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Guilty: The witch doctor of Hampstead who took £1m from 'patients' telling them she'd give it to a shaman in the Amazon – but spent it on travel, handbags and luxury

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She posed as a glamorous shaman who could use magic powers to help her desperate clients.

In reality, Juliette D’Souza was a con artist fleecing wealthy victims whose lives were blighted by cancer, disability and fertility problems.

Police suspect the 59-year-old was the most successful female fraudster in British legal history.

They have been unable to trace all the money she stole but it is possible the haul exceeds the £4.3million stolen by a Goldman Sachs secretary ten years ago.

D’Souza bled victims of their life savings and blew the money on luxury flats, first class flights,  jewellery, antique furniture and Louis Vuitton handbags.

She even persuaded one woman to have an abortion after years of heartache while trying to  conceive, telling her the foetus was grossly deformed and ‘evil’.

But her lies were finally uncovered – along with a treasure trove of ‘voodoo black magic’, including  an abandoned monkey and freezers stuffed with rotting meat.

Last night, her spell was broken once and for all after a jury took just an hour to convict her of 23 counts of fraud. She now faces a long jail sentence.

The verdicts end an extraordinary saga of deception. D’Souza targeted vulnerable victims who felt traditional medicine had failed them and convinced them of her supernatural powers.

Falsely boasting of celebrity clients including Princess Diana and Simon Cowell, she tricked clients into handing over six-figure sums. She even bragged she had cured comedian John Cleese’s daughter of cancer and claimed her sister worked for the Prime Minister in No10.


Facing jail: Conwoman Juliette D'Souza, who extracted £1million on clients desperate for spiritual healing to fund her excessive lifestyle

Investigators found some victims were so deeply ‘under her spell’ they agreed to sell their homes and borrow huge sums.

They thought the money ‘sacrifices’ were flown to Suriname in South America, where  they would be hung from a magical tree in the Amazon by a shaman called ‘Pa’.

Under her spell: Hampstead osteopath Keith Bender who unwittingly referred patients to D'Souza in the genuine belief she could help
Sylvia Eaves at Blackfriars Crown Court: She was conned first into handing cash to cure her stomach problems, then investing in a clinic in Peru

Victims: Hampstead osteopath Keith Bender, left, referred clients to D'Souza in the belief she could help. Opera singer Silvia Eaves handed over £256,000 for help with stomach problems and to invest in a clinic in Peru


But the money was instead used to fuel D’Souza’s bizarre luxury lifestyle, in which she bought designer goods she never used and rented luxury homes that were left empty.

At the heart of the scam was Hampstead osteopath Keith Bender who unwittingly referred patients to her in the genuine belief she could help.

He received payments of up to £55,000 a time into his bank account on D’Souza’s behalf and even travelled with her to the remote jungles of Suriname. Among the victims was a woman married to a globe-trotting City high-flyer who handed over £170,000 as she spent three years trying to become pregnant.

When she did unexpectedly conceive, D’Souza told her to have an abortion as the ‘baby was evil’.

The woman, now in her 30s, was so traumatised she did terminate the pregnancy and later described the fraudster as the ‘cruellest and most evil person’ she had ever met.

Another victim was the mother of a ten-year-old boy with Down’s Syndrome who was conned out of £42,000 when D’Souza claimed she could cure his behavioural problems.

Voodoo dolls: D'Souza's con was exposed when Mr Bender and property manager Keith Mcmahon grew suspicious and broke into her four flats at Willoughby Road in Hampstead, north London

Voodoo dolls: D'Souza's con was exposed when Mr Bender and property manager Keith Mcmahon grew suspicious and broke into her four flats at Willoughby Road in Hampstead, north London


Pet: Mr Bender had been visiting one flat to feed D'Souza's pet monkey, Joey, but did not dare enter the remaining flats for fear they were cursed. The money was later adopted by the TV comic Stephen Fry

Pet: Mr Bender had been visiting one flat to feed D'Souza's pet monkey, Joey, but did not dare enter the remaining flats for fear they were cursed. The money was later adopted by the TV comic Stephen Fry

Opera singer Sylvia Eaves, 82, lost almost £500,000, some of which was hauled off by D’Souza in Sainsbury’s carrier bags.

D’Souza’s web was finally untangled in 2007 as she made a series of mistakes which aroused her victims’ suspicions. She claimed to have attended St Hilliard’s College, Oxford, which does not exist and got the name of Princess Diana’s sister wrong.

The woman who had an abortion realised she had been scammed and went to Hampstead police station in north London, but said officers ‘laughed in my face’.

This left her so angry she forced her way into D’Souza’s home with the help of Mr Bender, who was paying the rent on that property, and three others. Inside they found the voodoo treasure trove – which also included drawings of an ‘evil eye’, burned photos and a brand new barrister’s wig.

The owner of the property was so shocked he called in a priest to bless it as he half-jokingly dubbed his disgraced tenant ‘Dracula’s sidekick’.


Gear: Piles of rubbish filled the flats and stacks of carrier bags from designer stores littered the rooms

Gear: Piles of rubbish filled the flats and stacks of carrier bags from designer stores littered the rooms




Police still refused to take on the case until her crimes were laid bare by a Sunday newspaper. 

Eventually investigators discovered D’Souza was a master of deception who hid behind a series of false identities.

She told victims she was an orphan born on a plane with the amniotic sac over her face – a lucky symbol. In fact she was born Maryan Persaud in  Guyana. Far from having a university education, she was a former cleaner, receptionist and temp.

The capuchin monkey, named Joey, which had been smuggled into Britain from South America, was rescued by an animal sanctuary and adopted by comedian Stephen Fry.

After the verdicts at Blackfriars Crown Court, Baljit Ubhey of the Crown Prosecution Service said D’Souza, from Hampstead, was ‘a convincing and manipulative liar’. 

She will be sentenced today.

Witch doctor who conned wealthy 'patients' by saying their problems would be fixed by a sacred tree in the Amazon 'may have pocketed up to £5million'

  • Juliette D,Souza, 59, from Hampstead was jailed for 10 years last Friday
  • She was initially believed to have pocketed around £1m from the con
  • But detective in charge of probe said victims in trial were 'just a fraction'
  • Officer revealed she may have run another fraud for Filipino immigrants 
  • Conwoman spent cash on first class flights and antique furniture 



A British witch doctor who became one of the most prolific conwomen in history may have pocketed a staggering £5m during her 12-year scam, it emerged today.

Juliette D’Souza, 59, was jailed for 10 years at London’s Blackfriars Crown Court last Friday 
after she persuaded vulnerable 'patients' to hand over their life savings - insisting the money would be hung from a sacred tree in the Amazon as a sacrifice.

Initially she was believed to have made around £1million from the con, which she used to pay for first class flights, antique furniture and a £3,000 Hermes handbag.

But a senior police officer in charge of the investigation said the victims involved in the court case were 'just a fraction' of the elaborate scheme. 

Conwoman: A senior police officer has said Juliette D'Souza may have pocketed up to £5million during her elaborate scam. This picture was taken when she was younger
Conwoman: A senior police officer has said Juliette D'Souza may have pocketed up to £5million during her elaborate scam. This picture was taken when she was younger

Conwoman: A senior police officer has said Juliette D'Souza (pictured left when she was younger) may have pocketed £5million during her elaborate scam. The 59 year old was jailed for 10 years last Friday (right)


Detective Constable Fiona Graham, from the Metropolitan Police, said: 'That’s £1m from a handful of people, but she’s been doing it for decades. I can easily believe it’s more than £5m.'

D’Souza, of Hampstead, was jailed for 23 counts of fraud and deception spanning from 1998 to 2010.





The self-proclaimed healer told potential victims she had helped cure John Cleese’s daughter of cancer, boasted of knowing Princess Diana and claimed she could introduce a young singer to Simon Cowell.


Advertising her services in Tatler magazine, she charged just £35 for a consultation but then demanded huge sums to be used as the 'sacrifices' in Suriname, South America.

The witch doctor of Hampstead: The 59-year-old [pictured leaving Blackfriars Crown Court after a hearing) spent the money on luxury goods she never used

The witch doctor of Hampstead: The 59-year-old (pictured leaving Blackfriars Crown Court after a hearing) spent the money on luxury goods she never used


There she claimed two other shamans would perform rituals around the money before it was sent back with all the victims' problems resolved - but the money was never returned.

Police fear the bogus shaman healer may have used links to the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead and a Camden Council care home to target dozens more vulnerable victims.

The hospital has confirmed that a staff member, who still works at the hospital, faced disciplinary action after directing a patient to D’Souza in July 2012.

It allegedly led to a seriously ill Hampstead man being told he would 'die on the operating table' by D’Souza if he did not hand over more than £10,000.

Ms Graham added: 'If a nurse at the Royal Free recommended D’Souza to one victim, knowing what I know, they must have genuinely believed in her.

'There could be a whole other group of victims.'

D’Souza has also been investigated for two other high value fraud schemes. 

One involved allegedly cheating Filipino immigrants seeking UK visas which may have earned her another £1m.

She has also been connected to a police probe linked to the Branch Hill care home, where her parents lived.

Ms Graham, of the Met Police, admitted police were wrong to dismiss the case in 2007, when many of D’Souza’s victims first visited Holborn Police Station.

The senior officer, who along with Detective Constable Linda Kernot was highly praised by the trial judge, said: 'It was the wrong decision - and the judge confirmed it was the wrong decision.

'However, I can understand why that decision was made.'

Ms Graham said there was a lot of evidence of more victims, including one who allegedly gave D’Souza £600,000, but did not want to take part in the court case.

'I believe she’s been defrauding people for decades,' she said. 'I believe it’s a natural thing for her to do and that she won’t even be able to stop herself in prison.

'There are many more victims out there and we’re actively encouraging any further victims to come forward.'

Judge Ian Karsten, QC, branded D’Souza the worst confidence trickster he 'had ever heard of'.

He said she not only 'ruined' victims financially, she 'dominated' them and 'wrought havoc' on their lives.



As he jailed her, he said: 'It is the worst case of confidence fraud that I have ever had to deal with or indeed that I have ever heard of.

'The most serious aspect of this case is that you wrecked the lives of a number of your victims and you have done it out of pure greed.'

Following a five-week trial the jury took only an hour to convict the serial conwoman of all 23 charges of fraud and obtaining property by deception.

Judge Karsten said D’Souza had ripped off her victims by making strange claims of cash 'sacrifices' hanging from a sacred tree in the Amazon jungle in Suriname.

She funded a luxury lifestyle by extracting huge sums from desperate people, some with terminal illnesses or cancer-stricken relatives.

Her victims were so much under her spell during the 12-year scam that one woman, who cannot be named, had an abortion because D’Souza told her to.

And another, Ruth Fillingham, even sold her home after being told that it was 'spooked'.

Judge Karsten also condemned D’Souza for trying to pin the fraud on her osteopath friend Keith Bender.

And, by failing to plead guilty, she forced her terrified victims to give evidence to the court and 'relive the extremely unpleasant experiences' while lacking the courage to go into the witness box herself.


The judge said there were undoubtedly further victims, including one 'who is no longer alive' - a reference to the aborted child.

'You were able to exercise considerable influence, indeed a spell over these victims,' said Judge Karsten.

'They did exactly what you required them to do. They were terrified, in many cases, of the consequences of disobeying your instructions.

'They lost all their autonomy and they became entirely dependent on you. You saw to it that they were cut off from their own friends and family.

'You managed to dominate these individuals and make them bow to your will.'

D’Souza’s web was finally untangled in 2007 as she made a series of mistakes which aroused her victims’ suspicions. 

She claimed to have attended St Hilliard’s College, Oxford, which does not exist and got the name of Princess Diana’s sister wrong.

Far from having a university education, she was a former cleaner, receptionist and temp.

The woman who had an abortion realised she had been scammed and went to Hampstead police station in north London, but said officers ‘laughed in my face’.

This left her so angry she forced her way into D’Souza’s home with the help of Mr Bender, who was paying the rent on that property, and three others. 

Inside they found bags of shopping, an abandoned monkey and a voodoo treasure trove – which included drawings of an ‘evil eye’, burned photos and a brand new barrister’s wig.

D’Souza would give her 'customers' detailed instructions about how the money was to be paid - always in cash and in a brown envelope. 

Part of her system was to demand a full-length photograph from each victim.




One victim - who was told to pay £18,000 or her partner would die - said: 'I was absolutely terrified. I was living in fear and doing what I was told.'

Another was 82-year-old former opera singer Sylvia Eaves, who was duped out of more than £350,000 by D’Souza between 1998 and 2010.

The widow, whom the judge described as a 'delightful lady', handed over the money for various reasons including help with a stomach problem and to 'save' her ill sister.

'I’m relieved that she won’t be doing it to anybody else,' Mrs Eaves said at her sentencing. 'I feel terribly sad that somebody who is so clever would resort to that, especially as she was a friend of mine. I feel terribly let down that she could behave like that.

'She relieved me of a lot of money but I’m still here. I was gullible, I suppose, but my sister was very ill at the time.'

A mother of a ten-year-old boy with Down’s Syndrome who was also conned out of £42,000 when D’Souza claimed she could cure his behavioural problems.

Other victims included retired solicitor Richard Collier-Wright, who paid £7,000 to cure his terminal leukaemia, while former photographer Jocelyn Bain-Hogg, who handed D’Souza thousands to improve the health of his mother who was having heart surgery.

A couple, who cannot be named, gave tens of thousands to the fraudster after she claimed she could help with their child’s disability and behavioural problems.

Another victim, Geoffrey Wheeler, handed over around £160,000 to 'protect' him from being made redundant but was left in financial ruin.

Her barrister, Stephen Fidler, told the court D’Souza’s elderly mother had been unwell for a considerable time and she visits her every day.

But the judge told her: 'I find no mitigating factors in your case at all.'


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