and religious institutions. The task of making America's buildings more energy efficient involves nitty-gritty work like installing insulation, replacing windows, installing new boilers, regulating heat and air flow with the same sensors that operate in our iPhones. This work can be financed by the increasingly predictable savings incurred when this retrofitting is properly done. This is good, old-fashioned blue-collar work, as well as a way to cut energy costs dramatically.

All of these initiatives can be modeled in the states and regions where democrats remain in power and pressed for, relentlessly, on a national scale. The party of algorithms, data and imagery must become the party of meaningful work and living wages for millions.

Finally, the party should make three books mandatory reading for all operatives and and candidates. "Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business," by Rana Foroohar, Time magazine's chief financial writer, describes the dominant position of financial institutions in the American economy and political realm and why the Democrats chose to save big banks and deserted millions of homeowners who lost their houses and hard-earned equity. It would be interesting to see the voting patterns in the nation's foreclosure belts -- Florida, Michigan, Ohio and elsewhere.

"Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right," by Arlie Russell Hochschild is a remarkable account of the way conservative residents in southwest Louisiana choose to vote on the basis of what Hochschild calls their "emotional self-interest" -- their need to feel respected and affirmed -- rather than their economic self-interest.

And "Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?" by Thomas Frank, is a scathing dissection of the drift of the Democratic Party toward "the best of the best of the best," as the character played by Will Smith in the movie "Men In Black" sarcastically described a group of well-credentialed and clueless competitors.

It will be painful reading, but a necessary corrective to a party that has embraced the economy's wealthiest takers, has treated the working class with special contempt, and valued elitism and professionalism over the quality of life of so many marginalized Americans.

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This ******* is writing from campaign perspective. The party is filled with common people in its leadership. I do not know any retired rock stars or any retired sport figure working in it. Also, this party won a plurality of the votes.

Had it not been for white women defecting or giving false data to the models then we would have known of their defection. We do know 52 percent of them defected and that is enough to make the difference not counting millennials in key blue states who voted trump or stayed home like angry bitches because pf berniephilia.

The party is reconstituting itself as we speak. I mentioned earlier they are electing their chair and kicking out a lot of people and renewing its rank with the young, nimble, smart and savvy since it is a generation Z world. The old white people who ran to trump will realize by then he was as we know a pile of hot air.

Kari posted:

Here's a useful discussion in today's NY Times

Democrats Need Recommit to Average People, Not Financial Wizards and Stars

Mike Gecan

Mike Gecan is the co-director of the Industrial Areas Foundation, a national organizing group.

November 9, 2016

The election was not just a defeat for Hillary Clinton but also a resounding rejection of the modern Democratic Party.
If the Democrats focus blame only on Secretary Clinton, they will quickly spin

If the Democratic Party is to recover and become relevant again, the lessons of this election is to recommit itself to the vast majority of non-rock-star Americans who still live in physical space -- blocks, neighborhoods, subdivisions, trailer parks, workplaces, fading cities and aging suburbs and towns. The core issue for these Americans is the lack of long-term living wage work, especially for those who are not college educated. This issue was rejected, ignored or fumbled by the Obama-Clinton team.


I am in full agreement.   The days of "bright" white elites foisting their value systems on others and laughing at those who disagree is what did them in.

Working class white women (and even black women) said that while sex perverts aren't people who they like having the ability to feed and house their families is what they give priority to.

Trump listened and invented his scam about jobs magically appearing. Hillary ought to have exposed these lies and provided evidence of Trump's scornful attitudes to American workers. That should have been 24/7. Instead the emphasis was Trump and Billy Bush in that bus.

Danyael 78k fewer voted in Detroit with Clinton losing MI by 12k. Basically blacks folks stayed home and Clinton lost.  Clinton won 55% of the Millennials vs. Obama winning 60% in 2012.

This is the issue, so stop wasting time thinking that its only racism which caused Hillary's defeat.  GOP voters went out. Democrats didn't.

Danyael posted:

This ******* is writing from campaign perspective. The party is filled with common people in its leadership.

Keep on telling yourself this.  Trump got FEWER votes than Romney. He won because MORE Democrats stayed away. Why did they?

Had Hillary won the same number of votes in Detroit that Obama did she would have won MI by a decent margin.  I bet that this is the same in other places.

Until there is honesty about why so many Democrats sat out this election, with this being greatest in its strongest bases, Millennials and blacks, then no reconstitution will work.

Danyael posted:

 We do know 52 percent of them defected

How did they defect. In 2012  Romney won 56% of the white female vote. Trump won 53%.

Here you go telling people how to think. I don't identify with Clarence Thomas merely because he was black, and many white females didn't see Hillary as solving the problems in their lives. Her messaging was about being the first female president and that Trump is a vulgar sex pig.

Trump told them he will get them jobs. To most Americans, who have seen their real wages tumble since 2000, even the vague promise of jobs was something that perked up their ears.

Instead of demolishing Trump's job scam Hillary focused on issues of more important to highly educated women, who have no reason to stay up at night worrying about bread and butter and housing issues.

So continue to focus on green issues and other things that are of importance to those who are comfortable and don't worry about a life of privation.  Force these values down the throats of those who have issues of more immediate concern.   These women want cheap gas so that they can afford to drive to work. Solar and wind don't make their list of priorities.

caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

This ******* is writing from campaign perspective. The party is filled with common people in its leadership.

Keep on telling yourself this.  Trump got FEWER votes than Romney. He won because MORE Democrats stayed away. Why did they?

Had Hillary won the same number of votes in Detroit that Obama did she would have won MI by a decent margin.  I bet that this is the same in other places.

Until there is honesty about why so many Democrats sat out this election, with this being greatest in its strongest bases, Millennials and blacks, then no reconstitution will work.

You are like a broken can be rational, and promising to remain so and do the things to demonstrate that quality and yet be contrary to the views of the Klan. Trump massaged a latent bigotry and so moved a significant number of people who are not normally so in particular states and they give him the electoral college. That number is about 4 percent

The number indicates that a majority of the people in this country are still faithful to what is ethical, moral and good and so avoided a moronic, narcissist, misogynistic bigoted, and demonstrably crooked  peter pan. They are the ones that matter not the unfaithful few

Democrats do not always get a hundred percent of the people. They get about 55 percent. That five percent that stayed home per berniephobia or in the case of the 3 of women who defected are not to be laid at their feet. What do you think was possible for people who know they were heading in the wrong direction and still go there.

For 2 years we discussed the matter here did you see any defection of those idiots here who would willingly give Trump a BJ knowing he would not be right for what is in their interest? So quit yapping like a wounded hyena on things that could not be changed.

The direction would be to continue one's plan since that is all one has and seek from around the ranks of the 40 percent of people who are unmotivated and bring them in. If the others come back it will be because they see the light with experience and pain. Otherwise let them drift and not waste time on distorting a rational message for the irrational.

Last edited by Former Member

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