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@Tola posted:

Ali and Jagdeo don't care about black soldiers. But dem betta keep dem quiet, before they march on the OP.

In 50+ years of sheer incompetence by 2 parties, the military has never tried to overthrow either of them. The PPP ruled for 23 years, there was no coup, to the extent that you had long mouth, nasty racist Indians saying it was proof of Rat Man's superiority in controlling black people.

But at the same time, these nasty racist Indians used the same GDF as a bogeyman to secure Indian votes by telling their supporters the GDF was a threat.

These commies learnt well from Lenin and Marx. And they are still around.

@Mitwah posted:

This is disgraceful. How can you  present food to these soldiers as if they are pigs? That soldier's face speaks volumes of disgust.

Shame on Ali.


How stupid can you be?

How can you tell that much from this photo?. The "nuts" (good thing you dont have any!) on the table are there for "decorations", it is not the meal given to the soldiers.

You cannot see the "disgust" over the meal that the sitting soldier is given because the soldier was not given his meal as yet. At any rate, the soldier should probably show some respect to the commander in chief and welcome him, instead of not looking at him. But it seems like the disciplined young man might be nervous, and is respecting social distance.

I read somewhere the Ali government gave a 2 weeks bonus to military folks. Is that disrespectful?

You and Tola are always peddling BS here because of your anti-PPP agenda. Tola now warns that the soldiers should march on OP. Go figure. Tola should be hauled in for incitement.

Last edited by VishMahabir
@VishMahabir posted:


How stupid can you be?

How can you tell that much from this photo?. The "nuts" (good thing you dont have any!) on the table are there for "decorations", it is not the meal given to the soldiers.

You cannot see the "disgust" over the meal that the sitting soldier is given because the soldier was not given his meal as yet. At any rate, the soldier should probably show some respect to the commander in chief and welcome him, instead of not looking at him. But it seems like the disciplined young man might be nervous, and is respecting social distance.

I read somewhere the Ali government gave a 2 weeks bonus to military folks. Is that disrespectful?

You and Tola are always peddling BS here because of your anti-PPP agenda. Tola now warns that the soldiers should march on OP. Go figure. Tola should be hauled in for incitement.

If you continue to behave like a moron, I am going to call you out. I know that you don't want people to think that you are a stupid idiot.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Is that's what you learned in school? When your teacher asked you a question, you answered with "Chuidness na gat cure"?

I see now why you didn't get the job at Freedom House. You are too stupid.

You recently been to Freedumb House to see how nasty and disarranged everything is. This reflects on the PPP and how nasty they treat their voters, while ministers live in mansions with servants.   

Last edited by Tola
@VishMahabir posted:


How stupid can you be?

How can you tell that much from this photo?. The "nuts" (good thing you dont have any!) on the table are there for "decorations", it is not the meal given to the soldiers.

You cannot see the "disgust" over the meal that the sitting soldier is given because the soldier was not given his meal as yet. At any rate, the soldier should probably show some respect to the commander in chief and welcome him, instead of not looking at him. But it seems like the disciplined young man might be nervous, and is respecting social distance.

I read somewhere the Ali government gave a 2 weeks bonus to military folks. Is that disrespectful?

You and Tola are always peddling BS here because of your anti-PPP agenda. Tola now warns that the soldiers should march on OP. Go figure. Tola should be hauled in for incitement.

Waterboard Tola!

@Tola posted:

Quit repeating yourself and respond with some  intelligence, if you have any.

More than you could ever have in ten lifetimes, racist! What I find interesting is that blacks accuse Indo-Guyanese of racism, when they are the most racist of all, ready to accuse others of the same! That is what mostly pisses me off ! And I don't know Jagdeo's address! Apparently, YOU do! How come?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Why the hell is Fat Man putting the food on the table himself?????? He's the damn President, not the lunch lady in the cafeteria!!!!

I stated the above yesterday. Doesn't anyone else notice that Fat Man is simply unaware of conduct becoming an Executive, particularly a head of state? Imagine this tub of lard grabbed boxes of food and proceeded to comfortably demote himself to lunch lady. That's where he's comfortable.

Can anyone imagine this subservient lackey dealing with foreign nations or even with Exxon?

Last edited by Former Member

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