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Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Can Baldeo win this case? The charges seem to have a lot of details.

Albert is going to jail because the people supplying the information were once  insiders of his campaign. Those straw campaign donors are giving him up. He is of coursed been "overcharged" to force him to take a plea for lesser jail time. He had no right to go beyond what the Guyanese people themselves cared for. Guyanese in the area are apathetic. Of the some 50K eligible voters only around 14k  is registered and less than 5k ever take part. If they supported Baldeo he would have won. Because he knew how obdurate they were to messages about the need to vote he was forced to spend more money than he could raise legally.

Mr T., I cannot recalled ever having a dispute with you.
I know this fella. 
All the complaints have merit and is typical of his past campaigns.
More to follow
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

When I highlighted this problem some time ago Vishnu asked why I was making up these lies. Now everyone has access to the same info. I guess Vishnu is gonna call everyone a liar now.

Vish M


“Defense lawyer Robert George to be sentenced”

by McNabb Associates, P.C.

The Boston Globe on October 31, 2012 released the following:

"Could get 5 years in prison

By Travis Andersen

Prosecutors are asking a federal judge in Boston to send Robert A. George, a prominent criminal defense lawyer convicted of money laundering, to prison for more than five years when he is sentenced on Wednesday.

In a court filing on Tuesday, prosecutors requested a 63-month prison term for George. His sentencing is scheduled for 11 a.m. in federal court in Boston, where he was convicted of helping a former client launder $200,000 in profits from crimes.

Prosecutors rejected what they said was George’s assertion that he did not know he had entered into an agreement with Ronald Dardinski, who secretly recorded conversations with George while working as a government informant, to launder drug proceeds.

“Frankly, that [George] persists in this claim, having had it rejected decisively by the Court in pre and post-trial pleadings, and by the jury at trial, is puzzling,” prosecutors wrote. “As the Court is aware . . . on a March 18, 2009 call, cooperating witness Ronnie Dardinski told the defendant, ‘ . . . I got some other money from — I sold some coke to a guy and I gotta hide that money too.’ ”

George, 57, declined to comment on Tuesday night.

Robert M. Goldstein, a lawyer for George, fired back in a court filing on Tuesday in response to prosecutors’ sentencing recommendation. Goldstein previously requested an 18-month sentence.

“First, neither the Court nor the jury has rejected any claim that Mr. George did not know the funds at issue derived from drugs, as contrasted with the State larceny offenses, and it is the government suggestion to the contrary that is puzzling,” Goldstein wrote.

Dardinski said at trial that George voluntarily offered to help him “clean” illicit profits and referred him to a mortgage broker who took 20 percent and split it with George.

At trial, Goldstein used recordings of conversations between George and Dardinski in an effort to show that George repeatedly said he wanted nothing to do with the transactions with the broker.

In a legal career spanning three decades, George has represented a number of high-profile clients, including organized crime figures and Christopher M. McCowen, a garbage man convicted of the 2002 rape and murder of fashion writer Christa Worthington.

Among George’s supporters who have submitted letters to US District Court Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton, who will sentence him on Wednesday, is William J. Weishaupt, a retired FBI agent.

“Bob George is a wonderful and caring individual behind the public persona of an aggressive defense attorney,” Weishaupt wrote. “ . . . At home he paints, sculpts, and enjoys learning and demonstrating magic tricks. Those who know him well adore him.”

Another supporter, J.W. Carney Jr., a defense lawyer representing James “Whitey” Bulger, described George as an advocate for indigent clients and a devoted father.

“That whole world has been upended by this case, and I know he is suffering deeply not for himself, but for his family,” Carney wrote."

Vish M

The old saying, you can take the man out of the gutter but you cannot take the gutter out of the man. He is Guyanese, a sad export to the USA like many others. Let's expose them ,for they make us all victims of their crime.The strong arm of the US law is not the same as in Guyana, you cannot bribe!! Make him an example all the evidence are against him.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Wow the numbers don't lie.  Only 4 thousand vote out of 50 thousand. With those low numbers Guyanese people are just asking for trouble. 

I think you numb sk-ll got an understanding of the situation here.  Black Obama picks fights with other powerless darkies to show white people that he Obama is Irish and great.  So watch out you fools including the big ----r Winston Churchill the using double cross Obama is after you all r-ss.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Wow the numbers don't lie.  Only 4 thousand vote out of 50 thousand. With those low numbers Guyanese people are just asking for trouble. 

I think you numb sk-ll got an understanding of the situation here.  Black Obama picks fights with other powerless darkies to show white people that he Obama is Irish and great.  So watch out you fools including the big ----r Winston Churchill the using double cross Obama is after you all r-ss.

What does Obama have to do with this obscenely disrespectful individual and apparently crooked politician? No one despises ambition. One despises those whose means to end schema includes walking on heads in deceptively cruel ways to achieve their ends. Baldeo did not caution Farouk when he was here on a tear on everyone of his opponent. In the end he got what he hatched and that it was poisonous and bit him is his own fault.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Any coolie who vote obama deserve he a-s bus

What does being a coolie has to do with making a decision according to ones own perception of right and wrong? Obama is the President of all and he fails or succeed in account of a majority of people of all ilk thinking he did good or bad.


Prashad, speak for yourself, if you are a republican, so be it. The republican party is a racist party, you would only benefit if you are WHITE and if you are the top one% . When there is a Global growth, America grows. America has stopped being a manufactoring country for over 20 years and is dependent on the success of the Asian market. If you are Racist , then you like many cannot accept a BLACK president. The democrats has helped poor people like myself, and brought us into the middle class. Come Tuesday, Obama will win.

I support KP's position.
The Republican Party in Queens have not yet reached out to us for the last 30 years.
Unless Prashad knows ortherwise, you should cease making such pronouncement.
Originally Posted by kp:

Prashad, speak for yourself, if you are a republican, so be it. The republican party is a racist party, you would only benefit if you are WHITE and if you are the top one% . When there is a Global growth, America grows. America has stopped being a manufactoring country for over 20 years and is dependent on the success of the Asian market. If you are Racist , then you like many cannot accept a BLACK president. The democrats has helped poor people like myself, and brought us into the middle class. Come Tuesday, Obama will win.

Vish M

how nice to see these Hypro-crits excluding/disassociating themselves with Baldeo,these Guys eg.Vish,Fa-Crook and others were supporters/campaining manager(s)for Baldeo/Duvalle.WE the buisnessmen/women of Queens know the supporters of various Soup-mouths of Wann-Be polititions.Let him battle his war and with the very few who are supporting him good luck.


There is no difference between white racists in the Republican party and Obama's democrats.  Either way we indos from Guyana will get a good using and kicking. That is why we as an indo group existing outside of that using India need to reach out and form alliances with the Cuban block within the Republican party, other hispanic sections within the Republican party and the lebanese section of the Republican party. That is the only way our interests as a group will be protected.


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