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Former Member

Suddenly...everyone who was quiet on the awful corrupt ways and their consequent mismanagement of the state suddenly are moaning like cats in heat as to what the APNU-AFC are doing wrong. These hypocrite began with the Guyanatimes, a news outlet that benefited from the PPP corrupt practice and its daily punani dialog to Peeping Tom to  sloppy Gail. One is surprise how these folks became the moral bastion of our society!

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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

And those who were loud on the problem of corruption are suddenly doing the business better and more efficient than their predecessors.

Here is what you lying dog will never admit to.  APNU/AFC supporters are loud in criticism of APNU/AFC where they see fit.  TUC and others have had much to say, as indeed does David Hinds, who has a leadership position within the WPA, which is a constituent part of APNU.


Your attempts to find equivalence in how APNU/AFC supports behave when compared to PPP supporters is quite lame and dishonest.


More than a few within the PPP were UNPLEASANTLY shocked when Jagdeo resumed leadership of the PPP.  Too afraid to publicly state this though.


Linden has already put Granger on notice that he better deal with their issues.....or else!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Suddenly...everyone who was quiet on the awful corrupt ways and their consequent mismanagement of the state suddenly are moaning like cats in heat as to what the APNU-AFC are doing wrong. These hypocrite began with the Guyanatimes, a news outlet that benefited from the PPP corrupt practice and its daily punani dialog to Peeping Tom to  sloppy Gail. One is surprise how these folks became the moral bastion of our society!

Gail and Jagdeo was allowed to get the upper hand on the moral position because abee government f.rucking up on the policies.


Look as one example  - we cuss and cuss Bharat on the marriot.  Now we in position to sell the darn thing that is losing money - guess what.


Kathy Hughe said she want to keep the Marriot as a symbol for Guyana.


What the ***** is this?


Jeckle and hyde?


So taxpayers will have to pay for the losses.  Sell the thing quick quick.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Suddenly...everyone who was quiet on the awful corrupt ways and their consequent mismanagement of the state suddenly are moaning like cats in heat as to what the APNU-AFC are doing wrong. These hypocrite began with the Guyanatimes, a news outlet that benefited from the PPP corrupt practice and its daily punani dialog to Peeping Tom to  sloppy Gail. One is surprise how these folks became the moral bastion of our society!

Gail and Jagdeo was allowed to get the upper hand on the moral position because abee government f.rucking up on the policies.


Look as one example  - we cuss and cuss Bharat on the marriot.  Now we in position to sell the darn thing that is losing money - guess what.


Kathy Hughe said she want to keep the Marriot as a symbol for Guyana.


What the ***** is this?


Jeckle and hyde?


So taxpayers will have to pay for the losses.  Sell the thing quick quick.

unseemly haste much?


the fire sale alyuh have in mind nah gon happen


de kriminal onion being peeled slow and deliberate like . . . patience nah


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