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The Guyana Defence Force found poisonous substance in one of the bags of rice purchased from a known rice factory. The poisoned rice was sent to the army base at Camp Stephenson. Timerhi. The poisoned rice was discovered yesterday.

Let me make this very clear. When this information was sent to me by a source about one hour ago. I immediately called a very senior officer of the Guyana Defence Force who confirmed that the information is authentic and accurate.

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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Some people are playing with big fire. Whoever put that substance in the army rice must not be shocked if soldiers refuse to cooperate with the PPP.

Things like these spark rebellion.

I hope the police cooperate with their army brothers and get to the bottom of this dastardly act.

there is obviously more to this matter than is now being oficially reported; that's ok with me at this time


we need to be calm in the face of provocations . . . there will be more to come before May 11


David and Moses need to keep their heads and lead


The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) was Saturday probing the discovery of a small bag of suspected “powdered carbon” in one of bag of rice at Base Camp Stephenson, Timehri.

GDF Brigadier Mark Phillips stated clearly that no one has been poisoned and that appeared to be an “isolated” occurrence. 

“At the moment, this appears to be an isolated incident as there has been no other indication that there are any other rice bag or food items which are contaminated,” the GDF later said in a statement.

He told Demerara Waves Online News that police were called in and the material was taken away for laboratory tests to be conducted.

Phillips stressed that a full and wide-ranging probe has been launched into the discovery of the object in one bag which was part of a larger consignment of bags of rice. He said the other bags would be checked.

The army Chief-of-Staff declined to the name the supplier of the grain, but said the probe would extend there as well.

The GDF said in its statement that at approximately 6:30 Saturday morning, a sealed bag of rice was opened by ration store personnel in order that rice could be distributed to various kitchens at Base Camp  Stephenson. 

“While dipping the rice out, the two ranks observed a brown paper bag which they inadvertently tore as they dipped the rice. Inside the paper bag, was a substance suspected to be powered carbon,” according to the army.

The GDF assured that it would continue to exercise diligence and seek to ensure that it mitigates against any possibility of harm coming to its troops.



A people, grace the political gatherings of the known dishonest government. They applaud at their deceitful words. They are entertained. It is the destruction - pains and sufferings they invite upon themselves. So many times in history, such types of men are elected. Perils are their companion.

My country have such men and women. The Clique of Ramotar/ Jagdeo. They may well have your pains and sufferings written for you. You see their corruption and yet you act dumb to it. You gather to them, as the day Christ was crucified in Jerusalem. Madness. Utter madness. I see your adulations.

Twisted words pleases you. Be curious. Search the words, peeling off the lips of the fear mongers.

This country has already seen a man like Jagdeo.

Afro-Guyanese can attest to the man who fashioned words and sentences –beautiful when dropping from his lips. They too were entertained. Then the entertainer became the task master. Forbes was that Man.  Under his regime, every citizen, subordinate to the Kabaka, had to manage their sufferings-coolie people and black people alike.

East Indians, I ask of you again. Give your vote to the APNU+AFC. You will rid yourself of Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique and re-take the Peoples Progressive Party. You cannot allow the Godless to strip you of your freedom. Do not live in your memories of the Jagans-then you are already dead as they are. And you would have handed over your children to the evil deeds of the Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique.

In 1950, our hearts and minds were poisoned by extremists.  Evil Godless people who brought a dangerous ideology to us. They sought to remove God from the society. And their vision became a division (di-vision).

When the defenses of God are removed, mankind is left to the wiles of the devil. Chaos will become the norm. 

And chaos we’ve had since.

In 1955, the Split between Forbes and Cheddie fractured the peaceful co-existence of Afro and Indo Guyanese. By this time, East Indians had lived 117 years among the Afro, in the villages, city and town.

The genesis of quiet conflicts.

Ordinary citizens paid the ultimate prize for false rhetoric.

Freedom, is not about politics. It is the duty and rights of citizens to defend it. Freedom is your homes, your wives and your children. Your faith in God.

It was a Foreigner who came to us from Chicago-Godless in her beliefs. A Stalinist, determined to mold us to her visions of a utopian society.      

In 1953, a boy of 8 years. I listened to the radio as the Governor gave his speech on why he suspended the constitution.  Everything he said was true. I saw it all.

Subversive materials. I distributed it. Unlawful to be in possession of. My father would hid it away so that the police raids couldn’t find it.

Banned Public gatherings. My father ignored the order and flew huge red flag, advertising a public meeting.

Letters of Intimidation. I transcribed them.

Prohibited from displaying the portrait of Josef Stalin. My father would carry it around his neck in full view of the Governor.

Sabotage. My father was accused of attempting to dynamite Blairmont Sugar Factory.

David Rose came with the Detained Oder very early one morning in 1954 and took him away to Mazaruni. 

As the governor continued to read, citizens became aware of events that took place unknowing to them.

The frequent trips the Jagans made to the Soviet Union. Honouring and singing songs of praise not to God but Josef Stalin. A man who killed millions of his own people.

The entrenched Jagans, would be subversives. Their quiet conflicts with Burnham’s PNC.

Death was part of the culture of the communists. Guyana would have its share of death. More the conflicts. More the possibility of death. More the Jagans Peoples Progressive Party would cultivate the minds of the East Indians. Added to the Enmore Martyrs would be the Ballot Box Martyrs, Michael Forde killing, Wismar Massacre, the arrest and trials for treasonable acts.

All this made to appear, as if it was the complete fault of the tyrant Forbes Burnham. Agitators were constantly at work.     

Forbes was a member of the Jagans PPP, he knew the capabilities and dangers he was up against. And he prepared for it.

Cheddie played into Forbes hands.

The communist agenda of the Jagans disturbed the West tremendously. The British Army was deployed. Searched the homes of East Indian. Confiscated their guns. Considered no longer a threat to the PNC, Forbes Burnham was free of any possible overthrow by the PPP.  The Americans would modernize the Volunteer Force into the Guyana Defence Force.

Another set of Quiet Conflicts.

The Jagans would recruit young East Indians for scholarships to the Soviet Union. A special university set up for indoctrination-Patrice Lumumba University. Lectures on the values of Marxism and Leninism. Part of the curriculum was the instruction of subversion. The Jagans would make frequent trips to Moscow for progress reports. An army of subversives for the struggles of Guyana’s Freedom.

Yet, another set of Quiet Conflicts.

Forbes would be prepared.

As the young men returned home, Forbes would see to it that they were never employed. Those who did find work, were hounded by PPP operatives. Labeled as sell outs. And at times bullied and threatened.

Today, you will find such men in Guyana. Ready to intimidate the East Indians into submission. Into Cult Jagan – the godless, must never be blotted out of the memory of the East Indians.

Quiet Conflicts are still present.

Forbes has been dead for some 30 years now, but the minds of the Stalinist cannot perceive it. They were brainwashed of his misdeeds. They are locked in time. The Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique are zombies-dead but yet walks.

It is time for these quiet conflicts to end.

East Indians you must vote APNU+AFC. By doing so, you will displace the impostors of the Peoples Progressive Party.      

Let it be known. For every year Forbes reigned, the Jagans were responsible for it. Their refusal to depart from a Communist Ideology was a Stubbornness. Communism died and they didn’t even know. The PPP they left behind is Communist in structure-old and dilapidated. And the corruptible have moved in.

Throw them out and fashion a modern political system-one that as East Indians you can contribute in meaningful ways with the other political organizations to make Guyana better for all citizens.


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