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The Guyana Foundation UK Sports to wrap up tour in Guyana on Sunday

Oct 21, 2017 Sports,

The Guyana Foundation UK Sports are currently on a tour here and since arriving the tourists have enjoyed mixed fortunes with their cricket fixtures.
To date they have played six games having won two and lost four. They have played matches in Bath, Blairmont, Leguan, Wakenaam, Pomeroon River and Tuschen.
The touring party is being led by senior Consultant Krish Natha a leading London expert specialising in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at the world Famous Priory Hospital. Krish is supported by many of his associates from London.
The tour is being organized in association with the Guyana Foundation and whilst here they will be conducting a series of seminars and workshops throughout Guyana on Mental Health.
The tour is focused on blending good mental health through sports to help cope with stress and depression.
Many of the players on the visiting team are Guyanese by birth or by heritage and felt compelled to help Guyana to overcome the alarmingly high rate of suicide in the country.
The tourists will played against the Everest Cricket Club yesterday and will take on Ogle Masters today in their final game. On Sunday the tourists will host a farewell reception at Everest Cricket Club.

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