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January 23, 2013, By , Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom , Source


Guyanese do not appreciate just how good they have it. They may not have all the things that they want, but judging from what is seen, the good life is here already.

People just have to learn how to enjoy it. No Guyanese have to wake up and face below zero degrees temperature. They do not have to bundle together a hurried meal, drink a hot cup of coffee and then hurry to the closet to put on two layers of clothing, then cover that over with a coat and proceed through the door, only to find that snow fell overnight and the driveway needs clearing.

They do not have to take a spade and move the snow away, then step cautiously along the pavement, join the bus and drive one hour to catch the subway. They do not have to travel for another one hour in the subway before reaching their place of work where they will labour non-stop until afternoon when they will make the return journey.

By the time they get home, they would have been more tired from the traveling than from the day’s work and would have little time else other than to eat a re-heated meal and to jump under the covers to get a few hours sleep before starting the routine all over.

That is hard life. That is bruising life. It may pay well materially, but how many of us can honestly say that we would not have loved to be in a warmer climate, in a more relaxed atmosphere? How many of us would not have loved to have been back home?

The argument has been made that the average Guyanese does not enjoy the material comforts of those in the First World. But it is asking too much in too short a time, considering where the nation was economically, for everyone to have what the average citizen has in the United States.

And yet you go into the homes of the average Guyanese and you find that some of them have flat screen televisions, microwaves, washing machines, gas stoves and stereo systems. They have the basics and more.

The average Guyanese burns more lights than the average American and the growth in motor vehicles is as such that within the next few years there is going to be a car in every home.

Healthcare may not be the best but it is free, and if Guyanese believe that they get a hassle at the emergency room at the national hospital, then they should visit some of the emergency rooms in the metropolitan societies. Without health insurance, the average American’s goose is cooked.

This is not comparing the two countries. Surely, Guyana is way behind, but yet the people in Guyana have a good quality of life. While materially they are not on par with the average man in the richer countries, there is a lot going for Guyana in terms of happiness, in terms of the lifestyle, in terms of the friendliness of our people and how to get along. That is the good life too, because the good life is not all about material things.

However, from an outsider’s perspective there are certain things which can be done almost immediately to make life in Guyana even better.

For one, there has to be less littering. This is a problem that is being created by citizens. The government has to solve the problem, but that problem is not of their creation.

The second problem, if solved, that can make life better, is paying a little more attention to the recreation areas, especially within the rural areas. There must be places for children to go and play in the afternoons, rather than playing ball on the streets.

The other thing is manners. Guyanese are very friendly people and have always been known to be mannerly and helpful. Yet so often you see an old person trying to cross the street and no one seems to be willing to lend a helping hand. We can have a better life in Guyana if we learn to be happy.

Then there is the way we treat animals. In this day and age we should not have dray carts. The sight of an animal suffering under the strain of having to pull tons of building material is distressing, and this is one area where more work needs to be done. The good life is not just about humans but also how we treat the animals.

If a Guyanese wakes up tomorrow and decides that he or she does not feel like going to work, he or she simply stays at home and calls in sick. And many Guyanese love to work by themselves and so they are their own bosses. This is a good life. Not many immigrants have that luxury.

The people should value what they have.  Guyana has a great deal of wealth and there is no reason why everyone should not be happier, should not have the good life. But unless you can appreciate what you have now, you may never know when to stop and enjoy what life has to offer.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I recently asked a Guyanese-American girl why she wasn't sponsoring her siblings to migrate to the U.S.  She responded that her siblings are rich and enjoying life in Guyana, why would she bring them here to punish in the snow, and work like dogs for white man.   

Originally Posted by Observer:

I recently asked a Guyanese-American girl why she wasn't sponsoring her siblings to migrate to the U.S.  She responded that her siblings are rich and enjoying life in Guyana, why would she bring them here to punish in the snow, and work like dogs for white man.   

By the next election ( in four years because Ramo consolidating) Berbice will have just about 60K voters down from 110K voters two elections ago. Would you care to elaborate why?


peeping tom is a real ppp ass.sure people in north america work hard and they send money to guyana to help they family.and when the day is done they have money to buy anything they need without begging and skeltonman will say this is god country,guyana is hell

Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?
Originally Posted by warrior:

peeping tom is a real ppp ass.sure people in north america work hard and they send money to guyana to help they family.and when the day is done they have money to buy anything they need without begging and skeltonman will say this is god country,guyana is hell

as skeltonman will say this is god country,guyana is hell


I also said that your uncle asked you not to use his horse and donkey as your wives. Did you respond to your uncle kindly?

Never said Guyana is hell. PNC/AFC barefaced lies. Always say Guyana is a beautiful and progressing place. Thanks to your enemy the PPP for Guyana progress. Thanks to Bookers and Skeldon Estate too. HAHAHAHA

Originally Posted by Nehru:


And with all this sweetness, you've yet to make an appearance. check you pm.

Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

 This is so true. As much as I like visiting the place, I feel safer at my present location than there.


skeltonman i am sorry,you did not say guyana is hell i say that.i am also sorry you calling your wife a donkey and horse no wonder she have wondering eyes.and please replace guysuco money that you mistake and pick up thank you

Originally Posted by warrior:

skeltonman i am sorry,you did not say guyana is hell i say that.i am also sorry you calling your wife a donkey and horse no wonder she have wondering eyes.and please replace guysuco money that you mistake and pick up thank you

Warria: My wife has been with me for a long time. No wondering eyes there. Just to educate you and hope you understand and retain this for future use..
Your dead grandpa, forbes burnall nationalised Bookers Sugar Estates. I never worked for Guysuco. If as you alleged, I stole money from the tax payers of Guyana thru Guysuco, you are one crazy dude. Even if I stole(which I did not), it was not the Guyanese taxpayers money; it was the Bookers' money.

Hope you can write this down for further use. I am glad to be here to contribute to your ongoing education. Good Luck.


skeltonman,god bless your wife to put up with a old racist fool like you all her life.and thanks for the education but i still asking you to put back the taxpayers money.and if you can kindly ask the rest of the ppp thevies to stop thiefing the guyanese taxpayers money.

Originally Posted by warrior:

skeltonman,god bless your wife to put up with a old racist fool like you all her life.and thanks for the education but i still asking you to put back the taxpayers money.and if you can kindly ask the rest of the ppp thevies to stop thiefing the guyanese taxpayers money.

I knew it would be difficult for you to comprehend simple english. I will pray to the almighty to help you. If that doesn't work, then I have to arrange to get you to a kali mai pooja ceremony.

Originally Posted by warrior:

skeltonman i do belive in mother  kali and i will love to beat some ppp convicts with a piece of guyana wood.and sorry to say but praying will not help me,i am too far gone

Right, you are far gone. You go there and play stupid and you will see how fast you will com to your senses. Dem mad man out deh go run you rass till ah Canje mad house. Yu guh prabably tink yu ah kampete fu de olympics.

Originally Posted by cain:

Oi warrior is not the govt money Skeldon tief, the banna say is Bookers own, doan blame im wrongfully.

Thanks Cain. There was no money to steal from Bookers. They sent it all to jolly good England. You had to be the head book keeper to steal. I was not fortunate enough to acquire that position.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oi warrior is not the govt money Skeldon tief, the banna say is Bookers own, doan blame im wrongfully.

Thanks Cain. There was no money to steal from Bookers. They sent it all to jolly good England. You had to be the head book keeper to steal. I was not fortunate enough to acquire that position.

My Pleasure. I reread and realized I probably had a eyelash cover my pupil and I missed the words "(which I did not)

Originally Posted by cain:

Skeldon, what was the name of the head Bookkeeper there around your time?

I'm now guessing your approx age. It will be before early seventies.

Dhalu know him?



A life without love is empty, meaningless, barren.


If you have love in your life--you love god, you love yourself, you love your family, you love what you do, etc, etc--if you have love in your life---it doesn't matter if you live in a shack like above--or if you live in the North pole---once you are healthy and you have love in your life--you'd be happy and contented--and where you are stationed will be deemed by you to be the most divine place on the planet--Berbice, New York, Toronto, Tinbuktu--dont matter---DIVINE if you have love in your life.


Right now it's 18 degrees F in New York---that's -8 degrees C


No biggie!







Originally Posted by Rev Al:


A life without love is empty, meaningless, barren.


If you have love in your life--you love god, you love yourself, you love your family, you love what you do, etc, etc--if you have love in your life---it doesn't matter if you live in a shack like above--or if you live in the North pole---once you are healthy and you have love in your life--you'd be happy and contented--and where you are stationed will be deemed by you to be the most divine place on the planet--Berbice, New York, Toronto, Tinbuktu--dont matter---DIVINE if you have love in your heart.


Right now it's 18 degrees F in New York---that's -8 degrees C


No biggie!







Rev do you have a benz for each suit you wear? How is that fake gold head belt?


Rev is de graphics man.


Rev is the piktcha photo man


Rev is de man who, when beaten, would tell you how you bitter an all dat


Rev is a man who duz seh nasty things and post lynching piktchas and then come back an seh he fight de good fight.


De man is a fake like Romney......a loser juss like Romney.


whah meh guh seh??? tek haff and leff man dotish lika a rass

Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev is de graphics man.


Rev is the piktcha photo man


Rev is de man who, when beaten, would tell you how you bitter an all dat


Rev is a man who duz seh nasty things and post lynching piktchas and then come back an seh he fight de good fight.


De man is a fake like Romney......a loser juss like Romney.


whah meh guh seh??? tek haff and leff man dotish lika a rass




We may not have supported Romney but he is still a fine human being and good man. Don't put Rev in his category...Rev is scum par excellence...the man was a mole parading to be AFC during the election. I profiled his writing style. He also stayed back to attend Donald's swearing in. I know where his hate for Obama came from...he had a big problem...perhaps rightfully...with the dividend tax going up.  


The article is very true. If it was not for the crime in Guyana, thousands of Guyanese would have gone back home to live or visit more often. Yours truly will love to go back indeed. But the only reason why the folks have it so easy now back home is because of the foreign money coming home and some even stoop to drugs and crime to maintain that high life.

Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

My mother got robbed the first night she was home.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

My mother got robbed the first night she was home.

Probably a bad neighborhood.  I visited so many times, go out, travel all over, never got robbed.

Originally Posted by TK:

We may not have supported Romney but he is still a fine human being and good man.

Teeks....are we talking about the 47% man who refused to push back against the birthers, the pols who called Obama un-American? Who talked about takers and moochers?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

My mother got robbed the first night she was home.

Probably a bad neighborhood.  I visited so many times, go out, travel all over, never got robbed.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

My mother got robbed the first night she was home.

Probably a bad neighborhood.  I visited so many times, go out, travel all over, never got robbed.


She was probably robbed and setup by her own relatives. This is normally the case, an inside job. The family tips off the criminals about visiting relatives from overseas, the smell of US dollars makes people do what they would not normally in Guyana. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

My mother got robbed the first night she was home.

Probably a bad neighborhood.  I visited so many times, go out, travel all over, never got robbed.


She was probably robbed and setup by her own relatives. This is normally the case, an inside job. The family tips off the criminals about visiting relatives from overseas, the smell of US dollars makes people do what they would not normally in Guyana. 

I doan know about your relatives banna but mine, I trust, they got manners and they work hard for the little they receive.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

My mother got robbed the first night she was home.

Probably a bad neighborhood.  I visited so many times, go out, travel all over, never got robbed.


She was probably robbed and setup by her own relatives. This is normally the case, an inside job. The family tips off the criminals about visiting relatives from overseas, the smell of US dollars makes people do what they would not normally in Guyana. 

She probably went dung deh flouncing around wit shi LVMH handbag.  Dem bad boys from South Ruimvelt tek notice.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

My mother got robbed the first night she was home.

Probably a bad neighborhood.  I visited so many times, go out, travel all over, never got robbed.


She was probably robbed and setup by her own relatives. This is normally the case, an inside job. The family tips off the criminals about visiting relatives from overseas, the smell of US dollars makes people do what they would not normally in Guyana. 

She probably went dung deh flouncing around wit shi LVMH handbag.  Dem bad boys from South Ruimvelt tek notice.

My mom is 69 years old. She has always been a conservative woman. Her only infraction is she possibly told someone at the airport where she was going. This act definitely came from the people at the airport.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Michael:
Guyanese may not wake up to cold temperature but many wake up with a bandit pointing a gun at their head , then get a beating after. So choose one which will you prefer to have ?

My mother got robbed the first night she was home.

Probably a bad neighborhood.  I visited so many times, go out, travel all over, never got robbed.


She was probably robbed and setup by her own relatives. This is normally the case, an inside job. The family tips off the criminals about visiting relatives from overseas, the smell of US dollars makes people do what they would not normally in Guyana. 

She probably went dung deh flouncing around wit shi LVMH handbag.  Dem bad boys from South Ruimvelt tek notice.

Under the current administration the good life means no "flouncing around wit shi LVMH handbag" yuh sound just like the typical PPP scumbag....


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