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Originally posted by albert:
The present actions of A.P.N.U, should be condemned by all Guyanese, its clear to say, A.P.N.U maybe inciting the ill-informed crowds.
fat albert,you will have to account for all them land you sell at lands and surveys.i suggest you go on a dieat,them boys like fat people in jail
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
The world knows that PPPC won Guyana's 2011 general and regional elections. APNU should accept its defeat gracefully, as AFC has done, and try to work with the government to ensure fair governance. If the govt. fails to do so, the opposition can choose to pass a no-confidence vote and force new elections.
they will accepted the result,gecom take 4 days give the people 2 days.
Originally posted by albert:
Guyanese from all facet of the society is condemning the actions of A.P.N.U...

They condemned the PPP. Your comments please.

PPP 48%. That doenst look like the 65% you prophesied.

Albert you need to look for another job as Granger will get rid of you. Or cut your pay to what it should be. US$200/month.
Originally posted by albert:
Granger should tell his supporters the truth....

albert if you continue trying to create problems where non exist granger will join with ramotar to cut you out of the budget. with your limited skills you will be left to dig ditches

Albert. The PPP did not get a landslide as you predicted. Most Guyanese voted AGAINST them. The PPP is not a party of national unity as you said. Virtually all African/mixed voters rejected them..

So go look for another job, maybe digging ditches so you can actually do something good.
Either you are the BIGGEST DUNCE or a Ian Smith RACIST, I will BET everything it is the latter!!!!
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by cain:
Has anyone heard from his Ex-excellency Barat?
The man was quite vocal all of a sudden.

Well he accomplished some thing new. The PPP not getting a majority in a free and fair election. Not since 1964 has that happened.

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