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The Guyanese East Indians from May 2016 onwards

May 5, 2016 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon

There are two kinds of East Indians that I see in this country. There are those who, like many African Guyanese, choose to support a party and its government out of the psychological comfort of ethnic protection.
I selected the word ‘protection’ rather than loyalty because I don’t believe Indians and Africans in Guyana have any loyalty to their race simply because they belong to that race.  They have attachments and devotion to the cultural and religious substance that is the inherent superstructure through which the race is kept alive.
An East Indian who practises Hindu Dharma is not necessarily a devotee to the Indian race in his/her country. An African Guyanese man/woman who prefers African lovers is not necessarily someone who is loyal to the African race. Because of the evolution of our politics since the 1950s, Indians flocked and continue to flock to the PPP because for them if the PPP is in power then their interest will not be abandoned because the leadership of government is in a position to be helpful.
For an African Guyanese, Black leadership would not let them be dominated by other ethnic communities. I believe the operative word to describe these attitudes is ‘protection’.
The second kind of Indians I see are those who are racist and would tolerate illegalities, immoralities and monstrosities in permanent motion from Indian leadership, just because they want Indians to rule Guyana. This is a frightening sub-sector in Guyana and they do scare me because I live in Guyana and I ain’t going out of the territory.
As someone trained in philosophy, I find that thought a semi-civilized one. How could you accept the rape of a country by a cabal and you are comfortable with it because the cabal is from the same race group as you are?
The tragedy of the past year in Guyana is that we saw educated Indians – religious people, writers, university professors, journalists, professionals – desperately throwing in their two cents at the last minute to stop the PPP from losing the 2015 General Elections. The situation was out of a zombie movie when you examined the status of some of these people – A Guyana Prize winner; a journalist honoured with a doctorate from UWI; a Swami and the list went on.
For those of us in Guyana who frown on Donald Trump and what he stands for, we should go back and look at how educated people rooted for a flawed, failed leadership during the 2015 General Elections.
There was no consideration, thought or even a reflection of what that party had become over the long years. This embrace came after years of critical exposure of the depraved criminalities these people perpetuated on this hapless, helpless, country. I could understand an Indian tomato vendor in the countryside telling me he/she prefers the PPP because the PNC Government may want him/her to pay taxes. That is what I mean by “ethnic support because of protection.”
But a Swami who takes off his cloth and dons a political banner all because of ethnic hate? How do you explain Rickey Singh’s attitude? He knows that ten percent of the financial skullduggery committed by the Jagdeo regime would have ended up in criminal charges if committed in the county where he lives – Barbados.
Is there a group of African Guyanese who will barefacedly condone the venalities of the Coalition Government because they see it a Black leadership? The answer is yes. There are educated African Guyanese living in many places throughout this world that hero-worship Forbes Burnham even though the evidence on his deeply autocratic output is larger than Guyana’s three main rivers.
And make no mistake; the reason for such mental inflexibility is because Burnham was a leader from their race group. I doubt that the average African working class citizen is going to tolerate the excesses of the Coalition Government
This is the first time in 23 years that Indian Arrival Day will not be celebrated with the  excursion of Indian leaders from the Government extolling their virtues in front of thousands of Indians, whose only reason for being there was to enjoy the festivities and not the political demagoguery. It will be like that for the next four years so Indians better become accustomed to that reality.
But the reality that they need to place more emphasis on is whether the protection they so frantically sought from the PPP after 1992 ever came their way. The majority of Indians are still poor while those who were supposed to protect them have ridden away in the sunset with their wealth in the saddle.

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asj posted:

The Guyanese East Indians from May 2016 onwards

May 5, 2016 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon

The second kind of Indians I see are those who are racist and would tolerate illegalities, immoralities and monstrosities in permanent motion from Indian leadership, just because they want Indians to rule Guyana. This is a frightening sub-sector in Guyana and they do scare me because I live in Guyana and I ain’t going out of the territory.
As someone trained in philosophy, I find that thought a semi-civilized one. How could you accept the rape of a country by a cabal and you are comfortable with it because the cabal is from the same race group as you are?
The tragedy of the past year in Guyana is that we saw educated Indians – religious people, writers, university professors, journalists, professionals – desperately throwing in their two cents at the last minute to stop the PPP from losing the 2015 General Elections. The situation was out of a zombie movie when you examined the status of some of these people – A Guyana Prize winner; a journalist honoured with a doctorate from UWI; a Swami and the list went on.

A lot of these creeps are on GNI. TK called them the "brown bai KKK".


In Guyana, Freedie Kisson fell into the shyte hole of a latrine. In order to lift this dutty Indian out of the shyte, it would take some one situated above him to pull him out. Iz no wandah dey pelt shyte pan him. This ****ed up coolie, forgot about Forbes Burnham, the initiator of racist policies in Guyana.

For 28 years East Indians felt his boots on their backs through fellow Guyanese who are and were Blacks.

In Rwanda, it was the educated who riled up the tribes for the massacre that ensued. 

It was Burnham and Green rhetoric that caused Wismar Massacre to occur. Were they not educated men? Sooh educated, that this May 26, 2016, Burnham will be revered. Does Granger knows he is going to praise a man who introduce obeah as a religion in Guyana. That is an abomination. The devil got the country. All of its leaders, coolie and black never seem to elevate themselves to a level to pull the masses up and ease their sufferings. Even Freedie Kisson is blinded with his coolie hate.

Poor ole man Granger quoted Ephesians 6:12. I think he missed the essence. His speech in Linden seem to imply the "powers of darkness" was the Peoples Progressive Party.

And he went down into the pit when he resurrected Hamilton Green. He lost the elevation he had. And now he seems to be drunk with power. He should read all of Ephesians 6:12 to see what he has done to God's favour-Rapheal Trotman was correct in his Bartica speech. And I did write so as well on my bog. And long before Trotman repeated it. 

Granger has a great sense of pride for his race of people. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunate for East Indians they never had leaders like Forbes and Granger who have compassion for them. Just as how East Indians follow their bankrupt leaders so do Blacks.

Proof of it lies in the poverty of all the races.

Freedie Kisson shoud go and **** himself. 







seignet posted:


It was Burnham and Green rhetoric that caused Wismar Massacre to occur.

Freedie Kisson shoud go and **** himself. 







Hmmm. And all this time I thought that it was revenge for the bombing of the Sun Chapman, and the slaughter of an elderly black couple in Buxton.

The lengths that the brown bai KKK will go to pretend as if Indians weren't as involved in racial violence as were blacks.


This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

seignet posted:

In Guyana, Freedie Kisson fell into the shyte hole of a latrine. In order to lift this dutty Indian out of the shyte, it would take some one situated above him to pull him out. Iz no wandah dey pelt shyte pan him. This ****ed up coolie, forgot about Forbes Burnham, the initiator of racist policies in Guyana.

For 28 years East Indians felt his boots on their backs through fellow Guyanese who are and were Blacks.

In Rwanda, it was the educated who riled up the tribes for the massacre that ensued. 

It was Burnham and Green rhetoric that caused Wismar Massacre to occur. Were they not educated men? Sooh educated, that this May 26, 2016, Burnham will be revered. Does Granger knows he is going to praise a man who introduce obeah as a religion in Guyana. That is an abomination. The devil got the country. All of its leaders, coolie and black never seem to elevate themselves to a level to pull the masses up and ease their sufferings. Even Freedie Kisson is blinded with his coolie hate.

Poor ole man Granger quoted Ephesians 6:12. I think he missed the essence. His speech in Linden seem to imply the "powers of darkness" was the Peoples Progressive Party.

And he went down into the pit when he resurrected Hamilton Green. He lost the elevation he had. And now he seems to be drunk with power. He should read all of Ephesians 6:12 to see what he has done to God's favour-Rapheal Trotman was correct in his Bartica speech. And I did write so as well on my bog. And long before Trotman repeated it. 

Granger has a great sense of pride for his race of people. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunate for East Indians they never had leaders like Forbes and Granger who have compassion for them. Just as how East Indians follow their bankrupt leaders so do Blacks.

Proof of it lies in the poverty of all the races.

Freedie Kisson shoud go and **** himself. 







A great piece by seignet. These people like Granjer Burnham Green loved their people and they did not give a damn how others felt about it. We East Indians of Guyana are into koolie crabdog fight up, koolie upon koolie hate,  koolie envy/ spite and trying to be part of the white/black society. That is why we are in drastic decline.

Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

There is already one.  It is called India, if mixing with Guyanese is offensive to you.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

There is already one.  It is called India, if mixing with Guyanese is offensive to you.

Nah, Guyanese cool.  Mixing with Brooklyn PNC racists like you is what's offensive!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

There is already one.  It is called India, if mixing with Guyanese is offensive to you.

Nah, Guyanese cool.  Mixing with Brooklyn PNC racists like you is what's offensive!!

It is interesting that you were part of a screaming rant against blacks, where we were accused of being jungle animals, and you don't think that you are racist.

I am still waiting for you to outline what I say about Indians as racist, when compared to your screams that we are lazy, useless, criminal, and stupid, and that we ought to thank Indians for coming to Guyana.

Prashad posted:
seignet posted:

In Guyana, Freedie Kisson fell into the shyte hole of a latrine. In order to lift this dutty Indian out of the shyte, it would take some one situated above him to pull him out. Iz no wandah dey pelt shyte pan him. This ****ed up coolie, forgot about Forbes Burnham, the initiator of racist policies in Guyana.

For 28 years East Indians felt his boots on their backs through fellow Guyanese who are and were Blacks.

In Rwanda, it was the educated who riled up the tribes for the massacre that ensued. 

It was Burnham and Green rhetoric that caused Wismar Massacre to occur. Were they not educated men? Sooh educated, that this May 26, 2016, Burnham will be revered. Does Granger knows he is going to praise a man who introduce obeah as a religion in Guyana. That is an abomination. The devil got the country. All of its leaders, coolie and black never seem to elevate themselves to a level to pull the masses up and ease their sufferings. Even Freedie Kisson is blinded with his coolie hate.

Poor ole man Granger quoted Ephesians 6:12. I think he missed the essence. His speech in Linden seem to imply the "powers of darkness" was the Peoples Progressive Party.

And he went down into the pit when he resurrected Hamilton Green. He lost the elevation he had. And now he seems to be drunk with power. He should read all of Ephesians 6:12 to see what he has done to God's favour-Rapheal Trotman was correct in his Bartica speech. And I did write so as well on my bog. And long before Trotman repeated it. 

Granger has a great sense of pride for his race of people. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunate for East Indians they never had leaders like Forbes and Granger who have compassion for them. Just as how East Indians follow their bankrupt leaders so do Blacks.

Proof of it lies in the poverty of all the races.

Freedie Kisson shoud go and **** himself.     

A great piece by seignet. These people like Granjer Burnham Green loved their people and they did not give a damn how others felt about it. We East Indians of Guyana are into koolie crabdog fight up, koolie upon koolie hate,  koolie envy/ spite and trying to be part of the white/black society. That is why we are in drastic decline.

I said once, Indians are their own worse enemy and all the katahars jump on my back.  Interesting, the Afros did not.  They understand the power of race unity!!  Indians don't, we like to tear down each other for lil glory of power!!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

There is already one.  It is called India, if mixing with Guyanese is offensive to you.

Nah, Guyanese cool.  Mixing with Brooklyn PNC racists like you is what's offensive!!

It is interesting that you were part of a screaming rant against blacks, where we were accused of being jungle animals, and you don't think that you are racist.

I am still waiting for you to outline what I say about Indians as racist, when compared to your screams that we are lazy, useless, criminal, and stupid, and that we ought to thank Indians for coming to Guyana.

Actually nah, if the politicians don't rile up Afros over racism, they are actually not bad to deal with!

Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

But you have diluted your Indian genes by marrying a non Indian. Where will your wife and children go? Are Douglas allowed in your Country for so-called Pure Bred Indians only? Do you think that Maharaja Bharat et al will move into your country and abandon Pradoville? Your solution is amusing.

You are wasting you breath calling for an independent country.

Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

Old boy, everytime I read your post, I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
What exactly is your issue that makes u want to have a country for Indians alone? Are u afraid of black people?  Do u feel intimidated? Did u suffer some trauma at the hands of blacks? what's the story.

Sheik101 posted:
Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

Old boy, everytime I read your post, I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
What exactly is your issue that makes u want to have a country for Indians alone? Are u afraid of black people?  Do u feel intimidated? Did u suffer some trauma at the hands of blacks? what's the story.

Better yet, hang youself!

ba$eman posted:

Actually nah, if the politicians don't rile up Afros over racism, they are actually not bad to deal with!

Typical KKK answer. You are like the white racists who used to say that the ni99ers are fine until trouble makers rile them up.

They even boasted that blacks were better off in the South, even as these blacks were sneaking off to the North in the dead of night.

It takes a racist to suggest that blacks don't know when racism exists, and have to be riled up.

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

But you have diluted your Indian genes by marrying a non Indian. Where will your wife and children go? Are Douglas allowed in your Country for so-called Pure Bred Indians only? Do you think that Maharaja Bharat et al will move into your country and abandon Pradoville? Your solution is amusing.

You are wasting you breath calling for an independent country.

Poor prashad.  He hangs out with the brown bai KKK, and then has this problem.

He doesn't even admit that he is "diluting the Indian race".

Sheik101 posted:
.? Did u suffer some trauma at the hands of blacks? what's the story.

Confused guy. Prashad screams for an Indo Bantustan, yet has a wife with zero Indian ancestry.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

Confused guy. Prashad screams for an Indo Bantustan, yet has a wife with zero Indian ancestry.

Maybe de ohman converted to Indianism. 

The loud screams of "douglarization," and howls that this is akin to Indian eradication, is enough to know how those who will run this Indo Bantustan will think of them.

I am surprised that a man like prashad thinks as he does. One can wonder if his family is aware of his views.


Separatism, Partition or Repatriation, all leads to homogeneous endeavors.

So bad it was during the Disturbances that Sydney King first touted the idea of Partition in the late 50's and early 60's. The gentleman is considered as the early Statesman. Disillusioned, he arrived at the conclusion we could never be One People, One Nation, One Destiny.

Decades have passed and we've had both the PPP and PNC as governments. It has not changed in the trust and tolerances demeanor of the citizens. 

During the 28 years of PNC regime, Indians bear their chafe. They took their subjugation in silent and quiet lament. They subsist. And waited for a miracle.

The PPP twenty three years brought in extrajudicial killings, marginalization , corruption and poor government. Blacks couldn't wait to be rid of Cooolie Party. 

Now we have APNU+AFC=PNC. In one year, Granger honored the arch racists of the 60's. Makes speeches to Black people of his plans never to have punished again. Created two arms of his government with dictatorial powers in the Office of the Presidency-pro Black. He will empty the nation's coffers to rebuild Linden. Reality, has taken flight, it is more like the PNC 28 years again.

Citizens frustrations, an Indian declaring Granger is a Jackass. And a Black woman demanding an apology for Her President.

Anybody notice the disrespect for the Office of the President. To bring it under control, Indians will feel the PNC boots on their backs again. The PPP will be quiet as a mouse.

King's lament of Partition has never faded. Black people want their own space. Distrust has never subsided in the country's 50 years of independence and its earlier 15 years of political struggles.

The Jubilee celebrations will be no different than May 26, 1966. Independence Night. Forbes embraced Cheddie, the fleeting pass of the moment. The whole country sound asleep other than Georgetown. This time around, Jagdeo and Granger will be civil. That is if Jagdeo attends. Who is being fooled. Atleast today, Guyana has Televisuion. Suh, dey may be watching a whole lot of Blacks folks honoring Flag and country.

I hope Indians be moved in the celebrations.  

Many countries have been divided in the past and will continue to be, whenever people feel the need to be.

Guyana is not an impossible case. As two separate countries they can do better for the prospective citizens. It is a better way rather than intimidation-Indo on Black and Black on Indo. Obviously the two ethnic groups doan care about the Amerinds and Mixed Races.

I hope Jagdeo dead and gone before Prashad's quest materializes Otherwise it could turn out as Pakostan and Bangla-Desh.


seignet posted:


I hope Jagdeo dead and gone before Prashad's quest materializes Otherwise it could turn out as Pakostan and Bangla-Desh.


Try prashad's prattling nonsense about separation and you will have what happened in South Asia.

And just as tragedy struck many blended families then, the same will happen now. One can only wonder why a man with a blended family chats such foolishness.


Freddie could not get a job at UG during the PNC years. This is from his own admission.  He personal friend, Vincent Teekah, who was a senior minister (education) in LFS Burnham's cabinet could not get him a teaching job. The senior minister and former ideological gladiator from the  PPP confessed to Freddie that the PNC had his hands tied and therefore was powerless to help him or anyone else. 

Nagamootoo is facing the same problems. He is being used as a facade. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Freddie could not get a job at UG during the PNC years. This is from his own admission.  He personal friend, Vincent Teekah, who was a senior minister (education) in LFS Burnham's cabinet could not get him a teaching job. The senior minister and former ideological gladiator from the  PPP confessed to Freddie that the PNC had his hands tied and therefore was powerless to help him or anyone else. 

Nagamootoo is facing the same problems. He is being used as a facade. 

And many blacks experienced similar exclusion under the PPP.

Your point?


When people like Caribbeanj read the call for an independent nation for Guyanese East Indian people, douglas who embrace the Indian heritage and allies. They see it with the lens of racism against the black people. This is no hatred of African Guyanese. A person can love and advocate for their people without the hate of others. This is about the survival of a people on the South American continent. As I said before I came to this conclusion during visits to several North America tribes and seeing how they lived. It is not an easy idea to promote because no one wants to see breakups. I was told by a relative to leave her party after I told her about this conclusion. But it has to be done because clearly no alternative will work. We have to live in a country that is democratic, where the rule of law is respected, free from racial hate and where we can participate in our heritage free from redicule and discrimination.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

I was told by a relative to leave her party after I told her about this conclusion. But it has to be done because clearly no alternative will work. We have to live in a country that is democratic, where the rule of law is respected, free from racial hate and where we can participate in our heritage free from redicule and discrimination.

You does even carry your stupidness with you to parties man? Your relative must be a nice person and not as morally bankrupt.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Freddie could not get a job at UG during the PNC years. This is from his own admission.  He personal friend, Vincent Teekah, who was a senior minister (education) in LFS Burnham's cabinet could not get him a teaching job. The senior minister and former ideological gladiator from the  PPP confessed to Freddie that the PNC had his hands tied and therefore was powerless to help him or anyone else. 

Nagamootoo is facing the same problems. He is being used as a facade. 

And many blacks experienced similar exclusion under the PPP.

Your point?

You are always defensive with hit with the truth of Burnhamism. It's your way of defending the PNC dictatorship from 1964-1992. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Actually nah, if the politicians don't rile up Afros over racism, they are actually not bad to deal with!

Typical KKK answer. You are like the white racists who used to say that the ni99ers are fine until trouble makers rile them up.

They even boasted that blacks were better off in the South, even as these blacks were sneaking off to the North in the dead of night.

It takes a racist to suggest that blacks don't know when racism exists, and have to be riled up.

You are like the white racists who used to say that the ni99ers are fine until trouble makers rile them up.

If any other race should use the N word, all the Blacks would shout "racist", so on this site only Blacks has the legal rights to use the "N" word.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Give us an example of black academic was denied employment at UG by the PPP gov't.

Don't ask the racist fool, that's a difficult question, bet he has no answer.

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

This is the most crucial junction for Guyanese East Indians. They are a drastically declining population in an extremely racist and hostile environment. The only solution is an independent country for our people.

But you have diluted your Indian genes by marrying a non Indian. Where will your wife and children go? Are Douglas allowed in your Country for so-called Pure Bred Indians only? Do you think that Maharaja Bharat et al will move into your country and abandon Pradoville? Your solution is amusing.

You are wasting you breath calling for an independent country.

Go ahead and talk about the man wife, maybe you enjoy getting banned. As the saying goes, you can take a man out of the gutter but you cannot take the gutter out of the man.

Prashad posted:

North America tribes and seeing how they lived.

Yes, they live off the largesse of the Federal gov't and have higher levels of social pathologies than any other population.

What did you see that made you think that setting up a reservation called Indesh would be great.

I can see you screaming at the gate, ranting about who is, or who isn't "Indian enough". Rest assured that others will direct the same insults to your family.

Hypocrisy really defines who you are.

kp posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Give us an example of black academic was denied employment at UG by the PPP gov't.

Don't ask the racist fool, that's a difficult question, bet he has no answer.

Jagdeo asked that question when he sued Freddie K for calling him an institutional racist.  He and Nigel Hughes furnished evidence. Roger Luncheon claimed that he didn't know why Afro Guyanese were under represented.

Jagdeo dropped the case.

So continue to pretend that the PPP wasn't a fundamental anti black party.


East Indian people of Guyana must always have the option of seperation into an independent nation. It must always be an option on the table. It protects against genocide in a  racist and hostile environment that can easily escalate into something much worse. For East Indian leaders of Guyana not to have this option or to abandon this option is to put their constituents at risk.

Prashad posted:

East Indian people of Guyana must always have the option of seperation into an independent nation.

So why don't you ask India to repatriate you all to that country?  Then you will live all day with minimal blacks to bother you.

Which part of Guyana will you get?  Berbice, which has seen a population drop during the PPP era.  Even there more than 30% of the population isn't Indian. 

What will you do to those?  Evict them?  I guess scenes of the distress that the India/Pakistan partition gives you thrills.


As mentioned before,nothing racist but we will take all the Portuguese,Amerindians and Chinese with us.They cant depend on the afros for their safety.They cant protect their women from the Granger and Green who all they want is to dilute the negro race.

Partition the country let thve races and East Indians in one part and the Granger and Green people in the other part.Bet you within 20 years we will have vibrant country next to a new Haiti.

No pig trotters and blackpudding needed.

george dasilva posted:

.Bet you within 20 years we will have vibrant country next to a new Haiti.

No pig trotters and blackpudding needed.

Funny that most Afro Guyanese are part Bajan, and so many PPP supporters are semi slaves for Bajans.  They fled mainly under Jagdeo.


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