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Former Member

Too many of the PPP appointed head of department are not very responsive to the new Government.


Yes you have the smart men like Balgobin at finance now all shouting into the new Minister's ears how Jagdeo was a crook etc.  But do not trust them.  


They have an old saying - he he will leave you for a sweet woman, he shall also leave the sweet homan for another homan.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by caribny:

One cannot fire people merely because they support the opposition party.  If they are incompetent, corrupt or plan to sabotage, that is grounds for dismissal.  But merely being known as a PPP supporter isn't.

Before  the election, they were accused of corruption and incompetence. They suddenly became good when the join the Alliance. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

One cannot fire people merely because they support the opposition party.  If they are incompetent, corrupt or plan to sabotage, that is grounds for dismissal.  But merely being known as a PPP supporter isn't.

Before  the election, they were accused of corruption and incompetence. They suddenly became good when they join the Alliance

Uncle Ramo, please name them.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

One cannot fire people merely because they support the opposition party.  If they are incompetent, corrupt or plan to sabotage, that is grounds for dismissal.  But merely being known as a PPP supporter isn't.

Before  the election, they were accused of corruption and incompetence. They suddenly became good when they join the Alliance

Uncle Ramo, please name them.

I believe that they are members of your family.  You know them. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

One cannot fire people merely because they support the opposition party.  If they are incompetent, corrupt or plan to sabotage, that is grounds for dismissal.  But merely being known as a PPP supporter isn't.

Before  the election, they were accused of corruption and incompetence. They suddenly became good when they join the Alliance

Uncle Ramo, please name them.

They are members of my family.  You know them. 


Originally Posted by caribny:

One cannot fire people merely because they support the opposition party.  If they are incompetent, corrupt or plan to sabotage, that is grounds for dismissal.  But merely being known as a PPP supporter isn't.


You need to educate yourself on lessons of political leadership.


Who does a President surround himself with - competent people first but ALSO professionally loyal.


Kurshid and Balgobin and Clyde and Jagnarine and Hydar and all them Jagdeo sycophants cannot be good for Granger.






Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

One cannot fire people merely because they support the opposition party.  If they are incompetent, corrupt or plan to sabotage, that is grounds for dismissal.  But merely being known as a PPP supporter isn't.


You need to educate yourself on lessons of political leadership.


Who does a President surround himself with - competent people first but ALSO professionally loyal.


Kurshid and Balgobin and Clyde and Jagnarine and Hydar and all them Jagdeo sycophants cannot be good for Granger.






Oh so now that "we" are now in government we behave like the PPP.


The PPP had 50% of the population opposed to it and conducted a systematic witch hunt, which resulted in the installation of institutional racism.


The fact that some one might support a particular party doesn't mean that they cannot function like a professional.


I also hope that you know that the vast majority of the people who are close to Granger exist within the PNC, an overwhelmingly African organization.  The vast majority of Indians have supported the PPP.


I do hope that as you insist upon a witch hunt of PPP supporters, and not just the ones who were corrupt, incompetent, or partisan, that you do not suddenly cry out when you see that all leadership slots are in the hands of Africans.


People who are competent, and have integrity and professionalism should be allowed to perform their tasks, regardless as to what their known or suspected political affiliations might be. 


Raj Singh needed to be fired, not because he was a "PPP".  But because he was extremely corrupt and incompetent.  And arrogant about that.

Originally Posted by Gupta:

Sure, those PPP cronies who were paid high consultant salaries in the previous Govt and cannot account for the $Millions must be fired and in some cases before the court.

Agreed as they are consultants.  But those who perform roles within the civil service and in state entities should be retained if they provide a high level of service.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gupta:

Sure, those PPP cronies who were paid high consultant salaries in the previous Govt and cannot account for the $Millions must be fired and in some cases before the court.

Agreed as they are consultants.  But those who perform roles within the civil service and in state entities should be retained if they provide a high level of service.

Whether they stole or not? You know a lot of afros work in the civil service. So protect the the afros whether they stole or not!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gupta:

Sure, those PPP cronies who were paid high consultant salaries in the previous Govt and cannot account for the $Millions must be fired and in some cases before the court.

Agreed as they are consultants.  But those who perform roles within the civil service and in state entities should be retained if they provide a high level of service.

Whether they stole or not? You know a lot of afros work in the civil service. So protect the the afros whether they stole or not!

i see the government forcing blacks to resigns as well as Indians  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gupta:

Sure, those PPP cronies who were paid high consultant salaries in the previous Govt and cannot account for the $Millions must be fired and in some cases before the court.

Agreed as they are consultants.  But those who perform roles within the civil service and in state entities should be retained if they provide a high level of service.

Whether they stole or not? You know a lot of afros work in the civil service. So protect the the afros whether they stole or not!

i see the government forcing blacks to resigns as well as Indians  

The government wants their own activists in the civil service.  

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
The government wants their own activists in the civil service.  

Can't have PPP activists who were campaigning on stage with persons spewing race hate and slanderous accusations be part of the new APNU+AFC Govt. These PPP activists will sabotage any efforts by the new Govt to go in a new direction. The PPP activists cant all of a sudden be re-labeled as a "civil servant" to keep their job. They gotta go.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

One cannot fire people merely because they support the opposition party.  If they are incompetent, corrupt or plan to sabotage, that is grounds for dismissal.  But merely being known as a PPP supporter isn't.


You need to educate yourself on lessons of political leadership.


Who does a President surround himself with - competent people first but ALSO professionally loyal.


Kurshid and Balgobin and Clyde and Jagnarine and Hydar and all them Jagdeo sycophants cannot be good for Granger.






Eh deh BT bai.  The leader needs to surround himself with political loyalist at the high policy level.  On the operational/execution level the leader needs to ensure the best team of qualified and talented people are in place.


Unless them bannas are proven to be incompetent and corrupt, they deserve a fair chance.  You cannot judge "loyalty" by people being in a position and having to cow-toe to some strong arm leader.  They are not politicians and must be given a fair chance to prove themselves under the new political leadership.  Any accusations must be proven in a court of law.


No tell we, which one of those positions you have your eyes on!


Permanent Secretary of the now defunct Ministry of Labour, Patrick Findlay on Tuesday became the latest such public officer to have been sent home following the change of government.

A disappointed Findlay told Demerara Waves Online News that Senior Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence summoned him to a meeting, advising that his position was now redundant because there is now one ministry. “The minister said to me that there are not two ministries anymore. It is one ministry and as such my position as PS Labour has become redundant and they would not need my services anymore,” he said.

Findlay said he would not be losing any benefits as he would be proceeding on three months accumulated leave from Monday, June 15 in lieu of three months notice as is stipulated in his contract.

Prior to the May 11, 2015 general elections, there were two Ministers – one for Labour and the other for Human Services and Social Security. Now, there are Senior Minister Lawrence and her Junior Simona Broomes between whom portfolio responsibilities are being shared.

Findlay, who entered his second year as Permanent Secretary on June 1,  said his colleague PSs who campaigned and were party candidates, were still on their jobs.

“It is disappointing because I worked hard,  I have tackled the social issues,” he said, adding that he spearheaded numerous sessions on gender-based violence, domestic violence, suicide and child labour.

“I really thought that I would have been given an opportunity to continue what I do best and what I love doing. I am no politician. I am a pastor,” he said. Pastor Findlay said he always acknowledges political authority in keeping with Biblical teachings “but my season has come to an end.”

The Office of the President is responsible for appointing Deputy Permanent Secretaries and Permanent Secretaries.

He joined the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security in 2010 as the Men’s Affairs Administrator on the fixed public service establishment. Having served in the post for a few years, he was appointed Deputy Permanent Secretary in 2012 with responsibility for several key services at the Ministry, including Men’s Affairs and Counter-Trafficking in Persons. In 2014, he was promoted to Permanent Secretary (a.i), Labour and oversees the operations of the five Departments under the Labour arm of the Ministry.

Permanent Secretaries of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, and Local Government- Nigel Dharamlall and Colin Croal- are no longer employed in those positions.


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