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The GRA does not have the authority to say who must practice their profession in Guyana

September 30, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
I have noticed that the Guyana Revenue Authority advertised in the local press that only certain professionals are authorized to charge fees for their services.
These authorized professionals must be issued with a Tax Practice Certificate from the GRA in accordance with Section 39 of the Tax Act Chapter 80:01.
This Act must be repealed or removed as early as possible because the GRA does not have the authority to say who must practice their profession in Guyana. The GRA is not a Licensing Authority in Guyana for any profession.
The Licensing Authorities such as the Guyana Bar Association, The Guyana Medical Council, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana etc. are the ones who must determine who must practice their professions in Guyana. If you are not a member in good standing with one of these bodies, you are not entitled to practice your profession.
The GRA role is to collect taxes and ensure tax returns are filed and not to dictate who must practice their profession in Guyana. Let the relevant professional bodies determine who must practice their professions in Guyana.
Professionals are already paying a yearly licensing fee to their regulatory bodies, so why pay another fee to GRA for the same purpose?
Why should practice certificates be applied to only lawyers, accountants, dentists and doctors, what about other professionals such as private school teachers, plumbers, carpenters, taxi drivers, mechanics etc.
Balwant Persaud CPA
Certified Public Accountant/Immigration Consultant

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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

File a false tax return with the IRS and see how quickly they will revoke your CPA License.


It is not a matter of filing a false form That is by definition a criminal offense contrary to ones professional credentials. It is subjecting ones credentials to the approval of a tax authority. That is odious.  They need to revisit the law and make credentialing inclusive of tax and requisite fees. Otherwise, it allows for the tax man as an instrument of state oppression to wreck havoc on the professions. Make things transparent.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

File a false tax return with the IRS and see how quickly they will revoke your CPA License.


Actually they cannot take it as they did not give it.  However, they can ban a CPA from representing clients to the IRS.  The CPA lic is given by the state where you are registered and practice.  They do exercise more latitude with an EA.


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